Who Should Be The Next Intercontinental Champion?

I'd want Fandango to carry the strap. Put him back into the position he was in earlier this year.

Though I can see the more logical choice being Big E Langston. Which dosent bother me at all. Good choice and has massive potential.
Personally I would like to see Wade Barret have a better run as IC champion, I feel, despite him being a multiple IC champion he has never been given long enough to be noticed because he's English.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like English people either but he's very good on the mic and looks quite an imposing figure as well as having the arrogance a heel champion needs.
All this wrestler needs is the right storyline written for him.

My second choice would be Antonio Cesaro, he's very good in the ring for a mid to mid/large wrestler. He does need to work on his mic skills but I like the ex rugby player gimmick. The south Africans say rugby is a thug sport played by gentleman. I've also heard the expression rugby is the game played in heaven.

If he were to be given a chance with the IC belt I'm sure the incentive would get him to patch up what he needs.
They're on tour, which normally sees a title change and RAW will be in the UK this week.

Remember that Wade Barrett repackage, I can easily see him steamrollering Axel this week, even if he is heel going forward as he'll be on home soil and the de facto face for the match. Barrett takes it, becomes a Heyman guy at Axel's expense and feuds with he and Big E. over the belt.

However... There is another card that has worked before and another guy who could majorly benefit from it.

Remember the "Milan Miracle" where Santino won the IC on his debut? WWE has a British star waiting to debut, who could easily "stun" Axel at RAW... Adrian Neville/Pac. He has been ready for some time and could easily wow on a title winning debut. From there depending on what they do with him could be almost blank canvas... Make him a Heyman guy, feud him with Kidd for the belt.

Reality is though I also see a Diesel push on the horizon for Roman Reigns... He batters Axel, then feuds with Ambrose to unify. It'll suck but it's the most likely of the three.

If I had to pick, let Neville run with it, he'd bring some shine back to it with exciting matches at the very least. But I expect the change whatever happens to be on this tour!
They're on tour, which normally sees a title change and RAW will be in the UK this week.

Remember that Wade Barrett repackage, I can easily see him steamrollering Axel this week, even if he is heel going forward as he'll be on home soil and the de facto face for the match. Barrett takes it, becomes a Heyman guy at Axel's expense and feuds with he and Big E. over the belt.

However... There is another card that has worked before and another guy who could majorly benefit from it.

Remember the "Milan Miracle" where Santino won the IC on his debut? WWE has a British star waiting to debut, who could easily "stun" Axel at RAW... Adrian Neville/Pac. He has been ready for some time and could easily wow on a title winning debut. From there depending on what they do with him could be almost blank canvas... Make him a Heyman guy, feud him with Kidd for the belt.

Reality is though I also see a Diesel push on the horizon for Roman Reigns... He batters Axel, then feuds with Ambrose to unify. It'll suck but it's the most likely of the three.

If I had to pick, let Neville run with it, he'd bring some shine back to it with exciting matches at the very least. But I expect the change whatever happens to be on this tour!
Big E seems the obvious choice as he's been circling both mid card titles over the last few weeks and is starting to get over. Personally I'd like Rollins to win it to set up a feud between him and Ambrose over both mid card titles once Reigns has set off on his mega push that will probably skip the mid card Championships.
It doesn't matter who the next IC champ is because the title no longer has any meaning. Long gone are the days when Honkey, Brett Hart, Savage, Steamboat and the like could have a great feud over the title. It is dead.
I agree with many posters that Big E would be a good choice as IC Champ. He reminds me of a Lashley and I loved Lashley. Im not a big fan of Big E, but he is a power gut and that is what I am a fan of. When Sheamus returns, I would enjoy a short feud between these guys but I would not want to see Sheamus relegated to the IC Title.
I agree that Langston is the obvious choice and will prob be the one to take the title off Axel.
I would love to see Tyson Kidd step up and work a program with Axel. They had an awesome feud in NXT and Axel pulled off some pretty good promos talking about Kidd pretending to be Hart etc.

A wild card choice would be Roman Reigns. He could win it in a triple threat or some multi-man match so it's not heel vs heel. That would create tension between himself and Dean Ambrose on who was the best man in the shield and Roman could turn face in the process
Instead of focusing on who needs a boost, I'd rather see the title go to someone who can easily be brought into a feud and can actually lift the title up, not the other way around. Let's face it: it's the IC title that needs the boost.

So slap that thing on Roman Reigns, who needs no other reason to take out Curtis Axel than The Shield is down two title belts, and Curtis Axel is a flaming bag of donkey poo. Reigns takes him out in a two minute squash match that sees Ryback half-heartedly interfere, only to be blocked by Rollins.

Now, you've got Reigns as IC champ, immediate heat with his stablemate in Ambrose, potential heat with the third wheel in the group in Rollins, and two immediate threats in Ryback and Langston. All of this builds to Ambrose Vs. Reigns, who each hold their title up after their matches to the other, practically taunting one another...at first in friendly rivalry, but eventually with more and more anger.

Net impact: Suddenly BOTH belts are seen as relevant, and you've got the makings of one hot feud that doesn't involve a main event player.

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