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Who would you have added to the Attitude Era


The Cerebral Assassin
Ah, the Attitude Era. Arguably the WWE's Golden Age in terms of overall success and product quality. Everyone misses it. Everyone longs for a taste of it today. Looking back on it, it was spearheaded by the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, DX, Undertaker, and many others. Some of the WWE's best feuds also took place during this great era, such as Mcmahon vs Austin.

Who, in your opinion, would you have added to the WWE roster during the Attitude Era to have made it even better? You can pick any wrestler, past/present, dead/alive from any promotion out there. Explain how you think they could have made the A.E. even better, and also say who you would have wanted them to feud with, and what overall impact you would have wanted them to have on the era.

IMO, my choice would have to be Hulk Hogan. If he had utilized his NWO-esque gimmick that he was using at the time over in WCW during the WWE's A.E., he could have, IMO, made the era even better. He could have feuded with the likes of Rock, Austin, 'Taker, Foley, and even McMahon, and could have won a few more WWE titles, and all he would have to do was simply utlize that heelish attitude that he was bringing to the table in WCW- his loyal WWE fans would have been crushed by it, turning him into an uber heel of the A.E. And, if he wanted to, he could have later turned back into a face and be the Hogan we all know and love.

So, who are your pick(s)?
they should have had The Hardyz in a stable kind of like DX with
Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, Shane "Hurricane" Helms, Marty Garner and Amy "Lita" Dumas

no explanation needed, he's the obvious choice for me

the rest of the list goes like this (in no particular order):








Like someone else said, had he been healthy, Brian Pillman would have been perfect for a spot in the "Attitude era", but he obviously wasn't, and that's why he was stuck in idiotic angles with people like *shudder* Golddust.
I'll go with Edge. I think during the time that he was teaming up with Christian, he was already prepared to be glorified as the all-powerful heel of that era. I think it would've bee a great angle having all the "face-d" heel on the ring (austin, rock)
Diamond Dallas Page

He had the perfect image to be in the Attitude Era. He was covered in Tattoos and had a great "attitude". Though similar to the Rock, he was actually a great people's champion. Too bad his cutter was too close to Austins.

Diamond Dallas would have had a really good feud with The Rock. The Rock was great on the mic, and Diamond Dallas wasn't bad. DDP would have also been a few years younger than he was in the WWE, and given that, he could have accomplished a lot more for them.
The two names that immediately come to mind are Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. IMO they personified what the era was all about. They were simply made for it. They had the image and the attitude to excel in the WWF during this time. They could have been placed in DX or as a tag team and they would have dominated. Just imagine the feuds they could have had with Edge and Christian, the Dudleys, The Hardys etc.
Yes hbk was part of the attitude era in some way(comisioner) but just imagine if he was full time during the attitude era, for me he is the one that started the attitude era with dx so he was that freaking good ,but at the same time if he wasnt out maybe hhh career would not be what it is today but i'll say hbk because for me hbk in his prime was better than hhh.it would've been awesome to see the rock vs hbk, it would've been great to hear them at the mic because i think they were great on the mic just imagine that feud war of words leading to a great title match or another stone cold vs hbk feud.
we'll never know because is in the past but the attitude era was still awesome and the only reason i watch wwe now is because i have hope one day it will as good.
while HBK technically was part of the launchpad for the attitude era in later 1997 up unitl WM 14 with the DX gimmick, i believe that if Michaels never got hurt, he would have been the ultimate addition to the Attitude Era.
For one, he and Austin could have had more than just the one headline match, and may have been able to carry their fued on for years the way Austin and Rock went on to do.
Of course, if that had happened, the Austin v. McMahon fued might not have happened the way it did, and Austin might not have taken off the way he did.
Second, even if Austin still went over at WM 14 and took the belt, with HBK still there DX would have remained in the main event spot light, making the star power much stronger than it was at the time.
If for nothing else, HBK in the attitude era would have meant great promos every moday night, not to mention great matches.
Just image HBK vs. the Rock. How much better would the Rock have looked to have been in the ring with HBK. And the promos those two could have cut, it would have been FUCKIN AWESOME.
Some other names that would have been good for the attitude era are John Cena. Thats right, imagine Cena playing his character like it should be played, as a bad ass, rhyme dropping white boy thug.
I like your thread idea, but rather than spew out why I would want a current Edge or Orton in the attitude era, I'm just going to pick wrestlers who were actively wrestling during that time and could've actually been a part of it. Since TM already beat me to DDP, then I would've like to see Jericho apart of the attitude era. I know he came on during the late years of it, but if he were there from the beginning he would've been huge. The man spewed cocky confidence and could've easily fit in with the attitude era. The man got the most out of everything he could've in WCW, his matches were solid, his mic work constantly improving and his taunting bits about Goldberg were way over. He could've been Michaels protege, maybe him and HHH could've reformed D-X or he could've run counter to it. He could've had lengthy feuds with any of the attitude stars like Rock, Austin, HHH, Mankind, Taker, Kane, Golddust.
I can only paritally agree to it being the golden era, I'm a long time fan and I must say what it was missing was good matches and meaningful fueds in the mid to undercard, so what I would add would be the talent misused during that time, examples include first and foremost:

Owen Hart that sole survivor angle was his shot at a main event role, and he should have had a title run, the crowd was behind him and he had BEEN over, but also he didn't even get a PPV match with HBK, now alot of that is timing, but I would have rather seen him vs HBK at the '98 Rumble rather than the casket match, don't get me wrong HIAC was a classic but they just saw dollar signs in that rematch and used it to escalate the kane fued but in retrospect HBK vs Owen would've been more meaningful, instead they had a pretty good Raw match in I think December 97, what would be Shawn's last Raw match until his return in 2002, the first one back being vs RVD the only time they ever met BTW, but anyway after that shawn dropped the title to austin at wrestlemania which was the best move and Owen lost to HHH in a bs lowblow loss, that fued was meant to elevate HHH and I guess it did but Owen lost his momentum and never regained it and HHH fucked the bosses daughter and is a 12 time champion more proof that life isn't fair.

Austin -vs- Ken Shamrock, that would've been a nice PPV match, I think they had a tv match but again we real fans like to be thrown a bone every once in a while and yeah austin/mchmahon was entertaining and it drew but austin's reigns are lacking in just good defenses without the damn shenanigans, I mean seriously first reign -vs-:, foley twice, good good, loses to kane in a first blood good idea, fucking awesome matchup for that time as kane had pinned the undertaker, wins it back the next night on raw and the fans were fucking feeling it for that one!, defends against taker at summerslam, loses to taker and kane at breakdown, those first two reigns had plenty of shenanigans but plenty of logical good matchups with good results, he didn't get the title back until WM15 there's a big gap there and alot of shenanigans and everything centered around mchmahon and godamn it, it gets stale but the ratings are up look I'm just saying more opponents would have been nice such as ken shamrock, this is why wrestlers at the end of their careers say Man I would've liked to have worked a program with..... we need more matches you can still keep the shenanigans but damn it we need more classic matches.

a better push for D-lo or X-pac: these two had great matches with each other and others and were over, D-lo was never the same after he injured droz and X-pac was always seen as a faction guy or a tag guy which he did well most of the time as a tag guy, particularly with kane, but I think that in this attitude era where the devaluing of titles REALLY began(I am eluding to mark madden's column look at the WWF and Ic title history from '97-'99) Xpac would have been an obvious choice for an IC title run, rather than the godfather, goldust('99 run '96 was good), and even jeff jarrett's 99 runs, that time period ended the golden age of the intercontental title(tito, valentine, rude, henning, hart, bulldog, hbk, razor), but a guy like X-pac or hell even a longer than 1 day run at that time would've done wonders for the mid to undercard just that alone would've justified the ridiculous storylines going on for the lower guys at the time, well maybe not val venis and his choppy choppy incident...

Jeff Jarrett, returns to the wwf in late '97, does some worked shoot interviews, which were always cool during that era, I mean the roots of Stone cold were in those types of interviews not only in ecw but in late '97 in the wwf if anyone has any of those they would be cool to see, but anywho back to JJ, then he started doing this "the NWA is the oldest title, and it's actually not the WCW's title" thing with cornette and they make a faction, just what the company needed at the time, calling themselves the NWA(almost like TNA foreshadowing eh?), ya know before that I think JJ had his one shot at the WWF's upper tier much like Owen, and after that he wained around for a while before teaming with Owen and having a boring IC title run and a boring fued with Chyna, double J I'm just saying, I'm just saying

AL Muthufuckin' snow, man he was over like rover, and he just got lost in bad angles and what have you, godamn it if foley could be an intellegent misfit who had good matches and got a good push, why the hell couldn't Al? He lost his steam with the bs walmart action figure controversy, and I don't know why anyone thought turning him heel was the answer.

Now for a hypothetical addition, the return of Hall and Nash, the NWO got stale with so many members etc. had Hall and Nash jumped back the possibilities are endless, either one or both of them fueding with and/or wrestling, austin, rock, HHH/DX, Taker and/or Kane... ooh I like that one, Foley, yeah I would've love to have seen that in '99 rather than the bullshit WCW was doing with them at the time

the big show's '99 debut, cool fucking debut, good match with austin on raw, alot of lost momentum for a while after WM15, face turn joined the union another stupid faction another stupid mchmahon "sports entertainment" waste of time a fucking shenanigans match with the undertaker, talk about anticlimactic, c'mon russo! you talk about entertainment, a baseball bat, then the revenge is a chokeslam, why do you need fucking gimmicks for a giant and the prince of fucking darkness?! at that time that match was a dream match, what a waste

I could go on and on but in summary what was missing was any long term planning for anyone in this new "sports entertainment" attitude era, it's been said many times russos contribution to the business were a double edged sword the backstage camera, and storylines for everyone, including the lower and mid card, good, no continuity and too many twists etc. bad, you see to me the attitude era ended somewhere in the year 2000, in the attitude era the main event fueds were combinations of austin/ mchmahon, and the Rock, HHH, Taker, and Foley, they just took turns, I'm still glad foley got one, but that's not the poin the point is, austin eventually had to retire, foley did too, Rock went to hollywood, and none of those mid card guys made it to the next level what moved the wwe into the future was what happened in 2000-2004 a return to good wrestling from the bottom up and I think Heyman had alot to do with the bookings,creative etc no commercials during matches, longer main events, I mean just really doing what was right about ECW toward the end of it's run and WCW in the early to mid 90's making it exciting, actually being more about competition and good matches and matchups , the hardyz, edge and christian, the dudleyz, Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Angle, Mysterio jumping over, Rob-Van-Dam, etc., as well as newcomers Lesnar, Cena, Batista, and Orton arriving, before during and after WWE got the WCW and ECW's talent and expanded to 2 and three brands, now the upper and upper mid card got some badass opponents and programs, HHH, Taker, Kane, the Big Show left over from the attitude era could attest to that,and now we still saw the good from the attitude era with this new surge of good workrate i.e. backstage camera, storylines for everyone, but they were building fueds for badass angle-vs-mysterio matches and angle still got to act like an idiot while being a stellar in ring performer, but to be fair to the attitude era you could say the same thing about stars not ever realizing their full potential in other eras like the hogan era here are some examples

Jake Roberts
Roddy Piper
the Junkyard Dog
Andre the Giant
Mr Perfect
The British Bulldog
Hacksaw Jim Duggan

all guys who never won the big one, the only difference however is that hogan was wearin a belt that meant something and was hard to win, but alot of if not all of these guys had good programs for that title or at least the IC title that were well executed and meant something, and the tag division was the same way and they didn't have backstage cameras but they built people up logically and effectively and damnit just about everyone was over, the lower card guys got a better pop then than alot of upper mid card guys do today, because the fans were at least invested in the characters, I mean the rougeaus were pretty damn good at what they did but I'd say are maybe not on the top 10 tag teams of the 80's, but damnit they were allowed to properly develop their personas and angles, and the wwe just used their template for la resistance to some degree and just tossed it back out, pretty damn soon after, when the attitude era ended and the next one began, only to be succeded by the ultra sports entertainment/ neo monster era, they could have actually just fired the entire under to mid card and replaced them with the afore mentioned new hires all at the same time, that is truly a testament to the massive waste of talent of that era.

and one last sidebar any given champion could have had a reign like Shawn Micheals' first reign and it would've been great:

-vs-diesel (in Your House Good Friends Better Enemies) pretty damn cool match cool spots nice ending

-vs-Bulldog (IYH beware of Dog) mostly a buildup for the next PPV

-vs-Bulldog(King of the Ring '96) man that is a solid match their best together, one of either of their best respectively massively underrated and forgotten

w/Sid and ahmed-vs-Vader, bulldog and Owen(IYH international inciden) eh... what can I say i never saw it how good could it be mostly next PPV buildup

-vs- Vader( Summerslam '96) pretty cool match nice offense good transitions good big man -vs- little man one botched spot, shenanigans and cornette, still good summerslam main event

-vs- mankind(IYH mind games) very nice pairing especially the timing, foley had beaten taker micheals was the unbeatable underdog champion, mankind was the unpredictable monsterish type, it's a match you don't think you're gonna get to see but here you are watching it, good mix of styles both offensively and psychology wise,cool worked shoot spot, very believable stiff looking offense, creative, surprising table spot, good timing and location(philidelphia 96' months after foley left ecw) the ONLY downside was the non finish shenanigans every title run, every year in wrestling no matter what era or organization needs a match like this, fuck the storylines or the politics of who should go over or who may end up getting cheered or outshining who, throw the fans a fucking bone, another example of a match we never saw that could have been like this in the day would have been Hulk Hogan -vs- Jake Roberts in I think '87 or '88 for the title, I would prefer '90 but either way that would have been very unique and memorable but they tested in a segment where jake ddt'd hogan but the crowd chanted ddt, it's talked about on the jake dvd, but ne who seriously is it only about money, damn it?! what a little bitch move to scrap that idea

-vs-Sid ( survivor series '96) even against Sid not too bad

any damn title reign like this would be nice, benoit having one like this would've been just super, hell cena had one but damn it the one time we get it and it has to be him, no offense I'm not alltogether a cena hater but he is what he is and he is coming along in this workrate fan's opinion, and has had some really good ones such as vs umaga at the royal rumble '07 for instance, but damnit he never dropped the damn belt because he got injured, after all of that damn time, 13 months and all steam lost nobody gets the big rub by ending the run and he's fucking gone for 4 months only to return and disrupt the rumbleby being the surprise entrant, 30 winning and in the process nullifying the mystique and legacy of the undertaker's win the year before having at that time been the only one who had done it, there's just no long term planning anymore, every since eddy guerrero's death the title picture has been a mess on both brands I'm not saying curse or any stupid shit like that I'm just saying for one, steroids, long term plans are scrapped when surprise! champion or potential champion is injures when a muscle rips off the bone or something(guerrero scheduled to win title from batisa? dies, batista injured, forfeits, angle/rey,/booker fill in, batista returns wins, taker wins, injured edge uses money in the bank he got after kennedy was injured(wtf?!), edge injured pec flies off of arm, Khali wins battle royal, and I'm like my god was it too much too ask for to ever see a significant taker reign?/batista dun de duh dun hero win/ fill in/ edge wins,oh but all of that was a fill in, undertaker gets it back finally,edge wins(taker's knee this time), cm punk use money in the bank(jeff was supposed to win failed a drug test) to win(orton ends punk with a punt fued never materializes wtf?!),jericho/batista/jericho fill in, cena and that's just that title they better hurry up and do something before cena gets injured but that's okay if that happens edge can just babysit the belt until cena gets better making edge a fucking 8 time champion... I'm serious, after all of these words I gotta say I'm just saying.......fuck! I miss matches and title matches
oh and another thing gotta agree with the hbk thing, an austin hbk rematch/slash longer fued would have been a dream come true for noob fans, and workrate fans, the office, it's one of those great what might have beens, austing talks on his latest dvds about some of their house matches and says that they tore the roof off, that's probalbly never been more of a fitting expression, also hbk in a hardcore match with cactus jack ala' his royal rumble 2000 match, just plain hbk the character in a more adult oriented program, and yeah vs the rock, vs kane would've all been a perfect fit, and maybe he could've helped keep russo from fucking it up bacstage so much
I agree with some of the earlier comments, I think WWE needed guys to improve the midcard talent. In that case I would go with Tazz. Think about it, he could have been literally a little Goldberg before there was a Goldberg. Tazz probably would've been smaller in height than most of the guys he'd face. They would've lauged him off and then get beat devastating suplexes and finishing them with the tazzmission. Tazz could've been a real legit IC champ, maybe even break Honky Tonks record. After that I go:

Eddie Guerrero (from the start of the AE)
Davey boy Smith( if he never left)
I think my top choice would be Brian Pillman easily.

Heck, Brian was one of the wrestlers that pioneered the Attitude Era. His "loose cannon" gimmick that he started in WCW, took to ECW, and finished in the WWF was a truly revolutionary gimmick and was one of the things in wrestling that paved the way for the Attitude Era and the more mature, edgy content that pro wrestling went for in the late '90s.

If he hadn't gotten hurt in that car accident, and if he hadn't died, we would be including Brian Pillman today in our conversations about Stone Cold, the Rock, DX, Taker, Mick Foley, etc. as the icons of the "Attitude Era."

Before his car accident he was one of the best workers in wrestling, and was on his way to having the best character in wrestling during that period. Heck even before the Attitude Era started circa late 97-early 98, can you imagine the awesome series of matches and feud he could've had against Shawn Michaels when he was champ in 96, had Brian not had his accident? We could be talking about what potentially could've been some of the greatest matches in wrestling history.

But anyways, to the Attitude Era, there would've been lots of things that they could've done with Brian if he had been healthy and stayed alive. Heck, he might've been a superstar on his own ala Foley or Taker or the Rock. Or he could've played a huge role in the Austin/McMahon feud.

Let's say that Pillman would've been kept aside for awhile while the Austin/McMahon feud got hot. Austin would've had his first feud with Foley. Could've fueded with Kane and Taker. Then when Austin "defeated" all of those guys, McMahon could've thrown the one guy at Austin that was just as crazy as Austin was. Brian Pillman. The "Loose Cannon" vs. The "Texas Rattlesnake." Brian Pillman would've been the crazy, psychotic SOB, that just happened to be having his strings pulled by the boss. And if Pillman hadn't had his accident, can you imagine the matches Pillman would've had with Austin? Pure classics they would've been.

Then after awhile, Pillman could've turned face, seen the error of his ways, and joined up with Austin in a sort of "Hollywood Blondes" reunion (obviously not as the Hollywood Blondes gimmick) to take on the Corporation (which would've formed in the aftermath of the Austin/Pillman feud). Then if they wanted to pull another twist, after Austin and Pillman teamed again for awhile, they could turn Pillman against Austin again and have him go back to the Corporation. This time would've made Pillman even more hated before because this time he turned his back on Austin.

The possibilites would've been endless.

Even if Pillman had had his accident, but managed to continue living, the storylines and mic work between the two would've been enough to make the feud a classic. And I'm sure Austin could've helped carry Pillman to some great matches if it was needed, even if they were both limited due to their injuries.

It's really sad that Brian died. Most young wrestlers that die young usually get the whole "so much potential lost" thing spoken about them by fans. But with Pillman, it's no cliche. Pillman's death really was very sad and killed so many ideas and storylines and matches that could've taken place. Pillman's death really was a lot of potential for great things lost.
In my opinion, people are missing the most obvious answer, and that answer is Bruiser fucking Brody.

Talk about a guy WAY ahead of his time. He was the Attitude Era before there was any Attitude in pro wrestling. He would've been perfect for the WWF in the late nineties. The shit he would've pulled off against guys like 'Taker, Austin, Rock (Could you imagine Rock cuttin' a promo on Brusier Brody? :lmao: ), DX, Shamrock, etcetera would have been beyond spectacular.

The guy would’ve easily been on of the most over heels in the company were he apart of it at the time, no doubt about that in my mind.
Brock Lesnar.

Now imagine if he came along in the attitude era. I can only believe that he would've been pushed. I think he would've came along the way he did years later, running over everything that was in his way. I say I'd want him in the attitude era because of the way he handled his matches. It way the sort of way he "toyed" with his opponents.

The only argument I have with Lesnar in the attitude era was I think they're would've been comparisons to Goldberg and his undefeated streak. Granted Goldberg and his undefeated streak was a year before the attitude era (or I believe so), I still think people would've made remarks to the creative team trying to create their own version of Goldberg. That being if Lesnar was pushed the way he was when he debuted years later.
I think CM punk. His fighting style and character would've been great in the attitude era i think a match with him and guys like marc mero, steve blackman and especially ken shamrock would be very entertaining
who has more attitude than Scott steiner...with his unscripted promos in WCW, wild temper and knack for intimidation...BPP wud have been ya hook up
Four guys I think would have been perfect are Rowdy Roddy Piper, Billy Kidman(Raven's Flock Kidman), Raven, and The Sandman. All four of those guys (in their prime) could've been great chaotic heels or faces. Piper in his prime against the Rock would've been priceless or Piper teamed with Austin raising hell against the corporation could've gone anywhere. A faction with Cactus Jack, the Sandman, Raven, and Billy Kidman would have been worth watching with fueds against DX to see who would've been the biggest and craziest group of outlaws. Kind of like a gang war of rebels against rebels. Maybe throw in Nathan Jones in with that faction also so they have a big power guy to make the faction almost unstoppable. I think Snitzky could have flourished too with the baby punting attitude he used to have. So, I guess those six guys, not four, would've been good during that time period.
The Attitude Era was magnificent when it came around but there were alot of people that would have been even greater had they been introduced or twicked during that time.
Biggest One is Goldberg- He came over to the WWE WAY to late so he was done before he even started. If they shopped hard for him when he was in WCW he would have been the John Cena way before a John Cena character existed.
Second One is Scott Steiner- His Big Poppa Pump character screams attitude. I watch him on TNA and think man he could have been even great
Third One isTazz- He ran ECW with a half nelson suplex and the most ( I challenge anyone to find a better submission ) dangerous/amazing/versatile tazmission.

Had these people been introduce around that time. the whole spectrum of WWE would have changed
I have to agree with Scoot Hall and Kevin Nash. If you really think about it they started the whole attitude era. If they never left to WCW the whole nWo wouldnt have worked as well as it did or even came about. And then then the Monday Night Wars wouldve nevber happened, therefore no need for the attitude era. They wouldve have been perfect in the attitude era, either as themselves, or the Razor Ramon and Deisel gimmicks (i think themselves would've worked better). Imagine the fueds with Austin and Rock. They wouldve have been the faces of the era. Maybe the Cliq would've came on screen. You never know. The era would've been much better with them.

I would also like to say Randy Orton wouldve been the perfect heel of the era. But he is the best heel in this era. Also Miz and Morrison would've soared in the tag division back then.
i think if shane douglas would have never taken off to wwe in 95 and instead during the attitude era, he would have been great and most likely remembered more. his franchise character would have fit perfect with the wwe at that time. just to bad it never happened
I would have definitely added New Jack to the Attitude Era his bad ass image would have perfectly fitted in the hardcore division with the likes of Raven, Big Show
just imagine the hardcore matches WWE could have had with New Jack
3 people I would have added to the Attitude Era- Raven, Sabu and Psychosis

Raven: Technically, he WAS in the attitude era. But i'd have thrown him into the Ministry of Darkness. That would have been off the hizzle fo shizzle, to resort to ebonics!

Sabu: Sabu VS Cactus Jack, hell in a cell. Nuff said

Psychosis: The attitude era was a GREAT time to be a high flyer, with the light heavyweight title, and Psychosis could have been one of the best! Who woudn't wanna see him face Jeff Hardy or Taka?
I liked everyone where they were during the WWE's Attitude Era, so I'll leave contemporaries out of it.

From the modern "era", I'd take CM Punk. He has a look that would've been perfect in that era, and the fact that he is StraightEdge would've been a much bigger part of his character. His repertoire is fantastic, and he could've had some great feuds with some of the better wrestlers of the era. He could've joined DX, or the Corporation, and would've been successful as a face, or as a heel.

From the time before the Attitude Era, I'd take One Man Gang. The one thing the Attitude Era lacked was a dominant big man. They had Undertaker, Kane, and Faarooq, but none of them were a "big man" in the way the One Man Gang was. He could've manhandled some of the smaller guys in the company, or he could've put on a main event worthy match with the stars. He would've fit anywhere on the roster.

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