Who Wins the BFG Series?


Wow really no threa don this already? lol but anyway right now IMO there are 3 main contenders, Crimson,Gunner, and now matt morgan.

As much as I like crimson theres something that feels WRONG about him being in the main event

Gunner, again HUGE fan but it feels weird that he has a chance to ME BFG & a chance to win the WHC

this brings me to matt morgan, we havent seen much since he split from fortune but before fortune he was awesome just never given the chance to be a world champion I believe this is his chance & would love to see him win a world title.

Okay guys your turn who do you think? one of the top 3 or an underdog?
This is all based on last week's info, btw. Haven't gotten to watch last night's impact, yet.

It's a tough one for me. Any of them are good contenders for the title.

I think that they are probably building on the Crimson streak and will likely culminate it with the title shot. Would be very anticlimactic (granted, shocking; see Russo) for him to lose his streak in the BFG series, rather than on the grand stage, or in a big fued.

On the other hand, Gunner has really come into his own, and think that he's one of the better performers, both in the ring and on the stick.

However, I have a a little bit of a problem with both of them, in that neither of them have really paid their dues, yet. It's a shame that global title was such a waste. It would have been a great upper-mid card title to help build people for the big strap.

That being said, Matt Morgan has carried alot of the weight of the company. A big man. Menacing. And he definitely has earned a title shot.

Now, from a storyline standpoint, I think it would make more sense for Gunner to win. With Gunner and Anderson already having issues before, and now being in the same stable, while Anderson is on the title hunt, this is bound to cause issues. I could see all sorts of different ways that could go. Anderson could cheat Gunner out of the win by turning on immortal. Or Anderson, could help Gunner win the title, and lead into another fued with Angle (assuming he wins his title bout). I know, this is pretty Anderson heavy, but they have built quite a bit of the story around him.

It's pretty much anyone's game at this point, but I don't think any of them would disappoint, really.

Of the dark horses...maybe Bobby Roode could walk away with the gold, but I think they're going in a different direction with his BFG series losing streak. Maybe some kind of fued or angle is building with that.

Anyone else, I think would be a dud, and certainly wouldn't walk away with the strap from Angle or Sting.
Hulk Hogan loves Matt Morgan so im thinking it will be him to win the Championship. I think he is absolutely terrible, in the ring and on the mic so I wouldnt be impressed seeing this comes to life. The amount of times he say the persons name he is speaking too drives me absolutely insane.

Crimson will be pushing his case but he is far too green to be winning World Title. I;d much rather them keep pushing outside of the whole 'winning streak' angle and allow someone like James Storm to push up the rankings.

I have a feeling the 4 will look like:

1 - Crimson
2 - Matt Morgan
3 - RVD
4 - Gunner

That would be an absolute travesty with guys like Storm, Rhoode, Styles (How the fuck he has only 14 points is beyond me), Joe all missing out.

I think we may see a RVD vs Morgan finals which see's Morgan as the #1 contender. I;d hate for this to happen but I believe it just may.
Well for me its a tie between Crimson and Gunner, for who i want to win the BFG series. Crimson has a somewhat Goldberg like push and Gunner beat 2 world champions 2 weeks straight. I would have chosen Styles and Samoa Joe, but Styles was champion for most of 2009-2010 and Samoa Joe should loose so weight before i could consider him.

"Sorry About Your Damn Luck!!!" - James Storm
IMO the top 4 are going to be in this order
1 Crimson
2 Gunner
3 Roode
4 Samoa Joe

With Crimson being on an Undefeated streak he has to win. I think he's gonna have a few countout and DQ Victories but will still come top.

Gunner has to win because Immortal need a Representative in this match.

Same with Gunner but Fortune.

Now this is a pretty obvious one if you think about it for a second. If Samoa Joe does not come 4Th his career is over and will never be taken seriously. With him being the Samoan Submission Machine and Submission counting as ten points he can't stay on 0 points. I can see joe beating someone like Styles or Morgan to 4Th by 4 or so points.
all good choices but i want roode to win, he's been with the company since the beginning and deserves a push
Crimson will win, TNA have no new talent to push to main event level except Crimson. He is young, has a good look and a good moveset. I see Samoe Joe going on an incredible winning streak towards the end of the series, culminating in a match between Crimson and Samoa Joe.
The likes of Morgan, Crimson, and Gunner should not be mentioned in the same sentence as Roode, Styles, and Joe unless youre talking about how they just dont measure up.

Morgan, Crimson, and Gunner all have a lot in common. Theyre big and athletic, but they dont have the 'it' factor. Theyve got the collective personality of a moist towelette. I really dont want to see any one of them do anything but job to the likes of Roode, Styles, or Samoa Joe. BFG is the biggest PPV of the year. It needs to be headlined by names that can draw, or at least are well enough over with the Impact crowd. Roode, Styles, and Joe fit this description.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Angle will go into BFG as the champ, where the series winner will face him for the title. We all know Angle vs Styles would deliver, but we've seen it before. We all know Angle vs Joe could deliver, but we've seen it before. Angle vs Roode would be new and this match could be just what Roode needs to establish him in the main event scene. Of all the options, Roode both needs and deserves it the most.
I think we have yet to see a surge from some of the participants. Roode is going to go on a tear at some point, and make it into the top 4. Crimson, Bully Ray, RVD & Roode are my picks. I think Joe will start picking up some submission wins, but will ultimately finish just barely out of the final 4, then start taking his frustrations out on whoever is nearby...maybe a DQ vs AJ drops him out, giving them a new feud after the snub from Destination X.
I think Roode and Joe are both gonna make a comeback and one of them will end up winning when it's all said and done. I hope that TNA realises that Crimson and Gunner are still pretty green and don't need to be headlining their biggest PPV of the year and make the right move and allow it to be Roode, Joe, or Morgan. I'm not a Joe fan at all and hope it comes down to being between Roode and Morgan.
Wow really no threa don this already? lol

Given how open this is and how off we are from the end, I'd say there's a good reason no one bothered making it.

The list is far to wide range to tell. There are many possibilities laid out right now that make it far too difficult to tell who will even make it to the finals. TNA seems hellbent on pushing Gunner and Crimson, but we know full well they won't be ready. Robert Roode, James Storm and AJ Styles seem to be high candidates, but somehow, Devon is getting more wins. And equal build. So this is too open to tell much.
I'm all for pushing a solid athlete. I just hate how Samoa Joe isn't getting his push. Steve Austin just twittered last night that WWE should scoop up Joe and give him a full push when his TNA contract is up.

One thing that really stuck out at me was last night during the 4-way ladder match Joe had a great suicide dive through the ropes, camera didnt really catch it. Then at the end they were showing the highlights of the match and that wasnt in there. They have weeks to edit the footage and I feel like they left out one of the best parts of the match.
To me its anyones game rlly there are just a few people here just to void up space so rather then say who IS going 2 win i'll tell u you i DON'T think is gonna win

Devon don't get me wrong here devon is a pretty good wrestler but i think his just i here 2 void up space and because of his feud/relathionship with pope so i dont think its devon

The Pope just look above

Beer Money this rlly sucks to post cause i rlly think Roode has the ability 2 b a awesome world champ and Storm could b a challenging contender if u push him the right way but its a lose/lose situation if one of them wins u see the possible best tt in TNA split but if they dont win we see good men not getting what they deserve.

if u want 2 give me my favorite to win? then no doubt RVD mostly because im kinda like him im living in MI rite now when i wrestle am the high flying yet ground guy and rob just plain deserves it
I think the top 4 will round out to be:
1- Crimson
2- Bully Ray
3- AJ Styles
4- Gunner

In no particular order. I think Gunner and Crimson will share number 1 for most of this tournament.
its obviously crimson hes undefeated well i havent watched the recent tna but im guessing hes still undefeated and the way there building him hes the only winner
For me, I feel that it is Matt Morgan's time to shine in the Main Event at BFG PPV. He's not really had any build to being a contender for the title. This will give him the spot that he deserves (and quite honestly, needs). Crimson will remain undefeated but Morgan will be him on points alone. Would love to see AJ Styles take it, but I think the people in the back (Russon/Bishoff) don't feel that he's a star in his own house. (F'ck them both for being so damn blind).

1. Matt Morgan
2. Crimson
3. AJ Styles
1 James Storm
2 James Storm
3 James Storm
4 James Storm
If Roode was healthy right now he would be up there, either way you would get the jealous tag partner and quite frankly I think them being a tag tam makes me believe they have a better chance than the rest of the candidates to improve busines.

AJ Styles feels to me like any title reign he would get would be more for loyality than he being able to be a good champ, the work rate is there but he's seems like more of secondary guy to me, kinda like a Tito Santana or Tully Blanchard.

Matt Morgan there's a reason he's never gotten a reign you're that big with a decent build and no title reign yet tell's me everything.

Joe the aura's gone now he's just another fat guy.

Ray, RVD, D-Von the WWE didn't want them and their not young enough for the stink to not be on them anymore.

Pope treat a guy like a low end mid-carder I see him as such.

Crimson his look doesn't fit his push. Not thick enough and his offense is still too raw.

Gunnar still needs more time to get off the Gunnar and Murphy stink.
I would love to see Roode or styles take it out but the seem pretty dead set on crimson with his no loss streak. I would be a massive crimson fan if IW maybe gave him some mic time and good decent feuds - not a fan of the red sky finisher too
I know everyone on the entire Impact roster yet i cant remember who the fuck "crimson" and "Gunner" are. From this thread it seems like they are typical huge monsters with no personailty. Just roid rage. This clearly shows they are not over yet if i cant remember them. Plus they have stupid names.

TNA is obviously trying to push these noobs but its hard to get behind no name wrestlers when you have amazing wrestlers like AJ styles, samoa joe, kurt etc around.
Hulk Hogan loves Matt Morgan so im thinking it will be him to win the Championship. I think he is absolutely terrible, in the ring and on the mic so I wouldnt be impressed seeing this comes to life. The amount of times he say the persons name he is speaking too drives me absolutely insane.

Crimson will be pushing his case but he is far too green to be winning World Title. I;d much rather them keep pushing outside of the whole 'winning streak' angle and allow someone like James Storm to push up the rankings.

I have a feeling the 4 will look like:

1 - Crimson
2 - Matt Morgan
3 - RVD
4 - Gunner

That would be an absolute travesty with guys like Storm, Rhoode, Styles (How the fuck he has only 14 points is beyond me), Joe all missing out.

I think we may see a RVD vs Morgan finals which see's Morgan as the #1 contender. I;d hate for this to happen but I believe it just may.

To be calling Morgan terrible is not quite fair... Who do we compare him to, really? As a wrestler, I would call him pedestrian. He does what he has to do within the limits he's held to and that's it. He's good, albeit normal, on the mic. He's dominating, albeit understandable for his size in the ring. But anyways... Considering TNA does not know crap of what it's doing, anybody could make it, especially depending on somebody's special humor... This would be a GREAT opportunity for many very good wrestlers but so far and so... nothing. They seem to be going for the bigger bodies and that's it... WWE 2.not so good...

But to stay on this glorious point, I would have to say:

1. Morgan
2. Crimson
3. RVD
4. Gunner

Pity the Storm in all this...
hmm let me start by saying i dont get why devon is in the top 4 right now when i saw that on impact this week my reaction was :wtf: :banghead: the guy is horrible in the ring,on the mic and anywhere else tht matters :lmao:

i wanna say i read somewhere that the final 4 will have a match at the september ppv and the winner goes on to the face the champ the next month in which case im gonna go with Crimson,Gunner,Matt Morgan and AJ Styles as the final 4 left in the tournament (with RVD,Roode and maybe even Storm coming very close to the top 4)

from here i could see gunner and aj cancelling each other out via a possible fortune vs immortal lethal lockdown round 2 at BFG? :shrug: and then depending on if Anderson stays with immortal and is the champ going into the match gunner picks up the victory (IF anderson isnt gonna b champ going in) but in all honesty i see Crimson winning the whole thing even though IMO hes not ready for a heavyweight title match on the biggest ppv of the year for the company! but maybe hes gonna improve enough over the next few monthes to end up impressing me and deserving he should get the title match.

BUT no matter which of the 12 guys wins the BFG tournament i can see the winner going on to defeat the champion for the title but my personal pick for who i want to win the whole thing is Matt Morgan because he needs it to get back into the main event,hes good on the mic and hes good in the ring but the guy should turn heel

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