Who should be the next up-and-coming wrestler to become a world champion?


Just Bill.
I don't think this has been posted before, but I'm sorry if it has.

Anyways, the title says it all. Who do you think should finally win a world title that hasn't before? I say Wade Barrett. He could get a lot of heat if put in the spotlight & seems like the perfect heel champion to me. What do you guys think? Just try to post stuff that follow these things:

-Must not have been a world champ before.

-Only guys from WWE, TNA, or ROH please.

-Which world title?

-Who would he beat for it?
My pick is either Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett. Ziggler just has natural talent and can really go in the ring. If they're gonna give Bryan a main event push cause of h is talent then they should do the same for Ziggler. And Wade just has it all. He's good in the ring, on the mic, and can really go far if they use his character correctly.

If it's Ziggler I's have him beat Orton for the world title. I just think he'd get overshadowed in the WWE title picture with guys like Cena, Del Rio, and Punk in it.

And if it's Barrett it's the same thing. Have him beat Orton for the world title. Then maybe we can finally have a very entertaining and fresh champ again.
I would say for TNA I would have to put the belt on a few guys. Bully Ray, and Roode. I see Bully Ray winning this whole BFG serious and Him beating Angle and this leaves Angle his chance to train for the olympics(if that is still happening) This guy has come very far and he deserves the title as he is only improving and he can stay at the top of the card every week.

Roode is another guy who deserves the title as he has only improved too. TNA tried this guy before but he was still pretty stale and now it is his time to come into the Main Event and really make his name. An If he does step up he is going to take the title from Bully Ray after chasing it for a good 2 to 4 months and he will become top dog and hopefully he gets a pretty good reigin an can become a draw.

I don't watch ROH so I can't give you an answer for it.

An for the WWE this is tough to say for the title picture is always crowded with the veterans as of late. So for my pick on the WWE Title will have to be......actually I have no one at the moment for I was going to say Truth, or Jomo but they wont be in the picture till next year an Truth may never get the title for I wish he does.

Smackdown WHC I see this to be Wade Barret. I want this guy to become a champion for he grew on me a lot. Sure some people don't like him and think he is awful in the ring but I think he is good enough to hold his own. I see him beating either Orton, Henry, or Sheamus. I see Sheamus being the foil to Henry if he gets his title shot and I think Barret and Sheamus can have a good feud. I like how Sheamus is the Face becuase he has been getting good crowd reaction as off late. An I think these two can hold there own on the mic too. So I think and want Barret to win the WHC and for it to be against Sheamus.
My pick is either Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett. Ziggler just has natural talent and can really go in the ring. If they're gonna give Bryan a main event push cause of h is talent then they should do the same for Ziggler. And Wade just has it all. He's good in the ring, on the mic, and can really go far if they use his character correctly.

If it's Ziggler I's have him beat Orton for the world title. I just think he'd get overshadowed in the WWE title picture with guys like Cena, Del Rio, and Punk in it.

And if it's Barrett it's the same thing. Have him beat Orton for the world title. Then maybe we can finally have a very entertaining and fresh champ again.

Not to be that guy, but, he said non former champ and Ziggler is a former champ. I was going to say him to but beacuse the WWE gave him the title for 45 mins it still counts.
I was going to be "that guy" too and point out Ziggler is undeservingly a former seven minute World Heavyweight Champion. Recognized by all the official judicators, WWE and PWI. It's set in stone.

I'd pick Ziggler too. But seeing as I can't, I'd like to say in-terms of WWE, probably Wade Barrett for me too. I'm not as behind him as I used to be, hes lost a lot of steam in my eyes, he isn't being driven forward the way they should and he isn't being highlighted in the light I think he should either. He's solely in the midcard and from what I can see, not going anywhere. But, WWE don't have any serious contendors for the label, as, for example Danielson is a former ROH World Champion and Truth is a former NWA World Champion.

In-terms of TNA, Bobby Roode is my choice. I think he and Storm will part and Roode should go pretty far. They've been wanting to push him as a singles competitor forever so this is a good time, right around Bound for Glory time which will get his name out there. He has good mic skills, good look and is pretty solid in the ring. Can't see beyond Roode.

And in ROH, he's more on the tag team scene with Kyle O'Reilly but I'd love if Adam Cole was able to make a spurt as a solo competitor and go for the ROH World Championship. With Davey holding it, it wouldn't be the worst idea. Richards will get a good run, probably half the year if not past Christmas but if Cole were to win it by the end of 2012 I'd see that as an achievement. Has serious charisma and in-ring talent.
With Wade Barret being a more obvious choice I'm saying Cody Rhodes or Ted Dibiase.
Rhodes I see as a heel winning the WWE title over someone like Cena or Punk sometime after WM.
Dibiase I can see going after the WHC and probably beating Orton. Although they dont have as much in-ring talent as say Barret but I like them and want them to be champion.
I can't disagree... As much as I think Barrett is a snore fest... He is overall the best to take a title... Also I think Kofi Kingston deserves a bigger push... It seems like he's getting the "Shelton Benjamin" treatment... A nice push but not enough... He definitely deserves a main eventers spot
It's a REAL shame how such a great talent like Dolph had such a short title reign. Since Bill doesn't consider him a former world champ and I don't really either then I pick.....Daniel Bryan to be the next world champ since he's the MITB winner and deserves it for all the skill he has. Dolph should definately become world champ in the near future as well but for now I would like to see him dominate with the United States title for a while longer then have him lose it to someone else who is good and then push Dolph into a WHC or WWE championship match.

We need more champs that are great wrestlers instead of just good or decent. Bryan is nothing special on the mic but I think he's good enough to get the job done and I think Dolph is pretty solid on the mic, better than Daniel. Ziggler and Bryan have me so pumped about the future of the WWE. I look forward to many great matches from these guys and also CM Punk!

Have Del Rio beat Cena at Night of Champion and have Bryan beat Del Rio for the WWE championship. I know he said he wasn't cashing in his MITB until WrestleMania but you never know. I also want to see Bryan win fair and square instead of waiting until the champ gets beat down.
Wade Barrett - a few good feuds and matches and I think he is ready.

Dolph - okay he won the whc what? one minute? he definately gets the title in the future. great talent, great look and also an awesome ringname in my opinion. Let him feud over the US title some more against guys like Riley, Truth and Swagger. He can make that title important again. Anybody else noticed he dropped some weight?

Daniel Bryan - He is the Mr MITB! so he is in the race.

Cody Rhodes - Yes, but not now! still too young. Remember Orton's first WHC reign? It sucked was too overpushed and he got the title for only a month. So I hope they give him some more IC title time. He is entertaining.

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