Who Do You WANT to Win the Bound For Glory Series?


Getting Noticed By Management
As of now, James Storm, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Mr Anderson are the ones who will advance to the "semifinals" or Round robins on No Surrender.... who do you think will get there and who do you want to win the series and go to the Main event of Bound for Glory?

of course some superstar can get into those top spots and realistically some have more of a shot than others. For example, I think James Storm, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Bully Ray are advancing to No Surrender, but im undecided who I want to win it I think it depends on who is champion by the end of No Surrender.... i think they have 2 choices, either bobby roode or Austin Aries.....
SO, if Aries is champion I want Angle or Bully Ray, Angle will give us match of the year with Aries, and Bully Ray has grown so much in the last year and crowning all this achievements in the biggest ppv of the year would be great.
If Bobby Roode is champion, then I want James Storm to win it so we could get the ultimate feel good moment when Storm finally takes the title from Roode

I would've said James Storm so we could get that ultimate feel good moment of Storm taking the title off Roode but TNA have ruined any chance of that happening by giving that moment to Aries instead. It wouldn't matter if Roode wins back the title at Hard Justice or No Surrender then loses it to Storm at BFG, it wouldn't be as special as it could've been if Storm was the first to dethrone Roode after a years reign with the belt. TNA's problem is they listen to the IWC too much. The IWC bitches to make Aries a main eventer and they are so quick to cater to their demands, fucking up something special they have been building towards for a whole year now. Storm was supposed to be the man, he was supposed to be Roode's kryptonite. They could've just saved Aries' big win for next years Destination X, this was Storm's time. Anyway, now that Aries has got the title, I would just continue with having him walk into BFG as champ, so they don't fuck up his push and be on the receiving end of another IWC bitchfit. As for the BFG winner, I want Angle to win to so he can face Aries and deliver a masterpiece.
Personally I'd love to see Stlyes win it, primarily because an AJ Styles vs Austin Aries match would be absolutely amazing. No idea how it could happen, I just want to see the match. They had a small 2 minute face off at some battle royal thing on iMPACT a month or so ago and it was sweet. If they can excite that much in two minutes I imagine how nice it'll be at BFG when they're given plenty 'o time.

I'm rooting for my boy AJ even though he probably won't win.
I think Samoa joe was badly booked in the last series, and I think it has hurt him over the last year. I want Samoa joe to get submission victories all the way through.

He needs to recapture the whole "Joe's gonna kill you" unstoppable monster image he once had.

I also want a-dub to turn heel, so I would like joe to get screwed in his title match in some amazingly heel like screw job that will make Aries look evil while making joe look no less formidable.

But I also want to ring announce all of TNA's shows. I think I have nearly equal chances of getting either of my wishes, here. Zilch.
I'd love to see Samoa Joe main event Bound for Glory again. But if I was forced to pick.. I'd go with Kurt Angle. I'd buy BFG for Aries vs Angle alone. I have to believe this match up is in TNA's plans somewhere as Kurt and A Double have never touched each other and the longer it goes, the higher Aries rises.. the more special this match up feels.
I love Aries, but I just don't think he should be main eventing Bound For Glory. I don't care if he wins the title on first show after that event. But BFG should be a culmination of long storylines. That's why Storm vs. Roode, AJ vs. Daniels, Bully Ray vs Abyss, or even Jeff Hardy vs Jeff Jarrett should be the main event for the World Title at BFG. Aries is catching on too late to be main eventing the biggest PPV of the year.
I want Samoa Joe to win. Him and Austin Aries would put on an awesome match. If Samoa Joe doesn't win, i would want Angle to win. I do not see James Storm winning it because he is still going to end up facing Bobby Roode. Roode does not need the title to face Storm.
I'd love to see Samoa Joe main event Bound for Glory again. But if I was forced to pick.. I'd go with Kurt Angle. I'd buy BFG for Aries vs Angle alone. I have to believe this match up is in TNA's plans somewhere as Kurt and A Double have never touched each other and the longer it goes, the higher Aries rises.. the more special this match up feels.

I agree, I think Angle will end up facing Aries even if he doesn't win the Bound For Glory Series.
Jeff Hardy

He was formerly my favorite wrestler in the world. But I disagree with everything that TNA has done with his character and don't think he's made the best of the shit they've given him. But when he's in the title picture, he at least has some intensity and put on great matches. I'd also like to see him have a clean outcome in a title bout, none of the crap that I paid to see when he fought Roode at the beginning of the year. When he hasn't been in the title picture, it's not worth my time to watch. If Hardy could battle Aries for the title we'd get some phenomenal matches and see the best of two surface.
I'm a fan of Storm winning the BFG tournament. He has been strong throughout this entire thing and if Roode retained at Destination X, I'd have said Storm should win to make the main event Roode vs. Storm for the World Title. Austin Aries has really caught on lately and done a great job of being World Champ despite TNA not making him the focal point of Impact. The champ should be main eventing[CM Punk, anyone? :)].

Since it looks like TNA might actually keep the title on Aries, I'd say have Samoa Joe win it. Then have Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries in the BFG World Title match. That would be a great match just for the in-ring stuff alone and not even counting what they could do to actually build the storyline going forward. If Roode regains the TNA World Title @ Hardcore Justice, then it should definetely be Storm to win. I'm hoping to see Aries retain and have him vs. Joe. TNA can have Storm win at anytime in the future or vice-versa with Roode regaining the belt. Storm vs. Roode was done last year. It was good then and it'll be good whenever they resume the feud. I'd simply rather see something different in the main event this year, which is why Samoa Joe deserves it. They did an awful job with him in the tournament last year and Aries should be getting the push to test him as champ. If things don't go well, have him lose. I would at least like to see Aries main event BFG and lose afterwards if things don't work out.
Samoa Joe - the guy has a lot talent in ring and on mic. Even Steve Austin has noticed his talent and CM punk thinks he is very talented. He has been misused for a long time with TNA in the Hogan era and right before. We need the Joe of 06 back once again.
Samoa Joe for me. I want to see him get back on the "Joe is gonna kill you" track like some other who posted. He hasn't really made a lot of noise for a long time, and this would be the perfect way to get him back on top. He and Aries would put on a great match at BFG if Aries keeps the belt. If Aries is the champ and Joe doesn't win my second choice would be Angle. Aries and Angle would be a masterpiece. If Roode would regain the title before BFG then i want to see Storm win it just so their story can come full circle.
I want James Storm to win for sure! He is my favourite babyface, probably my favourite current wrestler actually. But the thing about this BFG series I am enjoying so much, is that really I would happy with most of the guys winning! Storm is my number one pick for sure but I'd be perfectly fine with Joe, Magnus, Pope, Styles, Daniels or Angle (If it means Angle vs Aries).
The choice varies depending on the designated Champion headed into the event. If it's Roode, the obvious choice would be James Storm. But if Austin stays champion... Chris Daniels. The bald headed guy with an addiction to Tequila and has it hidden in the most oddest of places and tapes his fingers so it looks like his flipping the bird at you. He's easily the best at antagonizing in TNA today. And watching him harass Austin with Kaz with none of the Claire Lynch bullshit would provide for a great feud for both as well as a chance for Daniels to get his feet wet in the main events.
Personally I'd love to see Stlyes win it, primarily because an AJ Styles vs Austin Aries match would be absolutely amazing. No idea how it could happen, I just want to see the match. They had a small 2 minute face off at some battle royal thing on iMPACT a month or so ago and it was sweet. If they can excite that much in two minutes I imagine how nice it'll be at BFG when they're given plenty 'o time.

I'm rooting for my boy AJ even though he probably won't win.


AJ and Aries main event at BFG would be a guaranteed five star match and with the right build, could really launch both these guys to stardom. I'm pretty sure this is a dream match for any hardcore TNA fan. This would guarantee plenty of buys from the loyal ones who support this company.
I can't answer this question. No directly, at least.

Who I "want" to win is determined by too many other factors for my answer to ever be definitive — the largest of which is who the current champion is. A month ago I'd have been behind James Storm, now I'm much more behind Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe because of who's holding the World Heavyweight Championship now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that my answer will always be fluid.

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