Who was the best heel of the last decade 2002-2012?

Greatest heel during 2002-2012 Period

  • Triple H

  • JBL

  • Randy Orton

  • Edge

  • Vickie Guerrero

  • CM Punk

  • Hollywood Rock

  • Vince McMahon

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Chris Jericho

  • Other

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Pegusus Fill_T

Dark Match Winner
Who in your opinion was the best heel of the 2002-2012 period?

Here's my top 10

10.CM Punk - The only time Punk entertained me, with his awesome SES gimmick
09.Vickie Guerrero - Still gets more heat than 75% of the roster
08.Hollywood Rock
07.Vince McMahon - arguably the greatest heel of all time. Was on a role in 2003 especially with the Hogan & Gowen feuds.
06.Eric Bischoff - as Raw GM
05.Chris Jericho - esp during 2008 period starting with the feud with HBK
03.Edge/Randy Orton - It's a tie for me. Edge was awesome as Rated R superstar and Orton was groundbreaking as the psychotic Viper
01.Triple H - Especially during 2003-2005 period.

Remember this is my opinion. What is yours?
I picked HHH because this was after the McMahon/Austin feud. HHH is arguably the best heel in WWE history with Vince just ahead or just behind him. His run with evolution was amazing and everyone was just itching for someone to beat him for that title. He gained a lot of heat to because he was awarded the World title, and would do anything to keep it. I can't even think of a heel that compares to him in the last ten years aside from Vince himself.
CM Punk as the leader of the Nexxus is my pick. Although he was equally great with SES, I just loved the way he soundly defeated John Cena and Randy Orton. His performance in the 2011 Rumble was nothing short of classic.
I picked JBL because he was a throwback to the heels of old. Old school heels were brash and cocky to the point of driving fans crazy. JBL was great at getting heat no matter the opponent and his long title reign was one of the best during its time on Smackdown. His transtion from APA tag team to JBL was easily the best reinvention of a character I've seen in quite some time. His promos were nothing short of amazing and he was a character people loved to hate.
Triple H. The guy put on a mask and performed necrophilia with a mannikin just to frame someone, he's manipulated a ****** just to get the World Title back, screwed over many of his own friends for his own purposes, hell he'd probably deliver a sledgehammer to his own grandmother if it meant getting a World Title back, that's just the kind of heel HHH was, he'd go to any lengths and cross any line if it benefited him. He's a unique heel, a complete badass, just pure evil. Hell, even when he's babyface, the guy has done some pretty heelish things. And if the King Of Kings gimmick didn't speak volumes of how big his ego was then I don't know what does.

JBL would be second for me, with Brock Lesnar coming in at third.
Wow, even in Generla wrestling the polls are always about WWE.

What about Jeff Jarrett in TNA. He held the TNA title off and on from 2002-2006 constantly and made the company all about planet Jarrett. Half the roster belonged to his stable. He was constantly winnig the title with the use of guitar shots.

He had huge feuds with all the top stars of the company from Ken Shamrock to Sting, to Monty Brown to the Dudleys to Rhino to Raven to AJ styles to Christian Cage to Samoa Joe.

He then returned true to form with his year long feud with Kurt Angle with his constant tricks and ego boosting "exhibition MMA" matches etc. Using his new wife (Kurt Angle's wife) to one up Kurt at every turn.

Speaking of Kurt Angle, man this guy loves being a heel. And he is the master of it because everyone knows he is as good as he says he is. So if we are talking over the last decade, this guy has done the dastardly of things. What about going after Booker T's wife? What about him holding all the TNA gold? Trying to take over TNA as the Godfather of the Main Event Mafia? Just top heel stuff.

Then there is Nigel McGuiness' World title run in RoH was magic, he defeated all comers and just kept getting better and better each week with his heel antics. The crowds just hated him and he kept just turning on the "anti-charm". Being British he used to get the towns he wrestled in wrong and called them hilarious names. Great stuff. And then when he moved into TNA as Demond Wolfe, holy shit did he just own that company in the matter of two months. What a performance!
I gotta go with Edge. He played the heel role so well in feuds with Cena, Jeff Hardy, and Undertaker. Not only that, but his real-life heel move of banging Lita led to an emotional art-imitating-life feud with Matt Hardy.

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