Who "deserved" to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal?

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No one on the Raw Roster deserved to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal. Captain Charisma Christian should have won the battle royal. Christian is entitled to the WWE Title Shot because:
- He is the most credible person in WWE to never hold the World Heavweight Championship or WWE Championship
- He has an awesome gimmick
- He's got tons of wrestling experience.
No one on the Raw Roster deserved to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal.

Not even the guys who have never held a world title? I'm not saying whoever won is guaranteed to win the title, but they deserve to have shots. Even Cena had title shots he didn't win before he got his first WWE Championship.

Captain Charisma Christian should have won the battle royal. Christian is entitled to the WWE Title Shot because:
- He is the most credible person in WWE to never hold the World Heavweight Championship or WWE Championship
- He has an awesome gimmick
- He's got tons of wrestling experience.

Wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Christian's.... but there is no way that this was going to happen. First of all, he is already a former world champion. He won the TNA world title when he was over there. So, not only is he a former world champion, but also there's the fact that Vince doesn't like it when talent wins their first world title in a federation that isn't his. Secondly.... the battle royal was for guys who have never held a world title before. Sure, Orton shouldn't have been in there but he was not going to win it anyway. I'd like to see Christian win a world title in WWE too, but this was NOT going to be how it started because that match was meant for guys who have never held a world title before. Christian will still get his chance at the WWE or World title some day, don't worry.
I don't think that logic applies here, sure Vince might've held him out of the Battle Royal because he was in TNA, but not because he was their champion, probably because for one he's the current ECW champ(the more obvious reason imo, sure Mark Henry got in but thats easier to justify since his reign has been over for a while now) and for two he may still be getting held back due to being in TNA at all. However he doesn't even acknowledge TNA's existence, let alone their titles, I don't think the logic that he was already a TNA World Champ had anything to do with it. Having said that, Christian would've made a great winner if Orton was still the champ, but Cena/Christian would be counterproductive to Christian's(hopeful)rise.
I don't think that logic applies here, sure Vince might've held him out of the Battle Royal because he was in TNA, but not because he was their champion, probably because for one he's the current ECW champ(the more obvious reason imo, sure Mark Henry got in but thats easier to justify since his reign has been over for a while now) and for two he may still be getting held back due to being in TNA at all. However he doesn't even acknowledge TNA's existence, let alone their titles, I don't think the logic that he was already a TNA World Champ had anything to do with it. Having said that, Christian would've made a great winner if Orton was still the champ, but Cena/Christian would be counterproductive to Christian's(hopeful)rise.

Vince might not acknowledge TNA's existence.... but he knows that they are the 2nd biggest federation behind WWE. That makes them the rival whether they are true competition yet or not. Since Christian won his first world title at a rival organization, it makes sense why Vince would "punish" him for it given how he wants his talent to win their first world title at WWE. I do agree that Christian/Orton would be cool to see someday, but Christian shouldn't have been considered to be in the Breakthrough Battle Royal because he has already held a world title. Orton sneaking in was to get him more heel heat, he shouldn't have been a candidate either. It was for guys who had never held a world title and because of that, any of the participants (other than Orton) deserved to win it.
The only wrestlers on RAW who deserved to win would've been Kofi and Miz. Kofi's feuding with Orton so I understand him not winning but Miz is alot more credible than he was at The Bash AND he's a heat magnet with the fans. The mid-card division on RAW is complete trash right now so Mi is stuck feuding with nobodies like Swagger and whoever else they might feed him.

On the SD side Matt Hardy deserves it more than anybody in the company. He's worked his ass off for years and he gets main event level pops despite how horrible he's constantly booked. He can work a good match with just about anybody. No reason he shouldn't be main eventing by now. R-Truth is another guy that deserves it. He's been over with the fans ever since he returned and he's fun to watch in the ring.
Y'know one thing thats been bothering me about Orton lately is that it seems like eventually if he whines to the right Guest Host, he'll get a title shot and thats complete bull to me. Like why is it even a thought in his head that he can get a shot just by whining, was this a contract or just a rule that could only be enforced by w/e Guest Host was in charge at the time. If Orton manages to get a Title shot soon, in any other way than winning the Rumble or getting drafted to SD I'll be super pissed from a credibility stand point. Him being in the BBR, pissed me off enough, like did he at some point steal Steph from HHH or something(that wasn't a shot at HHH or Orton, just making a point)
As far as who deserved it Id say Kofi. Point being ever since he broke kayfabe on RAW just before Bragging Rights he has been on a roll. Working with Orton has given Kofi credibiality in the ring. He made his debut on January 22, 2008 and in the span of just under 2 years is wrestling one of if not WWE's biggest heel, and having main event level matches with him. Now how long ago did Shameus debut?

Now I know that there were people in the battle royal that some would say deserved it more so then Kofi, but in my opinion just based on how far he has come the past 2 years I gotta say Kofi would/could have benifited the most from winning.
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