Who will be next to win their 1st WWE Championship

This is an interesting question I've been thinking about for a little bit and just came up with the fact that there is no real guarantee for this. Everyone for the past year has been looking for Jeff Hardy to win the title, when RVD won everyone was expecting that, and same thing with Edge. Now there really is noone that hasn't held a heavyweight title (not including the ECW here I'm assuming) that is definitely going to win one in the future. I'd say Dibiase will eventually get one if he continues to get this push, but I don't see him getting in the hunt anytime soon.
If you were go go to Vegas or make a pool with your friends for this; the list of potential contenders would almost certainly be broken up into tiers as:
Christian, MVP, Kennedy, Morrison, or Shelton
I'd also say through Kozlov and Swagger in as Honorable Mention beause I think Swagger will stick around ECW for a little while as opposed to him gettin rushed to Raw or Smackdown as other guys such as Punk and Morrison were.
Christian I feel will win MITB and then use it for a shot at Swaggers ECW title, but I'm still keeping my original hope alive that MVP will win the MITB and will continue to receive this push and get a title shot sometime next year.
Also if it werent for the several injuries and movie role Kennedy would have probably gotten a title run so he could always get that push, but Christian would be my safe bet
i think its comes down to 2 and only 2 people and those peopel are mvp,and christian,and for those of you who said mr. kennedy lets see if he can stay clean an entire year until we even considered him for a title shot

MVP-i definetly see him winning mitb this year and eventually getting the title mvp is the shiznit hes got the mic skills,the moveset,his look is well....diffrent,but mvp has had wwe champ written on him since his feud with he who shall not be mentioned and hes been improving ever since i could see him as champ as soon as summerslam

Christian-the only other man capable of winning mitb this year,if hes in it which i think he will be,christian is the last one of the group (hardys/e&c) to win a wwe world title,ecw included and i think vince will give him a shot eventually,just to see how he does,everyone knows christian is main event material except vince and co. but i could see christian as the wwe,or whc champ in the next 2 years
Are you guys talking strictly WWE Championship? cause the way things are going with 3 brands it's possible that someone could have a great career but never even have a chance to win the WWE championship if he isn't on the same brand or doesnt win a rumble or MITB? When I think of this question I'd consider the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion because both titles are equal which is why the ECW Championship isn't a World Title. Thats why Batista and Punk are considered former World Champions and Matt Hardy and John Morrison aren't
I could see John Morrison maybe getting a heavy weight within the next year or so. He's got the Charsima and does remind me of a young shawn michaels. But, I could see Christian also.
Ummm I believe there was a guy known as The Rock who held the WWE championship 6-7 times.

I'd like to think that an upcoming superstar would be next in line but a guy like Christian or Matt Hardy comes to mind first. I would like to see John Morrisson win it. I think he could quite possibly be the next HBK.

i know the Rock is half black, but do have any idea how many fans don't/ i meant a all black champion, somebody who is clearly black. and yeah he won 7 WWE championships. but when will the first pure black man get the belt/ The rock isn't even noticeably black. but i think Christan will be champ within the next eight months
wwe have been changing their ways recently and maybe its not long before we have a black wwe champ

I think the closest we've had to a black WWE champion was either Bobby Lashley or Booker T. Depending on your of "black", The peoples champion, the Rock.

In my opinion, the next 1st WWE champion is Mr. kennedy......Kennedy.

I think that because of his Face personality he will return with a lot of popularity, and eventually get to main eventer status
Whoever wins the Money In The Bank Ladder match!

im thinking Christian MIGHT win it, because he just returned to WWE/ECW and had a building feud with the current ECW Champion Jack Swagger, and now i think he will win the MITB and be the first guy to win the ECW title after winning the MITB
i know the Rock is half black, but do have any idea how many fans don't/ i meant a all black champion, somebody who is clearly black. and yeah he won 7 WWE championships. but when will the first pure black man get the belt/ The rock isn't even noticeably black. but i think Christan will be champ within the next eight months

If Obama was a wrestler and won the WWE Title, you'd say he's black enough. Rock is just as black as he is.
First off, black world champions: Ron Simmons (first), The Rock, Booker T

Hope that settles that one.

What does everyone see in Kennedy? All he has is the ability to say his name. The appearances he has made since he was injured have been brutal as the guy clearly doesn't know how to get any reaction as a babyface outside his catch phrase. As for in-ring ability, we'll never know because he gets injured or suspended three months later. The guy is made of glass and I'm sure this is his last shot to make something of himself or we may be seeing him "future endeavoured." Same goes for oft-injured guys like Umaga, Mysterio, and Batista. Don't think Vince doesn't have the balls to sack a big name if he's injury prone.
As like most of the other people posting here, I think its going to be Christian.
Though I do enjoy Christian and think he does deserve a few world title reigns before
he retires I really really really really really want to see Shelton Benjamin become a world champion. That would make me feel that feeling I felt when I seen Eddie Guerrero win his first title.
What's the matter with you people? Look at my account, it's everywhere... Come WrestleMania 25.. THE CAP'N'S... GONNA MAKE IT HAPPEN! :D
First off, black world champions: Ron Simmons (first), The Rock, Booker T

Hope that settles that one.

Well, I think they're talking about the WWE championship, not world titles in general. Simmons and Booker won the World Heavyweight Championship / WCW title. So technically, the Rock would be the only one.
Mr Kennedy or John Morrison I think. I believe one of these two will win the MITB ladder match at WM and if Kennedy wins it could even be as early as that night he becmose champ. And with morrison I think his time to go singles again is almost upon us. I don't know if its just me but he is seeming a bit weak at the moment so a wwe title like push could really help him.
im pushing for cm punk to win mitb 2 years running, get drafted to sd and win his 1st wwe championship altho that isnt likely seeing as wen he was ic champ he didnt even get a decent run with that. just ended up dropping it to that overrated sack of crap jbl. with that in mind i suspect it will b either christian or mr kennedy. both have the potential
I see MVP winning the money in the bank and moving on sometime this year to win his first World title. He deserves it more than anyone winning their 1st world title right now.
I agree with the picks of Morrison, Koslov, and Christian to win the big one at some point, but to me MVP has the better chance because it would play into a great storyline of him working his way from a big losing streak to a championship. How cool would that be?
I'll tell you right now MITB won't be Christian. I don't think WWE has pushed him enough to even consider handing him that stipulation - considering all MITB holders have become Champion. Secondly - he has been back for such a short period of time, I don't think Vince is ready to reward Christian for jumping back from TNA. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Furthermore, CM Punk won it last year - therefore I am thinking MVP will be winning MITB and becoming the next 1st Time Champion.

It just makes sense. He is pretty good on the mic - and they have been pushing the crap out of him recently. Benjamin is good - I like his athelticism, but I don't think he'll ever go anywhere. He just can't seem to get over with the fans. In my eyes - I don't see Shelton Benjamin ever becoming World Champion - but I'm not to thrilled about MVP either.

As for giving Mark Henry the belt - that's just absurd. Honestly - I wish Mark Henry would just leave professional wrestling all together. He is terrible. His look is ridiculous, his hair is ridiculous - Atlas is ridiculous. That's why he is on ECW - to beat up younger guys until the stakes are on the table. He'll never be significant again either.

I want Christian to get a title reign . . . but I if I were to bet - it would be MVP.
Mr Kennedy or John Morrison I think. I believe one of these two will win the MITB ladder match at WM and if Kennedy wins it could even be as early as that night he becmose champ. And with morrison I think his time to go singles again is almost upon us. I don't know if its just me but he is seeming a bit weak at the moment so a wwe title like push could really help him.

Neither of those two wrestlers are in the MITB ladder match. I do think Morrison will eventually get there, but it's honestly hard to see Kennedy holding the WWE title. I think he was already at the peak of his popularity, and is rapidly losing steam.
If he doesnt get traded to ECW, im thinkin Mr. kennedy. He has amazing mic skills, he great in the ring, and has great chemistry with most he does battle with, if they book him right when he makes his full return, he'll be great.
I would love to think that Kennedy will be the next 1st timer to win the title, but the past has shown that he is way too injury prone to be put in a main event picture. It's sad because with him winning the MitB match 2 years ago showed that at some point, they were going to push Kennedy with a title run. I think that's logical because if the past tells us anything, it's that if you win the MitB match, you will be champion sometime in the next year. It's happened to everyone except Kennedy because of the misdiagnosis of an injury he suffered. I was at the Raw where Edge beat the piss out of Kennedy to win the briefcase since they thought Kennedy would be sidelined for awhile. I wasn't happy with the result. But even so... Edge with the briefcase again, cashed it in successfully again. But I digress...

I see alot of problems with the choices everybody has made to be next person to have their first WWE title win. WWE creative is smarter than we'd give them credit for sometimes but do you honestly think they'd give it to Kozlov who can't cut a promo for a match? Not a chance. Plus the only way they'd give it to Kozlov is if they decide they don't want anybody to purchase a ppv that he's in a headlining match on. I'm sorry, but no amount of tweaking will EVER put the title on a character like that. I said in a different thread Kozlov won't even be with the company in a year and I stick to that prediction. WWE wants the person with their title to be able to represent the company in some form. Kozlov isn't that whatsoeveer nor will he ever be.

Christian- it's no surprise that Christian has lots of support with creative but he fails to get any support in the Vince department. However I see this much more feasable if they give him a heel character again. He was gaining a lot of steam when he brought in Tomko during his first stint with the company and had the "creepy little bastard" moniker with the fans. He was a great heel then. Almost too good because he had the humor and mic skills he has now that we all have grown to love in the "anti-hero" like character, but very few people in the crowd went against the grain and were fans of Christian. I think (and I have no clue how this would be done) that a great way to get the title to Christian somehow is to align him with The Brian Kendrick. I see alot of a young Christian in Kendrick and that could be potential for some good promos with those two. But Christian is a little more likely to hold the title than Kozlov.

MVP- this is my pick. I've been a fan of him ever since he debuted in the company because you could just tell from the first time he stepped into the ring and from his first promos that he had that "something." He also had a gimmick that works great as a heel and as a face. Like Kurt Angle, depending on how much you want to turn the "cocky i'm better than you" knob up or down at any given time. MVP just has it and everybody knows it. Especially now with this face turn. It's a route similar to that of Kennedy. Even though Kennedy was technically a heel when he won the MiTB match, he probably had more than 60% of the crowd behind him. But you knew it was just a matter of time before he was totally over with everyone. This is MVP right now. Gaining that crowd momentum before WM25 and the big match. It will come down to him and Punk battling it out at the top of the ladder and the crowd going insane for them both knowing that it won't matter who wins. That's my guess anyway.
HHH puts orton over at WM25 like he should (solidifying that RKO is the top heel and number one guy in the company right now), orton defends against HHH or others for a while then CM Punk comes back in the picture looking for his payback from that angle they teased us with a long time ago. Punk takes the belt weather its from a 2nd MITB win or just a regular title shot..maybe not the next NEW WWE champ but its gonna happen sooner or later for him. MITB Picks: MVP - He's been ready for the next level, Punk - Read above, Christian - Wildcard so u never know with vince. Kofi and morrison are not ready yet (maybe morrison if he wins and hold on to it for a long time to ready/build him up) other than that i don't see anybody in that match touching a world title anytime in the next 3 years haaa
Since you're literally talking about the WWE title I have to think about which brand it'll be on and who I think will be on that brand following the draft.

I'm assuming the WWE title will be on RAW and the World title will be on SD! after the draft. Orton will win the title so I need to pick a face to win the title from him.

I think MVP will win MitB and be drafted to RAW so he's the most obvious choice.
I completley agree with Shafe on this one. As bad as some of the decisions they make are, they can't put the title on Kozlov. Vince has never seen Christian as being a guy who can get over enough with the fans. MVP is ready - he has the talent, gimmick, and a hell of a push going for him. Between him and Benjamin, Shelton is the more athletic, but he just lacks that "it" factor. I've been a big fan of Morrison for a while now and would love to see him get his first WWE title, but as of right now, he still needs to work on his promos and he needs the right storyline.

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