Who Do You Want To Fuck?

Does this also count for girls I have already laid the pipe in, and would love to do it again? Or just girls that I haven't yet?

If thats the case, there is one girl I would gladly drop what Im doing and go to her place to do it all night long all over again. She is a petite, curvy blonde girl. Her profession, college student and biker model. She poses in motorcycle magazines and at bike shows. Yea definetly one of the best I ever had.
The girl I am sort of seeing (read the "I have a Date tonight Thread"), I seriously want to fuck her. I feel like even if we dont get together I at least deserve to get laid for all my trouble.
The girl I am sort of seeing (read the "I have a Date tonight Thread"), I seriously want to fuck her. I feel like even if we dont get together I at least deserve to get laid for all my trouble.

I know exactly what you mean here. There was a girl I had been chasing for awhile years ago. I had done pretty much everything i could for her. Took her to work, drove her around town, took her out to eat, movies, shopping, bought her flowers, nice things, EVERYTHING! Never once did she ever come close to giving me nookie or anything along those lines in return. Not even a smooch or anything. And she kept leading me on saying that she really liked me, pretty much saying we were a couple. :angry:

After she told me she got back with her Ex, I blocked her number and never spoke to her again. I should've known all along she was just using me. Can't believe how naive and dumb i was. Im definetly not an idiot when it comes to women, however a girl that looks as good as she does . . . it's hard to not believe anything she says.

. . . WITCH! . . .
I know exactly what you mean here. There was a girl I had been chasing for awhile years ago. I had done pretty much everything i could for her. Took her to work, drove her around town, took her out to eat, movies, shopping, bought her flowers, nice things, EVERYTHING! Never once did she ever come close to giving me nookie or anything along those lines in return. Not even a smooch or anything. And she kept leading me on saying that she really liked me, pretty much saying we were a couple. :angry:

After she told me she got back with her Ex, I blocked her number and never spoke to her again. I should've known all along she was just using me. Can't believe how naive and dumb i was. Im definetly not an idiot when it comes to women, however a girl that looks as good as she does . . . it's hard to not believe anything she says.

. . . WITCH! . . .

Yeah, my situation is pretty much nothing like that. We are both totally into each other, but she isn't sure that she wants a relationship right now. So we are just kinda seeing how it goes, hanging out alot... which is why I say kinda seeing. We aren't friends, but we aren't together... somewhere in between.
Yeah, my situation is pretty much nothing like that. We are both totally into each other, but she isn't sure that she wants a relationship right now. So we are just kinda seeing how it goes, hanging out alot... which is why I say kinda seeing. We aren't friends, but we aren't together... somewhere in between.

Hmmm from what I have experienced, that isnt good news. I have also been in a situation very similar to that. Women are very crafty and sneaky. Men are more blunt and straight to the point and don't play the games that women do.

The pros: She could be dead honest and just be trying to get a feel for you first before jumping in head first in a relationship with you.


The Cons: she could be using you as a reserve, something to fall back on, if what she really wants doesn't work out. Example: someone else she has her eye on, getting back with an ex, or just wants to play the field. Nobody likes feeling like a rebound or Plan B.

You know her more than I do so only you can make the best judgment. Don't be over paranoid about it cause she could be 100% legit, but also don't leave yourself vulnerable, open, and naive to get burned.
Yeah, my situation is pretty much nothing like that. We are both totally into each other, but she isn't sure that she wants a relationship right now. So we are just kinda seeing how it goes, hanging out alot... which is why I say kinda seeing. We aren't friends, but we aren't together... somewhere in between.

Its like the neutral zone of relationships. She sees you as more of a friend, but won't accept you as a "best" one. Yet she doesn't yet want to commit to you being with you, either.

Overall, this will either drag on & pull you through broken glass (emotionally) as the longer you're with her, I guarantee the more you'll get attached. It happens, especially if you think love could be involved.

When I think of the situation I'm in, sex isn't even a thought. (honestly) I'm not saying it couldn't easily be thought about, or of.. but its not the thing on my mind that I want. I'm sure you aren't thinking of just sex either, but simply throwing it out there.

Emotions are both wonderful & hurtful. Happy & Painful. There was a term in a poem I wrote once, that really comes to mind.. "I feel once again, that I'm risking it all, I love to fly, but hate to fall."

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