Who should be the next John Cena?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Like John Cena or not, he is the current biggest name in wrestling. Before him it was the Rock. Before him Stone Cold. Before him...Hogan? While there are always a handful of main eventers...except right now...there is always a #1 guy whom the company basis itself around.

Who do you think that guy should be? Try not to maneuver around the gimmicks too much (example: Fandango and Adam Rose would be contenders if they didn't get saddled with their stupid gimmicks).

WWE was pushing Roman Reigns, which was derailed because of his injury. Then they started pushing Ambrose, but now...er, I'm not sure. The Survivor Series was built around both Ziggler and Cena, but Dolph is pursuing the midcard belt so I'm presuming WWE is still focusing on Cena. Ambrose was more-or-less demoted thanks to his Bray program. Like it or not, his screen-time has been reduced and Bray hasn't been booked as a serious main eventer. Rusev seems to have WWE's attention more than him.

So of the potential next big faces of the WWE, I'd probably go with Ambrose. His matches are fun, he has a memorable personality, lots of charisma, strong mic skills and a gimmick that isn't bland or ******ed. The problem is that he keeps losing the important matches, which is harming his credibility.

Roman Reigns is a big maybe. I think his singles push was too strong, too quickly. He barely was competing as a solo player before he was fighting for the belt. If his moveset and mic skills improve, then I think he'd be up there. The problem is that I believe that the #1 guy needs some good comedic timing (like the Rock, Cena, etc). Reigns is a bit too serious.

Daniel Bryan, presuming he returns, isn't a bad choice. My only issue is that he lacks any kind of characterization. As a face, he acts like a stereotypical face. As a heel, he acts like a stereotypical heel. The Rock, good guy or bad, always acted like the Rock.

Ziggler is a big NO for me. His matches are excellent and he isn't devoid of charisma, but his character is even blander than Bryan. Worse, he tends to remind me too much of other wrestlers. Against Miz, Ziggler was more-or-less playing John Cena with his comedic bits. Against the Authority, he was channeling Daniel Bryan. I think he's perfect for the upper midcard. Maybe a part time main eventer.

Ryback...no...His ring and mic work aren't that bad, but he needs the right opponent. He's got the charisma and a distinct look, but nothing that puts him over all of the above.

Randy Orton isn't a bad choice, but it comes down to how WWE uses him. He isn't naturally charismatic, being maybe too soft spoken and generic looking. I often forgot he was there after he lost the belt. Yet when he's fired up, he can be awesome enough to do it. He started finally stealing the show shortly before he was taken out of it.

Sheamus isn't over with the crowd anymore and needs to be repackaged. Not necessarily as a heel, but as someone who takes things seriously. Like Orton was for awhile, he's just too laid back and I often forget that he's even there. Nevertheless, I think he's upper midcard/part time main event material.

I'd also like to see a Cesaro comeback. I'm not sure how well his mic skills would work as a face. His accent limits how much time he can get to talk, although he's perfect as a smug SOB. But like Cena, he is freakishly strong despite not looking especially beefed up. Part of the fun with Cena was watching his awesome feats of strength. Cesaro can potentially offer the same great moments, which he did at wrestlemania. Unfortunately, WWE doesn't seem to agree with me.

What do you guys think?
Just because he's the top guy today doesn't make him worth a dime. Unlike the other gentlemen you mentioned who helped increase the popularity of pro wrestling (well, actually is was mostly HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN but, the other guys contributed), Cena has FAILED for 10 years to create anything resembling a boom. WWE has gone through is longest slow period and has lost more money (into the billions) than any other time in it's history.

The truth is that Cena is NOT that popular. If he was then pro wrestling viewership would increase as fans poor in to see him. He is just the guy whom they hung the belt on. If they had gone with someone else Cena would have sold as much merchandise. He is only the top guy during a crappy period. Anyone can be the top guy and NOT popularize the sport. Even David Arquette did that.
Just because he's the top guy today doesn't make him worth a dime. Unlike the other gentlemen you mentioned who helped increase the popularity of pro wrestling (well, actually is was mostly HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN but, the other guys contributed), Cena has FAILED for 10 years to create anything resembling a boom. WWE has gone through is longest slow period and has lost more money (into the billions) than any other time in it's history.

The truth is that Cena is NOT that popular. If he was then pro wrestling viewership would increase as fans poor in to see him. He is just the guy whom they hung the belt on. If they had gone with someone else Cena would have sold as much merchandise. He is only the top guy during a crappy period. Anyone can be the top guy and NOT popularize the sport. Even David Arquette did that.

lol, that wasn't really my point, but okay...The main reason I don't necessarily buy this anyway is because Cena has had too much main stream sponsors. Now is he as big as those guys? Probably not. Everyone knows who Hogan and the Rock are. Only wrestling fans know who Cena is. But if he was 'losing' money, he wouldn't get sponsored like he does.

Also, I don't believe that a single person can have that big of an impact. Hogan and the Rock only really made a boom because of the Money Night Wars. Wrestling itself started losing mainstream popularity before Cena became the number one guy.

But regardless, my main point was who was going to be the #1 guy in the WWE. Not whether Cena deserved his spot or not.
I have a feeling we've yet to see someone who may be the new #1 guy in WWE. What I mean is, no one on the current roster will be, at least not as long as Cena is around, obviously. MAYBE someone who's on NXT, but I don't know yet.
The ones on the roster who could possibly take that role are Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

Bray is going to be a huge part of WWE's future plans. I think he'll be a mainstay in the main event, but until he has a face (or at least tweener) run it'd be tough to say he was going to be 'the man'. Also, he wouldn't fit the company profile for public appearances, talk shows, make-a-wish etc. I see him being more in The Undertaker's position around 1998-2000.

Bryan is the most over star on the roster, even with his absence. Huge question marks about his in-ring future though so I wouldn't go with him. I see him being in a Chris Benoit/RVD kind of position.

Ambrose is great. He's the Austin-style badass hero that everyone loves. Austin was the face of the company in the Attitude Era, whereas The Rock did the majority of the public appearances. If Dean was to be 'the man' he'd need a solid number 2 (or 1 1/2) as Austin had in The Rock.

I think Dolph is great, but he won't get elevated to that kind of level. Definitely worth an occasional place in the main event, but 'top man' isn't necessarily the most talented unfortunately for him.

Randy is the number 2 guy to Cena, and has been for ages. If Cena was to be out injured for a while then Randy could take the mantle, but he's only a couple of years younger than Cena so it wouldn't be a long-term thing. I think he could be absolutely huge when he returns soon.

Roman Reigns is the most obvious choice, but he's got a lot of work to do before he's anywhere near ready for that role. Right now his charisma and mic skills are almost non-existent, and his ring work isn't so amazing to cover it up. Cena's not exactly Kurt Angle, but he can work a crowd like nobody else. Roman needs to be able to do it too.

I just don't see 'star' written all over Seth Rollins. His ring work is great, his mic work is good and he's got a good look, but he just hasn't got that 'it' factor that the top guy needs. Nobody's going to tune in to Raw to see Seth Rollins.

I'd love to see them make something big of Cesaro. The swing and the uppercuts are crazy over, and his ridiculous strength is fantastic. I don't see WWE making a top guy of a European wrestler though. Bulldog, Regal and Barrett all got to the near-top - for me all three should have had a title reign at their peaks. I know Sheamus has had a few (and of course Andre was European). I've never been sold on Sheamus and he's not young, whereas Andre was one of a kind.

I don't know much of the guys down in NXT, but of what I have seen I don't think Neville or Zayn are that guy either. High flyers never tend to be, it has to be someone who looks like a legit threat. Maybe Steen?
I think even although he was injured and has been out for a couple of months, you will see the Roman Reigns push back on when he comes back.

He has the looks, intensity and charisma to be top dog in the WWE. He's not great on the mic, but that will come along in due time. Not every wrestler is great on the stick and shouldn't be expected to be. Orton's been around for years and he's still a bit stiff as well when he has the mic in his hands. Reigns has a lot of different moves that we don't get to see. Watch some of his matches in NXT and you'll see he used them. When they brought him up to the main roster, they cut half of them out.

Wrestlers like Jericho, Cena, Miz, Ambrose, Wyatt and others are naturals with the mic, and everyone shouldn't be judged based on what someone else can do.

I was really hoping they would have pushed Ambrose a little more, and he did get a push, but this program with Wyatt is going nowhere fast. And it's not Ambrose' fault. Wyatt has been paired with Cena, Jericho, Bryan, Kane and now Ambrose, and all of those feuds felt flat after awhile. He talks a good game, but can't back it up in the ring.

So I think the next John Cena, if there even is one, will be Roman Reigns, that's the guy they want, and it's just up to him to see if he can deliver. The good thing is they have lot's to fall back on now. Ambrose, Cesaro, Ziggler and if they need to turn Rollins face and see how he does.
Y'know, charisma is a personal quality that can't be taught....can't be instilled in someone who doesn't have it from the beginning. I can believe there are techniques to bring the quality out in someone who wasn't showing it before.....but if it ain't there, it can't be created.

John Cena's got it; it was obvious from the beginning, even with that "Thuganomics" stuff he was doing as a heel. Hulk Hogan had it, Steve Austin had it, Rock had it, Sting had it, as did Ric Flair. There are others, of course, but the list is smaller than you might think.

Charisma is a characteristic that will make you watch the person who has it, no matter what he's doing. He can be in a 20 man Battle Royale and ....to the extent the TV camera will allow it....you find yourself watching only that person. Cena's got that and always has.

Yes, yes, of course some of you are bound to tell me you "hate" Cena and have no interest in watching him......the fact he's so much bigger than everyone else in the industry makes many folks feel like unique rebels if they deny the obvious. Hogan had the same problem; he was so over the top that many "hated" him, too. It's the curse of being so far ahead of the rest of the field.

I'm remembering when Austin and Rock were ruling the roost; wrestling fans were asking where we would get the next person who'd be as dominant as them......there really was no one to fill the bill. Sure, someone could be installed as the top attraction when those two left, but there was consternation at the time because no one had the qualities needed to really be a Rock or Austin. Little did we know that the next guy hadn't arrived in WWE yet.....he was gaining style and polish in West Newbury, Massachusetts.

The next John Cena? No one on the roster today.....but somewhere out there....
I'd say the SHIELD as a whole alongwith Daniel Bryan are the one who are getting the main pushes.

However, like Sally said above, that "Next" guy might not be on the Roster as yet.

Also, John Cena and his run at the top seems an exception, as he has had a long long run, and I don't see that being a norm as even Stone Cold and the Rock got less than 5 years(although some circumstances were involved)
I've said it before and i'll say it again, Kevin Steen (owens) has got "it" If WWE play it right with him he will be more over than anyone on the roster when Cena finally steps down/goes part time. Steen is amazing in the ring wether face or heel, he looks intimadating, his mic skills are terrific and he has that charisma that makes you watch him. If his act isn't neutered too much by WWE he will be amazing.
If it's not Reigns, then Sally's probably right. It will be someone we've never seen or heard from before. He'd better sure make it here fast though, cause Cena ain't getting any younger.

One thing for sure, the IWC will immediately find something wrong with him, and something to complain about. Cause we're the iWC, and we're fickle and proud of it.
John Cena is irreplaceable, like it or not. Right now, I don't think anyone out there has the skills to take his place.

But, like many others in this thread, I think maybe Ziggler has the tools to get there. He is really strong on the mic and is showing a lot of potential in the ring. If the WWE can market him successfully, then there is no reason why he can't the company for a while when Cena goes.

But Cena is a wonder into himself. He has the Super Cena look that gets him a lot of attention and means he can carry off lifting people like The Big Show and Brock Lesnar. He is good on the stick that means people gravitate towards him. And he is semi-good in the ring that makes it believable for him to keep on winning. Realistically, when you look at the WWE roster, who has the same “talents” or look that he does? Maybe Roman Reigns, actually.

Oh dear!
While I'm siding with Sally here in saying that the one to "replace" Cena isn't on the roster at press time, NXT is quite large and does have some FANTASTIC talents there, and I'm not just talking about the former Indy Darlings.

For all we know guys who are in the indies now are the next Cena and the first guy that comes to mind is Adam Cole, although a bit lighter and less believable as a "hero" than Cena is, he has a GREAT look and has a great repertoire of moves.

But in all honesty if I were these up and coming guys I wouldn't strive to be Cena. Can the guy draw? Of course he can. Can he sell t-shirts? With the best of them. Can he be in action movies and make sick kids happy? Yes and without a doubt, but in all honesty I truly believe guys get into wrestling as a whole to make something out of themselves, not to follow the guys who preceded them.

Not that there is a damn thing wrong with being the second coming of Cena, Hogan, Austin, Rock, or any of the other greats, it's just for the fact that in my opinion you should try to carve your own niche in the business.
Good points, especially on Cena's charisma. People might might him, but I still remember when Cena and Ambrose worked as a tag team not too long ago and fans were chanting "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks"....while Ambrose was the one in the ring. Like him or not, you're probably paying more attention to him.
If WWE can give him a good feud with someone that will lite a fire under the fans to cheer for Cesaro he is a good person to replace him.
Ever though he is not super over with the crowd, they love him. Given the right feud he will be gold, he can wrestle and he can learn to talk. Seems like he could go strong for a very long time. He can make any match look good and is funny. And like I said, good with the crowd outside the ring.
A good champion and face of the company should be a guy who always makes his contenders look better and sell them as legitimate threats. That's what Flair was good at, that's what Michaels was good at, and thats what Cena is good at(in my opinion). Which is probably why Ryback has never held a championship in his career. he makes a better contender then a champion. Rollins is good but I feel like he should be tested as a babyface first, same with Cesaro. Bryan is an obvious choice because he does have that Champion trait of making the contenders look legit. Im with the majority on Sheamus, he needs to be a heel, maybe not heel champion but a heel. Reigns has potential but it is just too early to tell, he hasnt been in any serious feuds where he shows real dimension as a performer. But maybe thats because he has had only one major feud and that was with Orton who is basically "Baby's first big time feud" (see Kofi and Barrett). Randy is okay but just feels like a "been there, done that" kind of thing.
If they are seriously going to push Reigns as a top face, then I can see Ambrose or maybe Wyatt as the number 2 guy in the company. I like the Rollins Vs Ambrose feud, and I believe they will feud for years to come. But I believe a heel Ambrose and a face Reigns can be money. Ambrose is a great face, and if they want to keep him face I don't mind, but if Reigns is going to be the top face, then I could see Ambrose being the top heel in the company.
I think Sami Zayn could be the next one. Similar to AJ Styles in TNA.

Build him up and make it a big thing for him to win the big one, but keep him as Champ for a long time. Taking on allcomers and winning.
Roman Reigns will be the next John Cena, however he is nowhere near ready. He is going to be shoved down our throats till we boo him, just like Cena, He will probably get loads of merchandise, just like Cena. The only differance is that Cena can actually put on a great match where as Roman, well he cant do that just yet.

I've said countless times that he can be the "man" but he needs to go through the mid-card first and give the fans a reason to cheer for him rather than shoving him into a spot he isn't ready for. He isn't as popular as Daniel Bryan or Dean Ambrose at this stage. And they 2 guys are miles and miles ahead of him when it comes to putting together an actual match. Roman just needs time, and not to be put front and centre just yet.
I agree with the above poster, I think Reigns can be the man (he doesn't need to be the next Cena though, he needs to be his own man) but it will take a little longer than WWE want it to. Beating Lesnar is as huge accolade, but it's also a bit of a cop out. Ultimately Reigns needs to beat Cena, but doing Cena/Reigns for the title at 31 is too soon. The solution? Reigns vs. Cena needs to be booked as a two year programme, with Reigns losing to Cena at 31, & Cena losing to Regins in the rematch (this time for the heavyweight title) at Mania 32.

I'd have round one as the opening match, with Reigns going in as the cocky heel with something to prove against the top dog, I'd have his arrogance be his downfall that allows Cena to get a flukey win. Skip forward a year, & you reverse the heel/face roles, with Cena going in as the heel corporate champ. It's sort of the equivalent of what they were planning to do at Mania 14 with Hart/Austin part II, but never could due to, well, obvious reasons.

Before you maul me for suggesting that he turns heel & loses to Cena at 31, this is all about reverse psychology, it's about working those 'smart' fans into feeling sorry for Reigns.
How about no next Cena? I dont want one "hero". I want multiple icons, like back in the day, so whole 3 hours will be interesting, not just 20 minutes combined.
Cosigned on Roman Reigns and that there will "never be another John Cena"... the dude is pretty unique and can carry storylines that require long winded promos, etc. with decent matches and a super safe wrestling style to deal with part-timers.

Roman Reigns on the other hand is soft spoken and needs work. I can't see him carrying a 10-15 minute storyline promo like Cena does without tripping his words and being loud enough. The things he says come off scripted and very stiff. But he does have the look, the size, the "it factor". He won't be Cena, but he has potential to be the top babyface in the company eventually if they book him correctly and he continues to work on his mic skills. He should play to his "strong and silent type" character because he isn't going to be another Rock or Stone Cold.
Is being the next Cena a good thing? He gets booed more than cheered and is a very boring wrestler with littler charisma and no storylines going on. When is the last time you had any interest in a Cena match??

Daniel Bryan I guess...the fans like him and more importantly, respect him.
A good champion and face of the company should be a guy who always makes his contenders look better and sell them as legitimate threats.
I disagree. That format worked for the territorial system because there was no chance of the title changing hands as any World title change had to be voted upon by board members. The individual territories had no World champion as they were all bound to recognize the NWA World title as THE one and only World championship. It was therefore the job of the NWA champion to make the stars of each territory in which he traveled look good so that fans would continue to come see them even without a World championship match.

However in a sole owned promotion like WWE, it is important to have a champion who IS the brightest star. The champion must be the one who is selling the tickets since you have full control of the title and it can be on more shows.

That's what Flair was good at,
I'll give you that. Flair was good in that role.
John cena has been the face of the company for 10 years. The majority of the wwe universe liked him,at least for one storyline. He is always the good guy and this is sometimes annoying. I believe 2014 was his last year as the face. The new face will be obviously Roman Reigns. Other favorable options are Ambrose,Dolph,Cesaro. Maybe the big surpse will be done by bringing a guy fron NXT and have him dominate big superstars.

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