Does Kane deserve one last push?

After the amont of time Kane has been working at wwe he needs a HUGE run!
I read some of the crap people have writen?

Why doesn't he deserve a title run? because he loses matches?
Really? Do I need to remind you that Wrestling isn't real fighting!

Kane has been nothing but entertaining! Its ok not to like everyone on wwe.
I myself Loath Cena! The best sign I have ever seen was "Cenanuff" LoL

Anyways. Kane needs something big! HUGE! He needs to win both titles raw and smackdown titles! Unite them and be the second undisputed Champion! (Triple H doesn't count! Winning the belt off jericho isn't the same as winning two belts in one night!)

It will put an end to the horrible idea that Vince just wont admit to being wrong about! there was no need to seporate the brands. Kane will save us all and return wwe to proper wrestling!
1 world champ... not 3
1 tv champ... Not 2(ic and us)
1 tag team...(thank god they figured that one out)
1 womans champ... Now why two belts? Most women in wwe can't wrestle anyways!
oh... one more thing! putting on the mask doesn't change the person! why put a mask on him? it won't make him faster stronger or younger.... All it will do is confuse the younger fans that Never seen the mask! It has been gone for some time now!

I was told this once... dunno where...
When someone is over with the fans(Like Kane) They don't push him! he is already over.
This is why the rock and mick lost to evolution(minus hhh)

Kane is already HOF material! I bet undertaker and Kane will be inducted together!
After the amont of time Kane has been working at wwe he needs a HUGE run!

Simply working for the company for a certain amount doesn't mean a worker should get a title run, by that logic, Vince should have given long title runs to jobbers like Billy Gunn & Hardcore Holly.

I read some of the crap people have writen?

Just because you don't agree with what other people have written doesn't make their opinions crap.

Why doesn't he deserve a title run? because he loses matches?
Really? Do I need to remind you that Wrestling isn't real fighting!

Yes, thats right none of us realised that wrestling was fake, thanks for taking the time to point that out to us. :icon_rolleyes: Kane is fat, slow and his character is stale with zero credibility left as a monster.

Kane has been nothing but entertaining! Its ok not to like everyone on wwe. I myself Loath Cena! The best sign I have ever seen was "Cenanuff" LoL

If it's "okay not to like everyone on WWE", why did you write at the start of your post that people were "writing crap" because you didn't agree with them?

Anyways. Kane needs something big! HUGE! He needs to win both titles raw and smackdown titles! Unite them and be the second undisputed Champion! (Triple H doesn't count! Winning the belt off jericho isn't the same as winning two belts in one night!)

If Triple H's reign as Undisputed Champion doesn't count, then that still leaves Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, The Rock and Brock Lesner, but there's no reason not to count it. Even if they were to unify the belts, there are too many big-name main eventers in WWE right now-Triple H, HBK, Cena, Orton, etc.-for them to think about putting on a washed up "monster" like Kane.

It will put an end to the horrible idea that Vince just wont admit to being wrong about! there was no need to seporate the brands. Kane will save us all and return wwe to proper wrestling!
1 world champ... not 3
1 tv champ... Not 2(ic and us)
1 tag team...(thank god they figured that one out)
1 womans champ... Now why two belts? Most women in wwe can't wrestle anyways!

See my last point about unifying the titles, but if you want a return to "proper wrestling" Kane is the last person to choose to carry the belt. Also, the Intercontinental & United States Titles are both a step above the Television title, if you're referring to the old WCW-style version of the title.
Are you people serious? ANOTHER Undertaker vs. Kane match at Wrestlemania? Nothing will surpass their first one so why even bother? Every point Crimson Mask made was spot on. Kane doesn't have a world title because he doesn't draw. When was the last time you said "OH MY GOD MOMMY! ORDER THAT PPV FOR ME BECAUSE KANE IS WRASSLIN CHAVO FOR THE ECWS TITLEZ!!!" Kane doesn't need the mask back, but he does need to update his look. He's looked identical in the last 4 or 5 Smackdown games, which translates to stale. Don't get me wrong, I really liked Kane, and I enjoyed his program with Mysterio, but he's past his prime now, and doesn't need a title, let alone unify two world titles against Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
I think he deserves it but make him a heel(back when he burned jim ross he was at his best)and give him a mask,maybe an updated one.People are right it doesn't make him faster or younger but like someone said his look could be updated.
I think your idea is just freaking genius man. They abuse Kane aka Glen Jacobs. He's been with the company before I even started watching wrestling. I believe he deserves a push and what better way to accomadate Kane's legacy than to end the Taker's streak?

I wish Vince McMahon would actually do what the people want, instead of changing the TV14 rating into a PG rating, having all these guys go undefeated for 20 weeks then get released (guys like Chris Masters, Lance Cade, Lashley, who I miss,) and PLEASE let John Cena get his old gimmick back, when he was funny and rapped.

1996-2004, best times of WWE.
No. He's old and has lost 5000 steps. The last logical time to push him was back in 03 after he took of the mask, but Hollywood Hunter Helmsley didn't agree.

Kane still has a good sized fanbase, but he's old now, his character has ran it's course, can't put on a match worth a shit, and doesn't even want it. His career is dying down, so he should continue putting the younger talent over and retiring.
I think Y2J deserves a push not Kane. Kane sucks and I want to know why nobody has made him their bitch. lets get some real wrestlers like Y2J and Hogan in the ring man!!
to me kane had one of the most awesum styles of wrestlin in is early days, he was kinda really like a robot and scary it was pure awesumness, but since he removed to mask hes just become more casual kinda like he cbf becoming anythin big agen he just wants to wrestle. If kane went bak to his old style and put the mask bak on. I would say yea give him a push agen but in his current state id say upper mid card will do
Kane really does need a push. He has practically done the exact same thing for 5 years now. It kills me to see him, week in and week out, job to people like Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio, miss out on opportunites like the MitB, world titles and main event feuds in general.
Kane was at his best from 1998 to 2000. He was absolutely awesome. Just seeing the lights go out and hearing his old theme song play sent the crowd nuts and made shivers go down your spine. If you watch his return to RAW in 2000(, you'll see what I mean. The pop he gets is crazy, louder than anything Cena or HHH get.

This is what they need to try and bring back.
What Kane has become now is just... sad.

Like I said, Kane has been the same for far too long now. If they brought back the old Kane that everyone loved, he still has a chance to go out with some dignity. They REALLY need to think of a storyline/feud to bring it all back (i've seen quite a few good suggestions on this thread alone) so it's definitely possible.

Think of it like this; even if bringing back the mask does not work or doesn't get a good crowd reaction (I don't see why it wouldn't), it would still be better than Kane's current position right now. He's at his lowest point at the moment.

I just really wish he'd wear his mask again, just to see what can be done.
Have Kane lose his mind, maybe have a title shot and then get disqualified for beating the hell out of someone. Then over the course of time turn him back into the big red machine. I wouldn't even mind giving him back the mask. When the time is right, put Kane (Big Red Machine, not big white waste) in a high profile feud where he can really play up his anger and crazy side. Maybe WM 26 could see Undertaker vs Kane in a cell. Big guys only have a chance if they are built up, Kane has been broken down for years, that is how big guys lose their credibility. I can't expect Big show to be unstoppable against Cena when he gets beat by Mysterio.
Kane is not going to end Undertaker's WM streak. The only person to end it will be John Cena let's be real here, if it ever does get ended. Way things seem to be, he's either going to fade away slowly until WWE wishes him all the best in his future endeavors or he'll go out with a bang.

And a HOF nod? The way he's going now I can't see it happening. He needs to make a bit more of an impact before he leaves for that to happen. The best option is obviously giving him that push even though I doubt it will happen.
Kane is not going to end Undertaker's WM streak. The only person to end it will be John Cena let's be real here, if it ever does get ended. Way things seem to be, he's either going to fade away slowly until WWE wishes him all the best in his future endeavors or he'll go out with a bang.

And a HOF nod? The way he's going now I can't see it happening. He needs to make a bit more of an impact before he leaves for that to happen. The best option is obviously giving him that push even though I doubt it will happen.

I think Kane ending the streak would be good. It would be a massive push and storyline for him to do it. But, you're right it's not going to happen.

I think Kane deserves a massive push to world title champion. He has what it takes... the only thing is... He doesnt want anymore than what he is now. He is very content jobbing to younger guys and helping them get over. He has said he doesnt need/want another world title reign and is happy in the mid card.

Glen Jacobs/Kane will definatly be in the HOF. Without a doubt. He has been a very loyal employee and has done alot of things behind the scenes for the company. He will definatly be inducted at some stage in life.

If Vince was smart though he could make a FUCK load of money in a major storyline involving Kane and ending with Kane getting another world title reign, even if it is just for a month or 2. The fact of the matter is that Glen Jacobs has worked his ass off, is consistant, is a WWE man through and through and is constantly helping/mentoring the younger less experienced guys. The man is awesome and deserves something for his efforts.
Kane deserves a couple months. For the years and years that he has put in and the multiple times he's been very over as a heel without being capitalized on, he deserves it.

Everything that could be said has been said, so just on a personal note, I think Kane is one of the better big men in the business, and one of my favorite wrestlers over the last decade. He's got charisma, his acting is pretty good, and he puts on good matches with good wrestlers.

John Cena, Edge, and Triple H will still be there after 3 or 4 months when you take the title off Kane. With everything that guy has done for your company, cut him a break and give him a real title run (ECW title and 1 day WWE Titles hardly count.)

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