Who on the main roster should go to NXT?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
After seeing Takeover tonight, I started thinking how great NXT has been for both Sin Cara and Tyson Kidd. They fit perfectly in the world of NXT. Tyson Kidd is doing the best work of his career. He's improved on the mic and his work in the main events really makes him come off as a top player. Sin Cara was in limbo on the main roster since the gimmick was hammy-downed to him, but Kalisto and him are a perfect tag team and I can't wait to see them join the main roster.

This shows that not only is NXT a great place to develop new talent, but it's a great place to help struggling talents develop as well. Justin Gabriel is also doing some decent work in NXT, although he hasn't been showcased as well as the other two. But I think it's a good start and NXT will end up benefitting him as well.

So who else do you think should join NXT from the main roster? Here is my top pick:


Zack Ryder has been with the company for 8 years and 7 months which is about 9 months more than Tyson Kidd. Despite that, he's still 29 years old. He had a good run as part of the Major Brothers where he allied himself with Edge and then won the tag titles. He had a good run as a goofy heel on ECW, competed in many main events, fought for the ECW title and retired Tommy Dreamer. He then got a huge following after making a YouTube show and ended up getting pushed on Raw, getting on the top 10 merch list and he even won the US title.

He hasn't been pushed since and we can only speculate why. It's very possible that they just feel he isn't as good in the ring as many of the other prospects. It could also be that they feel that older members of the roster are a priority since they have a much lower shelf life than Zack who is still under 30.

But for whatever reason, the fact is that Zack has potential. Whenever he gets a push, he's always better than the previous time he was pushed. But since it happens so rarely and he barely gets TV time, there's really no way they can expect Ryder to improve beyond that.

But if they draft him to NXT, I think Zack could start improving his game again. The kid has the fire in him to try different things and work hard to get over. He started a new Youtube show earlier this year which showed a much tougher and serious Zack Ryder, but WWE pulled the plug immediately. It's a shame since Zack is the type of guy who'd try anything to succeed, but WWE keeps shutting him down.

I think WWE should give him a chance to develop that character down in NXT and see if he can be treated as a serious performer. I think Zack could surprise many and come off as a Christian-like character that could get over with the fans.

There are rumors that he might be getting released soon which is a shame. I'd hate to see someone disappear just because he isn't given a chance to prove his worth (just like what happened to Drew McIntyre who is currently killing it in EVOLVE).

Other guys I think could work in NXT are Brad Maddox and David Otunga. I'm a fan of both of them and it's pretty disappointing how they've both disappeared from TV. I don't know what the deal is with both of them, but I think they should be given a shot to develop themselves.
You know here is my top Pick and i probably will get a lot of WHATT??


Christian has been with the company forever and a day.. He is clearly one of the best ever tag team champions to compete and up until recently very serviceable in the ring.. He had stayed away from injuries and that helped.. But within the last couple of years now he has been injured.. I also read recently that Christian has been cleared for In-ring competition for some time now,but the WWE just doesn't have anything for him..

I think by sending him to NXT,it will be a sorta of a reboot for him.. I want whats left of his career to be good and if it means to go to NXT to build himself backup again then thats best for business.. It seems everytime now when he is involved in any sort of a feud,he gets hurt and thats unfortunate..

It could be really his body is just not having the punishment anymore.. But all is not lost on him i think.. NXT to battle or even help build up the younger stars will be huge for him
Fandango so they can figure out a way to repackage him.
Has he even been on screen lately?
I know he lost a few matches because of Layla and Summer Rae but then it seemed like he disappeared. He has a pretty decent look. They should be able to find something new for him.
I am going to give you my Top Three Picks to draft to NXT!

#3 CURTIS AXEL; The WWE has tried it's best in my oppinion to do something with this guy and his current character, I mean they paired him up with Paul Heyman as soon as Axel returned..that show's the company wanted something from you. The thing though is not that both sides did not put in the effort it's that the character just doesn't cut it.

Today nobody wants to see a rip off version of two classics just doing random stuff..I think Curtis Axel and WWE should go back to the drawing room and perhaps think up something together that Axel could excel at. The character I have in mind for him is that of a "Who cares what my forefathers did, I am Curtis Axel and I will do anything, and I mean anything to make me into an icon." I think this Curtis Axel becomes a little more distanced from everyone, starting with Ryback by leaving him mid-match in a big tag match and saying "Who cares, IT GOT ME NOTICED!" make his character a freaking limelight hog.

#2 Big E.; What the hell happened to this dude? The guy has a physique the WWE seems to love and is a pretty good heel actually. He has no character what so ever except for the fact that he's a big dude. I think Big E. Langston should go back to NXT improve his character and kind of re-debut like Ryback. The big destroyer guy who just wants to show his power and earn some cash. I think WWE could easily make BRAD MADDOX this guys manager. Maddox is a young good looking guy who is pretty decent on the mic and really to carry Big E. verbally at a mid card level should not be much of a challenge for Maddox.


#1 Adam Rose; I feel that WWE made a big mistake by having Leo Kruger leave and have Adam Rose arrive. I feel that the party character is not one that can really be anything, not even the Internet Champion..I think if this guy is off TV for a couple of months than I think him returning as Leo would not be a real problem.



Titus O'Neil
Zack Ryder
Alex Riley (come back as a wrestler)
Alicia Foxx
In my opinion, they should send such stars to NXT who will help enrich the NXT product, along with improving his/her own skills. Sending folks like Curtis Axel, Titus O' Neil, Alicia Fox, Fandango, or Los Matadores will only water down the show and take valuable time away from more talented performers than these never-beens who will have nothing new to offer apart from what we've seen (and got bored of) already.

Pedigree1 said Christian- that's a good choice. His presence has been sporadic lately, but he is a legend nonetheless. People still take him seriously. Winning against Christian means you are worthy of competing in the main shows. Winning against the above names mean nothing. He will add to the product more than he will take from it. Who else can fit that criteria? How about that new black stable? Woods the brain, Kofi the high flyer, and Big E the muscle. They can feud with NXT tag teams like Sin Cara/Kalisto and The Ascension and even aid the debut of a new star.
Los Matadors.

Epico and Primo are great wrestlers, and have been a serious team for a long time. Now that El Torito is gone from the picture, the gimmick has lost a massive chunk, and with The Ascension seemingly ready to come up, the Tag Title picture will be fine. Punt Epico and Primo down to NXT so they can help some up-and-coming new teams.
Los Matadors.

Epico and Primo are great wrestlers, and have been a serious team for a long time. Now that El Torito is gone from the picture, the gimmick has lost a massive chunk, and with The Ascension seemingly ready to come up, the Tag Title picture will be fine. Punt Epico and Primo down to NXT so they can help some up-and-coming new teams.

I think Los Matadores should turn heel and El Torito should come out and manage their opponents, whether their opponents want him there or not.

It makes much more sense for Torito to go up against the bullfighters than teaming up with them.

Maybe they can try that out in NXT. I'd love to see a Lucha Dragons/Matadores feud.
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Christian is actually not a bad choice. I think his full time days are drawing to a close with all the injuries he's had lately. I think he can teach those guys alot as well much like William Regal,Billy Gunn,Road Dogg,and others are doing now.
The problem is that they already have two Superstars down there to enhance themselves: Tyson Kidd and Natalya. They have basically became the leaders down there. They will NEVER send Zack Ryder down there because the Titan Towers Gang cannot trust him because he might teach the NXTers how to make their own "Real Long Island Story". They can't have Sami Zayn promoting himself now, can they?

Smark Madden is right in the respect that most of those that have been mentioned will do more to harm NXT than help it. Christian is an interesting character to go down, but his concussions and recent injuries won't allow him to do much down there, except maybe becoming an instructor.
I have a bit of a weird reasoning behind this particular choice, but here we go

Alex Riley: For whatever reason, WWE has phased him out of the ring and towards the commentary table. He currently does color commentary on NXT as well as the RAW pre-shows every Monday, but WWE has so many hours of programming that it would not be too far fetched for WWE management/creative to work out a schedule to balance a few in-ring bookings with his announce duties. Riley wasn't the best in ring worker, but had improved greatly since their attempt at pushing him three years ago, and has proven to be quite charismatic; very underrated imo. WWE put him in his current role probably thinking that they were "giving him something to do" so that they wouldn't have to cut him, but they made one glaring oversight. Because Riley has not had much of a wrestling career, he does not have the insight to give an authoritative opinion on the subject of pro-wrestling the way that other wrestler-turned-announcers like Jerry Lawler and JBL have. If WWE wants Riley to be a better color commentator, it would be best if they revived his wrestling career, even if just on NXT. Letting him have regular matches on NXT will allow him to gain the proper insight and knowledge for the announce table.
I'd have John Cena go down to NXT.

He loses to Brock Lesnar, and slowly becomes delusional to the point he thinks that he's been outclassed by his opponents and not in the good books of the fans, and he seeks to move away from the "mainstream". He goes on to make his movies, then makes his return at NXT, saying that he needs to start over, and he'll challenge the NXT champion, while debuting a new moveset. And then he'll go on to win the NXT championship, then the IC belt before retiring as a 16 time World champion, with suitable builds for every feud in between as well.

Don't blame me, it's obvious he'll equal Flair's record, but I just think doing it this way makes it more of a logical storyline conclusion instead of "he won because he's John Cena"
Curtis axel absolutely sucks and id like him off tv and out of wrestling

Would you care to actually explain your reasoning for this or are we just taking your esteemed and highly-valued word for it that he sucks?

I do not believe Curtis Axel sucks. His gimmick doesn't interest me, but there's a talented wrestler there. However, sending him down to NXT doesn't fit for me. I think he's been repackaged too much and anything you do in terms of "take him off TV, bring him back later" just makes people go "oh, this guy again". Any change in him now should happen on-screen. Something large. Make people sit up and take notice.

I'd have John Cena go down to NXT.

He loses to Brock Lesnar, and slowly becomes delusional to the point he thinks that he's been outclassed by his opponents and not in the good books of the fans, and he seeks to move away from the "mainstream". He goes on to make his movies, then makes his return at NXT, saying that he needs to start over, and he'll challenge the NXT champion, while debuting a new moveset. And then he'll go on to win the NXT championship, then the IC belt before retiring as a 16 time World champion, with suitable builds for every feud in between as well.

Don't blame me, it's obvious he'll equal Flair's record, but I just think doing it this way makes it more of a logical storyline conclusion instead of "he won because he's John Cena"

I see what you're trying to do here man, I really do, and I credit you for coming up with some fairly intricate character development (probably too much for WWE :p)

However I think that taking Cena down to this level ultimately harms NXT. 1) He'd dominate, you couldn't have him not do so. This is kinda meant to feel like a "youth league" i.e. it's developmental in kayfabe as well as reality. 2) Who can he convincingly lose to down there?

As for who I'd send down ... not really many people. But since Titus is going, send Darren Young with him. Team 'em up again, because the Prime Time Players split felt forced. They went "ah, these guys have been a team for a while, let's split them up even though we have no plans for them further down the line." It reminded me of Bull Buchanan, who was split from Boss Man, did nothing, then joined Right To Censor. He wasn't even really repackaged, he just went from "tough prison officer dude" to "tough law-abiding dude", which are awfully close in wrestling terms.
My two picks would be Big E and Xavier Woods. I never understood what anyone sees in Big E. He's boring in the ring, sucks on the mic, and his Intercontinental Championship reign accomplished nothing. I'd send him back down to NXT to work on improving a new gimmick or perhaps to be used as a jobber. Xavier Woods' run on the main roster so far has been even worse. All he's done is the angle where he used The Funkasaurus theme music with it making Brodus upset. That cost us a good tag team in Brodus and Tensai, with Xavier ultimately doing absolutely nothing with it afterwards. What a waste of time that was. Then there was the brief moment where it looked like a new stable may form with Woods, Kofi, and Big E but WWE stopped the angle before anything could even happen with it. Woods was never ready for the main roster in my opinion, so I'd send him back down to NXT. More time in NXT could be good for both Big E and Woods.... look at Bo Dallas now compared to his previous main roster run.
Curtis axel has a shitty name which is a play off his more famous father and grandfather.

For his age his haircut looks so played out along with his beard.

He has a shit body.

His in ring attire sucks, the singlet he wore at one of the ppvs looked like it was made for a woman. It was like a low cut halter top.

He takes up tv time. He is a waste plain and simple. Just because youre a third gen wrestler doesn't make u great.
Zack Ryder is the obvious one. He got himself over before and could do it again. There isn't a lot they can do gimmick wise but the opportunity to speak his mind and wrestle could do him well. I'm sure he would be able to be a really entertaining character in NXT even if it doesn't lead to a main roster call up.

I'm enjoying Damien Mizdow but Sandow needs a reboot. He is on the way to being future endeavoured and that is true shame. While he doesn't have star quality, he is clearly useful. Sending him to NXT and let him develop and rebuild his career.

NXT is a solid hour of TV but there is no harm in adding guys from the main-roster. Look at how Tyson Kidd has developed in the last few months. He should definitely be an example for several guys on the main roster.
I'd send the Big E, Kofi, Woods stable down to NXT for a spell - just to test the waters with it and really let them commit to the new gimmick and get it right before coming back to the main roster. Big E/Kofi would make a good addition to the NXT tag division whether they be face or heel so I can't see too many downsides
After all the ring-time he's missed due to injury I'd send Darren Young down there on his return to WWE. He can get rid of the definite ring-rust he'll have, and with Titus O'Neil already down there, the two of them can reunite as the Prime Time Players, but perhaps a heel version.

There was no point in splitting up the team in the first place, as they clearly had nothing planned for either Young or O'Neil, which is why Titus is back in NXT right now. With The Ascension almost certainly going to be staying on the main roster in the very near future, the PTP could be one of the main teams in NXT.

Plus, they could still wrestle in singles as well as a team and could use their time away from the main roster to try and few new things- new attires, music, attitude and tweak the gimmick some more. Maybe make themselves more "bling" or ghetto (Im just throwing ideas out here)...use NXT as it's meant to be. Work on your gimmick so when you are called back up to the main roster you swim, not sink without trace.
For the most part I would only send people that could seriously use a repackage: Fandango, Drew if he was still around, etc, or ironically former NXT people that seemed to have been brought up too early like Woods, Emma, and Big E.

I would not use it as a WWE dumping ground though, like if someone on the roster sucks then it's simply better to cut them rather than have them waste time on NXT.

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