Who Will Be The Next 'Shock' World Champion?

Some may think of it as a shock, and some may think of it as expected, but I see John Morrison rising up from mid-card pretty fast and taking ahold of Championship gold in my opinion. The guy isn't that bad on the microphone, not the best, but far from the worst. And his in-ring capabilities is seriously Main-Event worthy. So why not have him win WITB or something along the lines of a quick contendership?

Another I see them working with if they are serious about holding onto him is Matt Hardy. Yes Jeff and Shannon Moore want him on TNA, but Matt has always been dedicated to WWE and Vince needs to realize this. It is time to either push him or drop him to another company. I don't know if it's just me, but Hardy has gotten over with the fans for a long time- he deserves to at least Main-Event.
Well a shock champ is a person who has won like 2 or less single championships. So that would have to be Dibiase or Kingston. Both have improved and now that Cody is "out for a while" we'll se Dibiase develop into more of a monster heel whil Kofi will develop more seriuosness. Then at MITB ppv and after well hopeful have a new hcamp cuz now its time to push the young stars, old guys are rusty
I would like to see Matt Hardy get a shot in the near future.But i honestly think Swagger once done with jericho and edge will end up fueding with Shelton Benjamin over the WHC.
I think this because of how they crossed paths with each other on SmackDown!
Morrison could be it because he's over already and good in ring.Kofi also is a good choice because i think people backstage are still high on him.also like NXTrookie2013 said dolph could do it. like swagger he was a guy who appeared to be on the rise then got lost in the back ground.He just needs a way to get their like the MITB for Swagger.
Well quite frankly, Nothing will come as a shock with the internet around. Everyone will see it coming, just like we saw Christian's return, and Matt turn on Jeff, etc. Unless you dont read the internet spoilers, there will be no more REAL Shock Factor.

However, if there were to be a "Shocking" champion, it would probably be someone such as Big Zeke or Christian or Matt Hardy or maybe even somebody like Evan Bourne. It would come out of the blue because, they way the WWE is pushing new stars right now, we wouldnt see these guys get a title shot.
I know hes not officially part of the WWE roster yet, but this is when he becomes part of it, I am going to have to say Daniel Bryan, hes already held championships and competed in front of audiences around the world and is in my opinion the NXT big thing
I love to see Sheldon Benjamin win either the WWE or World Championship some time soon even it were only a short reign,he truly as remained one of the underappreciated hardest workers and underrated at that for WWE for overs 6 years now I just think they give him the big push and make at the top of the mountain at once,he deserves it.
The way I'm seeing things going
right now, the next guys to become World Champions out of the midcard will be Ted DiBiase, possibly Drew McIntyre, and potentially John Morrison. Out of the of three, the one that will have the shocking win will probably be Ted. He's got everything he needs to go far in the industry, and now that he has finally begun to embrace the snotty millionaire gimmick, I can only see positive things for him, possibly getting an upset victory over someone such as Orton down the road.
I haven't read a single "shocking" champion that anyone has mentioned. What everyone is naming are future champions. Everyone knows that Miz, Morrison, Kofi, and Drew are the future. That's no secret. So unless one of those guys wins the championship tomorrow I will not be shocked. Swagger was shocking because no one thought he was ready. Hell he might not be but I'm pumped about it. Christian would be shocking because no one thinks that Vince will actually give him the belt.

I would be completely and utterly shocked if Evan Bourne got a world title reign. I think he has the ability to make matches interesting but I honestly would not believe Evan Bourne could beat a guy like Triple H or even Mark Henry for that matter.

Side note, I think that an R-Truth title reign would be shocking if executed somewhere in the near future, the guy is over and it seems like he is on everyone's radar but not quite on the minds of people as a world champion.
I believe it can be either be MVP or Mark Henry because they are really not doing anything in the moment and them getting a title out of nowhere would truly be a "shock". MVP would be closest over Henry if they would turn him heel because that is what he's best at and would make a decent world champion if booked right.
I'll say Matt Hardy he really could be a champion and do an ok job and he pretty much deserves a run with a world title.Although we shouldnt have another shock champion for a while because the "shock" factor will where out.
Evan bourne, oh wait, this is mainstream. hehe.
In all seriousness, I think the next shock champion will be, THE BIG SHOW, think about it, if Show wins a world champonship, shomiz will have the most titles out of any tag team, EVER!!!
that would be awesome, I would love to see that.
I think they will stay away from the shocks at least unti the MITB PPV because I doubt they want to wear out the shock factor and I think the rise of those two was more of a one time thing that was simply done to get them over quickly to take up the places of the inevitable retirements and breaks various wrestlers will soon be taking.

Kofi is getting buried, now okay, I know Swagger was too at the start of the year, but he was never pushed on RAW before that. Whereas Kofi was pushed, held the midcard title, and pushed into a good fued with Orton. After that though management have soured on him and he is jobbing to Sheamus one week and not on TV the next.

I think Drew McIntyre or the Miz. Dislike Drew a lot, but the Miz really is awesome. His mic skills are incredible and he is getting decent in the ring. It helps that people like HHH think a lot of him and notice how much effort he puts into bettering himself each and every day.
All of the people you all have been listing aren't what I would consider to be shocking. I'm not gonna drop my jaw at guys like McIntyre, Kofi, Morrison or The Miz winning world heavyweight gold because all of them currently or in recent past have actually been built to a considerable degree. A "shocking" world title win would be like seeing R- Truth, Chris Masters or Dolph Ziggler winning it out of nowhere. That's theoretically what we saw just recently with Swagger. Because it's gonna take awhile for everyone to "buy it". If McIntyre or Kofi win it, even out of nowhere, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised because I've already "bought it". See what I mean?

But with that said, I think the next "surprise" champion we will see will be Shad Gaspard. Crazy right? Just let it simmer for a bit. He just broke up Cryme Tyme, saying it's "My Time". So what's his inspiration? Self fulfillment. It would definitely be out of left field and it would fill up VKM's supposed "African-American Megastar" initiative he supposedly has.
Hey Yo!
Mark my words people Drew McIntyre will be next shock champion by at least the next MiTB, Like someone said above after his new theme song it seems like he has a sort of new aggressive aura surrounding him when he walks down that ring but a theme song can't change everything right (The Miz). But yeah i do see Drew McIntyre as the next shock champion.
.Tha Wolfpac.
IMO an R-Truth world title reign would be shocking because of the fact that he hasnt really accomplished anything since returning to WWE .
There shouldn't be another shock champion for a long time, because if you have a random midcarder winning the belt every few months then it ruins the entire "shock" factor of it. Sheamus and Swagger were special cases in which WWE realized they needed to make new stars and decided that they wanted to take some chances instead of sticking to their formula. Time will only tell whether it really works out for the better, but at least it's something fresh and new. The next two guys to become world champions that haven't already should probably be Christian and then The Miz, since they're by far the closest, but they should both get steady pushes to the top rather than just winning the belt on a random Raw.
I don't see Kofi Kingston as a next World/WWE Champ because of the fact that his momentum has gone down and hes not being used as of late. My best guess would be Morrison. Since the draft is coming up, Morrison will most likely be drafted to RAW, turn heel like everyone does a face/heel turn when they get drafted. And then Morrison feuds with the champ and challenges for a title shot and wins.
I say The Miz. I am predicting that come time for the Money In The Bank PPV, ShowMiz will be no more and The Miz will return to his solo push. He will win the briefcase, cash it in and everyone will hate him for taking Cena's title and renewing the old feud where Cena squashed him.
Christian wouldn't be a shocker, but it would be something I think we'd all like to see. As for an actual shocker, oh Kofi all the way. He's been pushed, buried, pushed again and now he's in limbo and we're all wondering when the hell it's gonna happen. It may happen this year but shouldn't be until well after the MITB ppv.

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