Who would be the best option for the United States Championship?

When you dont like who the title holder is.& personally Im non plussed about Shelton,you look for the number one contender feud underneath.and Im looking,,,& looking,,,& looking.One week its R Truth,definetly,R truth.No,Its MVP.maybe MVP.Its like SD are waiting for someone like Ken to return & NoW back to za plot.
Personally,Id pick Vlad.He,s done nowt spectacular so far,unbeaten or not but think of the scenario."I hav ,US title" (crowd ;WHAT!) "I defeet ull men" (Crowd;WHAT!) "I claim it int ,name of mudder ruskia" (WHAT!) "Niet.Da.Glasnost & other commie words".(Boo! U.S.A!.U.S.A!) Then there,d be a queue of mid carders & of out-of-picture ex champs queing up to win it back for the good ole U S of A! No more so than Big Show who HaS been wasted since his return.Two guys left ECW "fried".I sometimes think the wrong one turned up on TNA,& Im no Angle fan!.
Who would be better?
He holds the us championship for 2 months... Then he wins the world title(or wwe)
having both titles he could just throw the us title in the garbage(Nash wcw hardcore championship) then someone else picks it up (norman smiley grabing the hardcore title from the trash)

And since wwe writers haven't EVER had an original thought thats seems like a good idea!
Obviously the US title has gottens ome importance on Smackdown lately. You have a few guys who want it. Depending on who goes into the MIB ladder match from Smackdown will depend whether or not the US Title is defended but it looks like they are giving it recognition before WM which means it will be defended at WM. But while all of this is going on, where is Gregory Helms? Why isn't he in the the US title picture? I think he needs to be on tv and ge some victories and they should put the US title on him.
Who would be better?
He holds the us championship for 2 months... Then he wins the world title(or wwe)


He is very good. They should give him a manager again b/c he needs someone to speak for him. It also has been a while since he held gold.

Also, I can't believe he hasn't won a World title considering even Matt Hardy and Chavo both won the "ECW World title"
Helms doesn't deserve a damn thing right now. He is out of shape, and looks like shit. His ring attire even looks lazy. Seems like he is in practice clothing. I understand he was severly inured, but if he is ok then he should have gotten back in to shape first. Helms doesn't seem like he is motivated anymore.

MVP wouldn't be a bad idea, but as a face right now he is boring. His storyline is way to predictable. Should he turn heel some time in the near future, then I would say put the strap back around his waist. Possibly then start this stable that everyone seems to be talking about with MVP as the leader. Bring back the VIP Lounge, and give this man his spot back. I hate when the WWE takes the fire from another wrestlers storm. MVP was on a hotstreak in terms of entertainment value. Creative just got lazy, and couldn't think of anything simple for him as a heel.

Right now the best US champion would be "The All American, American" Jack Swagger. He shouldn't stay on ECW, as he doesn't fit ECW at all. Swagger seems like he would fit Smackdown much better. He is a rising star, and ECW already has gotten a bit stale for him. Even having both titles would be cool. He would be the first US/ECW champion ever. That is always something down the line for the him to use. Swagger is the obvious choice. Right now he is on fire, and you have to respect that. Who better to be US champion other than the all american, american? That makes so much sense.
I'm going to follow up on my prior comments. If they wanted to help the US title they needed to defend it at WM. It is getting recognized at Smackdown but MIB gets presidence over the US title. Like they did with the IC title Shelton should have lost it to somebody not in the MIB and they should have defended it at WM. MVP either shouldn't be in the MIB or he shouldn't be the US champ, one or the other so that the title gets recognized at the biggest PPV of the year.
Yeah I think some of us agree that Umaga would be a good US champion, physically dominating and could hold on to the title for a while instead of having a couple of mid-carders fight it out. I think Christian would maybe make a good US champ also. Could hold it for a while, have a rivalry with Benjamin and MVP and that wouldn't be so bad. It could also help him become a main event competitor later too.

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