Who should induct him: Randy Savage

Judah's Lion

the Icon
Who Should Induct Him: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

as we all know, not only is Mania right around the corner, so is the annual WWE HOF Ceremony.

the HOF is pretty stacked this year with Sammartino, Foley, Booker T, Bob Backlund, Trish and Donald Trump.

with all this in mind, i wanted to start a new thread series. instead of the well-earned and well-deserved focus that the men and women going into the HOF are receiving, i want to focus on those men and women that will be inducting -- not entering -- the HOF.

first up in this series: "Macho Man/King" Randy Savage. now few would question his worthiness for going into the HOF one day, hopefully sooner than later. however, if and when Savage enters the HOF, who should induct him? brother Lanny "the Genius"? rival Flair? Steamboat? what about Hogan?

Hogan stated recently in an interview that he'd like the honor...

"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan was interviewed by Fighting Spirit Magazine recently, and candidly spoke on the passing of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, and his desire to induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame.

“I’ve heard all these urban legends about Randy doing something to piss Vince off. I’ve heard two or three different stories, and I don’t know if any of those are true, but he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and I would love to be the one that inducts him. I’ve got a speech for him ready to go. I just think it’s a must that he’s in the Hall of Fame; he was so influential in this business, especially in the WWF, and in my career.

The Hulkster also mentioned Savage's unique ability to draw a crowd, rivaling only himself through the 1980s.

"You know, he’s the only guy we could pass the belt to, and we wouldn’t lose money. You gave the belt to The Ultimate Warrior - I don’t want to drop a bunch of names - and right away the revenue went down. Give the belt to ‘Macho Man’, and things would stay the same, or get better.”

agree or disagree? should Hulk induct Savage? if not, then who?
steamboat should be the most likely guy to.

savage hated hogan and no way would he want to be inducted by him.

It's not true that he hated Hulk in a universal sense. Hogan and Savage had a very rocky friendship that included periods where they hated each other. At the time of his death, Hogan and Savage had actually rekindled their friendship.
Considering he released a rap song slating Hogan and demanding that The Hulkster "Be A Man!" I doubt we will see Hogan induct Randy Savage into the HOF, and there is even less chance of that while Hogan is currently involved with TNA Wrestling.

I would expect to see someone like Ricky Steamboat be the guy, he and Savage had some incredible matches together during their careers and I think he would be an appropriate choice for sure.
Hogan says that he wants to. I don't know if all the stuff regarding Hogan & Savage outside of wrestling is true or not. Maybe it's just the cynic in me but I think Hogan has some sort of ulterior motive. He says he wants to induct Savage into the HOF but I'm always wary of Hogan. Hogan is a shameless self promoter above all else, so I can't help but feel that he'd only be interested in doing this if there was something significant in it for him.

The picture that constantly goes through my head is Hogan coming out to give the induction to Savage but instead uses his speech to start promoting TNA Wrestling at WWE's Hall of Fame ceremony.

I think WWE would go the safe route and pick someone like Ricky Steamboat, or maybe Ted DiBiase to do it. Savage had memorable matches & feuds with both of them, both knew him well and both are loyal to WWE.
Hogan should do it.

They were megapowers for years and even teamed up in WCW.

Macho Man never had so many matches with anyone then Hulk Hogan.

Of Course it has to be Hogan.

In heaven we all forgive and forget. Hogan and Macho Man has a legacy that is unmatched.

Would bring tears to my eyes to see that.
I can see the argument for the people who don't think Hogan should induct him because he hated Hogan in the end.

However Macho Man is the one man who most deserves to be in the HOF out of anyone who isn't already in it.

He had that great match with Steamboat so thats a good reason.

To me the thing is that Ricky Steamboat isn't in the same league as Hogan and Randy Savage deserves to be inducted by the greatest of all time whether he liked him or not.
He deserves to be inducted by Hogan.
Lanny Poffo. Steamboat is an acceptable second choice. Hogan can go get fucked.

I'm a Hulk Hogan fan; I've said as much numerous times around here. I don't care for the person, but the wrestling character is one of my all-time favorites. I don't want him anywhere near Macho Man's HoF induction, however. I don't know if they were friends in the end or not, and frankly it doesn't matter. Hogan is a TNA Wrestling honcho and a self-serving douchebag. Until one of those changes, Hogan can have fun inducting people into the TNA Hall of Fame.
Maybe Bret Hart? They seemed to have a good relationship and a lot of respect for each other. I suppose Vince could do it as a way to finally close the book on all the myths.
Steamboat is the obvious choice, Lanny has probably ruined his chances with his dumb insistence on the whole family going in together... When people think of Savage and his career WM3 is the first match that comes to mind... Flair is probably 3rd behind Hogan and would be a safe bet... One who could also do it is Ted DiBiase, he had some memorable matches with Savage in major shows.

Randy's induction may not simply be down to issues with Vince or Lanny... for it to work, you have to induct Randy and Liz together, which is going to be awkward as both are not there. Also you then have to bring Lex into the picture as he was the other love of her life and seeing how shitty the HOF crowd were to the lass who inducted Backlund you could imagine a "You Killed Liz" chant breaking out...
People keep saying Ricky Steamboat but are leaving out a guy like Ric Flair whose feud with Savage was much more legendary and took place both in WWE & WCW where they traded both world titles back & forth & had some great matches. I'm picking Naitch.
It HAS to be Hogan, that being said, I don't see it happening. Therefore, I would go with Steamboat based on their WM3 match alone. Macho and Liz should be inducted together but... yeah how does that work? (especially considering macho had a wife when he died and... yeah it just doesn't work)
Steamboat is the obvious choice, Lanny has probably ruined his chances with his dumb insistence on the whole family going in together... When people think of Savage and his career WM3 is the first match that comes to mind... Flair is probably 3rd behind Hogan and would be a safe bet... One who could also do it is Ted DiBiase, he had some memorable matches with Savage in major shows.

Randy's induction may not simply be down to issues with Vince or Lanny... for it to work, you have to induct Randy and Liz together, which is going to be awkward as both are not there. Also you then have to bring Lex into the picture as he was the other love of her life and seeing how shitty the HOF crowd were to the lass who inducted Backlund you could imagine a "You Killed Liz" chant breaking out...

I have thought of the Lex Luger situation before. Most certainly the fans would be chanting "you killed Liz". He needs to be as far away from that induction as humanly possible. On to the topic, We don't know exactly the relationship between Savage and Hogan, but if Savage did indeed hate him it would be an insult for Hogan to induct him. I agree with the posters that said Flair. They have had many a battle in both WWE and WCW. Steamboat is also a very good choice. They way things seem though Randy would have wanted Lanny to do the honors. As far as the HOF is concerned I wish Vince would just check his ego at the door and do what is right. Even is Lanny pissed Vince off he should swallow his pride and let him induct his brother.
Despite all the politics as to why Macho Man wasn't inducted, it will have to happen at some point. Unless you're name is "Krispen Wah", they will eventually get around to you. I think there are two main things that get people inducted:

1) Popularity with fans.

2) How much of a WWE franchise guy you are. Once Macho Man left for WCW, he stayed there and (last time I checked) didn't go back to the WWE.
Hogan is the most iconic opponent that Savage probably had in his time with the WWF. Remember they were feuding a bit in 1985 and 1986 where Savage would even with via count out some matches. Plus, the feud they had in late-88 and into 89 was intense. Savage had excellent matches with both Flair and Steamboat, but are they remembered as much as his feud with Hogan? It is with a heavy heart I'd say that Hogan would induct Savage if his relationship with WWE cleans itself up.
Hogan is the most iconic opponent that Savage probably had in his time with the WWF. Remember they were feuding a bit in 1985 and 1986 where Savage would even with via count out some matches. Plus, the feud they had in late-88 and into 89 was intense. Savage had excellent matches with both Flair and Steamboat, but are they remembered as much as his feud with Hogan? It is with a heavy heart I'd say that Hogan would induct Savage if his relationship with WWE cleans itself up.

Considering the fact that Savage very publicly did not like Hogan, even ridiculously challenging him to a fight a few years before he died (anyone remember his rap song??) I would say that's a bad idea. I doubt HHH & HBK would have been the best choices to induct Brett Hart. Likewise there was no clamor for Eric Bischoff & Hogan to induct Ric Flair.

Savage apparently didnt keep a lot of close friends. Supposedly he got along with Flair & Steamboat (his most Iconic opponents outside of Hogan) and had plenty of nice things to say about working with them when asked in interviews late in his life (direct contrast to what he said about Hogan).

If Savage goes into the HOF his brother Lanny should induct him. One, he was family, two Randy for years made sure Lanny was on the payroll and taken care of by WWE.

Of his opponents Flair would be the best choice since Savage and Hogan were so publicly on the outs (alhough in fairness to Hogan he was pretty complimentary towards Randy after he died, not so much before). The only problem I see there is that while Savage's fued with Flair was maybe his longest main event fued, spanning two companies over 8 years, appearing on both WrestleMania & Starrcade, and involved 5 World Title Changes PLUS Elizabeth switching sides mid feud, Flair is clearly right with Hogan in terms of landmark opponents/feuds/matches in Randy's career. For Flair though you can think of maybe 5 other guys who were considered Landmark Opponents for him ahead of Savage (Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Steamboat, Hogan, Sting). At least with Hogan Savage is considered his best overall fued and ranks just behind Andre and about equal to Flair in terms of importance and defining moments in The Hulkster's career.

Still, for me, the only real choice is his brother Lanny Poffo
I have thought of the Lex Luger situation before. Most certainly the fans would be chanting "you killed Liz". He needs to be as far away from that induction as humanly possible. .

Fact is based on his popularity and success in both organizations Luger himself is a viable candidate. He should have been inducted as part of The Four Horsemen as should Ole Anderson even though he is on the outs with most of his ex teamates as well as Vince McMahon. The problem with groups is deciding who deserves recognition and who doesnt. Sid Viscious, Benoit, Malenko, & McMichael did not contribute enough to The Horsemen to merrit induction. Luger did. This question will undoubtedly be asked when The NwO eventually go in...Hogan/Nash/Hall certainly merrit induction, but Buff Bagwell...Steiner (I might say yes, he had a very good run with the team)...Scott Norton...Virgil...Curt Henning...Horace Hogan...Stevie Ray ??

Liz conroversial death likely means it will be MANY years if at all she ever gets in, it wouldnt likley be with any Savage induction if it happens in the near future.
I'm not entirely sure why this topic is even around considering Randy Savage is already IN the WrestleZone Hall of Fame, but whatever I'll oblige.

Going by the WWE hall of fame, the only one that I could think of is Ric Flair. The two of them have more history together than people realize and plus, their feud around Ms. Elizabeth is still one of the best of all time. So it would be nice to see.
Hogan and Savage were beefed out for a long time,but they did start speaking again before Macho's death,I think Hogan should do it,the fans deserve to see him in the HOF,next to Hulk,Savage was the number 2 guy!!plus he deserves it,its just a shame he couldn't get this honor when he was living!!
There are many people who could do it:

Jerry Lawler who had worked with Randy in Memphis,

Jimmy Hart who also worked with Randy Savage in promotions b4 WWE,

Gerald Brisco - who had (I think) a friendship with the family

George Animal Steele who had that great rivalry with Randy

Rick Steamboat - the classic opponent in WM3

Vince McMahon- highly unlikely but they were close at one point

Ted Dibiase - Worked with Randy during Randy's title run

Bret Hart- who worked with and respected Randy

Ultimate Warrior- the two worked with each other and had a respect for him from what I understood.

Hogan could do it, but I'm not sure they (Randy and Hulk) had as good a relationship as Hogan claims or if the family would like the idea of him making the induction.

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