Who Would You Replace Crimson and Gunner With?

Sorry to go off topic but do you actually KNOW this? Is it a fact and if so what are your sources??

I heard he had hep-c. But to come out and say he is HIV positive is a very strong statement that you shouldn't make unless it's a fact.

Ok. I think I confused Hep-C with HIV. I apologize. My bad.
I would have to say Eric Young (he is the most entertaining person on TNA tv IMO.) He has a great build, he can talk and he can be a face or a heel and run the ball all the way to the endzone. He can talk, he can wrestle and the fans already love him for the most part. I wouldn't replace Gunner at all, I'd repackage him under a name thats not so stupid. but since I -have- to replace him, I'd push Kendrick harder simply because I really enjoy seeing him on the show too.

oh..and Rellik (not lol) That's Killer backwards you know..
I'd much rather replace Devon and Pope than Gunner and Crimson. They are pretty much labeled "FILLER" in this series. I'm all for Shelley and Aries, but being realistic due to one just arriving and the other emerging from the bowels of tag partner-less obscurity, I'd pick Daniels and Eric Young.

Eric is totally directionless right now, despite being TV Champion. Had he been involved in the series, it would've helped his push as well as keeping interest in the TV title.

With Daniels, it would've helped the Destination X main event as they would've actually have something to fight about, but it's also hard to believe such a solid midcard talent that was just brought back and is a part of a stable is snubbed in favor of Reverend In A Jersey Devon.
Austin Aries- Picking up in age so I believe the time is right for him to get that superpush to the mainevent. Has all the tools as far as I'm concerned bar the height.

Robert Roode- Is also picking up in age just like Aries and has all the tools including height. He has some badass image about him.

Alternatively if you want to go with really young guys like Crimson and Gunner Magnus would have been a much better choice imo. He's 24 but far more polished than the two, and he's pretty big in stature aswell.
Personally I think both Crimson and Gunner are sloppy in the ring and not that great. They are being pushed way too soon. TNA should be building them up more before giving them all this momentum. I see a lot of potential in Crimson but not so much in Gunner. If i had to replace the two of them with two other star i would probably go with The Pope and Brutus Magnus. The Pope has been red hot in the past. Unfortunately with the way TNA works that all changed. Pope had the in ring ability, the mic work, the experience, and the charisma to be one of the best on the TNA roster. He was loved when he was face and hated when he was heel. He was able to work the crowed and feed off them. It's a shame TNA pushed him to the side. As for Brutus Magnus he has the look and the mic work. I haven't seen much of him but i see a lot of potential in him. He has the look of a champion and it looks like he can carry himself as one. His mic work is pretty good and if he works on that a bit more I believe he could be great.
For one, I'd have to say Alex Shelley. Shelley has definitely paid his dues in TNA, is one of the most over guys on the TNA roster, is fun to watch in the ring, has some real ability to cut promos and is at a time in his career in which something meaningful needs to be done with him. I honestly don't know why TNA has decided to virtually sit on Shelley's career since Sabin is out injured. I know people love the MCMGs, I'm a fan as well, but I think it's time to move on. They've done as much as they possibly can as a team in TNA and, let's face it, the tag team picture isn't exactly the peak of greatness these days. Unfortunately, I think Shelley is going to be relegated to the X Division or the tag team picture for life in TNA.

As for who else I'd pick, I think I'm going with Robert Roode. It's true that Roode hasn't done very much as a singles wrestler, neither has Shelley apart from a single run with the X Division Championship, but Roode is someone that's got that combination of someone that's still reasonably young, for all intents and purposes, and has the air of a veteran about him. He's got the goods inside the ring and on the mic, he's also just plain over with the fans and, also like Shelley, he's simply done as much as he can in the tag team scene. Beer Money is arguably the best tag team wrestling has seen in the second half of the 2000s but they've done it all in TNA. Their current run has been far from stellar and it just seems redundant to keep him as a tag team guy.

I know a lot of people are into Austin Aries and I like the guy too but it's far too soon in my view. He's been impressive thus far but it's only been a couple of weeks. I haven't been exposed to the guy until he came to TNA and I like what I've seen and heard thus far, but this guy might turn out to be a flash in the pan whereas Shelley & Roode have shown they've had the stuff in TNA for years. At the same time, however, Aries is only a few years younger than Roode and has accomplished a lot on the indy circuit. It wouldn't exactly get my goat if Aries got pushed hard and quick over Roode and my preference of Roode might be due to my greater familiarity with him.
hmmm good topic if i was gonna depush Crimson and Gunner i think i would replace them with Kazarian and James Storm even though i think gunner is pretty good in the ring and hes got good mic skills but crimson on the other hand...hes too green and he hasnt even been there 6 monthes yet (atleast i dont think so) and there already setting him up to win the BFG series and prolly win the world title? :confused: heres why id push storm and kaz into the main event...

Kazarian: the guy has been there forever and sadly he hasnt moved past the X Divison i mean dont me wrong i love watching his matches for the x division title but i think he should move into the main event hes there talent wise and his promos are good imo so i say move him into the main event already!

James Storm: now everybody says hes the "weaker link" or the "marty jennety" of beer money BUT imo i think hes better then roode and let me explain why i think tht...hes pretty good in the ring (so is Roode) hes got a great gimmick (for him) with the beer drinking,ass kicking cowboy from tennesse and i rember 1 match he had with Chris Harris a few years back and he impressed the hell out of me in it even without winning! i think when a beer money split happens he could easily become a top face or a top heel in the main event title picture.

Other Guys On The Current Impact Wrestling Roster i think could be in the main event down the road is Bobby Roode of course,gunner down the road, and of course daniels.

i didnt mention AJ Styles because he can be main event anytime they need him to he doesnt need a new gimmick or a huge push or anything to be main event hes been there many times and he will be back dont worry AJ fans!

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