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Who "deserved" to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Now I'm not asking because I disagree'd with the choice made. I thought Sheamus was the perfect choice and the only logical choice given the circumstances on Raw. What I'd like to know (and argue) is who would've been your guy's choices to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal and why.

Another thing I'd like to get to in this thread is what do you guys mean when you say a certain wrestler "deserved" to win something or other more than another. I ask because I think that the whole concept of deserving anything in Pro Wrestling, or wtf ever Vince want to call it because he's ashamed of being in the wrestling business, is completely flawed. Does it mean that:

1. The actual person portraying the character has "worked" harder in the business than Sheamus in this instance, and deserves the "win"(being the winner of the BBR) for that reason?

2. That the character being portrayed deserves the win, because they've racked up more wins along the way in terms of titles, feuds, actual wins in matches, etc.

3. That the character deserves the win, because they get a better pop from the crowd?

4. Some other reason I'm forgetting.

In which cases I'd argue that, (1)Has never mattered and never will, and even if it did Stephen Farrelly has been wrestling since 2002.

(2)Doesn't apply to monster heels, I truly believe a good monster can never even have wrestled a match and just attack and injure enough people and be over enough for a Title shot. If they let Sheamus go on a rampage till TLC he will get over, kicking butt and putting on a good promo are what get you over the most in this business, you'd have to wrestle many months worth of good "technical" matches before the fans would stop chanting boring and start cheering you on, and even then you better cut a good promo or it could be years.

Besides, we all know that for the most part any title right now besides the World Titles don't mean very much, and building Sheamus/random monster up through feuds would involve him beating the crap out of someone else over and over then dominating them in a match. Thats part of how the midcard got so F'ed up in the first place, in the past monsters like Kane/Vader/Yokozuna/Undertaker went staright to the top because feuding with midcarders destroys their(midcarders) momentum. Think about it, if Sheamus were to win the US or IC or even ECW titles he most likely would have had to squash The MIZ/JoMo/Christian, whats worse long term, him squashing those champs or him feuding and probably losing to Cena now?

(3)For one thing crowds have never been worse than they are now, and the crowd on this Monday's Raw SUCKED! I said the same thing about the crowd for Kofi's breakout car smashing raw, and the one after that. You basically have to be feuding with a Main-Eventer to get any kind of pop anymore, or you can cut good promo's/have a character that involves a lot of crowd interaction.

I actually think the reason MSG crowds are so good is because the phrases: "MADISON SQUARE GARDEN", "NEW YORK CITY", "THE BIG APPLE" are said about a hundred times throughout the show, they butter up New Yorks fans like no others and always put on a good show when they go there, why wouldn't they always have good crowds, self fullfilling prophecy/viscious cycles, McMahon puts more effort into MSG shows, the fans appreciate that.

This turned out much longer than I though it would, with much more focus on the second question, which I guess might belong in a different forum, but I think its okay here as part of the larger discussion.
As far as who 'deserved' to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal. That's easily Kofi Kingston. Based solely on kayfabe of course. But as far as who would have benefited the most from the win? Ted Dibiase, Jr. Now, storyline wise, it makes no sense. It's giving Orton two stories to keep up with along with Kofi and it doesn't have a back story as far as Cena's concerned.

However, Sheamus has a story. He's a bully and an opportunist. Hence is why he gets the title shot at Cena. It's a great way to give fans some semblance of hope that Sheamus can actually beat Cena because the champ doesn't need to be pinned, he only needs to be put through a table. So whomever faced Cena wouldn't lose momentum. They wouldn't be pinned or submitted. It would be being put through a table.

And I can agree with the crowd at Raw. They were awful. So as far as a deserving of winning the battle royal, I can go with Kofi or Ted. But I'm not losing sleep over Sheamus winning, because he has nothing to lose. He can still say he's never been pinned even if he loses to Cena.
Slam dunk: Kofi Kingston or Ted Jr. No issue with Sheamus other than, there is no way in hell that anyone would believe that he will beat Sheamus. Now Kofi or Ted Dibiase would be interesting. Would Randy thwart Kofi (his current rival) or help him (Randy can't challenge John Cena again (ish))). What if Ted won? Remember Evolution/nWo/4H? The leader always has to be the top dog...From a storyline standpoint, one of those two would have made more sense...
I would have to say Kofi Kingston. I have nothing against Sheamus winning however, Kingston has become incredible hot in the past few weeks. But what is the good of Kingston winning the match to face Cena? He needs to continue facing Orton, so he doesn't look like Shelton Benjamin of old.

Sheamus was the right choice due to the fact he is a heel, Cena is a face, and they need someone to bridge the gab up to Royal Rumble.
Now I'm surprised Dibiase is getting so much love on this one right now because to me, the only other logical choices would've been Kofi, Swagger, and I dunno thats it for the moment(using only Raw stars) or a monster. To me as a regular heel, unless he's already established HAS to be over with the crowd in order to go against someone like Cena.

The difference between Sheamus and DiBiase is that of course Sheamus is a monster, and right now DiBiase is not even an up and comer, he's almost an up and comer. He's basically Orton's lackey at this point, and the fans are supposed to take him seriously? I don't think Dibiase could gain enough momentum in just a month to be credible against Cena. In order for the whole thing not to be a BIG letdown Dibiase would HAVE to win.

Swagger would've been MY second choice but for one thing he's taking a backseat to The Miz right now, and as I've said a few times now, every time he talks people are going to be thinking about the lisp, its sad to say but it will hold him back for a long time. I actually think that is the ONLY thing holding him back because he has a GREAT look and exudes cockiness at all times but man I feel that if he didn't have that lisp he'd be dominating the ECW championship right now and Christian would've been on SD, instead of seemingly taking the backseat to The Miz.

And I just remembered that this is going to be a table match thanks to TL's post. That opens many possibilities imo, even the possibility that Sheamus beats Cena at TLC, which again I think only his character could do(although if he did I think he'd lose it on some Raw between TLC and the RR in convincing fashion).

Also quick question, do a lot of you listen to The Voice of Wrestling off of wrestlezone? Its a great show especially when Madden is on(I'm not a Madden Mark(no pun intended)but he has great insight into the biz and tells great anecdotes)
The way that I am going to explain my reasons will be a little different. So, just bare with me here.

Let's say for arguments sake that everyone on RAW would be eligible to find an opponent at the TLC PPV for John Cena. It becomes very clear as to why Sheamus was chosen for reasons other than being on Triple H's Christmas Card list or Vince's love for big men wrestlers. The best way to find someone to challenge for the Championship is to go down the pecking order and see who is the biggest star you can find that is not doing anything currently who would be considered a formidable opponent and threat to Cena's reign.

- Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston are embroiled in a feud with each other, so neither one of them can go for the championship. They could do a Triple Threat match with Cena, but we just had two at Survivor Series and something new is needed, which the WWE realise.

- DX are challenging Jerishow for the Tag Team Championships, so Show/HHH/HBK/Jericho are eliminated from the title hunt, especially with all four members recently getting their chances to win the titles.

- The Miz and Jack Swagger are currently having a small scale feud between each other for the US Title, so they can't compete for the other solo championship.

- Evan Bourne hasn't been doing anything of note (in defeating opponents or looking credible) to be a contender, so he is going through midcarders and being taken seriously like beating Swagger.

- Legacy are having this tension storyline type thing with Orton, and they have the same chances of facing Cena for the title as Bourne does. The fans would not buy it yet and could be turned off by the encounter. Ted DiBiase specifically has no chance with his "supposed face turn" and boring personality. Cody Rhodes is and should be a viable option, but history states otherwise.

- People such as Marella, Carlito, etc. are all jobbers/undercarders/comedic personalities and have no chance in hell in competing in the main event. It would be suicide for everyone expect for the challenger. Could you imagine having Santino Marella getting the upper hand on Cena the entire match to only lose a match to Masters on RAW the next week in 8 seconds? Completely pointless. However, the only person I could have attempted to think about considering to have the shot would be Carlito, considering that he has defeated John Cena for a championship before... if only he was a midcarder and not what he is.

So, that leaves three people available at the moment to challenge for the Championship. Mark Henry, MVP and Sheamus. It is quite obvious that the most logical choice would be to have Sheamus as the Championship Match to act as the filler. Henry and MVP have a little thing going with DiBiase/Rhodes at the moment, are both faces, and are currently in a tag team together. Sheamus is a rising heel star who seems to be able to fit the mold of a tables match quite well with Cena's style of wrestling more than MVP or Henry. If MVP was a heel, I would have to say that the WWE missed the ball on that one to not allow him to have a title opportunity... but you can't have a face wrestle a face in a Tables Match where each others movesets are quite similar.

In summation, Sheamus is the only logical choice right now to give a title match and act as the filler heading into the Royal Rumble. I think from what I have done that it is quite clear what the title of "deserved" meant, just in case you were wondering.
If we are talking about who truly "deserved" to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal, I'm going to go back and look at everyone that had a chance to be in it from the qualifying matches. The one guy that I thought, from those matches on Monday, that would be most "deserving" of a shot at the title is Finlay. Honestly, I want you to think back over the last decade, and tell me when the last time that he had a serious shot at A World Title.

He hasn't. The fact that the man has been in the business for three decades and can still put together a match should say something.
I think Dr S is pretty much spot on. In my opinion it had to be either Shamus or Swagger. As much as I enjoyed SS, they definitely needed a heel opponent for Cena at TLC.

It would have been nice to have kofi/Randy and Legacy as the last 4 in the BR, with Kofi/Randy taking each other out leaving Ted and Cody to face each other, but I think if either of Legacy had taken on Cena it would have detracted from the hot feud on raw between Kofi and Randy.

So Miz and Cena both need opponents, and with the history between Swagger and Miz, v’walla, Shamus and Cena.
I know I'm gonna be bashed, but I think it shouldve gone to Mark Henry. This isn't because I'm a mark for Mark Henry, no pun intended. Its not that I feel Henry is ready to become champ, not by a long shot. Let me explain. Let the battle royal come down to Henry and Sheamus, with Henry going over. Sheamus bitches about losing the battle royal every week on raw before TLC, Henry sucks, battle royal was a fluke, yadda yadda yadda. Fast forward to the ppv, match goes back and forth between Henry and Cena, Sheamus costs Henry the match in some way, which then sparks into what could be a great upper midcard feud between the two. The fact that Henry went back and forth withh Cena before the interference gives him instant credibility, and obviously Sheamus would get a rub from the feud altogether, hopefully going over Henry and on to the main event scene as opposed to being instantly propelled in a main event feud with the top face in John Cena. I chose Mark Henry bc Sheamus has wanted competition every week, and what better competition than a fellow big man to feud with. I think a good midcard feud is better than jobbing to Cena (albeit not by pinfall or submission, but still a loss) and losing your monster heel status.
Who "deserved" to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal? Honestly, in my opinion any of the participants except for Orton because none of the participants (other than Orton) have held a world title before. Now.... Sheamus ended up being the best choice, like others have pointed out. As far as who "deserved" to win it? All of them "deserve" to get their first world title shot in my opinion.
I would have said Cody Rhodes simply because I'm a fan and I don't think he's any less deserving than anyone else who was involved.

If you consider all the options you have Orton and Kingston who are feuding anyway and so neither needed to win. Henry and MVP are busy trying to be a tag team. R-Truth is on Smackdown and could be feuding with Punk and so didn't need to win. It could be argued that Sheamus has only just arrived and while it is refreshing to see him in a main event on the merit that he simply isn't Randy Orton or HHH, the argument could be made that it's a bit soon for him to be wrestling Cena on PPV.

Legacy on the other hand have just come off a program with DX over the summer and have since fallen from grace some what. I think either Rhodes or Dibiase deserved to win and it could have been used to fuel the underlying tension within Legacy with one getting jealous of the other, for example.

Overall, I'm still happy we get to see somebody different (in Sheamus) face Cena at TLC, yes indeed.
Good Lord, I'm starting to think half of the IWC ESPECIALLY on here don't really know what they are talking about.

Let's forget everything about what you MAY know about booking. And let's look straight at the match.

Sheamus vs. John Cena-WWE Championship-Tables Match

Two months ago this board was going who? Cracking jokes on how he needs a tan, and now, WHAT A SURPRISE, everyone on here is thinking "hmm, best choice". NO! THIS IS THE STUPIDEST CHOICE OUT OF ANYONE IN THE ROYALE!

Just like Zach Ryder winning the royale a little bit ago. Pointless. Did absolutely nothing for the both of them. This one? It's going to do something, make me not watch TLC.

Chris Masters
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase

All of these guys would have made a better choice than Lucky Charms here. Who is he? No one. NO ONE. Tried this with Brock Lesnar when he started out. Difference between Lesnar and Sheamus? Hah. Doesn't even need to be said.

So all this talk about how Sheamus was the best choice? Is this a joke? Take this as not the opinion of an IWC fan, but as a casual fan. Now, which one of the two do you think that the WWE is in desperate need of?
Good Lord, I'm starting to think half of the IWC ESPECIALLY on here don't really know what they are talking about.

Let's forget everything about what you MAY know about booking. And let's look straight at the match.

Sheamus vs. John Cena-WWE Championship-Tables Match

Two months ago this board was going who? Cracking jokes on how he needs a tan, and now, WHAT A SURPRISE, everyone on here is thinking "hmm, best choice". NO! THIS IS THE STUPIDEST CHOICE OUT OF ANYONE IN THE ROYALE!

Just like Zach Ryder winning the royale a little bit ago. Pointless. Did absolutely nothing for the both of them. This one? It's going to do something, make me not watch TLC.

Chris Masters
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase

All of these guys would have made a better choice than Lucky Charms here. Who is he? No one. NO ONE. Tried this with Brock Lesnar when he started out. Difference between Lesnar and Sheamus? Hah. Doesn't even need to be said.

So all this talk about how Sheamus was the best choice? Is this a joke? Take this as not the opinion of an IWC fan, but as a casual fan. Now, which one of the two do you think that the WWE is in desperate need of?


Why would any of those choices right now be better than Sheamus. Rhodes and DiBiase haven't done anything in a long time as has MVP and Henry. Carlito may as well be MIA right now and how many matches has Chris Masters won? Let's not forget Evan Bourne who would lose to Hornswoggle if given the chance. Kofi and Orton are still in a feud and Sheamus was the logical choice. This isn't a major PPV so there is minimal harm that will be done. If Swagger was in the battle royal, I would have chosen him but he wasn't. You listed names but didn't give reasons why so I think you don't can give a valid argument why those are better.
I can't believe R Truth gets no love from you guys...I think he is one of the most under rated superstars in the business. He's got the look, he's got the skills, his mic work is on par. Giving it to Sheamus is in a way a bit disappointing...I think any other one of those wrestlers would have been a better choice because realistically speaking...what has Sheamus really accomplished thus far? He beat up a ring announcer, he beat up a camera man, and he beat up the king.... So he was on ECW half the world doesn't even catch that program to see what he's accomplished there so for many people he's a new person with a gimmick being thrown in our faces way too quickly. Kofi needs to drop his current gimmick stop with the boom booms and turn serious...he is too much of a cartoon character for him to be taken seriously. Give him some new gear, a new song, and a new attitude. R Truth needs to stop jobbing and needs to haev a good storyline to build on his character. Fans are already into him, and I could see him as a decent mid-card champ, and build from there.
I'm going to reach here, and say Sheamus deserved to win.

Why not? He won the match, so clearly he was the best fit for whatever the plans are. Someone else had mentioned how he could go on a tear, and then everyone would be OK with him being the contender.

For the next 2 weeks, they can put him up against the people you all claim should have won, and let him dominate. It'll make him instantly credible enough to face Cena, and then he can have a solid match at the PPV. It's not like he's going to win, and it's not like he's going to stay in the main event until SummerSlam.

Earlier this year we had Mike Knox and Kofi Kingston in title matches, and no one pitched a fit. At that time, what had either done to prove themselves more worthy than Sheamus?
Honestly, I'm gonna say none of them deserved it. Apart from, perhaps, Orton.

The whole idea behind this wasn't "We think you deserve a title shot, there you go! Face Cena at TLC. Cause you deserve it."

It wasn't like that. It was more like the WWE was saying "Show us that you deserve this shot in your match with Cena. Show us that you deserve future shots." and they've would've been saying that to anyone who'd one. If anyone had been chosen over Sheamus, that's what they would've been told.

But if you mean who deserver the chance to be in the main event, then... Well, I'd say all of them. Every wrestler deserves a chance to prove themselves. At least, all the wrestlers in the battle royal, because all of those guys have shown talent. It's just Sheamus who got his chance now...
I agree completely with NSL here. Sheamus deserved to win (kayfabe obviously) more than anyone else in that match.

Orton: Lost at SS. Feud with Kofi.
Kofi: Feud with Orton. Losing to Cena could squash his momentum.
MVP: Isn't over enough. Lost at SS.
Henry: Isn't over enough. Lost at SS.
Cody: Randy loses and Cody wins? And, yes, he lost at SS.
Ted: Sure, it would trigger the face turn and the break up, but this only works if he goes on and wins the title from Cena. Too soon. And he also lost at SS.

So, why Sheamus?

Ok, he jumps from ECW to RAW and proceeds to destroy Jamie Noble. Noble is forced to retire. He then calls out anyone, but no one wants a piece of him, so he beats on Lawler. (Why does this remind me of a Gregory Helms mixed with a Chris Masters?) He then goes on to SS, where not only does his team win, but he scored the final elimination of John Morrison (as well as eliminating Finlay also). So, this should definately give him a shot to qualify, as he has already jumped through the midcard. Then he steamrolls over Finlay to qualify for the battle royal.

When watching the battle royal, it seemed overly obvious that the WWE wanted us to think Orton was going to win. Cameras were on him the whole time, sneaking around the outside and such. However, when Orton was outside, what was Sheamus doing? NOTHING! His character was being smart and picking his spots and such. So, in the end, Sheamus deserved to win the battle royal, from a kayfabe standpoint.

Looking at it from the creative perspective, Sheamus is also a logical choice. Jumping into a title match elevates him enormously, especially against Cena. He is a monster heel, but since it is a table match, he doesn't have to take a pinfall. This match should allow him to have a large offensive output, before Cena goes Superman and puts him through a table. Afterwards, Cena is still champ going into the Royal Rumble, and Sheamus is built up more than ever. It also gives someone new a look into the main event lights, while taking Orton, HHH, HBK, Jericho, and the Big Show all out of the title scene for both brands, at least for a month.

Yeah, he definately deserved to win.
OPTION # 1: Jack Swagger


1) You can't argue that he isn't more over than Sheamus, as Swagger actually has gotten boos and Sheamus gets zero reaction whatsoever (and you can't judge any kind of boos he got from the Cena segment as that was post-breakthrough)

2) Swagger has had legitimate FEUDS with people. Look at what Sheamus has brought to the table. He had 3 or 4 matches with Goldust where the "feud" revolved around them just wrestling each other and Sheamus hurting him. He then had a "feud" with Shelton which revolved around them just wrestling each other a few times with attacks and beat downs. He then beats the crap out of Noble and a few no-names. Those aren't feuds, those are "a series of matches". The only little promos he's ever cut are exactly the same about him wanting to make a presence and assert his dominance - thus, he has no special character, as that's the exact same persona that Ezekiel, Kozlov, and even Vance Archer are using right now.

3) Swagger held his own with the ECW championship for months. Let me reiterate that...the fans accepted Swagger, a newcomer, as the top guy on an entire brand, for MONTHS, and he did a damn good job for someone that doesn't have a whole lot of experience. Has Sheamus done anything to rival that? No.

4) In my personal opinion, I have yet to see a single good Sheamus match. Now, this obviously is not fact, just opinion, but I think if you were to poll people, at the very least they'd say the Cena/Swagger match was better than anything Sheamus has done, which leads more towards picking Swagger.

5) For those saying the Miz and Swagger are in a feud.......how? The Piper episode of Raw had Miz defend his title against MVP and Swagger beat Evan Bourne, with no interaction between the two. Survivor Series had no interaction between Miz and Swagger. This past Raw had no interaction between Swagger and Miz. Wow, this is one hell of a feud guys! So to say Swagger's all tied up like Kofi is with Orton is just being blind.

6) On the production side, I'd like someone to show me how Sheamus will sell more tickets than Swagger. And before you say "that's why Cena is there", remember, it would have been Cena vs Swagger.

OPTION #2: Ted DiBiase


1) They want to build up to DiBiase/Orton, correct? Well, how perfect would it have been if Orton figures out a way to slide into the battle royal, only for Kofi to eliminate him (continuing their feud) and DiBiase getting the victory? Kofi so far has been beating Orton in everything, so it's understandable for him not to get the win this time, and DiBiase eliminating him makes it so Legacy finally got a little bit of a one-up...although Kofi still looks really good in the process because he was the runner up and still eliminated the bigger dog, Orton, to whom he's more concerned with. This also leads to some jealousy between Orton and DiBiase. Next week, you could have Orton ask DiBiase to forfeit his title match to Orton, with DiBiase refusing and saying Orton's got his hands busy with Kofi. PLUS on top of all of that, DiBiase's movie is coming out, and this gets him more exposure, which gets the movie more exposure by default, and tests out his potential for the main event, AND ups his credibility so when he feuds with Orton it doesn't seem forced and rushed. It's a win on all sides.

2) DiBiase, albeit not the most over person in the WWE, still has received more of a reaction from the crowd than Sheamus.

3) DiBiase has also had numerous tag title reigns. Sheamus has not.

4) DiBiase has had feuds that revolve around more than just a series of matches. Sheamus has not, as previously established.

I really see absolutely no justification for Sheamus being the one chosen, unless you're so simplistic that you think "haven't seen it before = automatically great", in which case I'd love to see your reaction to a world title match between John Cena and Tyler Reks, or the Undertaker vs Abraham Washington.
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No one deserves to win anything, you earn it. And in my opinion, the answer has to be Kofi, he has really stepped up his game as of late and is getting huge pops.
IMO, I think that Kofi should have won. I like the fact that sheamus won, just that I would like to see kofi take the show for a while. even if he doesn't take the title, seeing him get hyped is good. IF this happedned, sheamus could probally go for the intercontenential title, or go for the ussa title. IDK just an opinion. But yeah, kofi should lose the title, and than go for a new title. This all would have been good if only kofi won. But I still like the cena shemaus thing going on. Nice job whoever wrote da story line.
As far as who 'deserved' to win the Breakthrough Battle Royal. That's easily Kofi Kingston. Based solely on kayfabe of course. But as far as who would have benefited the most from the win? Ted Dibiase, Jr. Now, storyline wise, it makes no sense. It's giving Orton two stories to keep up with along with Kofi and it doesn't have a back story as far as Cena's concerned.

However, Sheamus has a story. He's a bully and an opportunist. Hence is why he gets the title shot at Cena. It's a great way to give fans some semblance of hope that Sheamus can actually beat Cena because the champ doesn't need to be pinned, he only needs to be put through a table. So whomever faced Cena wouldn't lose momentum. They wouldn't be pinned or submitted. It would be being put through a table.

And I can agree with the crowd at Raw. They were awful. So as far as a deserving of winning the battle royal, I can go with Kofi or Ted. But I'm not losing sleep over Sheamus winning, because he has nothing to lose. He can still say he's never been pinned even if he loses to Cena.

just wanted to point this out, Sheamus was pinned by goldust on ECW look it up if u dont believe me, im not trying to say your wrong its just the wwe thinks that us fans are idiots and can forget about someone being pinned.

on to the topic. i think Sheamus was the only logical choice right now, it doesnt mean he was more deserving it just means it makes sense for him to win. I for one dont like table matches but i am looking forward to this match just because its a match we havent seen and i know cena can make the albino look like gold
If he wasn't squashed a million times before going up against Cena I'd say The Miz! But hopefully Miz starts developing new fueds against other people so he can defend his belt and continue being a fighting champion. Kofi would have been nice but I'm loving his fued with Orton so I say keep that going and maybe throw a surprise wrench in the works and have Kofi win the Royal Rumble!

But it was very obvious that Sheamus was going to win based on the Battle Royal being all Raw superstars except for R-Truth(something is to be said that he was the only SmackDown star that made it to that Battle Royal. The Kofi/Orton fued was still going, and nothing has been done with Henry, MVP, or Legacy to make them contender worthy lately.

But I would have gone with Dibiase if anything just based on how they are teasing his turn but I hate to say it but there was no other logical choice but Sheamus unless we had an MVP turn.

I would have booked Miz, Swagger, CM Punk, and John Morrison(last two names so there was better SmackDown representation) in the battle royal to make Sheamus victory mean more cause he would throw out bigger names.

Also on a side note I don't see where this Miz and Swagger fued is coming from. Yeah they had a few interactions but nothing built upon it. If Miz is semi-fueding with anybody right now than it's definitely Morrison. Or at least that's what the WWE is making it look like at the moment.
I felt it should have been someone besides Sheamus but since Miz and Swagger are in the midst of a feud you dont want to take them out of that, same goes for DX they are feuding with Jerishow and will likely take the tag title and it keeps them out of the WWE title picture. Kofi is in a major feud with Randy Orton so you don't what that disrupted.

And finally Legacy is also filled with enough tension so thats a no no. Mark Henry and MVP are doing things against Legacy too.

As i see it Sheamus is the logical choice as he has been the bully ever since his debut and even though he will likely lose at TLC, he still gets the benefit of working with John Cena and that can elevate him and give him the champions rub, in a face vs heel title match.
I would have booked Miz, Swagger, CM Punk, and John Morrison(last two names so there was better SmackDown representation) in the battle royal to make Sheamus victory mean more cause he would throw out bigger names.

The stip was that they couldn't have even contended for the championship before and Punk is a 3 time world champion guy. Also Miz and Morrison are currently already holding titles so either wouldn't make much sense. But Swagger being in there, I definitely have to agree with u on that 1. In fact he should've won it
I would love to see Kofi going for the WWE title, but the fued with Orton is amazing, for smackdown I would say Dolph Ziggler (aka Mr. Zigglers). ECW would be Shelton Benjamin, I mean this kid has the athletics and he is agruably the best damn wrestler there is in the WWE
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