Who would be better suited in TNA

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Dark Match Winner
Who do you think of the WWE roster that would be better used in TNA. First name that comes to mind is Cryme Tyme. There a pretty good tag team with a pretty darn popular gimmick (for some reason ppl seem to love them) and are good on the mic. Yet they have done NOTHING in WWE. I think going to TNA with the tag division that TNA has would do wonders for them. What are your opinions?
I totaly agree with you on that! I think that would help tna out alot..as i have repeated millions of times in the past tho..kane! seriously people say that kane cant go because they would have to change his gimmick...why? sure the would have the change the name but i dont think that would make a really big difference. his appearance would be enough to help tna its self. im not real concerned with a kane vs abyss situation i would just think it would give some light or fire as you could say to tna and push them in the raiting if they used him right
I could definately see Jamie Noble being in TNA and competing for the X-Division Title. I think he would have great matches with Christopher Daniels and Alex Shelly. I could also see Mike Knox teaming up with Matt Morgan. What do you guys think?
Personally, i think the brian kendrick could be a top x division contender if he went to tna. Wwe doesnt use him much and he has the athletism that would be great in tna. I would also lile to see killings back in tna. He was one of my favorites.
I remember seen spanky (kendrick) vs alex shelly in japan, very great technical match. Also paul london, he once was a top xdivision contender and could be again. London vs Chris Sabin was an incredible fued.
They should do an angle like WCW, with football/basketball players.

I would love to see Jerome Bettis in TNA kicking some WWE rejects ass like Kevin Nashole or Booger T.
Honestly I would love to see Shelton Benjamin fued with AJ Styles and plus the WWE does nt even use him as much as they should.
I'd like to see Randy Orton in TNA. He could get into the main event mafia v frontline feud because of how everyone talks about how the MEM are legends, and Randy is a legend killer
CM Punk would be the top non old WWE washup guy in TNA if he were have signed with them, they would use his gimmick the right way
1 - Mike Knox could be an instant main eventer in TNA. Granted, his wrestling skills aren't exactly the best, but if booked properly he could work great matches with guys like Sting, Foley and Joe. But honestly, if he shaved off his beard, he'd just be another bare bum in the shower. Knox needs the beard.

2 - Kendrick could really make an impact (excuse the pun) in TNA using his cocky, man with a plan gimmick. I'd love to see Brian Kendrick vs Abyss, with Kendrick somehow defeating the monster. But no more of "The" Brian Kendrick.....thats just really, really lame.

3 - The British Invasion could really use the likes of William Regal and Paul Birchill. Birchill is a much better wrestler than he lets on, I've seen his OVW matches and they are very good. It would only be a year or two before a guy like Birchill would be headlining pay per views, and with Regal as his manager and mouth piece, they would be more over than Jarrett could ever dream of being.
Certainley Jeff Hardy, just ask Kurt Angle.

he wants to do drugs, take lots of time off, and ride dirt bikes. Just like Kurt Angle. all easily done, and encouraged in TNA. His spotty non phsycology style is also encouraged.
No Big J I don't know who Alexis Larie is. I know who Alexis Laree or should I say Mickie Laree James is.

Now on to the topic on hand, I think Jamie Noble in the X-division would add some really great technical wrestling to off set the spotfests that are X-division norms.

I would love to see Jesse(Ray Gordy) come to TNA, if they aren't gonna bring in Lance Cade, a Jethro Holiday/Ray Gordy tag team would be a great fit.

Regal as a member of the british invasion is a nice idea, I would love to seem a wrestling match between Regal and Joe, and Regal and Angle.
I agree
Brian Kendrick, Jamie Noble in TNA for the X Division
Also R-Truth would be better back in TNA, WWE doesnt use him right
And Regal/Burchill in the British Invasion would be cool
Though not in the WWE anymore I think Super Crazy would be an amazing addition to the TNA roster. With his high risk style he would fit right in with the X-Division and if used correctly could be a main eventer. Another name that comes to mind, again not apart of the WWE anymore, Chris Masters. This guy could go straight to the main event of TNA. He has the look, the mic skills and some decent ring work of be in the main event. Rather unfortunate that the WWE didn't use these 2 properly as both had a lot of potential.
So I spelled her name wrong, so what, she would be allowed to actually wrestle in TNA. I first saw her in WEW and she was great.

I was watching AWA wrestling on ESPN the other night and they had a wrestler named Somoan Joe, no kidding, is he fat joes dad? He was 5'9 295lbs.
I could definately see Jamie Noble being in TNA and competing for the X-Division Title. I think he would have great matches with Christopher Daniels and Alex Shelly. I could also see Mike Knox teaming up with Matt Morgan. What do you guys think?

Jamie Noble was my first thought. Big time. Guy can actually wrestle and they'd do something with him besides making him come out and get squashed by The Great Khali or Kane.
There's one man who I feel would fit in really well there. I'd say he'd be a triple crown champion in 2 years.

Rob... Van... Dam.
He's great at spots, but can wrestle when he needs to. He's brilliant when it comes to gimmick matches, and the..err... unique gimmick matches of TNA. He'd fit in great as an unstoppable force in the X-Division or as a main eventer, challenging members of both the MEM and Frontline. He's a former WWE champion. And we all know how he loves his drugs and his extreme sports and such.
He'd fit in well as Mr. Thursday Night.
I love the idea of william regal with the british invasion.

And so far IMO i think jethro holiday aka murdoch is being used fairly well so far
CM Punk, The Miz, Evan Bourne just to name a few. All of them will become a giant boost to the XDivision that seems to have lost it's luster. It seems as though they have been neglecting it, big time.
Imo, it doesn't really make sense to pick guys who are doing well in WWE. That obviously means that they're suited for WWE. Guys like CM Punk and The Miz are doing very well right now. Even guys like Shelton and William Regal aren't doing horrible. They may not be in the middle of pushes, but they're doing ok.

I'd go with guys like Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms (Unless he's just got the reporter gig because he's injured or something) Both of those guys would be awesome in TNA, and aren't really being utilized well by WWE.
I love the idea of this becoming a spam thread...so this sumbitch will be closed eventually.

Anyway, there are quite a few stars who would be more over in TNA because of the lack of competition. CM Punk is perfect for their brand. He's marketable, and can wrestle with the best in the world. The Miz would suck out loud in TNA and be buried by Nash, Angle, Jarret, etc. Same goes for Jamie Noble. IF Noble found a reasonable gimmick, then he'd be an OK wrestler. William Regal is another who comes to mind. He'd be great in that style of wrestling. Kennedy would be also, but he'd have to change his name...and gimmick. Unless he buys it.

My point is whether they're suited for TNA or the WWE or ROH or AJPW, it really doesn't matter. Personally, you can trade talent and the WWE would make as much money with that talent as they would with the current roster. It's called MARKETING! TNA does not market it's product. It gets buried by Dana White and the UFC. The WWE is it's own entertainment company with studios, and is publicly traded on the stock market. It's world recognized. So whomever jumps to TNA may be more suited as far as a wrestling standpoint, but if you want to be a big name and aren't already, then you need to go to the WWE.
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