Who will be Undertaker's First ??


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
There have been so many threads started in recent months about who, if anyone, will be the Undertaker's first loss at Wrestlemania.

But this thread is asking who, if anyone, will be the first guy to make Taker tap out ?

Back in either late June or early July of 2002, the Undertaker did tap out to Kurt Angle, but he also pinned Angle at the same time, so the match was determined to be a draw. It appears as if the WWE is not recognizing his "tap" since JR keps saying Taker has never tapped out.

Honestly, I can't see Punk being the "first" guy to make Taker tap at Breaking Point. He's just not that over right now for the Undertaker to lay down for him IMO. But I also don't see Punk losing the belt, so something 's gonna' have to give.

Either way... will Taker ever tap out in his career ?? And if so, who gets the rub ??
Chances are they'll pull a Montreal type affair where the ref. calls the tap when Taker hasn't actually tapped, or the match may end via forfiet if Punk "injures" Taker.Just like the streak, I doubt Taker will ever tapout
I doubt Taker will ever tap to anyone, now more than ever. WWE hardly has any superstars with submission finishers to do it anyways. If I HAD to pick someone, I'd say Cena purely because he has the only submission finisher that actually makes people tap.

As for Punk, based on his last world title reigns, and how the WWE works in general, I wouldn't be suprised at all if Punk, as hot as he is, drops the belt to Taker.
Yeah, I think the only reason why he tapped to Angle was because he was it was during the whole Badass thing (I think). But you've got to remember now, (kafabe) Undertaker isn't human, he keeps coming back from the dead. The guy seems to have no pain line, and the only way people beat him is by beating him up so much that he just can't compete any more...

In my life I haven't seen too many Submission matches, but I'm sure it's just like normal matches, just with no pin-fall. I reckon the only way that CM Punk can win is by DQing himself or KO...
Alright first I would like to say that I don't see the taker tapping out. He has been with wwe for almost 19 years. His only instance of tapping out was ruled a draw. Also already mentioned I don't see mean mark tapping as the deadman. I remember watching royal rumble 94. He was in a casket match with the late yokozuna. It took ten men to put the deadman in the casket. That being said I don't think he will ever tap. For the sake of argument I will entertain the idea. The only person that comes to mind is john cena. I'm sure that will be a unpopluar answer. It's no secret cena is the wwe's poster boy. Personally I would enjoy taker turning heel and moving to raw. Thats just my opinion though.
Chris Masters will get that particular honour after applying the Masterlock for an hour and 3/4.

Seriously though, mockery of Masters aside, i too highly doubt that Punk is going to win his title defense. Taker's bound to slap on the Hell's Gate when Punk isn't paying attention and get the due.

If he struggled to beat JBL for the title twice and never actually beat Batista to retain in straight one on one matches, how in God's name is anyone going to believe that he can make Taker tap?

Expect Punk to lose, and then they'll probably have a HIAC rematch next month, where Danielson and McGuiness run down and help Punk reclaim the title for some reason. Good way to get the new guys over fast huh?..........

Which means the 'E' probably won't think of that, and do something shit instead. But yeah, Punk loses this month, wins next. And since submission wrestling is all but dead in WWE, i'd say Taker'll never tap.
He never will, simple as. It isn't in undertaker's nature as the deadman. it's similar to Cena or triple h as a face, the good guy never taps while the bad guy does. Cena never tapped to Big show's camel clutch even though the he kept passing out so the same should be applied to Taker.
Although i did get it wrong last year when i predicted taker beating edge at one night stand in the TLC match
While I don't see Punk making 'Taker tap out, I think that it will happen some day. We really don't have any good submission wrestlers left except for Jericho. Maybe it will be Jericho, IDK. It would be an outstanding rub for who ever it is though.

I think that at Breaking Point, Punk will do something completely heelish to retain his title. There match isn't no DQ (I don't think), so I see him cheating to win some how. Maybe he will use some type of chemical substance to knock 'Taker out and then slay on the Andaconda Vice to win the match. IDK, but it will be a hell of a match and I actually hope that Punk does steal a few from 'Taker. It will do wonders to make Punk look like a credible Champion.
I doubt Taker will ever tap out, though I do feel the WWE's best strategy is to have Punk go over him at Breaking Point. Having Taker tap takes something away from his character overall, it makes him look weaker and that's not something the WWE should want. Also, I just don't see any real way of doing it. He's been in everything from ankle locks from Ken Shamrock and Kurt Angle to Ric Flair's figure-four to Bret Hart's sharpshooter and so on and so forth. I know it'd be a great rub for someone if he did tap, but I don't particularly see anything wrong with being a tad selfish in this. Taker has ALWAYS dong whatever's been asked of him, including putting over younger guys that are ready and need it. I don't think a request of never having to tap is asking too much.

There are several ways for Punk to come out winning this match that don't involve Taker tapping out. The most obvious one is for Punk to get DQ'd or to get Taker DQ'd, I don't think this match is no DQ because I haven't heard anything about it. However, it's too predictable and won't generate the type of buzz and heat that Punk needs. Personally, I think the best way to do it is to have Punk do something to "knock out" Taker. The ref "accidentally" takes a glancing thumb to the eye that distracts him for a bit, Punk hits Taker several times with a chair, rendering Taker unconscious, slaps on the Anaconda Vice, screams at the ref, ref can only assume that Taker passed out from the pain, lifts his arm 3 times, and Punk wins.

I think that's the best scenario for the match because:

1. Everybody saves face. Anybody that taps out will look sort of weak and if Punk were to make Taker tap out, it would almost look like the feud has already culminated. If Punk can beat Taker clean the first go around, then there's little need for the feud to continue and really nobody else currently on Smackdown for Punk to go up against.
2. Punk's reputation goes up several notches because he's beaten a legitimate main eventer, cheated like a good heel to win and used the situation to his advantage.
3. It just makes the feud more intense later on. Taker, the legendary phenom of the WWE, has been outsmarted by this young, cocky upstart that wants to take his place. A few biting promos from Punk, Taker's pride and dignity are insulted and it just makes the match at HIAC all the more intense.
If neither Kurt nor Ken Shamrock could do it (and to my mind Ken came as close as anyone in his 1999 Backlash match with Taker), I just don't see Punk getting it done. If he hadn't abandoned the Vice in favour of the GTS, and the move had been established well, then maybe I would feel differently. When was the last time that he used it with any sort of regularity? The move is solid and if Punk had been built up as a submission wrestler then sure, why not? The fact is that for one reason or another he ditched the move and ditched his chances at making Taker tap out. If they had planned ahead and had Punk getting some W's over the last few months with the Vice that probably would have made sense and would have at least made it seem possible, but now no one is going to think for two seconds that CM Punk is going to make the Undertaker tap out.

If anyone is going to do it it will be Kurt Angle and that, obviously, requires a lot of reworking to be possible. I just don't see anyone else having the credentials to do it.
As much as I hate to say it, if anyone will ever make Taker tap it will be Cena. Cena is Vinces superman, and has defied the odds more then once. As for CM Bitch, I hope that Taker kicks his ass hard. CM is NOT a believable champ. Though as a heel, he has improved allot. But yeah, this thread isn't about him its about Taker.
I think Kurt Angle would have the best chance also. I mean probably Taker would pass out from the pain or something. Taker never submits and never loses at Wrestlemania. Something has got to give =/ haha.
If neither Kurt nor Ken Shamrock could do it (and to my mind Ken came as close as anyone in his 1999 Backlash match with Taker), I just don't see Punk getting it done. If he hadn't abandoned the Vice in favour of the GTS, and the move had been established well, then maybe I would feel differently. When was the last time that he used it with any sort of regularity? The move is solid and if Punk had been built up as a submission wrestler then sure, why not? The fact is that for one reason or another he ditched the move and ditched his chances at making Taker tap out. If they had planned ahead and had Punk getting some W's over the last few months with the Vice that probably would have made sense and would have at least made it seem possible, but now no one is going to think for two seconds that CM Punk is going to make the Undertaker tap out.

If anyone is going to do it it will be Kurt Angle and that, obviously, requires a lot of reworking to be possible. I just don't see anyone else having the credentials to do it.

Agree 100%..Ken was a bad ass in his WWE days and i think had him and Angle been there at the same time with their similar styles that would have been a kick ass submission match.Sadly since the loss of Owen,the tragedy known as Benoit and the WWE banning the use of choke hold type submissions matches after what Benoit did i think this is why we dont see very many moves like The Anaconda Vice anymore.Jericho is perhaps in the same league as guys like Owen and Angle match/submission wise but the Walls/Lion Tamer is hardly ever used as a finisher now.

In wcw that move was always used to get wins but now its just like a signature move used to set up the code breaker and moonsault it seems.Maybe Jericho will finally secure another sub victory this next ppv who knows.As for Taker tapping...I think if guys like Flair and Angle cant make him tap no one will.Flair has beaten some of the biggest names with his figure four but as far as i can remember hes never even beat Taker and im sure if they've wrestled Flair has used the figure four on him also.I am not sure we will ever see him lose at WM or tap out but i could be wrong.Maybe Punk will use it and get the win but i doubt it.
I dont See CM Punk Making Taker Tap out at Breaking Point but too my Knowledge the way to Win a Submisson Match is By Submisson Only. so for the Fact of Punk Getting DQ'D to Retain is not plausable . Dangerously intricate in its simplicity, the object of the Submission Match is for one of the Superstars to make the other either tap out or pass out. It can not end by pinfall, count-out or disqualification.So for punk Retaining with out Making Taker Tap or Passout is unlikely. But like Other People have Said i too agree at one Point it will Be Kurt Angle to make Taker tap out.
Taker will never tap and he will never lose at a Wrestlemania. I have a feeling that even if he retires this year like they say we will still see him about once a year at Wrestlemania for the next 10 or 11 years.
Maybe if Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, etc. were still around, I could answer this question, but it's hard when nobody does submissions anymore. Why would they do a submission PPV if hardly anybody has submissions? There aren't anymore technical wrestlers left, just showboaters. I don't think Taker will ever tap, due to the lack of submissions.
In all honesty CM Punk wont go over taker few people do, cm punk will not benifit from the fued like he should. I'm shocked no one mentioned this, TJ Wilson (or tyson kidd which he is now called). The heart dynasty has a legacy and that is the sharpshooter. I think that when it is time TJ will be the first one to go up to the main event out of that group and he will be put in a fued with Taker. He will go over by using some of Bret's moveset and make Taker submitt to the sharpshooter. This will put TJ over and is really likely since he is the only one with a submission legacy. Ted diabiasse has a submission move finisher but i really dont see him going over taker or even fueding with him. Jericho has faced taker before so the likely hood of jericho who hasn't used a submission as a finisher for a little while isnt likely. A Cena Taker fued will never happen. Edge has faced Taker allot and never got him to tap even though he loves the sharpshooter. No one else in WWE right now can get Taker to ever tap. Taker has faced many submission experts and never tapped. The only way I can see him tap is to put TJ Wilson over in a Bret Hart type way by applying the sharpshooter. No one else in WWE have any reason to make Taker Tap.
Taker will never, ever tap in any match.

I can forsee one of two possibilities:

1) Taker gets the victory over Punk

2) There is some sort of controversial finish to the match, where Taker actually gets knocked out (foreign object) and is unable to continue.
For those saying this match isn't no DQ, it's a submission match. The only way to win is by having your opponent submit. There are no DQs, countouts, pinfalls. You win when your opponent gives up, taps or passes out.
Do I think that CM Punk will make The Undertaker tap-out...the answer is no. The Undertaker has been using that Devil's Gate or whatever it's called and the Death Triangle or whatever for a while now. Defeated Mark Henry, Khali, Big Show, Edge & Festus with it. He's been using submissions for sometimes, while CM Punk has not used the Anaconda Vise since leaving ECW, not that I can think of any other time. And I don't think that Punk will just suddenly slap on the Anaconda Vise and win that easily. So no, I don't think Punk can get Undertaker to tap out but I go think that Punk will win. Punk's title reigns are way too short, last year with Batista...this year with Hardy...he needs to get some time. As for the first to make Undertaker tap, I can see John Cena doing that with the STF. Hell I didn't think he could get Big Show to tap but somehow he locked it in. And perhaps Chris Jericho.
I personally agree that Taker will likely win which will lead to the rematch at HIAC. The question asked though is "how could Punk win?" Remember back during the bret hart/stone cold submission match from wrestlemania. They wanted hart to go over but also save austin, they had austin in the sharpshooter for so long that he passed out and the ref stopped the match. In my opinion, I think thats what you'd be looking at, I do not see UT actually tapping, period. It would be a submission victory by him passing out, but i don't see him doing an actual "tap"
I think we will see Austin tap out before we see Undertaker tap out. His character has to be beaten senseless in order to get a victory over him. I think CM Punk may win by a KO or some sort of interference that allows him a cheap victory.
I'd love to see CM Punk make Undertaker tap. CM Punk is definitely my favorite thing in the WWE right now. Undertaker's return, while badass and all can't top CM Punk in my eyes. The man is drawing great heat, his in-ring work has definitely stepped up past couple months, he's solid on the mic. He's on a huge roll, it'd be dumb of the WWE, but not altogether suprising to have Punk lose.
If neither Kurt nor Ken Shamrock could do it (and to my mind Ken came as close as anyone in his 1999 Backlash match with Taker), I just don't see Punk getting it done. If he hadn't abandoned the Vice in favour of the GTS, and the move had been established well, then maybe I would feel differently. When was the last time that he used it with any sort of regularity? The move is solid and if Punk had been built up as a submission wrestler then sure, why not? The fact is that for one reason or another he ditched the move and ditched his chances at making Taker tap out. If they had planned ahead and had Punk getting some W's over the last few months with the Vice that probably would have made sense and would have at least made it seem possible, but now no one is going to think for two seconds that CM Punk is going to make the Undertaker tap out.

If anyone is going to do it it will be Kurt Angle and that, obviously, requires a lot of reworking to be possible. I just don't see anyone else having the credentials to do it.


In a hard fought match, The Undertaker and Kurt Angle fought to a draw. The end of the match was pretty contraversial with the referee somewhat confused. Angle had the Undertaker locked in a triangle hold, but as the hold was locked in, Angle's shoulders were on the mat. The Undertaker smacked the mat with his hand a few times in rapidly. It appeared that the Undertaker tapped out! He may have been telling the ref to count the three count, however his face was purple. The Undertaker has never tapped out in his career until now, but he still escaped with the title. (Titles do not change hands on draws or disqualifications)

I beg to differ. KURT ANGLE has had the Undertaker the closest ever. But that's just 1 man's opinion

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