Who or What could replace The Undertaker?

Super Crazy

Okay, so we all know that The Undertaker is in the latter end of his career. We also all know that every so often, Undertaker's matches on PPV have almost have a feeling of greatness. I don't just mean Wrestlemania either. He's had tons and tons of great matches on PPV over the years. He always has that " big time " feel around him and his matches. Now my question to you forum, is who or what could replace the Undertaker, or more so, take his spot on the card and have that " big time " feel to it?

If I were to choose any superstar from the current crop, I would have to say John Cena. His matches almost always have a crazy build that make his matches always feel important. Now I know, you're thinking...really John Cena? The Five Movez of Doomz Oh Nooooz!!!

Here me out here though. Cena is today's Hogan for the WWE. He always goes through the same match pattern as Taker too. They both start off strong, before the opponent takes over for the most part of the match, until out of nowhere they gain the upper hand and the victory.

As I said, Cena's matches always seem to have tremendous build to them. I'd say the build is almost parallel to that of The Undertaker throughout the years. Cena is just as over the top as The Undertaker, just on a different end of the spectrum, and Cena definitely has that " big time " feel to his name now.

So again, who or what do you think could ever take Undertaker's spot on the PPV cards and give certain matches that " big time " feel?

What?I must have bad eye sight cause it looks like you said,"replace the undertaker"The answer to this stupid question is nobody.Not a single person could do that.He is one of a kind and will be in a class of his own for years to come.I do get what your saying and yeah cena will take his spotbut he will not replace him.But really give Cena a huge f'n torch bigger then the one he has now.

But no Cena, nobody will ever replace the deadman.Ammd when he is put in the Hall of Fame,It will be one hell of an induction.
I don't think anyone could ever come close to replacing The Undertaker in any way shape or form. Besides being one of the greatest in ring workers he is the most unique character in the history of wrestling.
I've always felt that Undertaker transcends the Heel/Face thing. I can't really explain too well but it's just a feeling I get from him. It's part of what makes him so great. It's not easy to be this type of person but it happens. I think that is what makes his matches so "big time" is that you don't really know if you hate him or not and your just so interested in who is going to win, plus he is talented so it makes it even better.

I know your question was who has the big match feel to them but you also posed the question of who could replace the Undertaker. I don't think anyone could replace someone who transcends something like face/heel. So no I don't think John Cena could replace Undertaker based on the fact that he actually follows the heel face thing.

I know Undertaker does from time to time fall under the face or heel thing, but in my eyes it's a loose classification.
Nobody can ever replace the Undertaker i mean he is a legend and you cant replace a legend there will never be another undertaker the same way there will never be another Shawn Michaels or a Brett Hart.
I have been watching the Undertaker since day one and I still get chills when I hear his music or watch him come to the ring. The only other person that had that was Hogan back in the eighties and early nineties. He is in a class that doesn't come along very often so there is no way he can ever be replaced.
I think Undertaker should have an "apprentice." They tried this angle with Big Show a long time ago but it poorly done and really didn't make sense at the time. Now that everyone knows Taker is heading to Pension-land, find a guy who he grooms as a sidekick for a while and then eventually passes the torch (or urn) to. He doesn't have to be called "Undertaker" or even be a big man; just someone who Taker passes the "power of the darkness" to. Luke Gallows or Mike Knox make the most sense based on their current look.
Yeah that might make sense if Luke Gallows and Mike Knox didn't suck balls i mean you want the undertaker to pass his legacy down to a couple of Mid Card Jobbers that's ridiculous.

The Undertaker was a horrible low carder in wcw, that alone should prove anything is possible. None of them will never be in Takers spot, no one will ,but they could make it to big stars with the right gimmick.
No one can take the Undertaker's spot and no one should try to. Cena is a very different character and cannot replace the Undertaker. Mike Knox and Luke Gallows? Give me a break! These guys need far more building before they can even become credible US/Intercontinental Champions.

In fact, I do worry that when Undertaker, Triple and Michaels hang up their boots, WWE won't be in such a great shape. Who will they have left? It'll just be Orton and Cena, unless they start slowly building their mid carders NOW, to the point that they can be credible main eventers in 5 years time.
In a couple of my last posts, I mentioned Vince relying solely on his old war-horses. Among them is the Man From The Darkside. The Undertaker is THE single greatest thing to ever happen to the WWE. His character, his presence, his ring prowess, his Streak, his very essence...all of it...will never ever be duplicated. No one shall ever take the place of the Dead Man.

In a perfect world (and if the Heartbreak Kid doesn't end the streak first at '26), I give Taker two more years - just enough to go for the perfect 20 - 0. His 20th would be his last...he would be inducted that year...and he would hang up the boots for good and all.

Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H are the last of the immortals in the land of the WWE. Once they are gone, the structurability of Vince's company will truly be put to the test. As I have said, he relies WAY too heavily on his old war-horses...and he hasn't spent enough time on his young up and coming talent. I believe that, unless Vince does something to change his ways starting, like, right now, he will be left with nothing to hold his company up except for Cena, Edge, and Orton (and perhaps Y2J and Batista, if he treats them right).

Vince has a few guys who can easily step in once the last of the immortals are gone, but he refuses to spend time on them and let them rise to that level. I'm talking about John Morrison, Christian, Chris Masters, Mark Henry, Rey Msyterio, Chavo Guerrero, and the most under-used most under-appreciated wrestler in this business - KANE.

With his brother steadily on the way out the door, Kane needs to be getting pushed big time. He AND the Big Show need very desperately to be in the main event picture. Kane is just as bad ass as the Undertaker, he has all the same powers of darkness, and he is twice as brutal. If you ask me, KANE should've been in Sheamus's position for the last few months, and Sheamus should've been the one jobbing to lesser superstars. It makes me so sick that Vince seems content to just have Kane job to lesser people for the rest of his career.

I reiterate...there are those can rise up and fill in the gaps...but there are none who will ever replace the Phenom...
The Undertaker is THE single greatest thing to ever happen to the WWE. His character, his presence, his ring prowess, his Streak, his very essence...all of it...will never ever be duplicated. No one shall ever take the place of the Dead Man.

Come on, man. "Single greatest thing?" If you went to Vince right now and said, "pick one of the following to have never been a part of your company: Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, or The Undertaker," he'd pick Taker faster than you can say "money." Hogan changed wrestling from a cult-followed sideshow to a mainstream attraction. Austin and Rock made the WWF cool again and won the Monday Night Wars. Undertaker has been great, but I'd argue that only during the Ministry of Darkness era did I really consider him to be "must-see TV."
WOW really who will replace The Udertaker?

Honestly nobody will,The Undertaker is one and only,You think Cena will replace him hell no,The Undertaker is old school he started his WWF/WWE career in 1990 he has been through everything in life,All the legacy that the undertaker has,No one could be like him not even cena or any one that will try to put on Takers boots.

The Undertaker also has one of the best streak in wrestling history,No one could replace him or try to replace him because The Undertaker will always be remember for what he is The dead man,The phenom,And a future Hall OF Famer.
Come on, man. "Single greatest thing?" If you went to Vince right now and said, "pick one of the following to have never been a part of your company: Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, or The Undertaker," he'd pick Taker faster than you can say "money." Hogan changed wrestling from a cult-followed sideshow to a mainstream attraction. Austin and Rock made the WWF cool again and won the Monday Night Wars. Undertaker has been great, but I'd argue that only during the Ministry of Darkness era did I really consider him to be "must-see TV."

Well you have a very valid arguement but it depends on time also. Maybe not the greatest if you will from stardom stand point but you can't say he has been the most loyal individual and was also a big part of what won the Monday night wars. Actually when the momentum shifted The Rock was not very popular, The Rock started getting popular until the late part of 1998, The most popular guys were Stone Cold, The Undertaker and then HHH with Degeneration X.

The Undertaker might not be the most popular guy of each era but he is always on the top 3 and was a big part of the Rock and Stone Cold's career.

Now to the question, no one can replace The Undertaker, the character of course can be but the man that portraits it can not. Like he says once, Vince created the character but allowed him to give it an escence and that escence is what cannot be replaced.
No one could ever replace the undertaker. What he has done for the company you could never describe it in words his devotion to the WWF/E. Maybe someone could take his spot in the mainevent scene but no one could be like the Undertaker who is above the whole heel/face. His been w/ the company for so long I'd hate to see him go but Father Time finally caught up w/ Taker.

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