Who or what scared you as a kid? (wrestling related)

HonkyDong Man

Dark Match Jobber
My pick:

Andre The Giant:
To me Andre was one of the most intimidating figures out there. After he turned on Hogan and got that crazy look in his eyes, I had nightmares on more than one occasion. And there was something about his voice.

I really thought this guy was mentally unstable, and that he very well could kill someone in the ring if that guy in the mask didn't calm him down.

Terry Funk:
Back in the mid 80s when he was carrying around that branding iron, Funk looked like a crazy, evil hillbilly.

Macho Man injuring Ricky Steamboat with the ringside bell:
I really felt sick. I couldn't understand why a nice looking lady like Elizabeth didn't turn on Macho Man after such a hideous act.

Damien choking George Wells at WM2:
I really thought the snake was choking Wells to death. Watching the white "foam" coming from Wells mouth was just awful.
Kamala and Papa Shango. I turned my head when Shango came out to fight Warrior, who was one of my heroes at the time.
Kane. From his demonic like movements to his attire. Doink The Clown, just because clowns are scary in general.
For me it was the original Taker. I was about 8 at the time and everything from his music, to his pale skin and outfit, his no selling and movements all the way to putting his opponents in bodybags and the freaky promos with him in cemetaries and around caskets made me fear him back in the day.

Papa Shango was a close second. His shaking and voodoo spells he put on Warrior got to me too.
Taker and Kane. The slow music and the way the arena got dark that kept me up quite a few nights when I was younger. The brood creeped me out to when they would do the blood bath
A girl I know was terrified of Mankind. It's a pity the mask is so difficult to replicate, otherwise I'd have recreated the terror already.

Professional wrestling was one of the few things which didn't frighten me as a child. Unless... does fear of my latent homosexual feelings count?
Way back when, I thought the Brood were pretty creepy, with all the "blood" and the sharpened teeth...
Undertaker's speech in the casket at Royal Rumble 94 - The pale complexion, the eyes rolling back in his head ...so creepy. Took me a couple times to watch it when the VHS came out.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Heel Roberts was such a cold, calculating character with that smirk and that quiet way of talking that movie serial killers do. I thought for sure he was going to kill someone. It didn't help that I was afraid of snakes.
Kane's debut at Badd Blood 97. The way he ripped the door off it's hinges and threw Earl Hebner into the cage and that shot of Kane's mask in the red lighting as he was staring down Taker scared me shitless. To this day, it still does a little bit.

Sycho Sid's WWF theme made me feel uneasy at times.
Undertaker rolling his eyes back freaked the hell out of me growing up.

Even the Ministry 'Taker gave me chills, with that satanic looking beard, the hood over his head and the way he would drop the hood with the fully white eyes. I could imagine young kids having terrible nightmares over that incarnation of Undertaker.

The theme music was haunting too, so was Psycho Sid's
Ron Bass slicing up Brutus Beefcake's face with his spurs. I wasn't really "scared" per se, but it's certainly the most uneasy I ever felt watching wrestling as a lad.


Randy Savage getting bitten by the cobra would also fall into that category, but I was older then and once the initial shock wore off I thought it was effin' sweet.

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