Who Should Be The Man To Take The Immortals Down?


Brilliant Idiot
In a previous thread someone else posted, they made an interesting and valid point. If done correctly, the man or men who take the Immortals down has a chance to become the next big thing in wrestling, in some ways.

So, my question would be; who do you think that man should be?

Some wrestlers that come to mind are The Pope, Samoa Joe and Rob Van Dam. However, I have my doubts about all three.

The Pope, and I don't mean to be so negative, is black. It can be a little unluckily that he would be chosen. I'd love to see it work. I just sincerely doubt it. However, in the ring and on the mic, this guys got the goods.

Samoa Joe, as good as he is, doesn't really fit the part for me. However, weirder things have happened. I still feel that he wouldn't be picked for this job, however.

Finally, with Van Dam, he's just not good on the mic. I just can't see compelling television coming out of the mic work between Van Dam and Jeff Hardy.

The only other guy that comes to mind is Mr. Anderson. That could be exciting. That, could be the ticket. He's decent in the ring and can definitely work the mic.

What do you guys think?
I think that it can be AJ Styles. Of course he is a part of the Immortals right now, but I think it won't be long before he will start to fight them. At the moment you have Hogan, Flair and Bicshoff as leaders of the immortal, and I think that these guys cannot share power for too long. Thus, they may be some break in the group, e.g. Bischoff turning on Hogan, or Flair turning on the immortals, AJ turning on all of them.
I think it should be AJ Styles.
that is also something that would take time, because it would have involve him eventually turning on Flair/Fortune and going against Immortal.

I think you could have a fairly lengthy title run from Hardy. continuing to defend the title in wins, but not always winning cleanly as immortal could help him in victories. there would be many face wrestlers that try to beat Hardy with all the names mentioned, but they will all fail.

once you eventually have AJ Styles turn on Fortune and become face(maybe with help from one of Angle/Sting/Nash/other) then he could face off against Hardy. once he then beats Hardy on that level it could/should put him higher than he has ever been before. I know he has been TNA champion before for a lengthy time, but this time there would be more viewers seeing it as well as he would be the one to beat the big bad group of Immortal. reminds me of when in WCW Sting finally beat Hogan and all of WCW came down to the ring to celebrate.
at that point it would also be up to TNA to market Styles more so that even more people know who he is to make him into a bigger star. I don't watch WWE much anymore, but Styles should be the TNA version of Cena.
I think that it could be one of a few people but when it comes to the question for who it should be. Actually firstly ill start with the could be's: Samoa Joe, AJ styles, Mr Anderson, Pope, Matt Morgan.....

now would you look at that startling news, all of the guys who could potentially take down this massive heel steam train are YOUNG,FRESH,GOOD ATHLETES,AND THE FUTURE OF THE COMPANY!!! This is in fact a revelation and very good news.

Now the guys who SHOULD take the down: Of these anybody except for joe, I'm honest to god sorry joe but if the company wants to be taken seriously its top guy cannot be a guy who only a cult following amongst his own fans............who cheer joe is going to get you.................because they are actually mocking you................because your overweight I'm sorry but this is just the case, nobody wants to admit it but joe cant be top man because hes fat, not my fault, kids would not watch that, they want superman not fatman. In fact I think joe could make a great top heel for thr future just not top face, so there.

Frankly any of the other guys of perhaps a combination of them would be great in dismantling the 'immortal' machine, I rank all of them highly and think that although some are better than others slightly (AJ best wrestler and anderson best mic guy) they are all very well rounded packages who deserve to be the future and this storyline is on the verge of growing to the proportion where the victors WILL be the future.
Im hoping it will be Mr Anderson. Maybe even the Pope. But Im sure it may end up being someone like Joe. Please Not Joe. Joe is a fat piece of dung. During his match with Desmond Wolfe at a house show down in Lake Charles I would hollar "BOOOOOOOOBS!!!" every time he'd get a pop... Put a top on that guy and move him to the knock outs division.
The first person i can think of come to my mind is AJ styles. It makes sense he should be the guy to lead other guys like Joe, The Pope and RVD against The Immortals. If its done correctly with AJ styles leaving the group and wrestling Flair can make sense. I don't see Joe as a type to go after them by himself especially with what TNA is doing with him. I would say turn AJ styles as babyface and have him team with The Pope, RVD and mr Anderson and probably continue while Kurt Angle comes back from taking time off
Who it should be is whoever is most relevant in terms of the story progression at the point it's actually called for — that is to say, it's absolutely impossible to say one way or another at this juncture who that guy should actually be. Nothing but conjecture, really.

As of this moment Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson have the most invested in the story, so I certainly wouldn't count either out just yet.
I'd like to see someone completely unknown, someone we don't know yet to come in and put together the best fight against Immortal. I think no one man will beat Immortal on his own, that would never ever happen. I think that Immortal will most likely self destruct with half its key members turning on the others and feuding.
AJ doesn't have the mic skills to be a top guy haven't you guys been watching????? he's ok in the ring but has and uses zero ring pshycology...he's in the spot he should be as a top end mid-card guy...he looked absolutely ridiculous when they put him with flair trying to act like flair it didn't work and won't work.i'm sure the people in charge in tna now have to realize AJ isn't a main event guy.

let's see someone new in the world title hunt...matt morgan...follow up a long heel run with a long monster face run for morgan.

tna has only 2 or 3 legit world champs,angle,jeff,and rvd(and rvd is shit as champ) i don't really see who could run with it...maybe anderson or pope...but morgan would be more believeable cuz of his size.
but if pope or anderson got it..that would be intresting 2 see if those guys can carry it.
I hope it's Joe. It would be a great way for him to start picking up some steam once again. Also, I agree with the people who said that this would be a good time to turn AJ face and have him be the one to take down the stable. Styles was actually the first person who came to mind when I read the original post, since at this point I'm pretty much just waiting for him to turn face again.

But most likely the person will be Angle. It makes sense since he is involved with the storyline and because he is obviously one of the most over in the company. I guess there is also a chance that it could be Anderson, but I'm still kinda thinking/hoping he'll turn heel soon. I doubt it will be RVD. RVD will be involved in it I'm sure, but I just can't see RVD taking down the stable - single handedly, anyway.

There is also a possibility that it will be Pope but I think that scenario is less likely than all the other guys I mentioned. At any rate, if it does end up being Pope, he's going to really need to get some credibility back beforehand, since he has really had some odd booking as of late.
AJ doesn't have the mic skills to be a top guy haven't you guys been watching????? he's ok in the ring but has and uses zero ring pshycology...he's in the spot he should be as a top end mid-card guy...he looked absolutely ridiculous when they put him with flair trying to act like flair it didn't work and won't work.i'm sure the people in charge in tna now have to realize AJ isn't a main event guy.

let's see someone new in the world title hunt...matt morgan...follow up a long heel run with a long monster face run for morgan.

tna has only 2 or 3 legit world champs,angle,jeff,and rvd(and rvd is shit as champ) i don't really see who could run with it...maybe anderson or pope...but morgan would be more believeable cuz of his size.
but if pope or anderson got it..that would be intresting 2 see if those guys can carry it.

but hardy should get a long run first.
Who it should be is whoever is most relevant in terms of the story progression at the point it's actually called for — that is to say, it's absolutely impossible to say one way or another at this juncture who that guy should actually be. Nothing but conjecture, really.

As of this moment Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson have the most invested in the story, so I certainly wouldn't count either out just yet.

Excellent point as usual, IDR, it can only be conjecture at this point. Most likely, this storyline will go one for many months, and who it is to bring down the Immortals will largely depend on how the storyline plays out. I expect a lot of comings and goings from this faction as the story unfolds, so to truly be able to select the one to bring the faction down is pretty difficult to determine.

That being said, these forums are all about conjecture, so let's speculate. Assuming things play out in a manner that I would anticipate (rightly or wrongly), the person to bring down the Immortals has to be AJ Styles. Otherwise the storyline, which in my opinion has commenced in a flawed fashion, will ultimately fail. Styles eventually tires of being a nameless face in a crowd. Once the crown jewel of the organization, you almost forget that he is one of the dozen or so guys in the new regime. At some point, he has to stand up for the organization he was such a pivotal part of getting off the ground; he has to emerge from the shadows of Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, even Jeff Jarrett and re-assert him as where he belongs, as the face of the organization, the one the company is focussed upon.

I think that Styles would be the most logical person to topple the evil regime. Angle or Anderson, or even RVD, could do so as well, but they all come with inherent risks as their respective histories have shown.

Of course there are two other possible sources of the termination of the Immortals. Both the long arm of the law, ie, the legal system, as well as Father Time, are waiting in the wings and these could eventual be the forces at work to end the Immortals.
I think it could be Styles. They could have him learn everything he can from Flair and then completely turn on him and the rest of the group. It would also catapult him right back into the main event, where he really should be. It would be the ultimate low blow.
I realize that RVD has mostly been pushed for Jeff Hardy's main feud, but The Pope has a huge amount of untapped potential for that spot. RVD has the whole "it's personal" angle going, although The Pope's a bit better on the mic, in my opinion. Also a possible religious theme with Pope and the 'Anti-Christ'.

Although the Pope does seem more serious for refusing to leave like Nash and Sting, I think the 'lone wolf' thing is largely unnecessary. We have Pope, Anderson, RVD, Angle, and Joe, at the very least, all against Immortal in general or one of them in particular.

Hardy needs to retain the title against them, CLEANLY, for a while, rotating the challengers by doing the dangerous spots he's known for and putting people out for a week or so. Realizing that they're getting nowhere, the challengers need to band together either officially or unofficially. The rest of the Immortals start needing to intervene either physically or from a management standpoint (maybe Jeff loses the title but gets it back almost instantly, perhaps a la Jericho getting HHH's title and having to return it because 'it never happened'). Nash and Sting come back to tip the scales and AJ gets tired of playing second fiddle. Maybe before that, Matt Hardy shows up to boost the anti-Immortals; ruthlessly taking Matt out would add to Jeff's heel credibility as well. Pope is probably my first choice to end up with the title.
The lone wolf thing is how it is going to be for a little while. Its meant to be this way. Immortal will dominate everyone until they start teaming up to stand a chance. The two most talented overall faces they have other then Angle is Anderson and Pope.
I wouldn't even say that TNA currently have that kind of superstar that should be able to take down Immortal. And if they do have the superstar, then that specific person needs to be build like a huge threat at first.

But currently the only ones that could've made any sense in taking down Immortal, would've been one of the current members. A.J Styles? Matt Morgan? I don't know, but I see none of the TNA wrestlers that aren't a part of Immortal, actually being able to take down Immortal.

But of course I don't expect this faction to die down any time soon. They can certainly build the superstar that could take down the faction, and they most likely also have the time to bring in the superstar that could do it.
I wish someone new comes and do that... so here is my three options

1) The pope: WTF do u mean by he is black??? So what?? He's black so he isn't good enough? This guy is very good as heel and face and has his own style of cutting promos (of course he does use dusty rhodes and Rock for this.. but who can merge two styles makes it a new style)

2) Robert Rhoode: I prey to God its him. He has it all in my mind. And by all I mean the look, the move set, the "it" factor, the intense look as well as the comic one(the only way John cena is considered good at cutting promos is by this method) , he can be very close to 2004 Triple H (yes a flair or chyna manager would help him alot as it did for Triple H) , just little Flair tutoring on mic and he is good to go.

3) Matt Morgan, why is this guy not appreciated. I mean all he does is stand along flair. But again he has the looks, the muscles, the build-up, and decent on the mic. Do you remember how he suplexed into STOed Big show on the table when he was under Carlito. This guy would work also fine under Robert Rhoode as I mentioned. Robert Rhoode in a group with Nache and matt morgan would be great. Simple (AJ kisses hogan's ass more than flair, James Storm steel a win from Rhoode, and that's enough to the storyline. They are sick of Hogan's controlling Rhoode managed by flair and then followed by flair's enforcer matt)

I know I went far, but I think Robert Rhoode and Matt Morgan can do much more than Jeff Hardy and the immortals (what's up with that name!!)
At present the only people that could take down the Immortals are:
Kurt Angel
Kevin Nash

Bubbling below that there's:
The Pope
Mr Anderson
Samoa Joe

The guys that are seen as on the same level as The Immortals would gain nothing by taking them down and wouldn't help TNA in the future. The guys that're bubbling just under are good but, IMO, they don't have that extra IT factor to become the super duper huge name that TNA needs.

So, to me, there's no-one, at present, that could take The Immortals down. As has been said though, this story is going to run and run for months and they could easily do a WCW and build someone up as a singularly ultimate threat to The Immortals, like WCW did with Sting (as he was clearly moved to upper mid-card before his crow gimmick started)

I'm interested to see who does it, I just hope TNA isn't able to sign someone like a Batista or Jericho and then have them as the man to bring back TNA.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Matt Hardy.

Most people think its inevitable that he'll go to TNA. When he comes in most people think he'll align with Jeff but on his youtube video he questioned the way in which Jeff won the title and the decisions he made. He'll come in and immediately go against Jeff. The feud could last 2-3 pay per views with Matt eventually coming out on top. Once the top man falls eventually the rest fall fall too.

Also I don't think it'll be Matt alone, they'll be a small coalition of wrestlers to combat Immortal i.e. the MEM story line. The group will consist of Joe, Sting, Lethal and who ever else. They'll look like they have no chance of winning until Matt comes. I

I don't think it'll be Angle or Anderson simply because they are out for themselves at this point. They don't care about the Immortals running things, their just pissed they didn't win the title.

I think if Matt is able portray the amount of emotion and passion that he does in his youtube videos, he'll be able to pull this off.
If I were running the company, I wouldn't make it somebody who is already well established and could handle being on his own. I would use those people to help provide substance and assistance to this person, but Kurt Angle and even Mr. Anderson can hold their own even if they weren't in this storyline at all.

What I would do...and what would work wonders...is have the Immortals stalk their prey and focus on one young guy who holds a lot of potential. They send him messages, they come out and watch his matches and stalk him at first. Then they could either just start attacking him for some random reason or they could try to get him to join them saying that they realize his potential (when in reality they could be afraid that he has the ability to take them down and need him with them instead of against them). He would refuse and then the beat downs begin. This would automatically give this guy an immediate push and make him instantly relevant with a good storyline as the young protagonist against the evil group who gave him an ultimatum. This story line always works anywhere it is. The WWE are somewhat doing the exact opposite with the young inexperienced group of evil doers (NEXUS) and the fan favorite veteran John Cena...although this example makes far more sense and could really push somebody quite well.

AJ Styles would have been a great choice...but he's already in the group and he teeters on that line of already being known and able to handle himself with his established reputation.

Which leaves guys like Pope, Jay Lethal, splitting up the Motor City Machine Guns (Rockers style - although this would hurt their tag team division), Samoa Joe...

Can't really think of much else since most of the high profile and potential talent are in either "Immortal" or "Fortune". They could also kick somebody out of Fortune and do it that way...but it doesn't have the same feel to it as he was once in the group as a villain, etc. But whatever works I guess.
It might as well be Anderson, since nobody else but him on TNA is big enough or can draw enough, right?

At least that's the impression I'm getting here.

All that said, I'd like it to be AJ Styles. The general consensus is that TNA is HIS house. And as long as they stop trying to latch him onto whatever big name is in the company so they can tell us "AJ STYLES IS THE FUTURE OF THIS BUSINESS" and just let him do it, it'd be fine. Just let AJ do it already.
We have Angle, Anderson, RVD, Joe, Pope, and possibly Lethal and the Machine Guns that could take them down. The Immortals have the big names like Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, and Jarrett. The faces need a leader in a position of power that can take them down. I don't know if that will be Dixie or someone else, but there needs to be an authority figure that can take the company from Bischoff and Hogan. Also, I wouldn't be against seeing a member of Fortune leaving the group to join the faces.

The biggest name wrestler of the group would be AJ Styles. He could get sick of how things are going and actually join TNA to take control away from the Immortals.
It should be Mr. Anderson. This guy has the most potential to breakout with all of this. He and The Immortals already have a ton of heat going between each other and Anderson is competent enough in the ring to put on some great matches, not to mention his mic skills. If Anderson takes down the faction, he has the best shot at being TNA's Austin or Rock. Not saying he will ever get there, but there is the chance that if this gimmick catches on, they would only need that one guy to break them out of their shell.
actually in my thread ie the megastar one you mentioned i did ask as to who could be the guy who takes immortals down

another thing that i mentioned is taking immortal down is really step 1.in order to create the next megastar or even close to something like that tna would need a guy with tons of charisma.so the guy who takes immortal down has to have tons of charisma

and lastly i mentioned that for tna to ever be taken seriously they need to create the next megastar of wrestling

considering everything ive written so far the best options for tna are the pope or mr anderson.im saying this because these two are the most charismatic among the young guys in tna.joe and styles are both great wrestlers but they arent charismatic enough to appeal to the casual fan.they are integral parts of the tna machine but i just dont feel they'll be the main players in this war against immortal.

all things said and done,id go for dinero.anderson may be better placed if you are comparing the two right now but i feel this immortal angle is gonna run for a long time.i even believe dinero is better in the ring compared to anderson.he is also equal on charisma with anderson.plus teaming up with a guy like sting cant just be coincidence.

so the pope is going to take down immortal
actually in my thread ie the megastar one you mentioned i did ask as to who could be the guy who takes immortals down

another thing that i mentioned is taking immortal down is really step 1.in order to create the next megastar or even close to something like that tna would need a guy with tons of charisma.so the guy who takes immortal down has to have tons of charisma

and lastly i mentioned that for tna to ever be taken seriously they need to create the next megastar of wrestling

considering everything ive written so far the best options for tna are the pope or mr anderson.im saying this because these two are the most charismatic among the young guys in tna.joe and styles are both great wrestlers but they arent charismatic enough to appeal to the casual fan.they are integral parts of the tna machine but i just dont feel they'll be the main players in this war against immortal.

all things said and done,id go for dinero.anderson may be better placed if you are comparing the two right now but i feel this immortal angle is gonna run for a long time.i even believe dinero is better in the ring compared to anderson.he is also equal on charisma with anderson.plus teaming up with a guy like sting cant just be coincidence.

so the pope is going to take down immortal

edit:i dunno how this double posted.mods please delete this post(any one of the two)

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