who wants to go to BackLash

Mighty NorCal

ok so many of you may remember me posting a thread about getting tickets to backlash a while back. Well the other guy who is suppose to be going is looking as if he is gonna flake on me. So who wants to go with me?? I have already purchased the tickets, and am out the money anyway, so I wont be expecting whomever goes to pay for theirs. If you feel the need to give me SOMETHING for the ticket, That is understandable, but its not necessary.

Will is first in line, but he has certain logistical issues. IE living in Iowa lol. If he finds a way out here, he will be the one going. But if he cant, im looking for other volunteers.

Backlash is in Baltimore MD, on April 27th 730 est. I have 5th row floor tickets. If you are creepy I will kill you without hesitation. And you would have to have pretty good repore with me to even gain consideration anyway.
How can I even take this thread seriously at all? YOu're saying you have enouhh balls to take some random guy from a forum you never met to a sporting event with you? Well I'll say you have some big balls at the least.
It is serious. Like I said it wouldnt be just some random person, id have to be pretty cool with, and familure with them on here in the first place. and om not worried about taking someone off here ive never met. Im fairly confident I could kill anyone on here with my bare hands if I had to. no big deal lol.
How can I even take this thread seriously at all? YOu're saying you have enouhh balls to take some random guy from a forum you never met to a sporting event with you? Well I'll say you have some big balls at the least.

I took some random person to a Pens game once. Nobody wanted to buy the ticket, so i gave it to somebody in line waiting to buy a ticket, he got a rather expensive ticket for absolutely nothing. I didn't know the person, nor did i care, because when you go to shit like that, you sit my people you don't know anyways.

Unless you're with a large group of people. But i wasn't, my friends hate hockey.
I took some random person to a Pens game once. Nobody wanted to buy the ticket, so i gave it to somebody in line waiting to buy a ticket, he got a rather expensive ticket for absolutely nothing. I didn't know the person, nor did i care, because when you go to shit like that, you sit my people you don't know anyways.

Unless you're with a large group of people. But i wasn't, my friends hate hockey.

exactly. Not like when I go i wont be sitting next to 20, 000 other motherfuckers I dont know anyway LOL. Me and whomever will meet up at the arena, go to the show, and thatll be about it. Its not like im trying to bring someone fuckin flowers and chocolates lol. Not that big of a deal to me really. just not tryin to go to BackLash alone.
exactly. Not like when I go i wont be sitting next to 20, 000 other motherfuckers I dont know anyway LOL. Me and whomever will meet up at the arena, go to the show, and thatll be about it. Its not like im trying to bring someone fuckin flowers and chocolates lol. Not that big of a deal to me really. just not tryin to go to BackLash alone.

damnit, then i aint going.

yeah, I go to pens game with 18000+ strangers. It isn't that big of a deal.

I was gonna go to a ROH show in Philly, then i realized, I can fall asleep for free in my own home. :lmao:
damnit, then i aint going.

yeah, I go to pens game with 18000+ strangers. It isn't that big of a deal.

I was gonna go to a ROH show in Philly, then i realized, I can fall asleep for free in my own home. :lmao:

Watching a John Cena match! :lmao:

Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. :icon_smile:
where is backlash, oh and Mighty Norcal is pretty put together, probably would be able to whoop most people's ass on here, so it's you who will have to worry.
never mind, just read the whole thing, I do know someone in Baltimore, but he's pretty weird, but a die hard wrestling dork.
yeah, that's a good 12 hour drive, and pretty much, I doubt there will be a match worth driving that far for.
you guys pleeeaaase dont turn this into a Cena/footballl thread just yet. at least let me gauge a small bit of rection before this thread wildly explodes out of control like every bar room thread lol
you guys pleeeaaase dont turn this into a Cena/footballl thread just yet. at least let me gauge a small bit of rection before this thread wildly explodes out of control like every bar room thread lol

Nah, I was just messin with him! I won't jack your thread. Some things are just too good to pass up. :icon_smile:

Edge vs Taker 2? Only worth it if their Mania match is good. If Taker loses at Mania you might as well bring riot gear to Backlash.
Well I have no idea who will be on the card as of right now lol. I would imagine Trips Vs Cena, or orton, or some sort of combination thereof. If its Cena-Orton I will be flippin pissed lol. Maaaaayyybe Shelton Vs Punk? which would be fuckin massive. Other than that, its sorta hard to predict right now.

And yea WWE PPVs may suck to you, but its a free fifth row floor seat. cmon now lol
I am from PGH, but i am not going to baltimore for a ppv .

well i would. I went to cleveland to watch JBL wrestle someone when he was champion :lmao:

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