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Who needs a push on smackdown


The Corre
So I just did threads on who should be released on smackdown and raw now ima do a thread on who needs a push on smackdown.

Reason: This guy has been working his damn ass off for wwe. He's been involved in many high rate matches just give him one world title he deserved it.

Trent Barreta
Reason: He is a perfect Mid-Carder. The guy is exciting and the crowd seems to be excited when he enters the ring so I feel he has good talent to be a US OR IC champ.

FCW Superstars: Smackdown is in need of new wrestlers on there show they don't have much wrestlers on thier brand so I figure call up some FCW stars to be on Mid-Card for awhile then maybe Main Event until they get better wrestlers.
With such a thin roster on Smackdown I've been wondering why they don't push the Tyler Reks Chris Masters feud more. Alot of people on WZ have been talking about them pushing Masters. I agree about Christian sat on the shelf for a while, why not let him make some noise on Smackdown now. Drew McIntyre should be at the top of the card or upper mid after the end of Edge and Del Rio thing. I also wish they would let Barrett out on his own and maybe get him into it with McIntyre, a lot of people think McIntyre will be making a face turn so it could be a pretty good feud.
I would like to see them push Christian too hes got gret in ring ability great mic skills and star quality as proven by his championshio run on TNA im hoping hes gnna get brought into the edge del rio title feud

I would also like to see Kofi finally get a push to main event status as hes solid in the rng, charismatic and gets a god response from the crowd. I think that if he was granted some time on the mic to show some personality he could be a top main eventer

Fially Drew Mcityre, hes aggressive, talented and just has this generally quite nasty aura round him i think he has what it takes to be a top heel.
Christian was in the main event this week, he was featured in the opening segment, he was in the final segment the week before. I think that is, kind of, what they call a push. He's being used well since his return.

Chris Masters is one of the people who needs a push. He has what WWE look for. Size, power, has a look that to me is "it", I think hes improved on his mic skills greatly and he's becoming a more progressive wrestler. Used right and they have a good solid star.

Trent Baretta is another guy I think can be pushed well. He has the Tyler Black build, and they obviously have more faith in him then they did in Caylen Croft. One thing they need to do is lose that fuckin' Dudebusters, generic surfer entrance music and let him stick on the microphone a bit more.
Smackdown has a thin roster but could be using some of their guys better

Chris Masters & Tyler Reks- their matches on Superstars have been great. Masters is a consistently good in ring performer and doesnt deserve to be jobbing in superstars. Tyler Reks was hyped once he debuted his new gimmick..but now is back on superstars. Their current rivalry is worth having on SD. Also i believe Reks could be challenging for the IC title.

Trent Baretta- This guy is exciting in the ring and very good on the mic. I think he could be challenging for the IC title, matches between Baretta and Kofi would be great!

Jack Swagger- WWE is wasting prime talent, give him another chance with the title
chris masters - this man has been with the wwe for some time now, yet he has yet to get his big push, people already like him, he is a well known name, now give him a push that is long overdue.
trent barreta - he is an exciting young superstar but he never really gets any air-time and he always gets walked on.
christain - i know everyone agrees with me on this, christain deserves a push, he gets over well with the crowd and he has earned a push.
justin gabriel and heath slater - they are a good tag team (despite their size) if they broke away from the corre they could be an exciting tag team (which they already are) they just need to break away from corre and be more independent.

kofi kingston - he won the IC title and now he has been forgotten about, he needs a push.
some of these newer divas deserve a push, or at at least more air-time
CHRIS MASTERS-There are rumors he will be getting a oush after Mania,well Mania is almost here they need to get him off SuperStars & lay the foundation for his push

Jack Swagger-Why did they give him the belt the week after Mania26 when he is going to be Cole's trainer in Mania27.Really?I mean it would be nice if there was a MiTB this year and he could repeat(which could start like a 5 MiTB streak) or atleast let the guy take the IC title off of Kofi @ mania or draft night if he can only be cole's trainer @ Mania

Drew McIntyre-This guy has main event written all over him.He needs more than a push.He needs a rocket up his ass.Maybe he should try and steal Stef from HHH.That would be the only way to get the pish he deservs
I think it's probably best to just wait and see what comes from the draft before really determining or speculating what may happen on Smackdown over the next few months. I'd love to see Drew McIntyre to get a shot on Raw, maybe get something going with the likes of J-Mo/Daniel Bryan.

I'm also interested in seeing what becomes of the corre/nexus when the draft comes around too. I have no doubt there will be some sort of a shake up involving those stables.

I really hope and expect Del Rio to beat Edge at Mania, so there's room for Christian to headline SD in the coming months and at some stage get the world title, as besides Edge and Rey, Christian is basically the top face on there at the moment. Perhaps a Sheamus trade will result in him getting a run in the main event on Smackdown too, but what they really need now are main event level/upper midcard faces in my opinion...so maybe R Truth will be there soon too. But this really is all speculation at the moment and only time will tell.
Drew McIntyre - Not a world title just yet, but have him continue to fued with main eventers for awhile. Looks like they may be setting that up with Edge post Wrestlemania anyway, so heres hoping.

Chris Masters - The way he has been performing recentley on superstars, he is just screaming IC champ material, and could play the foil to...

Cody Rhodes - Another guy who is screaming IC title (at the very least!) give him a nice long run, and then have Masters eventually come out and end it. That would make me happy. As is the development of his gimmick at the moment.
Wade Barrett - I know he had a push with the 'original nexus' on RAW months ago being involved in a feud with Orton and Cena. But did anything come out of it? He doesn't deserve the WHC right now but push him along slowly but first give him the I.C Championship.
Chris Masters - Has some real potential if WWE used him to his ability, he is appealing as as wrestler and looks like a true superstar, and if used more could become a massive fan favorite.
Christian - A veteran of the ring and he is way believable as champion and a crowd favorite. He deserves a push like the one TNA gave him, he is very talented.
Well im not sure about this being necessarily a "push" but i think jack swagger needs to be utilized alot better. being thrown into the scuffle between cole and lawler was not the way to go for him. maybe a intercontinental title reign. he and kofi put on a few great matches and i think they could do it again. eventually bring him back to a legitemit main eventer and not just like when he won the WHC after MITB.
Also IN TIME i want to see how Wade Barrett can do on his own without a stable. not now though because i think he has an ok thing going with Corre and some unfinished business with Nexus. WHAT WAS THE HIGHER PURPOSE?!?
Finally, i think Christian is working his way up with this Del Rio/Edge angle hes "involved" in. might not result in a WHC reign but maybe a title shot.
I dont think guys like Kofi, Cody, McIntyre, or Masters are quite ready yet but along with Gabriel, Slater, Barreta and Jackson, these guys could create a solid mid card for Smackdown.
Wade Barret - He is in the main event level, he deserves a reign as World Heavywheight Champion, he is the main person in the best thing WWE has made in years! (The Nexus). I'm hoping to see Corre for a little while, because i'm not prepared to see Justin Gabriel vs Heath Slater or Barret, well both of them three look like great friends!!

Drew McIntyre - He showed us, that he can play with the big boys at Elimination Chamber, however he looked weak when he was knocked out with a chokeslam -.-
I think that he needs a face turn, something like having some to say to WWE Universe, and apologize sincerely for his actions against everybody and that he would do everything to make us happy and enterteined, however he will be always vicious, because is just the way he is in the ring!! In 2011 he needs a new Intercontinental Championshio reign, a very good and very well prepared feud with Alberto Del Rio, or some heel that can put him over with the fans!!

Kofi Kingston - Give this guy a World Championship please!!
He will probably be drafted back to Monday Night Raw, maybe by Sheamus or Bryan something like US Champion for IC Champion!!
And he always puts on a good match, make him fight against a face main eventer, not feuding, but a 1st contender, agaisnt Big Show or Edge, that can put him right to the top!

For the lower cards i'm hoping to see a push to:
David Otunga - Well, i'm sorry i like the guy, despite who he is dating, i think that he is very very entertaining!! :D

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