Who Is The Mystery Man With The "E" In His Name?


* "A source tells us that The Rock isn't the only Attitude Era Superstar planning to step in the ring in 2012. Hint: There's an "E" in his name."

so my question is who do u think the person with the letter E in their name is?

and also i couldn't find any other thread based on this, so if there is one before my thread then u can delete this one.

so my question is who do u think the person with the letter E in their name is?

my guess is ''E''dge but i dont want i too be, its too soon to bring him back on tv

DO NOT SPAM! Just typing the name of a wrestler, or creating a list, isn't enough. You must give reasons for whoever you choose. All spam posts will be deleted/infracted. Thank you.
I thought about Edge but I don't think he's ever coming back. For him to step back into the ring, it would be life threatening.

I think it's either ST"E"V"E" Austin (I know, that's two Es but the clue doesn't say only one E it just says that there's an E in the name, plus if we say STON"E" Cold, then there's one E there) or Mick Fol"E"Y......

In fact, when you say Foley, it ends in an E sound. FOL-"E"
stEvE austin springs to mind and its believable with all the talks of being fit enough to do one more match and the fact cm punk is massive right now and theres a chance of a wrestlemania match between the two
Edge can't step into the ring because Edge is retired indefinitely. His spinal condition is as drastic as he said when he retired, even recently in many of his interviews hes gone into detail about how much agonizing pain he was going through pre-WrestleMania. It won't be Edge.

You ever assume it could be Mick Foley? Foley's return is set in stone. Hes said he wants his final match later this year in the beginning of the next and not a single report has said WWE aren't interested - the exact opposite is supposedly their response. If Foley were to return for one final match It'd be at`WrestleMania and WM is in 2012. Add two-and-two together.
First off, this is probably just a bs report from The Informer. Even the WrestleZone "reporter" reminds you that only a few times did things mentioned in that column actually mean anything.

But let's assume this one means something ... And let's remember that three weeks ago, Triple H referred to Jim Ross as a returning superstar.

With the VERY LOOSE usage of the word superstar being used, my bet is that - if anyone - this has to do with Paul E. Dangerously. (Paul Heyman, kids.) But yea. Don't see that happening. So this was probably just a bs report.
My guess is, since that it's much harder to find a major '90s superstar in the WWF without an 'E' in his name than with one, that this is merely an attempt to stir up interest in the product without having to actually offer anything.
Goldust! I know there isn't an E in that name, but Dustin Rhodes/Runnels has an E. He was, well I won't say big, but at the hight of... damn. Well, he was around in the 90s and during the Attitude Era. I don't say I want it to be him, but, I don't know.

I also thought about Kevin Kelly, but I don't want him either. The most probable will be Eugene cos they were soooooooo high on him. OK. I know, it has to be someone like Steve Austin or Mick Foley, as both of those have said this year they either want one more match or could do one more match. It won't, not can't, won't be Edge. He retired saying if he takes the wrong bump that's it. That is it. So, I rule him out.

But, ladies and gentlemen, I have come to my conclusion. I have narrowed it down to... 1 former WW"F" Superstar.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. GILLBERG!
I think it's definitely Mick Foley. He has said he wants one last match in WWE and I haven't read one bit of information that WWE are not wanting to sign him. The most important thing is he has a E in his name. FolEy.
DuanE Gill, is the only rational choice. Gillberg was a holy terror and should comeback and end the streak of the Undertaker. This message is too cryptic, and it was fro "THe Informer" which most of the stuff is jokes, so we are looking into this seriously. Plus an E in the name narrows it down to about 80% of the Attitude Era people, since E is the most commonly used letter in the alphabet.

But my other guess would be Mideon.
I'm going for Stone Cold or Mick Foley, we all know Mick is going to come back at some point and rumors about Austin coming back for a match with CM Punk have been making their way around the net. Austin even said that if he was going to do one more match he would want it to be against Punk. I personally hope it's Austin but I would love to see Mick come back also.
The first names that came to my mind were St"E"ve Austin and Mick Fol"E"y.

Then I wondered if Paul "E" Heyman would be counted as an attitude era superstar...

I don't know, I just hope it's not Stephani"E" McMahon Helmsley.
DuanE Gill, is the only rational choice.

Of course, Katie Vick has a "E" in it, unless you spell her name Katy Vick, in which case it doesn't.:blush:

If there's anything to this rumor at all, I'd guess Mick Foley is the guy since the timing seems right, given the recent talk of him returning.
If this piece of 'gossip' is even true, then it could really be anyone, from Steve Austin to Val Venis, Mick Foley to Grand Master Sexay, Shawn Michaels to The Godfather. All we can really do at this point is wait for 2012 to come so we can find out, because there are too many possibilities to go through.
As for Edge, I can almost guarantee it won't be him, because if he wanted, or, more importantly, could wrestle another, he wouldn't have retired while he was still World Championship material.
I would like it to be edge or stone Cold, But it can't be edge because one bad landing and he could be paralyzed for the rest of his life.
It could be stone cold but i think it will be someone who is more of a stuntman than a Wrestler
Mick Foley
He is done with TNA and even said that he wants to wrestle one more match now that his son can appreciate his work in the ring.
They're not bringing Edge back...ever, but I wouldnt be surprised if thats what they're trying to allude to. They might also be trying to say Stone Cold, but we know thats not happening either. Judging by the nature of the "WWE gossip" series this could be dismissed as a joke. The only people who could wrestle in 2012 that are from the attitude era are Triple H and Undertaker.
The bigger question here is why anyone believes half the tripe coming out of the WWE magazine. They just make this shit up to get you to buy it. The likelihood that any of their "predictions" or "insider information" actually has anything to do with real, future creative direction is slim to none. Is it impossible that the WWE is planning, or at least trying, to bring back another Attitude Era mainstay? Not at all. But the likelihood of the WWE magazine giving out any credible information on the subject is very low.

As far as some of the names being tossed around here. If you think Edge working another match is ever going to happen, keep dreaming. He's in bad shape, and should stay as far away from a ring as possible. Austin is in a similar boat. He has his own share of mounting injuries that will probably prevent a return to the ring. Austin, as well, has a successful life with his own endeavors, so anything more than one night appearances is unlikely. If one of them was returning to the ring I'd hope it was Austin over Edge, as Austin could probably at least work a match without taking the risk of killing himself.

In all likelihood, however, this story is nothing more than rumor mongering intended to get the WWE magazine some attention so you'll go buy it. I wouldn't believe anything that they put out.
I agree it won't be edge, I'm amazed he even wrestled at mania after hearing what that guy experienced.
Mick Foley is a good pick, he wants another WWE match and depending on who it is it would be hectic. I don't think he could do things for careers that SCSA can though.
Stone Cold is the most likely I think, launch a match with Punk at mania, and launch Punks career
Goldberg and Mike Tyson are both interesting aswell, Mike Tyson launched the era and although Goldberg didn't compete in the WWE attitude era, his return would launch as much amazement as all the others

In my opinion, I think WWE should have him challenge Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He said he wanted one more match so why not vs Undertaker
I think it will be Bill Goldb"e"rg because he definitly was from the attitude era and there is that video saying that he wanted to wrestle a match before the end of 2011 which he still could but if he going to he has to get the ball rolling on that because we have less than 5 months left in 2011 and we know he will want a proper booking w/ a good storyline and for that to happen that takes a good 2 months minimum!!! It's for this reason plus his tv show schedule why I think Goldberg will wrestle a match 2012 not 2011!!!
If they got Stone Cold to say he would have 1 match at Wrestlemania against Punk then it very well could be Steve. Other than that the possibility of it being Foley is another option seeing as his contract is up with TNA soon and he could come to the WWE and while it would be big to see it could be something different, which is why I'm going to go out on a limb and say it will be......

the return of MASKED KANE!!
I think that it will be mick foley. he really wants to return to the wwe, and the fans still love him. one more wrestlemania match would be great.

my other choice, that for some reason i havent seen yet is jEricho. he is planned to face the undertaker at wrestlemania, and he has been jabbing at cm punk so i think he will return this year.
I can't believe nobody mentioned Kevin Nash/Diesel.

Nash currently has a legends contract with the WWE and he did say he wanted to return to the ring, or if needed he would. Kevin Nash worked in the Attitude Era with NWO, and I think he's a pretty big superstar.

Other than him, I do believe it's Mick Foley since he wants one more match in the WWE.
I can't believe nobody mentioned Kevin Nash/Diesel.

Nash currently has a legends contract with the WWE and he did say he wanted to return to the ring, or if needed he would. Kevin Nash worked in the Attitude Era with NWO, and I think he's a pretty big superstar.

Other than him, I do believe it's Mick Foley since he wants one more match in the WWE.

I can't believe nobody mentioned Chris J(E)richo. He was in the attitude era if i'm not wrong.

I agree on Foley but unless it's a hardcore match than I don't want to see it.

Edge isn't coming back.

Stone Cold is a possibility.

But most of the stuff the "Informer" says is wrong so i'm calling BS.
Dirtsheets are like fortune tellers, say something vague enough and it's likely to be true.

Hmm, attitude era star who has an "E" in their name?
HuntEr HEarst HElmslEY counts
StonE Cold counts
FolEy counts
Val VEnis counts

shit man you could probably go on. E is a popular vowel so it's not like this is limiting itself.

I don't believe any dirtsheets I read. They're usually bogus or incredibly broad. Like that one article before MITB "word has it that CM Punk and Vince McMahon are discussing the contract behind closed doors" really? Just pull that out of your ass? Probably already had this whole angle planned back in June and already had him signed.

Why do you guys still even read that shit BTW? Like I said, it's 100% of the time either bogus or something like "a white wrestler will be on the show tonight".

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