Next in line for the IC title...
~Ted DiBiase Jr. - He is starting his climb back up to popularity, was the favorite in his short feud with Jinder Mahal, and is the favorite with his starting program with Hunico. An IC title run would be a great way to launch him like it did for Cody.
~Hunico - He is starting out and is hated amongst the fans. His little body guard would provide a nice way for him to keep the title for awhile, while also setting up a feud between them down the line.
~Primo/Epico - Its been awhile since we've seen someone hold double gold. One of these two would be good to carry the title and elevate themselves to the next level, again possibly starting a feud between each other.
~Justin Gabriel - fast paced high flyer, could put on some excellent matches. The only issue I have is that he hasn't gotten any mic time. Its all in how you work the mic nowadays.
~Big Zek - Yeah, he should probably be listed under long shot, but I want to see the next man that carries it be bigger. However, his character is generic and he isn't getting over with the fans. An IC title run could set him up to be a future main eventer.
~Drew McIntyre - Really dont see what WWE is doing with him, but at this point he isn't going to touch that title.
~Jinder Mahal - Massive heel heat which could work, along with decent mic skills. However, he was dealt a stereotypical character, and without someone to feud with he is left to just rot. His size could work since he can take on pretty much everyone, but I dont see it.
~Tyson Kidd - Again, dont know what WWE is doing. He is solid in the ring and was over when he was a face. He has decent mic skills so if he can get out of this rut, he could have a chance.
~Sin Cara - Nevermind the fact that he's injured till probably Spring, he cant talk on the mic...or at least WWE isn't letting him. Its hard to say how well he could handle it since his in-ring performance lacks.
~Everyone else (Trent Barreta, Yoshi Tatsu, Tyler Reks, Joe Hening, Mayson Ryan, JTG) - WWE is leaving these guys with nothing to do. They barely get screen time and are left on Superstars.