Who deserves one last title reign (As ANY champion)


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Simple question: Which WWE Superstar or veteran deserves one last WWE/I.C/U.S/Tag Team title reign?

My choice is Goldust

He has worked hard these last few years molding younger superstars on ECW/Superstars and the only time I was interested in Ted Dibiase was when Goldust feuded with him over the Millon Dollar Belt.

He never got enough recognition to bringing in Attitude Era, he has just as big of an impact as Degeneration X and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Just never got his shot past Intercontinental Champion.

Goldust for WWE Champion in 2011!!!
It comes down to three people for me. Goldust, William Regal and Chavo Guerrero. And as for the title, no question, Intercontinental Championship. None them ever have been or ever will be in World Title contention and at this point they shouldn't be, and rightfully so but I would love to see any of those three with a short run with the Intercontinental Championship because of it's legacy and history in the WWE.

If I had to pick one, I'd go with Chavo. If you watched the Rumble, he got a pretty big pop for his short appearance. I can see people really getting behind Chavo having a IC Title run to round out his career. This'd somewhat redeem his crap with Hornswaggle.
Chavo Guerrero and Goldust for sure. Chavo should at least have an intercontinetal Championship run before he retire or even a world title run (by the way, the WWE/ECW title doesn't count). As for Goldust, World Title run no questions asked he has done a great job putting over Sheamus when he was in ECW.
Chavo Guerrero and Goldust for sure. Chavo should at least have an intercontinetal Championship run before he retire or even a world title run (by the way, the WWE/ECW title doesn't count). As for Goldust, World Title run no questions asked he has done a great job putting over Sheamus when he was in ECW.

Actually the WWE regarded the ECW as a WORLD title when Chavo had it.

Back on topic. Who do I want to see have one more title run?

Santino for IC or US! He is extremely entertaining and is a good champion. He's not good at chasing the title though, just good at holding it. Of course, he's only good as a singles champion when he's heel. But it would be a very fun few months with him having that kind of reign again.
William Regal, hands down for the Intercontinetal. He started out with the Posh British gimmick, but managed to escape it, which is hard to do. He's good on the mic and really helped CM Punk, not only by training him to begin with, but by putting him over during the IC Title Feud. I'd like to see him do that with some youngsters again.
It comes down to three people for me. Goldust, William Regal and Chavo Guerrero.

William Regal was another choice of mine, when he won The King of The Ring and was General Manager of Raw. I tuned in JUST for Regal at the time. His gimmick was PRICELESS, turning off the show till he got quiet and ect.

He deserved a World Title then
Actually the WWE regarded the ECW as a WORLD title when Chavo had it.

Back on topic. Who do I want to see have one more title run?

Santino for IC or US! He is extremely entertaining and is a good champion. He's not good at chasing the title though, just good at holding it. Of course, he's only good as a singles champion when he's heel. But it would be a very fun few months with him having that kind of reign again.

Well, most fans considered it a mid-card title like the U.S Championship and the Intercontinental Championship. As for Santino, he could have a good World championship run if and only if he has a serious character and changed his finisher because the cobra is just plain stupid for a finisher.
Mark Henry. The man has been with the company for how long now? How long has it been since he has had any title? The man could easily be pushed, but they don't do it. Make him a heel not a face he isnt supposed to be a face. he has no mic skills yet he doesnt need to talk. He can go down to the ring and just dominate just destroy some of the smaller guys for a bit and push him!
Had I been a part of these forums one year ago and this topic had been posted, I would have definitely said that Shawn Michaels deserved it the most, and I would have loved to have seen it. Since he is no longer an active wrestler I would have to go with the Big Show. I am not the biggest Show fan, nor am I a fan of what creative does with him. If done correctly, I think a Big Show title reign, even if it wasn't a long run, could be entertaining.
I believe that Jerry "The King" Lawler is a wrestler that I feel deserves one last title run. Although I don't think that last title should be the World or WWE Heavyweight titles. Due to his contributions to WWE, his loyalty to them and his tenure. The trouble is...I just don't see him having ANY title as being believeable, but he is still one of my top picks on who I believe deserves one last run.
I'd have to go with Mark henry. I know alot of people don't love him, but he has been around FOREVER and does make a credible opponent. I think he could be interesting in a tag team with, of all people, Zach Ryder. One of my favorite tag teams in WCW was Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton, and I think Henry and Ryder could make a similar "vicious and delicious" style team. Ryder has all the charisma in the world, Henry brings the brute force/muscle. Doing something like that gives Henry one last run with some gold around his waist, let's face it, he deserves it after so long, and would have the added benefit of giving Ryder some credibility.

Also, to the OP, while Golddust is kinda cool in a nostalgic sort of way, he did not have the impact of DX or Stone Cold.
Great thread.

I think William Regal, Goldust more than anyone else deserves an IC/US Title run. But to contribute something different to the thread, how about Booker T?? Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing him return to the ring again as King Booka!

If we talk about TNA, I think Ric Flair needs another Title shot. For anything. He could hold a Knockouts Title for all I care. TNA needs credibility.
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and tag along with the Regal fans in wanting one more title reign for the Besmirched Brit.

Why must the WWE continue to besmirch Mr. Regal? We could have a great feud for the US Title between Bryan and Regal! Both great technical wrestlers, plus you already have the easy-to-write storyline with Regal being one of Bryan's teachers/mentors. Daniel Bryan might be the best in the world, but a great feud with another technical great in William Regal would help him even further and really showcase what Daniel Bryan is capable of in the ring.

I'd also agree on another title reign for Goldust. Goldust and Ted DiBiase had one of the surprisingly good feuds in 2010, as well as Goldust doing the best he could with the crap storyline thrown on him for NXT 3 with Aksana and actually making it (somewhat) decent. Kids love slapstick humor, so the Golden Globes finisher works perfectly with the TV-PG crowd, as well as some of Goldust's other antics. For some reason, a toned down Goldust could work great in the PG era.
Well, most fans considered it a mid-card title like the U.S Championship and the Intercontinental Championship. As for Santino, he could have a good World championship run if and only if he has a serious character and changed his finisher because the cobra is just plain stupid for a finisher.

It doesn't matter. The professionals and scholars of the art considered it a World title.

And the Cobra is a legit finisher. I dare you to get hit by somebody with that kind of martial arts background in a direct point on the neck and not go down. He's paying his dues, and he's entertaining while doing it. He's, unfortunately, a mid-carder for life. Might as well have fun while doing it.
Mark Henry. The man has been with the company for how long now? How long has it been since he has had any title? The man could easily be pushed, but they don't do it. Make him a heel not a face he isnt supposed to be a face. he has no mic skills yet he doesnt need to talk. He can go down to the ring and just dominate just destroy some of the smaller guys for a bit and push him!

Henry has already had that title run. He had the ECW title back in 2008 and since then he's moved further and further past his prime. He was dominant in ECW with Tony Atlas by his side doing the talking for him. He's had his run and I'm eagerly awaiting his retirement.
I'm going to tag along with everybody else and say Goldust.

There is so much that could be done with his character that would be great to watch. Completely distance himself from all of the comedy stuff he was doing, make him a lot darker, and just turn him into the Goldust of old, I really believe he could easily go for a World Title run if he was more serious.

The WWE are just wasting a great character. Theres so much that can be done with his gimmick.
Henry has already had that title run. He had the ECW title back in 2008 and since then he's moved further and further past his prime. He was dominant in ECW with Tony Atlas by his side doing the talking for him. He's had his run and I'm eagerly awaiting his retirement.

Exactly. There are much more deserving people than Henry.

I agree w/what a lot of people are saying in Goldust, Regal, and Chavo. They could only add to the history of the IC belt. And don't make the runs too short, either. Make them go somewhat of a distance and make it look respectable.

As for newer talent I think is deserving of a title, I would have to go with Chris Masters and Zack Rider. I think Masters should be given a push with an IC title run. He's been loyal, he can actually get a response when allowed, and it wouldn't be that far-fetched.

As for Ryder, he's just got the charisma. He could make a title run fun.

Oh, and last, but definitely not least, get a damn belt on Christian already. For fuck's sake.
Now really one person who deserved one last one to me was a person who in April will be retired for a Year, Shawn Michaels. Yes he's done everything in the business, but haven't held the title since 2002. But before that losing streak, he could've at least had one more world title run, it's and lost the belt to Undertaker at Wrestlemania to basically summarize everything for the business.

But I agree with everybody when they said Goldust. Hey Goldust is one of the best on that roster, and round 1995-1997, he should've had his first reign as WWF Champion. But eventually other stuff got in the way.

And Regal is another person who ain't get his dues. He might have been a top contender but made a surprisingly one time champion. After he came back from that suspension after thee 2008 King of The Ring, his career spun in the toilet bowl.

And to be practically honest, although it would've been farfetch'd for Chavo to win the World Title after Eddie Died, he could've did it on Raw or Smackdown or even at the Armageddon Pay Per View. Rey was Eddie's friend, Chavo was Eddie's Nephew, if u gonna do a tribute by giving up the belt why not give the belt to Chavo for like a month. Chavo was Robbed. They gave Chavo's title shot to Rey.

So yeah these guys need another shot at glory before their careers run out.
Actually, i'd say none of these guys deserve one last title run. My reasoning is this. If Shawn Micheals didnt receive one last World title run in the last 4 years he was there, then no one should be "rewarded" with one. I always thought it would have been great to put the title on HBK at least for a month. I honestly think WWE dropped the ball on that. Granted he had the tag titles for a while, but at least he should have had a singles title run.

Gun to my head, if I HAVE to pick one of the current end of the road guys. I'd say Golddust. At least a IC or US title, or even a tag title with his brother would be nice.
Gun to my head, if I HAVE to pick one of the current end of the road guys. I'd say Golddust. At least a IC or US title, or even a tag title with his brother would be nice.

A Tag Team Title Run With Cody would be a great idea.. I remember there promo on the Old School RAW with there Father and as corny as it was, it was great for them to acknowledge there family. I believe those two could be 10x more entertaining they Santino/Vadmir
I have to go with...

William Regal

Regal is pure wrestling, and even at his age can still put on an incredible 5 star match. While his body is showing those signs of age, if King can jump into the title picture, there's no reason Regal can't, considering Regal can out wrestle him blindfolded. I'm not stupid enough to truly hope for a Regal run, but I don't see why he can't have a World Heavyweight Championship run on Smackdown. He's a great heel, a hell of a worker, and should have been the first British world champion in WWE. It looks like that honor's going to be Wade Barrett's. But if any old timer deserves, and could handle, one last run in the spot light, it's Mr. Regal.​
Goldust and Regal are excellent selections. I don't care too much for Chavo, but whatever. Agreed that Henry would be a neat heel big guy but maybe in the mid-card. His ECW main event status was enough, and he had a WM match against Undertaker which is a pretty good reward (even though a lot of shitty guys have had that opportunity, it's still something he can put on his resume).

My pick however would have to go to either Shane McMahon, HHH as a heel with the world title, or Christian. Shane has put on 2 of my most favorite matches ever (v. Kurt Angle in a Street Fight at KoTR and v. Steve Blackman in a hardcore match). He is fun to watch in the ring and his promo skills are great. Have him come and have a run with the IC title. I know he isn't exactly an every week performer and he also has a desk job but I don't think Shane's done with his on screen character.

A heel HHH world title run, one last time to put over John Morrison or something like that would be epic. I love heel HHH even if he used to dominate the entire roster unjustly. One more time would be cool but looks like that's not happening.

Christian's window is slowly closing I think. I'd love to see him get the world title as would most of the IWC but he better hurry up and get there because like I said that windows closing on him.
If you said William Regal, you are totally correct. Look no further than the 2011 Royal Rumble match and the pop Regal got when he entered and a large number of fans chanting "Regal Regal Regal." I really feel that after his KotR win a few years back, he was destined to have at least 1 run with the title. Now that only may have gone a couple months, but I think it would have happened... but he got suspended. He puts on amazing matches for his age, very technical, and has excellent comedic timing which is something a last run champion of some sort should have. I don't like a last title run to be a heel title run. I don't know why, I just don't. But Regal on the Khali Kiss Cam last Monday on Raw... was hilarious. Other than the Rock, I thought was the best part of the show. I like good comedy.

As for what title, obviously the US Title or IC Title because he could bring some momentum back to it. Regal is a different breed because even though he's one of the older guys in the locker room, I would still buy him as an even long-term mid-card champion. Let him run with it for 6 months or a little more, defend it regularly, and give him a couple PPV matches. It would be simple to do too. You send Regal out there, and give him the program of taking on all challengers. Throw in maybe a light storyline or 2, and bam... he's believable. Regal can still tangle with guys like Kofi, Dolph, and whoever the hell else is on Smackdown because I haven't watched it in awhile.

But yes... my choice... The Man's Man... William Regal.
I would go with The Undertaker, Triple H , for one last world title run for ( wwe ) and Probally for TNA one more world title run for the following, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, maybe a Hulk Hogan and a Ric Flair world title run for Flairs and Hogan cause thats the only world title Flair and Hogan never held .
If it's guys currently in WWE, I'd have to go with Kevin Nash. Injury-wise, he's pretty close to having to call it quits but a short title reign, maybe retire as a champion and leave the title open? Along with that, depending on how long she's going to be back, Trish Stratus. She could do a lot with some of the girls in the women's division.

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