who is the best wrestler of all time


Dark Match Winner
i think it is shawn michaels he always puts on the best matches and his matches are alaways the most entertaining matches
bret hart,most skilled in the ring,and can sell anything in the ring.never has a bad match except a couple tag ones where he couldnt help it
I Would Say Shawn Michaels He Has The Best Matches Best Face Maybe Best Heel First Grand Slam Champion Best Inovator Of Matches
TheIconn, just to say, this thread has been posted many many times. I know it's your first time, but look in the forum before you post a new thread.
I'm sorry after watching wrestling all these years that I have, I have to say its a tie... a tie between Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, and Chris Benoit. Just because all of these entertainers were pure wrestlers and actually knew the fundamentals of true wrestling plus they are great performers in front of the crowds. The knew how to sell themselves, good or bad. if they were bad, you loved to boo them and if they were good it was even better. All three of these performers have my repsect for what they have done for the sports entertainment industry thru their skills, dedication, and passion for what they love.
Hulk Hogan Is Great In All For A Legacy And Creating It It He Is Not Good I Am More Along The Lines Of Death Is A Right Yet I Dont Say The Rock Is One Of Them Undertaker Maybe One Of Them
You guys will seriously never learn how to put more into your posts...

HBK in my opnion is the best of all time... This man had memorable matches throughout his whole carear... And litteraly always did steal the show.. And now that hes older... Hes letting younger stars beat him.. Unlike alot of other wrestlers..
HBK_ROCKS01 said:
Hulk Hogan Is Great In All For A Legacy And Creating It It He Is Not Good I Am More Along The Lines Of Death Is A Right Yet I Dont Say The Rock Is One Of Them Undertaker Maybe One Of Them

I said the rock because he had some amazing ablilty. He was the whole package and he did win 7 WWE titles, more than anybody.
Ummmmm Ok Hulk Hogan Is Great Dont Get Me Wrong But He Was Not A Great Wrestler He Was Great For The Fans His Charisma And For Making It Big
Flair is the greatest all time. Flair single-handedly made being a heel cool. He is the best promo cutter of all time. He is a 16-time World Champion. He's beaten the best. Even though he's flabby and old, he still schools the young boys. And have any of you been to a WWE event lately? Soon as you walk in the arena, you hear the hordes of WHOOOS
First of all we all have to realize what it takes for a entertainer to become great. It doesnt mean being in the business for a long time, it also means what they have given to it,their dedication, heart, and committment to the sport. Passing the torch to the younger generation takes character and dedication to the love and future of the sport. With that being said, I still stand behind my votes of Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit. And I also have to add one more master to the mix. Someone that has definately paved the way for all of us and that's the Nature Boy Ric Flair
Oh Yeah I Forgot Maybe Flair Is For Me Its Him Or Michaels
The Rock had the most WWE Titles (7). Not bad for a guy who some of you fools think does't belong in this conversation.
As far as a wrestler who was in WWE, I'd definitely say Bret Hart. His track record speaks for itself. Multiple time Tag, Intercontinental, and World Champion. He also adapted to other wrestlers' styles better than anyone else I've ever seen, and was able to showcase that wrestler's strong points and take away from their weak ones. He could also sell very well. Plus, he performed with creative manuevers, great match pacing, and dead-on ring psychology at full bore for his whole career without injuring anyone.

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