Who realy is the Best in the World at what they Do?

Who is the best in the world?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

  • The Undertaker

  • Chris Jericho

  • Triple H

  • Kurt Angle

  • AJ Styles

  • Edge

  • CM Punk

  • other

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Championship Contender
Every time Jericho cuts a promo, he claims he is the best in the world at what he does. So the question is who do you think is the best in the world?
You can determine this by all around wrestling with in ring and mic work combined. Make sure you give a explanation and use details on why you believe they are the best. It has to be an active wrestler somewhere in the world.
Every time Jericho cuts a promo, he claims he is the best in the world at what he does. So the question is who do you think is the best in the world?
You can determine this by all around wrestling with in ring and mic work combined. Make sure you give a explanation and use details on why you believe they are the best.

Right now? John Cena. Hes the highest draw in the WWE, the worlds greatest federation. Every moment he is in the ring he is entertaining or causing a reaction from the fans, he can tell a good story and can cut awesome promos, thus he is the best.

In overall "technical" wrestling? Possibly Kurt Angle.

In terms of promos? Difficult to tell, Maybe CM Punk, but its hard to tell.

But the best wrestler overall is John Cena.
For me, this is an incredibly easy question. The best in the world at what is does is your Olympic Gold Medallist, Kurt Angle

Angle is wrestling to me. The man has given everything in his body for the business, coming back from broken necks, painkiller addiction and however many injuries he has had over the years to still put on show-stealing performances every time he steps into the ring. In his physical condition, he probably shouldnt even be an active competitor anymore, but he loves the business so much that he is willing to take the risk to put on a show for the fans.

Kurt Angle is a phenomenal submission wrestler, we all know that. The man won the olympics with a broken neck, and he transformed from a world class amateur wrestler into the best PROFESSIONAL wrestler in the world, in the space of 12 months or so.

He has had so many A* matches in his career, both in WWE and TNA, and has become one of the most entertaining guys on the mic in the business. There are people who are better at cutting promos, but at present when you add his promo skills, name value, popularity with the fans and his phenomenal wrestling ability together....Kurt Angle is the best wrestler in the world today without a doubt
At this moment in time: CM Punk

Punk has, since his heel turn last year, been on an undeniable roll. His promos are damn entertaining and his in-ring performances have been consistently good. Punk has been hated by the majority of the 'WWE Universe' but the crowd also show him respect occasionally by chanting for him. Punk was the highlight (arguably) of the Royal Rumble this year and has been a promo master rivalled by a select few.
Not that I like him in anyway, shape or form.. and not that I ACTUALLY wanted to vote for him, but I have respect for him and what he's given; he has an amazing passion for the business itself and he loves it.

I voted John Cena.

He's the main man in the entire world's biggest Wrestling business. He's the poster child, he's had many titles (not the most, but many) and everytime he cuts a promo it's coming straight from the heart. I don't ALWAYS find him funny, but sometimes, he can be funny; which helps, because it shows that he's interacting with the fans - which is a big advantage seeing as we are currently in PG rating and it's main focus is children right now. (I don't have a problem with that whatsoever).

In some of his promos, he'll say how he's scratched and clawed to get where he is today. I have respect for him, just because of what he's given to the business. Since 2002, I haven't seen one match that's had John Cena in which I haven't been dissapointed with - minus the obvious scenario's when I didn't want him to win; but he still puts on a show to be remembered.

I'm going to have to stick with John Cena on this poll.
John Cena; as of right now, is the best in the world at what he does.
I went with the other people who voted, but didn't say anything. Chris Jericho. A name isn't given to someone "Just because" normally there is some truth to it. The Rock was "The Great One" for a reason, Benoit was "the best technical wrestler in the world" for a reason, and HHH is "The Game" for a damn good reason.

Jericho is one of the few men who can win a World Title one month, and lose to a guy like Wade Barrett a few months later on RAW. Or Evan Bourne, yet lose no credibility at all. Even as a heel, Jericho gets one of the loudest chants each night. Sometimes that rivaling Cena's even. He has that rare mix of good in ring, and on the mic. Not seen too much out of superstars these days, especially Canadian ones (usually good at one, or the other). Jericho is the best promo man in the company, whether he be heel, or face, his promo's get a reaction. While I agree Punk is second to him, his promo's didn't go over as well as a face. Hence the Heel turn. A vet of 20 years (this Oct) he's really done it all, and not slowed down at all. There is still plenty of Jericho left to come. Both Match, and Promo wise.
Depends to what aspect we look at it. In general Chris Jericho is the best in the world at what he does. He puts people over while making himself looking credible as well, he gives prestige to the mid-card championships when holding them and he features firm feuds every time he's thrown into a proper one.

The best wrestler in the world to me is obviously Kurt Angle right now. He has the ground as well as somewhat aerial move set that makes him one hell of a guy to watch wrestling.

Best speaker is CM Punk. The guy can get a crowd worked up like very few others, and he gets a reaction out of them all. He is a great heel and he's able to make one of the best promos in the business today.

Draw is a hard one, obviously it's John Cena. But we can't be certain that someone else put in the situation of John Cena couldn't in fact draw the same ratings. I'm certain Randy Orton could be one hell of a draw as well if given the position to do it on the top, above John Cena.

Merchandise is obviously John Cena though, but he was most likely heavily contested by Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and D-Generation X when they were around (Rey still is, and I'm convinced he's still pushing against John in terms of merchandise).

In that way, there's many "best in the world at what they do". Because they do many different things in the business.
Note: this opinion may be a bit biast, seeing that jericho is my second favorite wrestler. :rolleyes:

Chris Jericho. Hands down. You really think its just a gimmick WWE came up on their own? No. Name one person on this list that can go on a losing streak losing to lower mid carders stuck in their own runts, and still be the number one contender the next week on RAW? Who else on that list can say they've won numerous different titles around the world? (with the exception of Kurt Angle) Jericho has great mic skills, he can play a good heel and a face, he fueds and puts over young talent, his in ring ability has gotten slower over the years but is still good enough to put on a five star match. He's in his late 30's and still adding moves to his arsonal (the code breaker). Who else on that list can work mid-carder without seeming like hes down on his luck? Unertaker? HHH? Angle?...Answer to all of these questions, no one. Chris hericho really is the best in the world at what he does.
It has to be Chris Jericho. He's good as a face and as a heel, he can job to people without losing credibility and still looking good. He adds prestige to the mid-card title when he's holding it and is great as the World Champ. He's great in the ring and great on the mic so basically he's great.

Close second for me is Randy Orton if you think about it Randy is also a great overall wrestler. But Jericho has to win my vote.
A.J Styles is my pick just look at the facts.

PWI gave A.J Styles the top spot that they mainly give that spot to the WWE guys. Is the one off the three people not to be in WWE to get number one spot previous winners are Dean Malenko in 1997 and Sting in 1992. He is the Face of TNA therefore even when he is a heel now has Triple H done that or the Rock or even John Cena or better yet Hulk Hogan. He has had the best matches in TNA history with Chris Daniels, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle and is the and is the best all around wrestler in the world. He is the leader of Fortune the best group in wrestling at this moment in my option.

My second pick is Chris Jericho and the reason he did not get first is he can't draw a dime and does not always have great matches every night even though they are good for that reason he is not the best in the world.

My Third pick would have been John Cena and the reasons he does not get number one or two is he just can't wrestle good matches even though he draws lots off money and is over with the fans he just can't wrestle therefore he does not get number one.
His match with Hardy at No Surrender only reassured me that Kurt Angle is truly the best in the world.

This match showed he can have a 5 Star match with anyone. Doesn't matter their style or the match type. I started watching No Surrender believing that even Angle couldn't carry Hardy at this point, but boy was I wrong. They had to me the match of the year. Back and forth, back and forth.

I've heard complaints of how he tends to do the same spots. Yes he may, but these spots are still amazing every time and he tends to add some thing different to every one of his matches. Whether its a moonsault, a 450 splash, or a power bomb (the one he did against Hardy was spectacular).

Don't get me wrong I love Jericho, Punk, Taker, and Cena. But the one thing Angle has over them is consistency. Every time Angle is in a match, its the best of the night. He continues even after all his injuries and all the years to night after night put on quality matches with everyone he wrestles.

His promos are more intense than anyone else on this list imo. When he's a face they are heartfelt and noble. When he's a heel he's cocky, arrogant, and lets you know he is better than everyone else.

And no one has done more for the credibility of TNA than Kurt Angle. AJ may have built the house, but Kurt added steel reinforcements.

For me at least it doesn't get better than Kurt Angle in terms of consistent quality wrestling matches with anyone from any style.

Note: I had a tough choice between Angle and Cena. Simply because of Cena's ability to to get a reaction from the crowd and sheer drawing power. In the end I chose quality matches over money making.
Right now? In my mind? Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho has so much experience behind him and is a complete natural at entertaining and putting on stellar matches. He can do anything given to him, he can wrestle anyone and make it at least a decent match and he can cut an amazing promo as either a heel or a face. I won’t go into a huge paragraph of how good he really is because let’s face it, we all know how good he really is.

It was a hard choice to vote either Jericho or Angle. The thing that makes Jericho better in my eyes is he has so much more experience than Angle and has done more in the business. He can literally do anything in the business. Angle is probably the best in ring wrestler these days but Jericho would be very close behind him but having Jericho in so many of the most memorable wrestling moments and knowing that he has travelled the world wrestling puts him above Angle in my opinion.

I think right now from the list you’ve put up CM Punk is the 3rd best and will one day be seen in the same light as Jericho and Angle.
I'm assuming you mean best wrestler by the best at what they do.... cuz they do ALOT of things, but as far as best wrestler goes, to me it is too easy, it's the one with olympic gold, hell even if we were goin all around best, still gotta give it to him, he's good on the mic, he may not be funny (anymore, still miss the small cowboy hat), his presence is undeniable, and to me, best theme music EVER! ( which I hate saying cuz I have to give credit to Cena's bloodline, but I'm willing to do it =)
and to me, best theme music EVER!

Now If you are talking about Kurt's theme music in WWE, then I'm sorry, but it was recycled music. Was not made for him. It originally was used by "The Patriot" back in the 90's.

Any way, I stand by my pick many many pages ago of Chris Jericho. Unlike what some other ill informed member said about him.. He can go out and have a great match with just about anyone on the roster. Cena, Orton, JBL, HBK, even down to Evan Bourne. All have had some great matches against him. After this past Monday, he showed that his mic ability is still second to none.

On a side note, Next-Jericho.. You said Chris can't draw, yet you picked AJ styles.. Hmm.. Funny since I bet if Jericho were in TNA, he'd be twice the Draw that AJ is. Just saying.
Mongoose, no, although I liked that music, I was talking about the one he comes out to now by Trademarc (and as far as bigger draw, sure, Chris is now, but AJ has time, and I really hope he comes to TNA even if it's just for one match, with AJ, a dream match, to me anyways, that might actually be possible)
Kurt Angle can cut great promos lose a match and not suffer cred wise............He the best rite now and one of the top 10 greatest ever
Chris Jericho
Awesome in every way IMO
I'm never bored with his promos. He can make any match entertaining (from what i've seen anyway), he's INCREDIBLY over. and if he were to turn face at any moment (hypothetically) the fans would be cheering for him in seconds (hell they still do even when he's a heel!)
If this topic would've made a year ago.. my answer would be HBK but now he is not an active wrestler.. my choice is kurt angle.. he never botches any move.. put over great matches, great on mic and if he would've never left wwe then he would've surpassed jericho because he lost a great fanbase

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