Rated R Superstar316
Kane has stated a couple of times now, that he will most possably be hanging up his wrestling boots in the early months of 2007. Mr. Vince McMahon JR. Asked kane if his 24 hour title reign botherd him. Kane said no. But wwe mangament says it does. kane is a 2 time intercontinetal champion, a 9 time world tag team champion, wcw tag team champion, hardcore champion, and a 1 time wwe champion. wwe wants to give kane a title reign. will he get it or not. he wont be back till after this month is over. so mabie they will put him in line for a title shot. he might return on the smackdown brand, due to the poor ratings smackdown has been getting. If your a kane fan, dont you agree that he should get at least a nice last time title reign, wwe title, or the wwe world title. even a intercontinal or us. something nice.