Who Best Wrestler In The World Today?


The New Mr.WWE, Beat Me if You can!
Just worndering your opinions on who is the best wrestler in the world right now,I think nobody can touch Kurt Angle when he is at 100% to me he is one of the best workers in the ring ever.whats your opinions?
me personallly just love aj styles cuz he is a great wrestler and a good entertainer btu to be seriously i agree. kurt angle at 100 percent is a great wrestler.
if u mean who is the most technical i would say Angle, but who is the most entertaining is a different story.
Best how? Charisma, Work Rate, Overness, Technical, Speed etc... If you are talking best overall I would personally say its pretty hard to look past Triple H. His ring work is solid, he no Technical master, but he is a solid worker, works the mic well, is probably the biggest Wrestler in the WWE, and effectively the world, in terms of Name Power. He has helped put over countless people in the last few years.

Obviously I havent seen every Wrestler in the whole world, but out of Wrestlers I have seen, all round I cant look past Triple H he has the whole package sure if your going to look at Technical Ability you have to look at the likes of Benoit or Angle, but they dont have the total package like Triple H does. So yeah, I'm going to go with Hunter.
amboy said:
if u mean who is the most technical i would say Angle, but who is the most entertaining is a different story.
What i truly mean is best overall wrestler in the world entertainment,technaical skills,mic skills and every other thing you could possably think of counts in your choice I picked Kurt because to me he is the best all around wrestler today entertaining on the mic and very skilled in the ring,he can make you love or hate him he will probably go down as the best wrestler of all time or at least be on everybodys top ten list so take all of these things in to picking your choice for best wrestler ever.
showtyme27 said:
What i truly mean is best overall wrestler in the world entertainment,technaical skills,mic skills and every other thing you could possably think of counts in your choice I picked Kurt because to me he is the best all around wrestler today entertaining on the mic and very skilled in the ring,he can make you love or hate him he will probably go down as the best wrestler of all time or at least be on everybodys top ten list so take all of these things in to picking your choice for best wrestler ever.

While I am a huge Angle Fan, he has often been criticised for his story telling when it comes to matches, often people have said that he relies too heavily on big Moves, and doesn’t make them all fit together. This is something I don’t think the likes of Triple H, or even Shawn Michaels have a problem with. Also Angle has always had a problem making his opponent look good, as in putting them over in a match and making them look legitimate. It showed when he had the programme with Cena, the fans turned on Cena for many reasons, but one of them was heavily linked to Angle, not making him look good enough during matches. That’s why I wouldn’t put Angle as the best in the World, right now.
ya if i wanted to pick someone to lead the company out of hhh and angle, i'd say hhh. i think hes a little better of a heel and he makes ppl look so good. plus he isnt injured 24/7 like angle. angles real good on the mic, but i think hhh is better
well then if we're goin with the best ever i would say Brett Hart with HHH as a close second.
Personally, not counting people from WWE or TNA, I think it's El Generico. He has the perfect mix of luchador skills, and powerful skills.

St Jonny said:
While I am a huge Angle Fan, he has often been criticised for his story telling when it comes to matches, often people have said that he relies too heavily on big Moves, and doesn’t make them all fit together. This is something I don’t think the likes of Triple H, or even Shawn Michaels have a problem with. Also Angle has always had a problem making his opponent look good, as in putting them over in a match and making them look legitimate. It showed when he had the programme with Cena, the fans turned on Cena for many reasons, but one of them was heavily linked to Angle, not making him look good enough during matches. That’s why I wouldn’t put Angle as the best in the World, right now.
i happen to disagree with the comments just made about angle he always makes his opponents look good,to me he is better than hhh on th mic,as far as depending to much on big moves angle is not a highspot artist like aj styles, jeff hardy,and so many more, he is a wrestler and to me just better than hhh is right now.
i agree with chuckles1028 about randy orton being one of the best ever one day, but thats if he stops failing drugs test like he has been since wrestlemania, but also if you look at his matches from 2004 he had some awesome ones like his match aginst benoit at summerslam, also he does so really inovative stuff like that gutrench neakbreaker and reversing the undertakers chokeslam into an rko at wrestlemania 21. as for triple h, personally i was getting really bored with seeing him in the main events and world title matches but recently he hasn't been in them at all, i cant take anything away from what he does in the ring because some of my favourite fueds have involved him
If you're talking about the best in WWE? On Smackdown, it'd be Chris Benoit for my money. He can go with a majority of different stars and make it look credible. When he wants to (which hasn't been the case in the last two years) he can be very creative in the ring. He can work a faster paced style with the juniors, or he can get brutal and go head-to-head with the bigger guys. He also has ring psychology that is in tune with legends like Bret Hart and Tom Billington. If you're talking about Raw, then it'd have to be Shelton Benjamin. The kid has creativity and agility that is pretty damn unique and is a cut above the rest in terms of pure athleticism. He only shines as much as his opponents skills will allow him to, though. He still needs to shape up his ring psychology, as some of his matches are on and get the fans going, while others are near sleepers if the pace is set incorrectly. I originally would've voted Michaels, but his wrestling is nothing more than routine for the most part these days.
Well I think its to difficult to just pick one, so I'll go by catagories..

Raw - Edge -- I believe Edge is the best Wrestler on Raw for a few reasons.. He has a mixture of Techinical, Speed, Roughneck, and Speed is his array of attacks.. Very innovative moves, great mic works, and a great heal.

SD - Finlay -- This guy is just a solid wrestler.. He is entertaining for the most part and has a lot of different ways of using his Technical and Roughneck skills..

ECW - Rob Van Dam -- I was always a huge fan of this guy.. Porbably one of the more entertaining wrestlers in the WWE.. He also has techincal skill as well and never puts on a bad match..

Overall - HBK/Triple H -- These two in my opinion are the best wrestlers in the WWE overall.. Basically for the same exact reasons.. Great mic work.. Great in ring chemistry with anyone they face.. Can make the worste of wrestlers look good.. Thats what it takes to be classified "Best Wrestler"
i got bored of rvd really quickly when he went to the wwf cause his matches seem to be very similar, unless it has a stipulation like a cage match or hardcore. i like finlay cause he is different and there hasn't been with his style for a while, edge is good but christian is better,hbk has always been good and is one of those guys that wrestle with anyone whether it is and monster like vader or high flyer like rey mysterio or technical wrestler like benoit, but the best wrestler of all time has to be mideon! (only joking)
laurencescott14490 said:
i got bored of rvd really quickly when he went to the wwf cause his matches seem to be very similar, unless it has a stipulation like a cage match or hardcore. i like finlay cause he is different and there hasn't been with his style for a while, edge is good but christian is better,hbk has always been good and is one of those guys that wrestle with anyone whether it is and monster like vader or high flyer like rey mysterio or technical wrestler like benoit, but the best wrestler of all time has to be mideon! (only joking)
Of course you got bored with him. I especially did because I remember watching his ECW classics with guys like Jerry Lynn that tore the roof off every night. The WWE style of working is one of the most grounded, homogenized, and predictable in wrestling. RVD used to be at his best when he was involved in matches that catered to unpredictability. WWE has almost never functioned on that type of work. This is why RVD will likely never hold the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships.
srry to get off topic a bit, but readin these posts makes me think about the future, n i deff cant wait to see a Orton vs. CM Punk main event at WM. I get chills just think'n about it.
amboy said:
srry to get off topic a bit, but readin these posts makes me think about the future, n i deff cant wait to see a Orton vs. CM Punk main event at WM. I get chills just think'n about it.
Damn straight. That's the kind of thinking that would make great main events. Two guys who are over and that can work their asses off in the ring. That would be a solid match, to say the least.
Benoit is great Wrestler because he is Canadian.
Angle is great because he is an Olympic Gold Medalist.
Triple H is the total package period.

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