WWE United States Champion: Who Should It Be?

Make Your Choice

  • Damien Sandow

  • Ryback

  • Brodus Clay

  • Sin Cara

  • Tyson Kidd

  • Justin Gabriel

  • Drew McIntyre

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Antonio Cesaro

  • Other

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Damien Sandow would be my choice even though it's not the title he should be challenging and winning which is the Intercontinental title which is currently for the time being is held by a heel in The Miz so since the US title is still on a face in Santino it wins by a default.

Sandow has been great, he's up there as one of my favorite personas to watch on a weekly basis. The robe, the beard, the in ring attire, how he talks, how he holds the microphone like a brandy glass. Everything just works and he does it so well and flawlessly. It's hard to believe that he was once a Michelle McCool Teacher's Pet by the name of Idol Stevens. This guy has a quite a bright future ahead of him and really he should be rewarded with some kind of title for being so entertaining.

Sadly he's kind of in no man's land right now as the United States Championship is being hunted by Antonio Cesaro as he's beaten Santino in non title fashion which usually leads to a title shot not to mention I believe he's been hinting on Twitter that he soon looks to become the next champion. And then with other mid card title the IC belt you have The Miz, the current heel champion embroiled in a feud with the former champion Christian. So Sandow is basically floating around with nothing to do as both of the said title pictures are quite full at the moment.
I actually don't mind Santino as the US Champ. He is extremely over and he has shown that he can actually put on a decent match.

What I do mind is how they book him. He lost against Antonio Cesaro on Smackdown and then Alberto Del Rio on Raw as well as countless other matches. If he is going to be a champion they need to book him like a champion and stop using him as a jobber.

I would have either Damien Sandow (which would work perfectly as he can save us from Santino's idiocy) or Antonio Cesaro beat Santino for the belt relatively soon.
I would like to see Drew McIntyre become the new US Champion, if only because of the possibility of WWE turning his character around and attempting to DO something with him. I'm tired of him being buried.

As I don't see that happening, though, I'm going to choose Damien Sandow. Sandow has a GREAT gimmick and he's been really effective in it and impressing me. I think he'd make an entertaining champion and it would continue his push, giving him even more to work with as champion.

If not Sandow then I would go with either Antonio Cesaro, as he'd be a great champion and benefit from being given a bigger push. He could also have some great matches and good feuds, I predict, as a heel champion. My last choice would be Cody Rhodes: He was a great Intercontinental champion, and I'm all for him being US champion as well and furthering as a top heel.

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