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Who is TNA's Most Valuable Player?

Who is the MVP of TNA?

  • Samoa Joe

  • AJ Styles

  • Kurt Angle

  • Sting

  • Matt Morgan

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Ric Flair

  • Jeff Jarrett

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Abyss

  • "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

  • Other (please specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
While it's easy to look at the company in a kayfabe sense and note the most valuable player/wrestler is to the company when basing it off who's champion at the time, or who is in the biggest feud, it's much harder to determine the most valuable player/wrestler to the company in the overall sense when you also take into account much more than just what's going on in kayfabe, and also including things like potential, selling power, merchandising sales/potential, promo skill and more.

That said, and of course taking all those things into account, who do you consider the MVP of TNA and why?

Please understand that you must provide a reason for your choice here. I don't just want to know who you think is the most valuable player for TNA, but why you think they are as well.
While most people would pick AJ Styles because of the fact of him giving everything he had to the company, I will instead pick Kurt Angle. Why Kurt Angle? He wanted to come to TNA. Its not like with Booker T who did it, because it was the next best thing. Kurt left WWE because he wanted to work in TNA. He actually stepped down from the high pirch that was WWE's main event scene in order to help raise a smaller company. He also opened the door for other "big" names to come in. Would Mick Foley, Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan actually set foot in TNA if a wrestler of Kurt's caliber and fame weren't there? Sure Nash, Steiner and Christian were already there, but none of them were at the prime of their career. Kurt was and still is and he's devoting it to TNA. Thank you Kurt Angle. This isn't an MVP award in sense of Kobe Bryant, is it?
I voted for AJ Styles because, for me at least, he is the most entertaining wrestler they have. He always gives great, entertaining matches and puts in a 110% effort into everything he does. He may not be the greatest on the mic but I can overlook that since his wrestling skills make-up for everything he lacks. Overall, he’s just an amazing performer to watch and by far the best in TNA.

I would pick RVD as the second MVP but I don’t think he’s been there long enough to really be considered one of TNA’s MVP. So the second MVP is definitely Kurt Angle. He has given us some classics since he joined TNA and has worked his ass off for them. He may not be a huge draw for TNA but he is still a very damn good wrestler. It’s either him or AJ to be honest.
I voted for Kurt Angle as he is, in my eyes, the most valuable wrestler that TNA has. The man can wrestle just about any style, has great mic skills, is willing to put over just about anyone, and has a true passion for the business: he easily represents everything one could want in an employee. Also, I believe he is truly committed to TNA, and I don't see him leaving anytime soon.
Honestly don't think TNA has just one MVP, IDK to me it doesn't seem like there really is just one wrestler who stands out as being more important to the company than all the others, I think guys like AJ, Angle, Joe, Jarrett, Sting, and others are all important assets to the company, but if any one of them left I think TNA would still be fine without them, as they would still have all the others and they have plenty of good young talent just begging for a chance to move up the ladder
I'd love to say Samoa Joe, but they turned what I saw five years ago to be the man with the most superstar-potential in the company into a joke. yeah he ran with the tna title before but when Hogan and Bischoff show up, he's "kidnapped" and now he's supposed to be the old Samoa Joe. They should just have him be aligned with Sting and let them wreak havok on Bischoff and Hogan because even that would be more entertaining than watching Russo make the most intense wrestler i've ever personally watched perform into a complete joke. So of course, AJ Styles gets my vote. And rightfully so. The MVP of anything never truly gets the recognition he/they deserve (2006 Colts offensive line, 2007 Rockies pitching, 2008 Eagles receiving corps, etc...)
I would have to say Kurt Angle. He not only chose to leave WWE on his own, and took a huge pay cut to go to TNA. He's also probably the best wrestler in both companies. To this day he's still the biggest acquisition TNA has ever gotten in my opinion. TNA may still be far behind WWE in ratings, but I think they wouldn't have gotten this far without him.
You might want to change the thread title, if possible; I came into this thread thinking it was about Alvin Burke (WWE's "MVP")

For reasons other than the ones KillJoy posted, and a reason IDR didn't even bring up, I'm also going with Kurt Angle. Talent aside, Kurt has easily been the most reliable performer in TNA since he came to the company in 2006. I can't remember a time he's been out of TNA for longer than a month, and while he did have that HHH-esque period where he literally held EVERY SINGLE TITLE in TNA (and the IWGP strap) he's been a go-to guy since Day 1. Look what he brought out of Matt Morgan; granted he could have used a win, but that's something for a different topic.

While I'd prefer him to be putting guys over a little more right now, what he's going to be doing in the top 10 is one of the most interesting things going on in TNA at the moment.
To me, the single most important aspect that would both define the most valuable player as well as they should own is the ability to make anyone look good, and while AJ Styles is almost certainly capable of doing so himself, and while AJ Styles is the one of the longest tenured stars in TNA, their first and only Grand Slam Champion and one of the most exciting and marketable stars, I do still think he's a year or two away from truly establishing himself as such – until then, this title firmly belongs to Kurt Angle, IMO.

One of the most important factors to note with Angle, as Riaku noted already, is that Angle left the WWE in his prime to come to TNA, and in doing so he instantly became the face of the company if you ask me, and he's stayed the face ever since. It's Kurt's honor to lose.
See, this is one of the key problems with TNA. There's no person that really sticks out. In a perfect world, EVERYBODY would stick out and this could be hotly debated. As it is, Joe gets beat really easily one week and then kicks out of Planet Earth's finisher the next. Nobody's really better or worse story-line wise.

Talent wise? Desmond Wolfe. I love me some Anderson, but Wolfe is almost as good on the mic and straight kills in the ring.

Money making wise? I think Kurt is the person most people would pay to watch.

Oldness wise? Too many factors - can not compute.
Tough call...

Is it AJ, the "home grown talent"? Is it Kurt Angle, the only true Olympic Gold Medalist? Anderson, Wolfe.... Orlan...just kidding.

I would have to agree with many posters above and say Kurt Angle. Why? Well, as stated, he has been the man since coming over. He has held just about every strap. He has no problem putting over talent (which is what a guy his age should start transitioning to). And puts on flipping great matches. He also brought a fan base with him when he came over.

So... Kurt with honorable mention to AJ and Orlando...heh.

And there you have it.
Kurt Angle

The day Kurt Angle was signed to TNA was the day TNA became legit. Lets look at the X Factors

- Only Olympic gold medalist in pro wrestling today

- Has proven time and time again he can carry anyone to the match of their career

- He blew off Vince, Wrestlemania paydays, a larger salary and being a main eventer in the freakin WWE to work for Dixie in TNA.

He adds so much to TNA it's not even funny. Every person he feuds with leaves the feud with credibility because they were able to take Angle to his limits. A legend of his stature doesn't need to do that. He puts people over, they stay over and TNA needed someone like that on their roster. If you ask me, he's in an environment where he can be himself. A place where he can bust his ass and the fans won't sit on their hands the whole match. He lives to wrestle and in TNA they do indeed showcase the art of pro wrestling in all it's forms. That brings out the best in Angle and you can see he gives 110% in each and every match. That makes you a winner, an Olympic champion and TNA's most valuable player
Kurt Angle is TNA's MVP. TNA is never as exciting without Kurt Angle around and unless AJ or The Pope or somebody else ends up becoming the shit in TNA, when Angle leaves, I'm going back to permanently watching WWE. Angle is a class act and he's shown it time and time again in both TNA and WWE. most recently he showed it by stepping down from his #2 spot in the countdown and building himself back up as if he started his career all over again.

The problem with TNA though is that there is no clear cut defined MVP or face of the company. I only really say Kurt Angle does a lot for the company. But we all know that John Cena is the face of the WWE. Why? Not only because of what he does for the company but the fact that everytime we see him he always wins. Faces almost never lose and I think that TNA is missing that. Angle, RVD, Hardy, and even AJ could be the clearcut face of the company if they won often in big matches instead of losing every other match.
I'm a little torn between this really.

First of all we have A.J Styles, arguably the most loyal roster member in TNA, the top dog of the company in terms of who you identify with TNA, who you come to watch when you go to watch a TNA show, and who you cheer / boo the most (cheer for the most of it, I'm not sure whether he gets the most boos as a heel).

A.J has accomplished everything in TNA, and has scratched and clawed his way from the bottom to the top just like some of the more popular / firm main event wrestlers in WWE (Edge, Jeff Hardy when he was there).

On the other hand, we have Kurt Angle, one of the top dogs and cornerstones of TNA, the "legend" and "the man" in terms of who to make an impact against if you wanna make it in the business, right now Kurt at this very specific moment would probably be the most obvious choice for the most valuable wrestler the company has in the way that he puts over talent, and he puts on great matches.

Kurt Angle is TNA's go to guy for a great match to make his opponent look great, he's the Shawn Michaels of TNA, and he as well has all the accomplishments, not only in TNA, but in the wrestling business, he's also one of the "top dogs" of the company, not in terms of being the face of the company, because I'll still give that to A.J but in terms of being at the top.

I won't vote in the poll, because I can't put one over the other really, I think this is a draw.
For me, there are 3 MVPs of TNA.

1. Kurt Angle-He might have looked crazy to take the pay cut to join TNA, but he did it not only to help a budding company, but also to protect his body. It seems that everyone who works with him has nothing but good things to say about him, because he takes care of the other wrestlers he faces, and makes them look good, win or lose.

2. AJ Styles-He is one of the 3 guys I liked when I first started watching TNA back in 2004-2005, partly because of his feud with Christopher Daniels. That feud is what kept me coming back to watch TNA and when they stopped it, I was curious to see what they would do with him. I was just simply amazed with his move set.

And lastly:

3. Jeff Jarrett, whom without him, we wouldn't even have TNA so I find him to be one of the MVPs for that sole reason.
Damn I just noticed I overlooked Jeff Jarrett. I would have definitely voted for him for the simple fact that we wouldn't be having this conversation today if it wasn't for him. I also respect the fact that instead of going for the guaranteed kid money that he created a product for adults who love wrestling. I salute you sir, god bless you for giving us the Beautiful People.
Nobody gets more internet heat than VinnieRu. We all love to hate him.
If he were gone, we wouldn't even now who to complain about.
A.J. Styles has the ability to carry the company on his shoulders, as does Matt Morgan, if given the chance. They both are entertaining and tell a good story in the ring. A.J. with his wrestling skills and Matt with his size and strength.
Well for me it is Jay Lethal. I swear the guy entertains me more than anyone in TNA and I look forward to his segments more than anyone else. But he is obviously not the MVP, just my personal favorite at this moment.

Seriously though I gotta go with Angle. It was pretty much a tossup between him, Jarrett, and Styles. Angle like IDR and Riaku have brought up Angle left the E to go to TNA. He didn't do it just because he needed the job and wanted to get back at the E or because it was the cool thing to do at the moment. Angle went there on his own merits. Plus he has been one of the most entertaining guys since coming to TNA. His storyline with the top 10 is one of the best things going in TNA and his past storylines were some of the more entertaining.
WOW too much votes for less than a day...

anyways I went with kurt simply for 2 reasons. Kurt took TNA ratings from 0.8 to 1.
Hulk hogan+jeff+anderson+RVD altogether couldnt do that as it went down and then back to 1. And you notice it started getting to 1 when kurt started reappearing so that says it all.

Then best TNA feuds for me all involved kurt in it except 1. (joe vs sting). Joe vs Kurt the three matches were the best for me. THen he created MEM and carried TNA as a top heel and it was much better than nowadays the top 4 faces that never loose.
I barely tune in anymore, but when I do I realy enjoy the fact that they have actual tagteams. My vote goes towards Beer Money. They can both wrestle, can both talk, and I think they are the best tagteam on T.V. at the moment. I do believe they have great teams in TNA but imo Beer Money does it best.If it was not for a great tagteam division, I would have given TNA up a long time ago.
For me, I've got to go with Kurt Angle. Overall, Kurt Angle is probably the best on the TNA roster today. He's great in the ring, he's great on the mic, he's great as either a heel or a face and he's got the credibility of a superstar firmly in tact. Kurt Angle is one of the very few, maybe even the only, of the older and established stars brought into TNA Wrestling that can be unquestionably told "you've still got it". I believe that the much lighter TNA schedule could be a reason why Angle is still able to perform at top notch capacity. After all, Angle is 41 years old and in great shape, but he's had some serious injuries in the past that probably would have really started to catch up to him by now on a WWE schedule.

I know that, on the surface, one would think the answer could be Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jeff hardy, Rob Van Dam or Hulk Hogan. I can understand if someone believes that but, personally, I don't buy into it.

Samoa Joe is someone that hasn't been used well by TNA for well over a year now. Last year, TNA turned him into this bland, one dimensional heel with the only remotely memorable thing happening to him was a weak X Division title run.

AJ Styles has always been strong in the ring, always has, but he doesn't have the presence or the abilities on the mic. Styles, in my view, also makes one lousy heel and it's hard for me personally to have seen him go from a strong TNA World Heavyweight Champion face that can hang with anyone to being a weak, Ric Flair clone that seems as though he can barely lace up his boots without someone's help.

Jeff Hardy lost a lot of momentum, in my view, when TNA didn't keep him on the air and on the roster after his appearance on January 4th. And now, even though he's part of the roster regularly, he also doesn't really have the promo abilities. He's always been weak on the mic. However, on top of it all, TNA can't really do anything significant with him until the matter of his criminal trial is all settled. So, until he's a free man, he's not really going to be involved in anything truly major like a title scene.

Rob Van Dam has been a good TNA World Heavyweight Champion but, as with Hardy and Styles, RVD just can't cut it on the mic. It's a big weakness of his and I think RVD hasn't ultimately lived up to the hype that's been generated on the net. I'm sure lots of fans were looking forward to seeing RVD in these 25-30 minute classics with AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle but it hasn't happened. I'm not blaming that on RVD, don't get me wrong. But, all the same, the hype just hasn't lived up to the promise overall.

Hulk Hogan has to be the biggest disappointment of the year. Hogan will always have his name, but TNA Management and TNA fans were predicting and hoping that Hulk Hogan was going to be the one to elevate TNA to the next level. And, to be fair, for about 3 or 4 weeks, it did look that way. Ratings were up and interest in TNA was about as high as it had ever been. But, here we are in the middle of June and all the grand plans that TNA had with Hogan at the helm have all but gone up in smoke. The attempt to take on Raw head to head was a disaster, TNA lost viewers rather than gained them, the overall quality of the product went downhill and TNA has to struggle to be on equal footing or to outdraw WWE NXT.

So, for me, I just have to go with Kurt Angle. Angle's not really a huge draw but, in all fairness, ratings for iMPACT! did go up and started in the 1s on a regular basis when he arrived. Plus, as I said, he's still got it in the ring and I think he's really the only one of the major names brought in that has lived up to the investment TNA has put into him, at least thus far.
Angle, easily. I think I said it somewhere else, but Angle's been by far the most consistent thing TNA's had over the last few years. Basically every great match they've had for awhile has involved him. The last few storylines that were done well and properly involved him (Wolfe and Anderson). He's the most recognizable mainsteam name they have, as far as someone who still consistently wrestles. Not sure what more you can ask.

Just from watching him, he seems to be on a whole nother level compared to the rest of the roster. With AJ currently going up in flames and RVD being a rather underwhelming champ, there really isn't much else to choose from. Easy choice, for me at least.

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