Who do you tune into RAW and Smackdown to see???


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When you turn on RAW and or Smackdown who are you turning it on to see wrestle??? What guys are you excited to see in the ring?? For me on Raw I like seeing CM Punk, Brodus Clay,Santino and of course Brock Lesnar and to an extent Lord Tensai. On Smackdowns side I tune in to see Ryback simply destroy people. I like this Damien Sandow guy as well. And I am really looking forward to Dean Ambrose's fuedwith Mick Foley!!!

This is a non-spam section. Please remember to include reasons why these wrestlers are in your lists or else your post will be deleted and you risk getting infracted.
Raw: Miz, Y2J, Ziggler, Cena, R-Truth, Ryder, Santino, Otunga, Laurinitis, Lesnar.

Smackdown: Orton, Rhodes, Christian, Kane, Bryan, Barrett, Henry.

I seem to be one of the very few who does not find CM Punk, certainly since August, entertaining at all. Sheamus is probably my worst though, his lack of character depth makes me want to cry.
On RAW I tune in to see CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, The Bella Twins (For 1 more week), Eve Torres, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan if their on the show.. and Lord Tensai I'm curious to see what WWE is going to do with him

On Smackdown I watch it for Daniel Bryan (YES), Randy Orton, Sheamus, Wade Barrett (When he returns) that's it.
Raw - Punk, Ziggler, HHH, The Rock and now Lesnar.

Smackdown - Cody Rhodes, Wade, Christian. Though most of the time I DVR Smackdown and fast forward through a majority of it.

I really wish WWE still had Bra and Panties matches. I mean barely any of the Divas can wrestle or generate any interesting storylines, so why not go back to doing what they do best?
Raw: CM Punk, Chris Jericho, the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, and Brock
Lesnar. Mainly these guys because I think they are the most talented guys on the Raw roster. I also look forward to Santino, but usually just for the comedy.

Smackdown: Randy Orton is number 1 here, always been my favorite superstar. But I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but Daniel Bryan, he's starting to grow on me. I'm not a big fan of Sheamus. I also look forward to seeing Justin Gabriel, mainly because he's a talented guy. But when Christian returns, I'll look forward to seeing him also, because he's always been one of my favs.
This is the problem with WWE in my opinion.

For RAW, the only guys I actually am excited or entertained by enough to want to see:

Cena, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, The Rock

Smack Down!: I do not watch this show. Terrible air time along with no superstars that excite me. Plus, if I want to see them they'll be on RAW. If anything big happens, I'll see it 12 times on RAW.

That is a problem WWE has, a major one.
I watch RAW because its the best 2 hours of professional wrestling on television. CM Punk, Jericho, Lesnar, Cena and some of the smackdown guys(since every RAW is a supershow) are also reasons I watch it.

I don't ALWAYS watch smackdown. I tend to get a bit busy on the day it airs and just can't seem to remember its airing unless I'm lazing around and have nothing better to do.
Hmmm well I try to watch wrestling for everyone but I have to be honest only a few get me excited about the show.
For raw: Its...wait why does it matter which show they are on every show has the stars on both now. Well I watch for: Cena, Sheamus, D Bryan, Orton, Kane and Christian.
I like to see the younger guys coming up each week. I like how here lately they have been bringing in so many new guys. Cant wait to see Antonio debut. After seeing the FCW promo of Husky Harris cant wait to see if this character makes it to the show..Looks cool
For Raw I tune in for Cena and Lesnar. Nobody else on the card is really doing anything that I consider "Must see" at the moment. I do enjoy Ziggler but he's not really a reason for tuning in. Cena's been the most entertaining thing around for me since last summer. He made Punk interesting for a little while, then had a nice feud with Kane, tore the house down with the Rock and now he's working with Lesnar. As for Lesnar, it's just cool to see him back. Even if it's only every now and then. I really enjoy the realism of his current storyline with Cena.

For Smackdown I tune in for Daniel Bryan and AJ. Yes, a diva actually makes me tune in. lol When Wade Barrett gets back I'll be excited to see what they do with him.
Dolph Ziggler-He's been one of my favorites to watch since he was drafted to Raw. Sucks to see him stuck in his current feud, though.
John Cena-I would have never guessed a few months ago that I would be saying this now. Not many people are enjoying his feud with Lesnar, but this feud has made me interested to watch him, finally.
CM Punk/Chris Jericho-Both of these guys have been my favorites(along with Edge) since I first started watching.
Kofi Kingston-This guy is just genuinely fun to watch and get excited about.

Daniel Bryan-I love this guy as a heel, and he can put on some exciting matches when given a chance.
Mark Henry-More for personal reasons. I met him about a month ago and he was the friendliest guy ever.
Christian-As a heel or a face, this guy keeps me interested. He knows how to carry a feud.
Cody Rhodes-Rhodes, in my opinion, is one of the best things in WWE right now. Great mic work along with a good look and a great moveset.
Tyson Kidd(when used)-One of the most under-rated wrestlers I have ever seen. Always fun to watch.
This may sound weird, but I actually tune in to both Raw and Smackdown to hear the commentary. A lot of people shit on it because it's not all about what goes on in the matches, but that's why I love it. NFL, NHL, and MLB commentators all stray away from in-game competition, and I love that. It's nice to hear something other than boring "Arm drag from Yoshi Tatsu" or something like that.

I also tune in for Santino. Say what you want, but he's a comedy gold. I really like how he works the crowd.

CM Punk - I've always been a fan of CM Punk throughout his WWE career because he performs at a high level. He brings a sophistication to the stories he tells, and he's adding prestige to the WWE championship. For the first time in years I actually like that ugly belt, because it's Punk's championship.

Chris Jericho - I'm a lifelong Jerichoholic. I've loved him since WCW cruiserweights and he's a legend now. Jericho tells a great story and is filling the hole that the loss of HBK left. He's a tremendous heel against Punk and I expect their Extreme Rules match to be memorable.

John Cena
- Best performer in WWE at being the unwavering face, a tough job that only few can do. Cena's career reminds me of Sting's in WCW and the crowd turned on him in front of the meaner, cooler nWo. Lesnar could head up a badass stable now and give Cena that chance to reinvent and overcome like Sting did.


Daniel Bryan - It's exciting to be a fan of Bryan right now because he's already been main event hazed, yet he's the most over heel in the WWE. Vince needs to strike while the iron is hot and figure out how to turn Daniel Bryan into the main event staple that The Miz couldn't be.

- Skip Sheffield was annoying, but Ryback is intriguing. He could use a manager, or perhaps join a Lesnar headed stable. I like his ability and wouldn't mind seeing him advance to the main event soon.
I watch for them all. I have watched it for the longest time, and superstars have been coming and going... no one guy makes me watch more or less.

With that being said, my favorite to watch right now are;

John Cena- The way the crowd is split for him is amazing. I enjoy watching him because he is entertaining.
CM Punk- WWE Champ. Best in-ring performer on Raw. Killer on the pipe.
Chris Jericho- Always finds a way to catch my eye. This thing with CM Drunk is pretty great.

Daniel Bryan- YES!- Best thing going for me right now. I am more entertained in him then Lesnar/Cena or Punk/Jericho.
Cody Rhodes- I am enjoying his slow build to become a true star. They are using him just right in my opinion and molding him into the future world champion that he is bound to be.
RAW: CM Punk: I've watched this guy since his debut and he's only gotten better and more interesting.

Lesnar: I like how he's come off as the bully in his fued with Cena.

Bellas: My God they are HOT!

Beth Phoenix: One of the most talented divas on the roster.

Natalya: Also one of the most talented and underused divas in the WWE today.

SD!: Bryan: He's really grown on me and has some amazing talent. YES!

Sheamus: Always been a fan of this guy. He's just badass.

AJ: For a small diva she's got talent. And she's hot.

Mark Henry: I've really enjoyed what they've done with him lately.

Alternates: Undertaker because he's my all time favorite. The Rock because he's entertaining as hell. Austin because he's fuckin Austin what other reason do you need. Triple H because he always makes things a little more interesting. HBK just because he's HBK and the crowd always comes alive when he comes out, THE greatest in ring performer EVER!
For RAW I LOVE SEEING MICHAEL COLE AND JOHN LAURINITIS!! ALL HAIL PEOPLE POWER!!!! Michael Cole has some awesome humor, and Johnny Ace is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world in the 1990s...John is the best GM we've ever had...

On Smackdown, I love seeing Colin Delaney, Benny Camer and Barry Stevens!!! Those guys are awesome...In 4 years, I hope to see Barry Stevens as World Champion! XD!!
Just about everybody man! The roster really decked out with incredible talent right now.

You got CM Punk, the straight-edge, pipe-bomb dropping WWE Champion. You have the recently returned man beast known as Brock Lesnar who's plan is kicking ass. You have the never-say-die, rise above the hate John Cena who is always looking for a challenge. There's Jericho, imo, the best heel in the company. Then you have others who just awesome: Kane, Orton, Sheamus, Ziggler, Brodus, Tensai, Rhodes, Show, etc. I love it all! I'm just glad WWE is starting to capitalize on getting good talent.

I tune in to see all of these guys, and more. But I gotta be honest, I started loving WWE again when Punk dropped that famous pipe bomb last July. So to answer the question, I tune in every Monday to see what Punk is gonna do or say!
The Rock: The Great One is my favorite wrestler currently and favorite wrestler of all time. He is the most entertaining guy on the mic, I grew up watching him layeth the Smackdown!, and he always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh.

CM Punk: He is a great in-ring worker, great on the mic, and all-around entertaining guy that never gets stale or boring.

Alex Riley: I miss seeing this guy on Raw. An awesome talent and I hope we see more A-Ry after this week, maybe this week was the start of his comeback to TV.

Zack Ryder: Another entertaining guy, but he has fallen flat lately and lost a lot of steam. I still like Ryer, but thankfully he is being showcased again only this time with Santino!

Santino Marella: Just a hilarious guy. This guy is always funny and is the best comedy act in professional wrestling today.

Abraham Washington: Who really doesn't like Abraham Washington? He is entertaining and great as a manager.

Justin King: Referee of the decade. Nuff said.

Brock Lesnar: He finally returned and brings more edge back to the product. He is nothing like we have seen before he left. And his UFC background makes thing interesting and will be awesome to watch, until Rock comes back and reclaims his WWE Title of course.

Daniel Bryan: He is the only guy that makes me want to watch Smackdown on a Saturday morning. He is an awesome heel and is over with the crowd, more than the World Champion, Sheamus even. This guy is talented in the ring and is a great worker and asset for the company. He is number two behind Rock on my fave 5! YES! YES! YES!

Christian: I also grew up watching this guy and he is a skilled veteran that is still talented in the ring and on the mic.

Wade Barrett: Imo, the best all-around heel the WWE currently has. He is entertaining on the mic and decent in the ring. His mic skills as a heel are very good and he is definitely a future world champion.
It somewhat depends on what storyline their in at the moment.

Raw: Punk, Ziggler, Lesnar, Cena, Kingston, John Laurenitis

SD: Orton, Bryan, Ryback(waiting for him to get something going), Young Talent(Cesaro, Young/Oneil)
Raw-Punk, lesnar, miz, and ziggler

Smackdown-bryan, rhodes, and orton

Someone said this, but it depends on what storylines are going on. Right now im only watching orton because Im wondering what they are gonna do with him next.
Jericho, Punk, Lesnar...and then pretty much any legend that is coming back.
Ziggler is a good wrestler as well, but until he gets put into better angles, I don't think he's necessary must see.

Smackdown--Daniel Bryan.
RAW: Chris Jericho, R Truth, Miz, and a Hope for Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks. Maybe Zack Ryder
Smackdown: Hope every single week to see a christian return, look at the spoilers if not there, then dont watch. And Sometimes Wade Barrett Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes. No one else.
RAW: Ziggler, Lesnar, CM Punk, Kane and Jericho. They seem to be the most entertaining to me in the ring and have a decent/good amount of charisma. Alot of these guys have evolved and made them more interesting to watch.

One guy who makes me tune out for raw is the Miz. I honestly can't stand him. He's become very stale and extremely boring to watch. If he improves in the ring and gets a fresher character maybe he'd be interesting but not right now.

Smackdown: Daniel Bryan, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Antonio Cesaro, and Wade Barrett. Again, I find these guys to be really good in the ring and many of them have the potential to be WHC. I also look foward to seeing how Cesaro does.

The guys who makes me tune out for smackdown would be Sheamus, Big Show and Khali. These guys are just so boring to watch and to listen to (especially Sheamus.) He's one of the worst faces in the WWE right now and seriously cannot cut a good promo IMO. I find his moveset to be mediocre and his mic skills are weak. I don't need to tell you why I dislike Khali. Big Show is the same reasons as Sheamus except he's even worse in the ring. Just my opinion though.
RAW: well leading up to wrestlemania's...TAKER...lately though i've been watching out for lord Tensai...i love his character...(yes im in the minority) but he seems to be another Umaga like character...only thing we need is for his manager to talk...otherwise we're just getting YOKOZUMA...repackeged from ALBERT/A-train

Smackdown: DANIEL Brian and sheamus
RAW: CM Punk mainly.. but also like to see Santino, Cena, Ryder, Johhny Ace, and generally everyone else. Totally HATE seeing Tensai on there. What a waste of airtime.

Smackdown: i dont usually watch smackdown. but i guess Daniel Bryan.

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