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Who Would Benefit More From a Face Turn? Orton, Jericho or Edge?

Barbedwire Ropes

It is quite apparent that these three performers are the best heels the WWE has ever had in their company all at the same time. Each are very unique and give something totally different from one another in terms of mic skills, ring work and overall entertainment.

Orton is the maniacal heel that is just plain evil all around.
Edge is the ultimate opportunist who gets underneath every one's skin.
Jericho is the Philosophical heel who says what he thinks no matter the consequence.

Now, I'm not saying any of them would be better off by turning face. I think all of them are great as they are. But if for some unforeseen circumstance, if one had to make a face turn, who would have the greatest benefit in doing so?
Who would have greater success? We have all seen them as faces before within their time in the WWE but after such amazing runs as heels who could possibly go back to being a fan favourite?
Ah, I see you citing one of my threads in your's. Very nice. As for your question, I agree with you in that they are all great how they are, and I would go even farther to say that none of them would benefit at all from it, but I still understand the point of the thread- you're asking who would be the best face out of them right now (despite all of them being much better heels, and probably poor faces). I would probably say Jericho, just because he's been heel for the least amount of time out the three, and because when he was a face, he was very popular. If he reconverted to his old self then he would be over as a face, but he would definitely not benefit from it overall, as his heel work is top notch, both for him and the company. As for Edge and Orton... I just can't see them as faces, at least not in the near-future. So, my pick would definitely be Y2J.
I think Edge will. He has been a heel for years now, and if WWE actually wants the mark kids to respect him, they will present him in a way that kids wont be so hypocritical. Most new fans have only seen Edge in one light. Randy fails either way, and i like Jericho as he is now, even if he gets boring sometimes.

Edge would benefit most, even though he is the best heel in WWE, behind JBL
Of all of them, i think that Edge should be the one if they have to. Jericho has only been a heel for 9 months, and Randy Orton is a heel 4 life. Edge has been betrayed by Vickie, and knowing the fans, if he does the right things, he'll be loved by the fans. Edge's Ultimate Opportunist gimmick has been in effect since 2005 if i believe, and its starting to get played out by a lot.
Edge would benefit the most. I do think he's much better as a heel than a face but when he was a face when he came back from his neck injury, he wasn't that bad. He was only a mid-carder at the time so with him now as a main-eventer, who knows? Plus like people have posted, Edge has been a heel for quite sometime now and it looks like right now Edge could turn face and maybe even get drafted to Raw.
Edge would benefit the most if they kept his character the same. As a heel, he's an intelligent guy who can get it done in the ring when he needs to. They would need to turn him face and maintain that, just tweak the little note that says "feuds with (faces)" to read "feuds with (heels)".

For instance, picture and Orton/Edge feud with Orton as the heel. One of the things that worked with Austin being a popular champ was because he wasn't constantly getting his ass kicked. He actually would one-up people. WWE seems to think faces should constantly be the losers and never have the upper hand in a feud until they pull a win out of their ass when their title is actually on the line. If Orton and Edge feuded, it would be great to see Orton keep his rage and his ego, but ALSO have Edge keep his asshole qualities and his intelligent winning. Picture the scenario where Orton is booked as the stronger of the two and the more dangerous one in the ring, but Edge is very skilled as well...just not as strong...but significantly smarter, and can find ways to outsmart Orton. Fans would pop if they got to see a face Edge pull out some quick MITB-type win on a heel. They used to love it when Eddie would bend the rules in his matches to win, they popped when CM Punk used the briefcase on Edge to exploit that, and they'd do the same with "The Ultimate Opportunist" as a face.

Jericho right now is too solid as a heel to be switched over, and Orton is too "boring" as a face, while Edge gets cheered as the guy he is AND booed as the guy he is, but the only reason he's booed is because he's doing it against faces, and if you eliminate that aspect but keep his character the same, you have the full crowd cheering for him.
i think orton would. hes like the rock or stone cold he can still be a badass but feud with people like edge, jbl, nd swagger
well orton as a face didnt work, and he is just establishing himself as a top top heel with ;legacy, and so orton should stay. jericho can master heel or face so it doesnt really matter either way. id say edge would benefit the most, as hes been a heel for years. have him turn face by turning on vicky, then allow him to win sum championships CLEANLY.!
Honestly I think it is Edge. Orton was ok when he is face but the storyline he is in now just wouldn't make him suddenly go face. I mean come on Orton is tearing up Vince and Stephanie then feuds with HHH to turn face, it just wouldn't make sense. Jericho just recently turned heel. Actually nearly a year now. So with him going back to face after not even a year done it would jsut be really stupid. Plus he is doing really well as a heel anyways.

With Edge tho he has been heel for 5 years now I think. He has feuded with alot of people during those years and has had very succesful matches/feuds. He had a great feud with Taker last year and put on countless good matches with him. He did the same the prevoius years etc etc. Now with the current storyline going on it would make sense for him to turn face and vs the Big Show and Vickie. He cant stay heel forever so now would be the perfect tiem to change him into a face for a year or two while Kofi/CM Punk/Evan Bourne/Jeff Hardy improve and he could have some matches with them when he turns heel. Edge doesn't relaly need to change his character much. He could still be one of those Assholes but be one of those good assholes like he was against Kurt Angle and so on.

So I would say Edge benifets the most to become a face.
Edge most definitely.

Jericho really just turned heel a few months ago. In my opinion, his heel run is still in its infancy. Honestly, this is the first time I've ever seen Jericho as anything more than a glorified mid-carder. I think he should continue running with his current gimmick for a while.

Edge is great in his role, but its been years now, so his character is naturally getting stale. With a few tweaks, they could change Edge from hated villain to anti-hero (in a "PG" sense, of course... wouldn't want to piss off all those mid-west soccer moms). Also, it would be a great way to end his god-awful Vicki Guerrero storyline
Well jericho came back as a face he loss a lot of momentum and I believe the reinvention of his charecter help him a lot so a face tuen would put him back in the same situation he doesn't wanna be in. Orton can be a tweaker because even though as a heel he is great he still gets pops. When orton punted diabiase early this year u heard rko so easily. People say when he was a face before it didn't work but the problem was he wasn't fully established as a main eventer and was a face cuz triple h was a better heel at the time. Edge can be a face still majority of his career he has been a heel but just not on smackdown plus if he was who would replace him big show? Lol he sucks a$$. Anyway edge is the best choice and orton a close second
Without a doubt it would be Edge and if I know the WWE as well as I think I do then it will be happening very soon, quite possibly during the current Wrestlemania storyline. Think about it...

Since WWE's fan base is mostly men 18-34, it's safe to say that most men could relate to Edge since a woman - his woman - cheated on him and is conspiring to get the title off of him and give it to her new "boyfriend". I guarantee that as soon as Edge flips out on Show and Vickie the crowd will erupt, and if Cena appears to be more on Edge's side then the other it would help too.

I honestly believe that Edge is gonna retain his title at WMXXV and he'll do it despite Vickie attempting to screw him during the match. Remember, Edge is the Ultimate Opportunist - he saw the video and he knows whats coming. He'll have a plan ready and come WM he will execute it. I think Cena is only in this match because he needed a spot on the card, plus his presence in the Triple threat makes it have more star power - which is basically what WM is all about.
I agree they are 3 of the best heels in a very long time in WWE...but the point of the thread is "who would" so here goes..

Jericho-IMO is not a great face and is a much better heel. I thought he went stale fast as a face...moking Stephanie, and the eeeeeeeeeever chants, etc but as a heel it brings freshness to him, he has mastered being a heel and IMO again he isnt stale at all...hence i would leave Jericho bc everybody loves to hate Jericho

Orton-I really truly believe he isthe next Stone Cold Steve Austin....it will all come to light at WRESTLEMANIA...or soon thereafter...when Orton wins the belt from HHH the crown will go nuts....i believe he is going to be a spinoff from Austin...a heel type character but over as hell!....the people already go nuts for him...he will tone down ripping the fans but not be full fledge face....thats my opinion and hope!

Edge-He has been heel the longest of all and althought i believe he should also remain heel IF IF IF i had to choose but 1 of these 3 fantastic heels to turn face...it would be Edge bc of all 3 of them he was the most over as a face when he was in WWE
I was going to say Edge. It would be weird now seeing him being the good guy, but I don't know if that's the best avenue for them to go down. So I say Jericho.

As with the thread about Jericho's possible turn and how it would happen, I think if they do it right, he could really come back strong a a face. Orton is the only one that shouldn't change at all I think.
It seems that they are kind of tinkering with an Edge faceturn with this whole Big Show/Vicky cheating storyline. However Y2J can't benefit as a face just as Ricky Steamboat said how many times has he gone from face to heel? Plus do you think the fans would embrace him for the 10th time again after all his heel character has done as far as insulting fans and his actions? It would make him look fake. Randy Orton can be a great face as it may happen down the road should Dibiase and Rhodes turn on him. I can see the fans embracing him if he indeed does turn face. His charcater is strong and reminds me of Austin and the Rock. Edge is the wildcard. I think he can be a good face again but with Christian now in WWE it makes sense to keep him heel and start a program with Christian in the next couple of months, so Edge wouldn't benefit from a face turn not right now at least. My answer to this topic is Randy Orton would benefit the most from a face turn in a few months or so.
it seems that edge is the unanimous decision. i do agree. plus it is good for edge if he does turn face just to freshen up fueds. edge/orton at wrestlemania would be something i would shell out $50 for. edge/jericho sounds like a money maker
Orton is a no! the first time orton was a face he failed big time!

Jericho is better a heel... but has had his moments as face! one of the best ic champion riegns I have ever seen!

Edge becoming face wouldn't be interesting to me at least!

Jericho could become face by fueding with Hogan...
Orton could become face if obama smacks his wife on live tv.
(could be wrong... Taker was a good guy and he broke a poor widows neck)
Edge... If he didn't have the most charisma on smackdown!

In case anyone cares... If Cena went heel it would work for both of them!
Edge for sure.
1. He's been heel for the longest of these 3
2. He would be the most loved face of the 3
3. I think he would have the most momentum at the moment to turn face and that he has the best tools to go face. He could pull if off and I would really like it to happen sometime this year.
I don't think any of them would benefit. All three of them are at the top of the business right now. I would imagine that the only way any of them could benefit would be by getting more over than they are, and frankly, I think that would be impossible.

Edge would be the best face, which is what everyone has been saying. They've just been using the word benefit because it's in the title. What the mean to say is that Edge would be the best face of the three. I guess I agree, but Edge and Jericho are the same character as faces.
I can hardly remeber jericho as a face, real forgetfull. He had main event status as a face but right now he works perfectly as a heel because he supplys someone smart to add intellegence to the show. As for Orton hes perfect as a heel, he not the rock because hes a totaly diffrent kind of cocky that wont work as face. As for Edge, I thought of him as a poor heel for a while, he was great in the origional rated r sex show days but since vickie hes completly turned 360 into a eriable main event star. I think turning as a face and perhaps having a fued with the big show, kane, or jbl for the title. A fued with christian as heel will be priceless and I would love to see. Edge needs to turn face and right now either edge or vickie are turning face
Randy Orton would benefit most. Edge right now is the No. 1 heel in the company, no question, and has been for a while now. He gets so much heat and is so over as a heel that it makes no sense. Right now it's been too soon since Jericho's last face run. I feel he plays the best face of the 3 but it makes now sense right now.

Randy Orton has been a heel practically his whole career except for his 2 month temporary face run when he first got the boot from Evolution. While he's very over right now, I could see him maybe having some tension in Legacy and eventually sees the errors of his ways. Legacy leaves him for another leader and Orton, Batista, and Triple H reform Evolution as a face stable to take out the New Legacy.

Triple H is nearing the end of his career. He's getting up there in age and could be just one more injury away from retirement. Same goes for Batista. Of the three, Orton could emerge as the new face of the WWE and you can even use that to turn Triple H heel (as he should be) just one last time.
I cant see Orton or Jericho turning face, both have done so much to "cement" their reputations as vile, despicable, and utterly loathsome characters, especially with Ortons demolistion of the McMahon's, and Jericho doing the same to Michaels, and the legends after that. Edge still remains hilarious with his over the top theatrics, and alot of his interviews are the same. Hes a guy who could transform into a "tweener" like MVP has, and eventually turn into a face. Imagine the feuds he could have with Jericho, Orton, and Vladimir Kozlov. Ok scratch that last one......:doh:
None of these guys would benefit whatsoever from a face turn IMO. Orton and Edge are the top heels in the company (besides Vickie Guerrero :angry:), and they play their parts fantastically. Orton gets cheered every week no matter what he does. He's not a face in any way, but he's for sure a fan favorite. Wrestlemania is going to be a bit odd this year. We have Triple H and Orton, both blurring the lines between face and heel, in their fued against each other. Triple H "isn't a good person" and Orton is attacking the McMahon's...who we're supposed to hate...so...who's the heel? NOBODY! And both of them...at the same time! And Edge and Big Show are both heels, with John Cena playing the face. But relative to Cena, Edge is a heel. Relative to Big Show, Edge is a face. Big Show, ultimately, is the heel in this match, with Cena as the face, and Edge as the "Triple H" character, who nobody really knows what to do with (as far as cheering goes).
Chris Jericho, IMO, couldn't pull off a face turn once again. The guy has stripped himself completely of all that is "Y2J" and has become this monotone, evil man who picks apart all our hopes and dreams...and makes us like it at the same time...
Jericho, Orton, and Edge are all really good at what they do as heels, and I don't think Raw could handle another face with Triple H coming over...
Edge is the one with the least heat. Edge is the one who have more fans behind him. Jericho getting attacked by fans and Orton sucks as a face. Plus Jericho and Orton are on top of their game as heels right now. Edge gets my vote.

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