Who Is The Future Of The WWE?

Who Is The Fututre Of The WWE?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

  • Carlito

  • Chris Masters

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Johnny Nitro

  • Bobby Lashley

  • Ken Kennedy

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Spirit Squad (As a whole or an individual member)

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Well, as the thread's title suggests, post who you believe is the future of the WWE, and why. Personally, I'm going to go with Randy Orton, many think that the only time where he would shine was back n 2004 when he won the WHC. I have a feeling WWE didn't stop there with him.
Randy Orton is tha future of tha WWE soon he will fight for tha WWE title and win.
I think it will be more than one to be the future of the company. it took d-x stonecold, and the rock to make the attitude era what it was. but guys like Orton, carlito, benjamin, and the masterpiece. are all probably the future.
Well, yea that's what I meant, I didn't mean who was going to be the one to carry WWE single handedly, more like who will most likely be the best and the most popular.
Randy Orten Is the future.

but he is loosing his character.
Im thinking Lashley. When Lashley gets on top, Ortons prime will have come and gone. Some of the contenders Lashley will have are Spirit Squads Kenny, Mr.Kennedy,Nitro,Sylvan,Haas,Carlito,Masters,and Benjamin. There are your future main eventers
Orton came damn close to slayin the Undertaker and has Kurt beat at Vengeance
Lashley-NextBigThing said:
Im thinking Lashley. When Lashley gets on top, Ortons prime will have come and gone. Some of the contenders Lashley will have are Spirit Squads Kenny, Mr.Kennedy,Nitro,Sylvan,Haas,Carlito,Masters,and Benjamin. There are your future main eventers

the problem with lashley is that he is very VERY stiff.
it obviously comes down to orton and lashley. randy's becoming a really good heel, the wwe could use a little orton boost.. lashley seems to be on a roll lately, but i think the big and unstoppable gig won't last for a long time before the fans stop buying it.. im going with orton..
Randy Orton - A prime superstar to lead WWE when Triple H, HBK, Booker T, Taker leave the ring, Orton can produce Heel heat very well and should be a prime heel in the next few years.

Edge - Another heel made superstar, great gimmick by the creative team. The guy can do anything, hardcore, singles, tag.

Shelton Benjamin- Could be a great face or heel, the next Rock in my opinion, great athletism and skill in the ring, need to work on Mic work.

Carlito - From Since he debuted def. Cena for the U.S Championship his ring skill has improved sooo much, showing off some aerial atrubutes and some great mike skill, Carlito is a future WHC/WWE Champ.

Lashley - The next Brock Lesnar, lets just hope he isn't as stupid as Lesnar was.

Spirit Squad - Some all 5 members will be stars, no doubt about and most will be future WHC/WWE Champs, ranging from ECW, RAW, Smackdown.
Orton's probably the best of the younger group of wrestlers around right now. I imagine he'll wind up being the next HHH like mainstay.
John Cena: John Cena isn't the future - he's as big as it gets right now. He makes up for limited repertoire with great mic skills.

Randy Orton: Same thing applies to Orton - he's already main evented. Good ring skills and much improved on the microphone.

Carlito: Hope he wins the IC title at Vengeance. I've been a Carlito mark since day one - he is the next big thing.

Chris Masters: Overrated. Didn't deserve the push he received. Limited ring skills, weak finisher, and less than stellar speaking skills.

Shelton Benjamin: He has all the tools in place - he just needs to work on his speaking a little bit.

Johnny Nitro: Still getting upstaged by Melina. He's talented, but not enough to steal the spotlight - at least not yet.

Bobby Lashley: Good strength, decent repertoire, and a nice high impact style in the ring. Needs to build up mic skills before he makes it to the top - right now I'd say he's below average in that department.

Ken Kennedy: My favorite SmackDown! superstar. It's good to have him back (he got a big pop upon his return, despite being a heel). With SmackDown's roster the way it is, it's at least time for a U.S. Title reign, if not the main event.

Rey Mysterio: He's already at the top and will probably stay there. It's not hard to see why he's a crowd favorite.

Spirit Squad: Everyone's all over Ken Doane (probably because of his age), but I think Johnny Jeter and Mike Mondo have equal potential to become big names. Of course Doane is inevitably going to be paired up with his lady love Mickie James - whether that will help him or not remains to be seen.
Well the near future I say none of the above... Batista will dominate for as long as Tripple H is around. But later than that I think Lashley has a good chance as well as nitro. Although I will say this... Kennedy has been pretty impressive...
i'm going with harry smith the son of the late great davy boy smith. watch him on raw very soon
Ken Kennedy is the future. He has the looks and the Mic ability. He looks like a superstar and he is one of the most athletic wrestlers in the WWE today.


Just Kidding.

But I'd say Lashley,Orton and Shelton. I'm tempted to say Batista, but apparently he's old.
Johnny Jeter, Kenny Doane, CM Punk

All these guys can work but if Punk gets an attitude adjustment, he will surpass both of these guys. Punk has the in-ring ability and the mic skills to be a big time star. He's of course still green but these guys are going to be huge stars someday in the WWE. If you are unconvinced, go take a look at there OVW work.
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