Who is Impact Wrestling's ''John Cena''?

This is a decent thread and you see all the TNA haters and lovers coming out of the woodwork.

As a guy who is kind of in the middle ... I am going to say they simply do not have a John Cena ... and it is something they could use.

At best it is Kurt Angle. He is the clear No. 1 guy. He can give anyone in the company a rub or a push ... he can carry the strap at any time. He has the professional and amateur accolades and he is an exceptional performer in the ring and on the mic. He transcends TNA.

None of the "homegrown" talent really transcends the company. I love AJ Styles, James Storm and Bobby Roode. And the latter two are certainly making their move to not only be top tier TNA guys but top tier guys in the entire business, but the fact is ... none of these guys transcend their company. None of these guys are "immediate" main event contenders if they head over to the E right now.

If Angle headed back to WWE right this second he would still be a top tier guy. An obviously, if Cena was to head to ANY promotion he would be the top guy at this point.

TNA is on the cusp now that they are working hard to build up the James Storms and Bobby Roodes ... but they simply do not have a John Cena ... not yet at least.
No one comes close. TNA doesn't build there guys right to ever have a chance to come up to his status. They build a main eventer, but then after he is out of the title picture they drop him to a mid card feud or just from anything for awhile and they become meaningless. WWE hasn't done that with Cena since his US Title run. He has been a focus of the show. They could easily build one guy but i think creative is a big part to blame for it. Also Cena has a lot more fame and does a lot of shows, no ones heard of TNA so as far as popularity among the country/world, it would be very difficult well impossible for them to build him up.
NO ONE!! If TNA has a John Cena they would be in much better shape than they are in now. Like Cena or Hate him he puts asses in seats. Their ppv was so empty. They have guys that are loyal like AJ and Roode but I honestly think both those guys will end up in WWE soon, especially Roode.
TNA doesn't have a John Cena and unless they can get there company some more publicity and more viewers, they probably won't ever have a TNA John Cena. The closest thing they have to John Cena is probably Jeff Hardy though. I can't remember the last time he lost in a 100% clean match. He proved in the WWE that he CAN be as popular as John Cena but if TNA doesn't start getting some serious viewers then they probably won't ever really have a John Cena.
No one comes close. TNA doesn't build there guys right to ever have a chance to come up to his status. They build a main eventer, but then after he is out of the title picture they drop him to a mid card feud or just from anything for awhile and they become meaningless. WWE hasn't done that with Cena since his US Title run. He has been a focus of the show. They could easily build one guy but i think creative is a big part to blame for it. Also Cena has a lot more fame and does a lot of shows, no ones heard of TNA so as far as popularity among the country/world, it would be very difficult well impossible for them to build him up.

No offense bro but this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here. And that's saying something. You're basically saying there's a simple formula for getting someone to Cena's popularity, when there's only been three guys in the history of wrestling who've been more popular than Cena.

And what the hell is up with all this complaining about guys dropping from the main event? Hello? A lot of guys (besides a Rock/Cena/Austin/Hogan level guy) float in and out of the main event. WWE does the same thing. It has to be done creatively to keep the main event feuds fresh for the real fans. Of course when we become more like advocates than actual fans, and focus on who's getting pushed and who's not rather than focusing on whether the show is good or not, we see things a little differently don't we?

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