Who were you for during the original TLC days?

Which team were you for?

  • E & C

  • The Hardy's

  • The Dudley's

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CM Steel

A REAL American
During the attitude era we've seen the WWF/E tag team division evolve right in front of our eyes. With the teams of Edge & Christian and the Hardy Boyz being in the very first tag team ladder match. And then the Dudley Boyz made the jump to the WWF/E feuding with the Hardy's leading into the year 2000 with them being involved in the very first table's match. And then soon after that we have Edge & Christian, the Hardy's, and the Dudley Boyz at Wrestlemania 16 in the very first triple threat ladder match for the WWF/E tag team championship, with Edge & Christian coming out the winners.

So later on that year at Summerslam 2000 we have these three teams yet again for the WWF/E tag team title's but in the very first TLC (Table's, Ladders, and Chair's) match (oh my!). It was an epic showdown match with Edge & Christian coming out on top yet again with the tag team gold. And the following year at Wrestlemania 17: TLC 2! With Edge & Christian somehow coming out of the epic match-up with the tag team title's.

The WWF/E had thrown in Jericho & Benoit for TLC 3 on Smackdown when they had the tag team gold. But wrestling fans will always remember those three teams that made history in the attitude era. But the question is which team did you find the more entertaining from that time and who truly was the best? Edge & Christian, the Hardy's, or the Dudley Boyz???
For me it was the Hardy Boyz because they were actually brothers and also because Jeff just didn't give a crap and put his body at risk to make the match even better. Edge and Christian were like the somewhat cocky and arrogant tag team, Dudleys were all about just putting ANYONE through a table and getting the belts, but the Hardy's were extremely in sync and always put on a good match.
I actually rooted for all of them at one stage or another.

If I had to choose; The Hardy Boyz!

Me and my brother plus some of our friends when we were playing would always to the TLC matches. My brother was Jeff, I was Matt, our friends were Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz!

Bear in mine, I was under 10 years old at that point; not as silly as it sounds!
The Hardy Boyz!

These guys were unreal! Jeff didnt give a shit and would throw his himself off anything, through anything and literally put his life on the line.

It was quite an amazing spectacle for a 12 year old.
Even these days looking back on it.. Remembering D-Von & Jeff Hardy hanging from the cable during SummerSlam.. Insane!
Best TLC Match in history to me.
I loved all three as a group Team 3D, Edge and Christian vs Hardy Boys were matches made in heaven.

But if i was gonna chose between them Team E&C take the title, they were the most entertaining overall.
I have to say young me would have voted for the hardys but now im a little more grown up and have watched my Attitude Era tapes again i have to say The Dudley Boyz.
They may not have been athletic like the Hardys and E&C but they got the job done and Bubba and D-Von were hilarious in the ring when it came to "D-Von get the Tables" and the flying headbutt from D-Von so i have to say The Dudleys.
Team E&C hands down for me

Preferred their style to that of the Dudleyz & the Hardyz and generally found them to be more entertaining in everything they did. They're almost my favourite tag team ever now that I think about it.
E & C is my vote hands down with the Hardyz being second and the Dudleyz coming in 3rd.

I'm a person who never liked the Dudleyz and felt they were HORRIBLY overrated as a tag team. Outside of a tremendous finisher they didn't do much for me, seemed like the only way they could get over is doing dumb shit, swearing and putting women through tables.

I liked the Hardyz, still do. They complimented each other well and simply from being brothers had great chemistry. Jeff had the it factor while Matt was the solid one, it just worked.

E and C though, they were awesome. From them acting like cowardly heels, doing stupid skits and promos (like playing Triple H's theme on the kazoo) and having great matches. The 5 second pose was great stuff especially when E,C and Angle did the jug band pose. I just felt they were the superior tag of the 3 and the only reason they didn't stay together is because they were destined for more separately.
They were all very entertaining and 3 of my all-time favorite tag teams, but I would say in terms of entertainment value E&C had the edge (no pun intended) over the other two teams. The title says "who were you for" so I voted for the Hardy's on the poll because I just had too much love for Jeff's daredevil nature and their cool entrance music everything about them to me screamed awesome. Especially at SummerSlam 2000, when they were in the Hardys' hometown (Raleigh, NC) and i was hoping to god they would win the belts in their hometown and be the hometown heroes. I also was a huge fan of Lita (my favorite diva of all-time, Fuck Trish) and seeing them tear up the midcard as Team Extreme made me root for the Hardys even more.

With that being said though, the OP in his actual post asked who was most entertaining, and I'd give that to Edge and Christian. Neither of the other two teams would be able to produce an entertaining 10-minute segment on the mic, which Edge and Christian did weekly. They were no slouches in the ring either, very entertaining in every facet of wrestling whereas the other two teams were much more comfortable in the ring than on the mic.
I have always been an Edge and Christian guy. Watching them win those matches was awesome. I think the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian were destined to wrestle each other with ladders. The spear off the ladder in the second one is EPIC. They were also ridiculous as heels and they always came out on top. I always knew they would find a way to win or get out of an unfair match. They reeked of awesomeness.
I was on the side of Bubba and D-Von during these matches basically because they didn't look like they should be in these matches. Up until this time Ladders Matches were predominantly smaller athletic guys who could perform unbelievable stunts with the aid of the prop they'd been provided. I really liked the idea of throwing in two ass kickers against four guys who all looked like they stepped out of the HBK wrestler look salon.

I can see why people were romanced by Jeff's willingness to put his body on the line but I got behind the guys who wanted to decimate their opponents, NOT themselves.
Totally reeking of awesomeness is my favorite wrestling quote ever lol. Remember the bright yellow shirt they had with that quote on it? One of only two wresting shirts I ever bought. It was of course Edge and Christian for me. Loved their stuff with Angle, and how they would always seem to come out on top. The spear in the second TLC match was my favorite moment from both matches. The most well rounded of the three teams imo, and one of my all time favorites.
EDGE & CHRISTIAN BY FAR. Me and my friends used to love to spear each other into my pool as middle schoolers. of course we marked out edge would hit that move.
Edge and Christian. They were hilarious and great in the ring. Their five second poses were frequently some of the best moments of RAW. They're one of my favorite tag teams ever and my favorite team of the Attitude Era.
Edge/Christian by a landslide. this one's not even close.

Mania 16, aka Mania 2000, featured the very first Triple Threat Ladder Match for the Tag Team Titles. it was a TLC Match in the sense that tables, ladders and chairs were all legal, but this was not officially the first TLC Match as that took place at Summerslam 2000. anywho, i was definitely rooting for Edge and Christian at Mania 2000. they were a face tag team and the only one of the three that had not been tag champs at that point.

when Summerslam came around to north carolina, i was hoping for the Hardy Boyz to win since it was their homestate and they were the face tag team at that point. Edge and Christian were fully heel by then. but Edge and Christian won that match and then won again at Mania 17 in TLC 2.

so if we're looking at dominance, i'd say Edge and Christian as they won the first Triple Threat Ladder Match and the first 2 TLC Matches on the 2 biggest stages WWE has to offer.

if we're looking at pure entertainment, then it's still Edge and Christian as these two guys were freaking gold on the mic. the five second poses were classic.

if we're looking at ring work, then it's again Edge and Christian. they weren't just spot monkeys, but they also took high risks. they're both pretty versatile in the ring as they can brawl, be technical, go top rope, use submissions, etc. just all around the better in ring specialists i think.

if we're looking at the more successful tag teams in terms of championship reigns, then it's the Dudley Boyz as they've held every tag title on the planet. like literally. but only with each other. Edge and Christian, on the other hand, have held the tag titles together several times together and then also had multiple tag partners for additional reigns. Edge has teamed with and won the titles with Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio. Christian has won the titles with Chris Jericho and Lance Storm.

if we're looking at the more successful singles careers, then for the final time, it's Edge and Christian. both guys have held multiple singles titles. Edge has won the IC, US and World Titles. Christian has won the Light Heavyweight, Hardcore, European, IC and World Titles. Edge is currently in the WWE HOF.

respect to all three teams because i loved all three of them. and they've been successful beyond their TLC Matches both as teams and individuals. but this one wasn't even close. Edge and Christian = totally reeking of awesomeness.
No Offense to the other teams but for me it was all about Edge and Christian always will be. The Hardys yes very respectable tag team in their day no doubt. High Flyers and decent in the ring but their mic skills were kinda of lacking in my opinion.

Those Damn Dudleys perhaps on your rankings of all time tag teams might be on the top! There up there for sure. But E&C no doubt were the best of them. 5 Second pose for those who have flash photography! There were very good on the Mic and very good in the ring.

E & C would always find a way to win. Hell they won TLC 1 and 2! They were simply the best in their day and way better than the hardys IMO and better than those Damn Dudleys. Edge and Christian brought it all to the table and never left the fans wanting more. They poured their hearts and souls into every match
I voted for E&C but to be honest it was a toss up between them and the Hardy's. Both teams were awesome and took seriously big bumps to sell the match. I liked the Dudley's as well but they were and easy third place for me. I guess at the time E&C had a little more of their characters built at the time and were stronger on the mic so that put them over the top on my vote. But honestly between the two teams I probably could have flipped a coin and still have been happy either way it went.
Edge and Christian. Always Edge and Christian.
The conquistadors... the con-chair-to... the pose for the benefit of those with flash photography... Brutal. B. R. Utal. I loved them, they were my favourite tag team in that era hands down.

The Hardyz always seemed cheesy to me. I know they were supposed to be edgy or extreme, and they (especially Jeff) had some big spots in some big events. But honestly, the most interesting part of the Hardyz was Lita's thong. They were just bland and uninteresting.. Neither could talk.. and a swanton or a legdrop off the middle rope.. and gun in your mouth pose was just cheesy.

I liked the Dudleyz more. The D-Von... Get the tables line was huge, and fans loved it. Also, the 3-D through the table was a great finisher. The "wassssup" thing was god awful though. That Bud commercial was popular in like 1998? They used it well into the 2000's and it was so overkilled.

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