Who will be the first to overtake Ric Flair's 16 World Title Reigns?

Who will be the first to overtake Ric Flair's 16 World Title Reigns?

  • HHH

  • John Cena

  • Edge

  • Undertaker

  • Randy Orton

  • Batista

  • Chris Jericho

  • Other

  • No-one

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I agree that it will be Triple H, but just out of curiosity, how are you "pretty sure it's 14"?

WWE Championship (Attitude Era) - Four times
WWE Undisputed Championship - Once
World Heavyweight Championship - Five times
WWE Championship (Brand Split Era) - Three times

That's thirteen. I don't know where you get the last one from, unless you're talking about the Championship Scramble match during which Jim Ross mistakenly cited Triple H's win as a new reign, when it really wasn't.
I agree that it will be Triple H, but just out of curiosity, how are you "pretty sure it's 14"?

WWE Championship (Attitude Era) - Four times
WWE Undisputed Championship - Once
World Heavyweight Championship - Five times
WWE Championship (Brand Split Era) - Three times

That's thirteen. I don't know where you get the last one from, unless you're talking about the Championship Scramble match during which Jim Ross mistakenly cited Triple H's win as a new reign, when it really wasn't.
Not only that, but I heard a few times Triple H being referred to as a 14 world champion. Though, the number don't lie so yeah. 13 is still close enough to de-thrown Ric Flair.
This is a hard question. HHH should be the easy answer, but I have no clue how much longer he plans on wrestling. It just seems to me, that even with an ego the size of HHH's, he might not want to break Flairs record. He seems to have a lot of respect for Flair, and I admire that.

Orton, Edge and Cena seem like the most likely candidates. Edge is sitting at 9, but he is already 36 going on 37, so I don't know if he has that many runs left in him. Cena is also at 9, and he's only 32 (and Vince's golden boy). Orton is 30, with seven under his belt. I would say he has a long time ahead of him as a top figure in WWE, so I would say he has the best chance.

Do I want anyone to break this record in the next ten years? No. Flair is one of the greatest superstars of all time, and this is his claim-to-fame. But it will be broken. If Flair doesn't come back to WWE in some capacity, it will be broke, sooner rather than later. Especially if TNA gets some momentum. The WWE will not sit by and watch a TNA guy own that kind of record. I just don't see that happening.
Trips will break Flair's record. It WILL happen. It's not a question of "will he?" but rather it's "WHEN will he?" because he has a dominant character who is always believable as the top guy when he is champion. Edge will probably be the second to break it due to the whole "Ultimate Opportunist" persona, although his face character hasn't shown as many signs of being opportunistic as his heel self had. Cena might.... it comes down to how long he will be with the WWE. With 9 world titles under his belt already at almost 33, he has good odds barring any bad injuries along the way. Either Cena or Edge will be the second one to get more world titles than Flair. I don't see Cena breaking Flair's record before Trips does, but I do see Cena breaking Trips' record later on down the line as a possibility.
My immediate thought was Triple H, obviously, but it isn't obvious. After thinking about it, I became convinced Triple H will NOT be the one to do it. He hasn't had a serious title push in a few years. I kind of think the Game might be done winning world titles, he has become one of those guys that simply doesn't need it. I also don't think he is going to wrestle much more than 3 or 4 more years, his retirement from active wrestling will probably sooner rather than later.

So, I voted for John Cena. Given his age, the amount of titles he has already won, I don't think it would be all that much of a stretch to imagine he could get to 16, and do it within the next 5-8 years.
as much as i would love for it to be hhh, just vin man could stick to flair would be awesome, but at this point in his career he is about teaching the young guys how to be a "ring genera.l" i am pretty sure he will get a couple of more titles.

i would love to say also jericho, because i am a huge fan of y2j, but he has already gotten up there in age, and they gave him his world title push way to late, same thing with edge, to late of a push.

that only leaves orton or cena, as much as it pains me i would have to say orton, because he is a better wrestler than cena. cena would only get it, because he is the company man which is wrong
it depends cause if you mean world titles all together outside wwe then you forgot Kurt angle who is also at 13..but i also see trips taking it..maybe edge next then cena and orton..so on and so forth..really dont see taker with another title
Somebody mentioned earlier about Ric Flair spitting in the face of WWE for ruining his send off.. I agree that is in the back of Vince's mind and Vince always has the final laugh in the end. HHH will break it first most likely if he stays healthy and than Expect Cena and Orton both to over take it as well..

If Cena stays healthy and over (he needs to switch up the gimmick every couple years) he'll end up with the record simply because he averages about 2-4 reigns a year now. It's not like the old days when a champ held the belt for 8 months-16 months. Now a champ wins the belt and he might lose it the next night on Raw.

My vote is for HHH as first though.

Good thread
Cena because as much as they give that guy the title he will have 16 in maybe a year lol not really a joke because im serious but he only has to get it back 7 more times and he will beat ric and thats sad cuz they have no respect for what they did
I was just wondering, why wasn't Kurt Angle on the list, he also currently has 13 world title reigns to his creidt, the last three of those of course being in TNA, but on another note, I think Triple H will surpass Flairs 16 world title reigns
It has to be HHH. He is the closest and a good friend of Flair so if it is to be anyone it has to be him and with the amount of title changes that happen in the WWE it will not take him long. Flair would also prefer him beating his record than anyone else.
I voted Triple H. he's closer than anyone else and I truly feel he has a good few title reigns left. I will say, I believe he'll win another by the end of this year. Edge has a good chance also but I think Triple H really is the best option here. It's not because of backstage politics, it's just because I think he's the most likely and he's closer. Cena has a chance to but I see Triple H overtaking it slowly but surely.
I see HHH/Cena/Orton all getting it. HHH just because of who he is. Cena, if he remains the face of WWE, and Orton signed a 10 year deal with Orton. He just has to win 1 championship a year, and he'll hit 16.

I see HHH in 2-3 years.
Cena in 3-5.
Orton in 5-7.
To be honest I think the amount of title reigns is a little, well, fatuous. I think it is a more accurate thing to look at the length of time x, y, or z has held the title combined. This becomes a rather more interesting way of looking at title runs during careers. For example Jerry Lawler, a man who has won more championships than anybody else in history, over 140!, held the Memphis Wrestling Southern Heavyweight Championship 52 times, but his longest reign was roughly 4 months, and his first 10 ran for a combined total of 14.5 months, spread over a little more than two years!
Ric Flair held 21 World Titles for a total of 3778 days over a span of 11 years
John Cena has held 9 WWE/World Titles for a total of 992 days over a span of 5 years
Bruno Sammartino has held 2 WWE Titles for a total of 4040 over a span of 10 years
This just shows how weak Cenas title reigns have been and how devalued the prestige is.

'sit's back waiting for the spitting and snarling from Cena marks'
To be honest I think the amount of title reigns is a little, well, fatuous. I think it is a more accurate thing to look at the length of time x, y, or z has held the title combined. This becomes a rather more interesting way of looking at title runs during careers. For example Jerry Lawler, a man who has won more championships than anybody else in history, over 140!, held the Memphis Wrestling Southern Heavyweight Championship 52 times, but his longest reign was roughly 4 months, and his first 10 ran for a combined total of 14.5 months, spread over a little more than two years!
Ric Flair held 21 World Titles for a total of 3778 days over a span of 11 years
John Cena has held 9 WWE/World Titles for a total of 992 days over a span of 5 years
Bruno Sammartino has held 2 WWE Titles for a total of 4040 over a span of 10 years
This just shows how weak Cenas title reigns have been and how devalued the prestige is.

'sit's back waiting for the spitting and snarling from Cena marks'

How the hell did you come up with 21 world titles for the nature boy, last time I checked he had a total of 16 world title reigns to his credit, which have been spread out over 34 years, which is about how long he wrestled for, not counting him being in TNA, not counting the the other titles he has held, like the U.S, IC, World tag, etc. plus throw in being in the the Hall of Fame and you have one of the greatest pro wrestling careers of all time, if not the best:flair:
HHH, he is on 13 title reigns, he is the closest and I don't see why he can't overtake flairs record in the future. He is the favourite, He will have a few more good reigns in the next 4 or 5 years before he retires.
If not HHH, then it's gotta be Cena, Vince is just throwing the title at him.
Though I hate him more than any other wrestler, but the one to overtake Flair might be him.Cause you know, he is the face of the company.

P.S Cena Sucks! :p

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