Who or whats next?

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
This is about the miz. It seems as tho his fued with Cena is over. And last night his match with Primo doesn't look like its going anywhere, obviously because they are going with the brother vs brother fued. So then who or what's next for him? There was an idea in another thread that he partner with Jericho. But as was mentioned there too they are trying to put him in singles so it wouldn't make sense. But where does leave him?

My thought would be Dolph Ziggler partner with Jericho and move Miz to Smackdown to fued with Rey Mysterio for Intercontinental title. I think the promos and matches he could put on with Rey would be great. Then he could go on a long fued with Morrison. Imagine the clowning these two could do on each other haha. And I believe they could put some good matches together. This is just an idea I would do with him. What do you think the plans are for Miz? What would you do with him?
I think Miz could be a contender for the US title going up against Kofi Kingston. I know right now there's something going on with Kofi and Big Show but I would love to see this match up. Kofi is doing very good in my opinion and is a good US Champ. Perfect way to let the Mid Card shine for once. I think these two could put on some great matches and having it be for the US Title would be even better!
My thought would be Dolph Ziggler partner with Jericho and move Miz to Smackdown to fued with Rey Mysterio for Intercontinental title. I think the promos and matches he could put on with Rey would be great.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on moving the miz to smackdown... right now. They just had a mini draft and moving the miz to be in a tag team again defeats the purpose of breaking up him and morrison and thats to let them grow as single competitors .Ziggler and Jericho could work, dolph could definitely use the rub from jericho.

Then he could go on a long feud with Morrison. Imagine the clowning these two could do on each other haha. And I believe they could put some good matches together.

I'm not sure what you mean by clowning the two could do on each other? Miz and Morrison were together long enough. I loved the dirt sheet, but they got the success from being together now they need to shine alone. The fued will come one day, but its still to soon.

I'm still hoping that he continues his feud with Cena, with him interferring in his NOC triple threat match. Cena vs Miz from the beginning of the first to the end of the second match they had was a continuous improvement. And The Miz's character seems to flourish when he can cut a promo on cena. They had great build up with the Miz touting his win streak against Cena, and the push they have given Miz makes me think that this feud is not over just dormant. My hope is Cena vs Miz summerslam!... But one can only hope
I'm going to have to disagree with you on moving the miz to smackdown... right now. They just had a mini draft and moving the miz to be in a tag team again defeats the purpose of breaking up him and morrison and thats to let them grow as single competitors .Ziggler and Jericho could work, dolph could definitely use the rub from jericho.

I'm not sure what you mean by clowning the two could do on each other? Miz and Morrison were together long enough. I loved the dirt sheet, but they got the success from being together now they need to shine alone. The fued will come one day, but its still to soon.

I'm still hoping that he continues his feud with Cena, with him interferring in his NOC triple threat match. Cena vs Miz from the beginning of the first to the end of the second match they had was a continuous improvement. And The Miz's character seems to flourish when he can cut a promo on cena. They had great build up with the Miz touting his win streak against Cena, and the push they have given Miz makes me think that this feud is not over just dormant. My hope is Cena vs Miz summerslam!... But one can only hope

First off what I meant was have Dolph be Jericho's tag partner. Since they can be on any show, move Miz over to take his spot and challenge Rey. I didn't mean to put Miz back in tag action. But with the mini draft you are right it would be hard. But they could say he's taking edge's spot on the roster.

And I'm not good with the wrestling lingo haha but they could have good promos and it would be pretty damn funny. I agree they need to shine on there own but having him on smackdown would be a good start to a future fued. Just keep them apart for a while, maybe a run-in or two and setup later on for the fued.
oh but I agree with you physcoward about hoping they keep the Cena-Miz fued going. I think this is one of the better fueds I've seen in a while. I'm just going under the assumption tho that its not going to continue. But my first choice would be to keep it going.
What I think they are doing with him is trying to build him up as a solid mid carder and by that I mean have him get a few credible victories over guys who are on the same level on the roster as he is. Then after Kofi's feud with The Big Show is finished then thats when The Miz gets his shot at a singles title.

Eventually he will be challenging for the U.S. title and after when he does win it, he will be stepped up slowly to a higher level. A good feud with Kofi over the belt would benefit both men IMO and I would like to see some good matches come from both of them.

Remember the match these two had back at The Draft in April, I thought it was a decent match and showcased both men rather well. A good feud over the U.S. title will really benefit The Miz and after a long run as a solid mid card performer he will eventually be boosted to the "Morrison Level". The Miz needs to get "leveled" up through the mid card in similar fashion as Dolph Ziggler but IMO Ziggler has the better chance because he is on the better brand.
I'd love Miz to continue with feuding with Cena but I'm really not sure that it will. If NoC doesn't end with a Miz run in to screw over Cena then I would say it is over. Miz has some great promo talent and was really shining when he was ragging on Cena but right now where would you put him if he's done with Cena?

US title, Kofi is feuding with Show and Bourne now for that so another guy is going to be a bit much.

Swagger would be cool but looks like he'll be feuding with MVP.

Henry, no thanks.

Hmmmm..... Carlito and Primo will be feuding now that counts them out.

There's just not much else, I really hope he continues feuding with Cena otherwise I fear he might be buried for a while...
He's shown some positive signs of a descent pro wrestler. The way he ragged on Cena worked ( I was entertained and thought some of the stuff he said was hysterical). His style of promo would work perfect with a guy like Shawn Michaels. He could talk about his age, balding, and other stuff while he's out of action still that him and Morrison broke his balls about when they did the feud with DX. The only thing with that is Miz isn't up to the level as a singles competitor to where HBK would want to work with him..
I think that he's going to continue his feud with Cena, the two worked well with each other. Both on the mic and in the ring. I think that they are giving this feud a break at the moment so that Cena can headline NoC. Since it would make no sense to have him off the ppv. Or to be contending for a lower title then the WWE Championship.

Now with that said, I see Miz interfering in the triple threat match costing Cena. This continues the feud. In which I think that over the next couple of Raw's I think the two should have a match. In which Miz wins heelishly. Leading to a rematch at SummerSlam. Least that's what I think would be the smart thing to do. This way Miz gets a win, elevates himself, and Cena doesn't look weak. But that's just what I think that they should do.
This is about the miz. It seems as tho his fued with Cena is over.

For now. If Cena wins that title, then Miz has an excellent claim to the World Title. "I'm 7-2!!!" After Cena's obligatory rematch feud with Orton, Cena could totally launch into a feud with the Miz. It doesn't mean that the Miz will actually win the title, but it will give him invaluable experience towards playing in the main event. And any World Title match with Cena will boost his credibility, if he wins or loses.

And last night his match with Primo doesn't look like its going anywhere, obviously because they are going with the brother vs brother fued.

Eh...they might try the "They're having side feuds, but Carlito won't stop attacking Primo!" route. There's no denying that a Carlito/Kofi and Miz/Primo feud would totally work. Both sets of wrestlers could work well together, and the crowds give a shit about them.

So then who or what's next for him? There was an idea in another thread that he partner with Jericho. But as was mentioned there too they are trying to put him in singles so it wouldn't make sense. But where does leave him?

As I've said, Miz vs. Primo. If you don't want that, Miz vs. Kofi Kingston for the US title. If you don't want that, wait a few weeks for Cena to win that WWE title. Miz will get a feud, alright.

My thought would be Dolph Ziggler partner with Jericho and move Miz to Smackdown to fued with Rey Mysterio for Intercontinental title. I think the promos and matches he could put on with Rey would be great. Then he could go on a long fued with Morrison. Imagine the clowning these two could do on each other haha. And I believe they could put some good matches together. This is just an idea I would do with him. What do you think the plans are for Miz? What would you do with him?

Miz to Smackdown? Smackdown is the Land of a Million Heels. If Miz were moved over there, he'd get lost in the shuffle.

Keep Miz here, and either have him feud with Kofi over the US title or have him wait a tic. Miz could completely interject himself into the WWE title scene once Cena wins it.

Of course, that's assuming Cena wins this Night of Champions. If Cena doesn't, then Miz can still kick up his feud with Cena again. "Oh, look at you. Cena couldn't win the WWE title, when he had 2 people fighting each other until they were practically dead! Cena, you failed."
My opinion is that maybe the WWE could bring back the cruiserweight belt in some capacity either simply on raw or multi-brand. This would help fill gaps for numerous un-used wrestlers on the raw brand such as chavo, the Miz, The brian Kendrick and possibly Evan Bourne at times before he gets his in my opinion expected push? I think working with a veteran like chavo could be a good thing for the miz as it could polish some of his in ring skills.
I believe Miz should go against Kingston as well, the whole feud with Big Show and Bourne isn't working and Kofi has already been squashed by Show. I hope that either Miz or Swagger get a shot at the U.S title but I believe Show is going to be in that picture.
IMO i think wwe already fucked up with miz. He has this feud with cena that could have been great but then at the ppv he gets SQUASHED! i know the next night on raw he kicked cena's ass but nobody is gonna remember that. So im not sure what to do with miz. and im sure vince will fuck it up by making him wear a dress and be Mrs Wrestlemania 2 or some shit

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