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Who is Christian talking about?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Who do you all think is the man that Christian was talking about? He said it's a wrestler. He said it's someone with anger problems. R.V.D. has no anger problems at all in wrestling and his contract won't run out for a little less than a year so it's not him. It's not Jericho because he's still being pursued. It may be Steiner, but there's plans for him to wrestle Angle later in the year so it's not him in my opinion. Also, they wouldn't announce his signing if it was going to be him. It can't be Goldberg or Lesnar because they were mentioned already. It's not Benoit. He's the WWE U.S. champion and has been dominating in WWE so if it was him he'd be a jobber recently on WWE. Maybe it's the Big Show. I'm highly doubt it, but that's all I can come up with at the time.
Smart money goes on Scott Steiner. He gets re-signed and all of a sudden there is an announcement regarding someone as a coach for Christian that has an attitude along the lines of Angle. Who knows, though? Maybe it's all a ruse and it's someone like...Sylvester Terkay?
Well, I look at it like this. They said there would be a hint tonight. Tomko comes out and his goatee is bleached on teh sides. Who do we know who is like that? Oh yeah, scott steiner!!
i hope its jherico... but it wont b... i hope its not big show..
If it'd be Jericho, I'd piss my pants almost instantly. If it was Big Show, I'd throw up on my tv...almost instantly. All signs would point to Steiner, though, from the description that Christian was giving with regards to the guy. Good scripting, though, with the swerve by Angle about Lesnar and Goldberg, who are nowhere near TNA (unless Dixie bought Lesnar out or coughed up a fortune for Gold-turd).
If it was Steiner it would be great. They could use it as an oppertunity to give Cgristian a better title reign. Having Steiner cost Angle the match would be better than just having Christian cheat to victory.
If you didn't notice, after Joe came out to save Angle or whatever, Cage was like there's your hint.. I really don't think its anyone, just Cage playing games, trying to mess with angle.
Tomko stroking his goatee....then when christian said there's your hint, he himself stroked tomko's goatee, which was bleached on the sides...
its most likely steiner he is talkin about...all signs point to steiner...we have heard about him just being signed...they are probably gonna bring him in this way to build it up..
Here is the answer:
sources: PWInsider.com Audio, Pro Wrestling Torch

It looks like we haven't seen the last of 'Big Poppa Pump' in TNA. Scott Steiner, 44, has signed a new long-term deal with TNA and he should be back on television very soon. They also have a plan in place for a Scott Steiner/Kurt Angle feud later in the year. Steiner hasn't appeared in a TNA ring since August. The reason for his disappearance was due to the fact that he wasn't satisfied with his pay. Steiner initially joined TNA for less than his asking price and he thought he deserved a raise by that point after he had proved himself. The two parties couldn't come to an agreement as contract negotiations came to a standstill, and thus he hasn't appeared on television in several months.
Good scripting, though, with the swerve by Angle about Lesnar and Goldberg, who are nowhere near TNA (unless Dixie bought Lesnar out or coughed up a fortune for Gold-turd).

Dixie didn't pay a fortune for Goldberg. He has signed a deal with Spike tv. And since Spike put up some of the $$$ for Kurt, then I wouldn't be surprised to see Bill make an appearance at some point on TNA.

But my guess on who Christian is talking about, its got to be Steiner.
Goldberg hate's Russo because he made him turn heel for no apparent reason, which nearly killed his character. So he's completley out of the equasion. Also surley would bring him in as a face. It would'nt make sence to bring him in as a heel, he's such a star that he would get face heat anyway.
Goldberg hate's Russo because he made him turn heel for no apparent reason, which nearly killed his character. So he's completley out of the equasion. Also surley would bring him in as a face. It would'nt make sence to bring him in as a heel, he's such a star that he would get face heat anyway.

Trust me on this one. Goldberg makes some kind of appearance in TNA in 2007. Don't know when, where or why, but it will happen.
that would be awesome if goldberg would atleast make an appearance, i dont know how it could be steiner though cause onece steiner comes back he is going to have a feud with angle so i have heard
Its probably gonna be Scott Steiner. He'll probably start a mini feud with him while having a main feud with Christian Cage for a while, then start his feud with Steiner after hes done with Cage
My moneys on Steiner, between Tomkos bleached goatee, and the description Christian gave as well as the fact that Steiner recently resigned with TNA and is expected to feud with Angle, this could be the beginning of that feud, and when christian said theirs your hint, Samoa Joe was in the ring, Joe and Steiner had a big feud right before Steiner was taken off TV for negotiations, So I'm geussing Steiner, and I'm gonna say that he is revealed as the guy at the PPV
take this how you like but i saw on wikipedia that wwe and goldberg were in talks at the end of last year.
It would never happen, but a great person to fill this role would be Nathan Jones. I know he is in acting and stuff but I believe that he was just as good as Lesnar. An interesting note is that my father worked at the prison when he was held in there, and he broke handcuffs, doors and injured many other cell mates in his time at Boggo Road Jail. I think that would account for a character with 'anger problems'.

In reality, I think it will be an angrier, meaner Scott Steiner who comes in and fills the role although it would piss a lot of people off to see Goldberg (or Gold-Turd according to Kasey) in there. I would have thought that Tomko would continue his Problem Solver gimmick as well as doing this role as well. A Christian stable with 2 enforcers would be interesting though.
haha i wish but thats wikipedia, i could go on that and edit it to Goldberg sign 6 year 20 dollar contract with tna
And he'd be paid five dollars too much.:) Sorry for being a smartass, but I just could't help it, man. Seriously, though, sometimes wiki does have good articles, but you are right, though, checking sources from there is very important so you don't get a fairy tale description like they did with Bischoff that was as far off base as you can get with regards to tripe.
i dont know why u guys hate on goldberg so much, if he came to tna u have to admit tna's ratings would skyrocket. he did end hart's career but it wasnt like he was gonna go a lot longer. i really just dont understand y u guys hate him so much
Everything points to Steiner being the guy. TNA can't keep a "secret" and Tomko's beard stroking was so overdone.

While an Angle vs. Steiner match/feud looks good on paper, I have no faith that TNA will be able to carry it out well. I don't think these two would have as good of a match as most people think.

I'm not thrilled that Steiner is coming back, esp. when ALEX SHELLEY hasn't had a match on Impact forever.
i really just dont understand y u guys hate him so much
Theres many reasons why i dont like goldberg:

1.the way most of his matches in wcw (spear and jackhammer pin) were so boring,predictable.
2The fact it was reported the (in the begining) 'goldberg' chants were tapes played throught the p.a. system.
3.If he was in a match longer than a minute he didnt seem to know what to do.
4.He was older and less talented than some other of the other wcw talent that was *A LOT* more deserving of a monster push like he got.
5.Bret Hart's concussion.

Back on topic.

My moneys are steiner simply for the bleached goatee of tomko's
First I just want to say some random things about all your thoughts on the subject.

Nathan Jones has never been even remotely close to the wrestling talent Brock Lesnar has in his pinky, Jones was just another bigman (like Khali, Goldberg, Boogeyman to name a few) that Vince was high on that dropped the ball over and over again due to lack of talent please don't ever compare Brock(Truly a great and mega talented wrestler) to Nathan Jones (a C-list actor, and i'm being nice).

I'm not a big fan of it being Steiner or Jericho(although that would be a great signing for TNA) I think TNA is going for some kind of shock factor and with Kurt talking about getting into MMA don't be surprised if Bob Sapp(as TNA has been in talks with him about possibly faceing Angle), Daniel Puder(TE winner that never made it in WWE but kind of put up a fight against Angle in their shoot match on Smackdown!)or my personal pick Tito Ortiz(he's recently said that pro wrestlers aren't in his league and they could never hang with a MMA fighter and has done business with TNA in the past)this would be a smart move and a good next challenge for Angle after his feud with Joe ends, but it most likely will be Steiner and that's a shame as it's been done to death I guess Steiner just sucks off whoever is the champ.

When is everybody going to get it through their head's Goldberg doesn't care about us wrestling fans, he doesn't respect the business that made him a star, and all's that greedy bastard care's about is his next paycheck TNA needs to stay away from this loser as he's not super talented anyway.

And last but not least Brock Lesnar, I couldn't believe the reaction his name drew from the crowd, not only that but they started a RVD chant and with all due respect to RVD Brock Lesnar is a bigger star and name than RVD he's younger and agruebly more talented than RVD is, in the long run Brock Lesnar would be a WAY better signing than RVD ever could be, i'm very disapointed in the average TNA fan as they don't know much about true wrestling talent.

Well those are my thought's on the matter agree, disagree, I could care less as this is MY opinion.
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