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Who is the true wrestler of the 90's


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alot of wrestlers in the past called themselves the wrestler of the 90's the WWE made Greatest Superstars of the 90's dvd that featured Sting, Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK and a whole bunch of others. This thread however wants you to state who is the wrestler of the 90's and why?? I want one person not mulitple people jus one person as the absoulte best wrestler the 90's had to offer so please keep that in mind.

My pick is Bret Hitman Hart Bret had won so many big matches and titles all through the 90's. He really worked hard and put on great matches to showcase his skills and others. Close to the end of the 90's the Hitman's career started to decline a bit but he still ended it as a world champion and as the Saying goes "He was the Best There is The Best There was and The Best There ever Will be" and he wrestler of the 90's
Its either The Heartbreak Kid or the Hitman. As far as pure wrestling is concerned, they had epic matches during the decade. They also played very important roles for their territory when they had their times in the spotlight.
god-soldier you took my pick for all the right reasons...so i will nominate my second choice. Steve Austin. He had moderate success in WCW as a singles wrestler and a tag champ with Pillman. In ECW his shoot promos were cutting edge. In the WWF late 96'-early 97' and on belonged to Stone Cold. His popularity, merchandise sales, and his overall "rub" on the busniess as a whole has yet to be duplicated, and arguablly surpasses Hogan in his prime. It is difficult to rate/compare wrestlers and the business by calander decades. for example: WWF in 1992 resembled nothing like WWF 1997...However the wreslters and the climate of WWF 1997 is more comparable to WWF 2000. different decade similar era
It's a very tough call because of all that happens in a ten-year span. Austin was easily the best guy beginning in about 1996 but that only covers the last four years of the decade. Hogan entered the 90s as the top guy, faded, rose back in WCW, then faded again as the decade closed. Nobody could touch Hogan in the early 90s and only The Rock could claim anything close to Austin's status at the end of the decade.

Because of that split, I'm going to give the nod to Sting. He was kicked out of the Horsemen in 1990 which really launched his epic feud with Flair, then of course went on to be WCW's "flagship" for years as he had the huge feud with Vader and other big angles with guys like Sid Vicious, Rick Rude, and Lex Luger. Then, of course, came the "Crow" transformation and his role in the nWo angle, Starrcade 97, and everything else he accomplished as WCW was at the top of the industry.

I was very tempted to give it to The Undertaker because of a fairly consistent streak of Main Events throughout the entire decade, but I think Taker's legacy didn't really pick up steam until the middle of the decade when he had the Mankind feud, the Ministry, Kane, and all the things he's most remembered for. I also thought about HBK as the Rockers split happened in '91 and launched his career, but he didn't win his first World Title until 1996 and was really just another mid-carder up until the HBK/Razor ladder match seemed to put him on another level.

Great thread, BTW.
have to go with the undertaker here--the man was awe inspiring off the bat and remade his character more than once in the 90s and kept on rolling with it and while not the whole reason that wwf/e survived he was a huge part of it.
I have to say Hulk Hogan is the wrestler of the 90's because in the early 90's we say hulkamania dying down, and he realized that he needed to change and thus we say hollywood hogan and the NWO. Though it kinda over ran its course and then some but Hogan was the wrestler of the 80's and i believe that he could be the wrestler of the 90's
I gotta give the nod to HBK if we're talking about the whole decade. He did not start the decade at the top like other guys, but he had some nice midcard feuds with Bret, Marty Jannetty, and then came his breakout match at WM 10 with Razor. He won the rumble as the number one entrant and then fought for the title two WMs in a row. Great in the ring, funny as hell on the mic, and innovative, HBK could not be touched during the mid 90s. Ladder matches, Hell in a Cell Matches, Casket Matches, Iron Man Matches, I mean the WWE put a a lot of faith in the fact that he could go out and put on a damn good show with just about anyone. In fact, I would argue that for a while in the 90s, when the WWE was really feeling the loss of all of their former stars to WCW, Shawn, Hitman, and Undertaker were really the only guys selling tickets until the attitude era came along. But HBK was on a whole different level for most of the 90s as a total package.
Gotta be Bret Hart. He had many of the greatest matchever ever and was the face of WWF for half the decade. He was definetely there biggest star until the late 90s and again, his matches were incredible.
I would have to say Ric Flair.
The reason I pick him is because he's a great wrestler and entertainer. A lot of wrestlers got big pushes but weren't great in the ring or on the mic. Ric Flair did it all. He had some great heel runs against Hogan and reforming the 4 Horsemen. He also had a good face run against the NWO once agian with the 4 Horsemen.
Honourable mention:
Arn Anderson
Bret Hart
Steve Austin
and HBK
Now really Ima tell u like this. In order for a superstar to be the superstar during a certain decade, he has to show dominance throughout the whole decade. And for that reason it's Hulk Hogan. But my most honest answer if there had to be an honest answer of more than one wrestler has to be Shawn Michaels. Hogan started the decade of dominance in the early 90's after a successful run in the 80's. But HBK finished it with one spectacular performance after another until his back injury in 1998. And like one person wrote before that Yes it did take HBK 5 years as a single competitor to make it to the main event scene, but once he made it in, he really became one of the greatest wrestlers to ever set foot in a WWE ring. But Yes Shawn and Hogan. Hogan w/o a doubt put wrestling on the map, and HBK, perfected Wrestling and took it too a whole new level. Too bad we don't have any wrestlers like him, and now these young fans got to grow up watching, I'm not gonna call his name but yall know who. And no it's not Randy Orton. He actually knows how to wrestle.
wow this is a tough one. you have so many. stone cold, the rock, hulk hogan, shawn michaels, triple h, undertaker, bret hart, sting, chris jericho, and kurt angle. in order to be the superstar of the decade i think you have to have alot of qualities. with that being said i think i would have to say the true superstar of the 90's would have to be hulk hogan. i dont think hes a great wrestler but that doesnt matter. he went into wcw as the biggest and most popular wrestler that has ever lived. then in 1996 he turned into hollywood hulk hogan. with this reincarnation of hulk hogan he changed tthe history of the wrestling buisness. no one expected it and no one could believe it. for the very first time in his career hulk hogan was no longer a "good guy"... he turned heel. with his heel turn came the imergence of the most famous and star studed stable...the nWo. the nWo angle was one of the most influential forces in the late 1990s success of WCW, and was instrumental in turning mainstream American wrestling back into a more mature, adult-oriented product. even though it was thought of by the mastermind eric bischoff it could not have been done without hulk hogan. hogan was the fuel of the nWo. because of that this was one of the most successful story lines in modern day professional wrestling. in hi debut match with wcw he beat ric flair to win his first wcw world championship. weather it was in wcw or wwe hgan was on the top of the wrestling world. he is to this day the measuring stick for professional wrestling. hogan put pro wrestling in the mainstream media. if it wasnt for hogan pro wrestling would not be what it is today.
very good thread. lots of choices. i will go with hbk. in this decade he set the bar pretty high for all future stipulation matches. he participated in arguably the best ladder match, the best hell in a cell, and the best ironman match ( i also thinkthis is the best mania match ever and one of my top 5 matches ). i enjoyed watching him go from jobber tag team status to world champion. i also enjoyed dx the most when it was him, hhh, and chyna. i do think that this can be a tough decision. bret hart, austin, flair, and taker are also possibilities.
im not sure what criteria as to how we are suppose to measure this...by pure performance and overall relavance in the main event picture throughout the decade I would think Bret Hart is da man. However, the few years that Austin was in his prime he did more businesss/money than Hulk did in the entire 80's...and that's a fact jack
Anybody who said any name other than Hulk Hogan is just wrong. He lasted in the main event scene throughout the whole decade with two different companies and two completely different characters. He won eight world championships in the 90's and was also apart of one of the best storylines in wrestling history.

Those who say Austin are wrong because he did not get hot until the end of the decade when he was kicking everyones ass all over the place. Those who say HBK and Hart are wrong because although they had good matches WWF almost went out of business when they were on top.Sting and Flair spent the 90's battling Hogan often times losing.Goldberg had about a year and a half on top of the world and then that was that.
i have to say Bret Hart for his talent able to put young guys over, great worker and most respect on locker room...it's sad that Bret doesn't come back due to the screwjob and Shawn Micheal one of the guy most hated guy playing politics in the locker room back then. look at Rocky vs Bret match in 1997 where he make the rock million bucks...one of the reason this match happen because Shawn Micheals burried The rock and Bret got piss off went out give Rocky Maivia(the rock) one of good match and today The Rock still thank bret for that...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkK_JP7p1Fk
Isn't it funny that at the beginning of the 90's it was Ultimate Warrior who everyone thought would be the star of the decade...

The guy to pick is Bret Hart. Period. Class act, top rate athlete, well respected and a true champion....something HBK never was!
If we're gonna include Japan then it's either Misawa, Kobashi, or Kawada and it's not even close ! They consistanly but on some of the greatest matches not just of the 1990's but of all time ! You could go with any of the 3 and you wouldn't be wrong !
"these fans can stick it" Gotta be Hogan, greatest heel turn ever, greatest stable ever, which he was the head of, great new look and attitude, sure may have gone on too long or in the wrong direction.. but Hogan owned the 80's.. then the 90's, a testament to his legacy (even if he comes down the ring still... on crutches sometimes) and even tho Ric is calling himself a god now, I still remember Hollywood saying "I am the god that made professional wrestling" and when he did I was soooooo drinking the kool-aid, he was the champ pretty much all the time when nWo was at it's peak, which was quite awhile, and the promos he cut.. sweet jesus, only rock and stone cold compare to them to me... oh and his theme music was Jimi Hendrix (and he played his belt) ... that's just the shit
I'm going with Austin. Sure there are guys with better matches, but Austin was the one person who took the wrestling boom to it's highest peak. I loved the Dangerous Alliance and The Hollywood Blondes so when you add that to the incredible Stone Cold run Austin gets my vote.

Bret was the top worker, but only came out of his shell as a character as a heel imo. HBK was too inconsistant you know loosing his smile and all. If Vince didn't f@#k it up Vader would have been a strong contender.
I'd have to say it was Bret. He carried the company after Hogan left, on his back with some of the worst gimmicks and storylines I've ever seen. He ushered in an age where big roided freaks weren't the only ones who could be main eventers and the ability to work in the ring was just as important as being able to be a larger than life character.
I have to say shawn michaels he has always been there iin legendary league, and even tho the 90's were a bad time for him personally he still put on the show he did it all great ability inring and on mic, i did love the cockiness actually hehe

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