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Who are your picks to move for the supplementerary Draft??


Dark Match Winner
Who are your picks to move for the supplementerary Draft??

One of My Picks would be John Morrison to Smackdown to fued with reys ic title

Tyson kidd to smackdown to form the new hart foundation with dh smith and nataliya
I would say a big name would get picked for this. Well not just any big name, a huge name. That name being John Cena. Yes I am dead serious. With HHH, Batista, Cena on RAw as the top faces and closley followed by HBK and MVP and with only having Randy Orton and Big Show as the main heels you could easily see a Cena move here and a Batista heel change. Havign Cena and HHH on the same show is ok but you have no star power on SD. I don't consider Jeff Hardy and CM Punk and Rey Mysterio main faces for a show. So you bring Cena over and maybe have Jeff go back to RAw to even it out a bit. Sure you have Undertaker but he should being getting most of the shots now. So maybe bring Cena over to SD and take a heel to Raw.
Jeff Hardy (but only if he won't get burried and lost in the shuffle of main eventers)

To Smackdown:
Evan Bourne

Miz (back to ECW, he does not deserve a place on RAW plus it would be funny, especially if Morrison didn't move and Miz turned on him just to be stuck back on the same show)
Mike Knox
The Brian Kendrick
Ezekiel Jackson

Others I'd like to see shift, doesn't matter where:
Haas (probably ECW)
Dolph Ziggler
Jamie Noble
Cryme Tyme
Hurricane Helms
DH Smith (either to legacy or with tyson kidd)

RVD drafted from free agent to any brand

Well I guess that is it. I don't think many of these will happen, it's just what I would like to see.
Cena is staying on Raw. I see Cena dropping the belt to either Edge or CM Punk who cashes in REAL early at Backlash.

I would like to see Christian to Raw to fued with Matt Hardy - I dont see how he can stay on ECW for possibly another year.

Mostly low level names will be drafted, with maybe the biggest name John Morrison going to SD. Prolly seeing guys like RTruth going to ECW - Raw will load up with some of the younger ECW stars . . and guys like Kendrick and Kozlov, Umaga . . . going to ECW.
Cena to SD! is way to obvious. Edge will take the title at Backlash and another name will move to SD!... maby batista? Cristian?

Kofi Kingston
evan borne(feud or tag with rey rey)

tyson kidd
hurricane helms
r truth

dolphe ziggler
jamie noble
I doubt that any "major" names will move.. Trust me, if John Cena was going to Smackdown, they would've put that on RAW and not a Supplemental Draft... As for Smackdown being without a Champion, look at last year's draft... WWE Champion Triple H was drafted to Smackdown and World Champion Edge stayed put... So RAW was without a Champion...Edge then defeated Batista and Triple H defeated John Cena to swerve the fans..Then, the next night on Raw, new RAW Superstar CM Punk cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase, defeated a beaten up Edge, and bam, the World Championship's back on RAW.

Now, things will obviously have to be done differently this time as last year, Night of Champions featured TWO World Title, Raw vs SD matches so either Title change would mean a Title coming to Raw... Not this year.. If Triple H loses the WWE Title to Randy Orton(and I fully expect he will), nothing is solved as both Triple H and Randy Orton are now on Raw.. So that only leaves John Cena's World Championship so it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Edge's 9th World Title reign will begin at Backlash... Now they could always swerve fans and have CM Punk cash in his briefcase on Randy Orton, based on their history, after he defeats Triple H but that'd be nearly impossible with Legacy lurking around.. Plus it'd kill any momentum Orton had and kill any momentum of a potential McMahon or Batista heel turn that's pretty much inevitable at this point.

All in all, My safe assumption is that we'll leave Backlash with Rated RKO standing atop the WWE as I expect Edge to reign as World Heavyweight Champion, eventually turning face and feuding with Chris Jericho, and Randy Orton to reign as the WWE Champion, feuding with either Triple H, John Cena, or Batista(if he stays face which I doubt)
i would rather see john cena to retain. then punk cashes in after a exhausted last man standing match. in that case, cena will go after punk away from raw. i am sick of cena. also edge makes him look like a wrestler.
Oh yeah...My picks, although i'm not discussing EVERY pick, just the four I think make sense for each brand... And Morrison's brand SOLELY depends on where they take The Miz turning on him..If they plan to turn it in to a John Morrison face turn, expect him to be moved to RAW in the draft.. If they just did it as a blow off for their team, expect Morrison to go to Smackdown.. I do NOT see him staying on ECW although it's possible..He's really the wildcard of the entire Supplemental Draft.

Jeff Hardy(after his actions on RAW, it seems as if the Stretcher match wasn't the blow off for the Hardy feud after all, i'm skeptical of this one)

Chavo Guerrero(with Vickie now Raw's GM, this one's pretty obvious)

Shelton Benjamin(I expect him to continue his program with MVP if he's drafted over)

John Morrison(only if WWE plans on turning him face..They can't draft him to Raw, keep him heel, and buy in to him not taking Miz's head off).

Goldust(Goldust on Sci Fi..Need I say more? He can be ECW's new Boogeyman)

Hurricane Helms(I definately don't see him going to Raw and staying on SD seems a mute point)

Mr.Kennedy(a long shot but ECW needs a shot in the arm..With dominant heels like Swagger, Koslov, and Mark Henry, and all they got to combat them is Dreamer and Finlay since Christian's as good as gone. Kennedy could be ECW's saving grace.)

R Truth(I think he'd fit in well with the ECW brand)

John Morrison(if they keep him heel, a move to Smackdown is likely as I don't see him staying on ECW unless he becomes the face of the brand to battle Swagger and Koslov).

Christian(I think it's obvious Christian is going to Smackdown..It's been rumored pretty much since he returned..A feud with Edge is likely providing Edge doesn't turn face).

Kofi Kingston(theres nothing for him on Raw.. Now with MVP, Big Show, The Miz, the Midcard scene will start to get crowded and I think Kingston moving to Smackdown would be a smart move at this point.

Evan Bourne: I don't think Bourne's ready for a move to Raw yet.. No need to rush him like they did Kofi.. But a move to SD could benefit him as he could learn from guys like Rey Mysterio and have matches with guys like Mysterio, The Colons, Jericho, and Shelton if he stays on Smackdown.. I think they should move Bourne away from ECW unless they plan on putting him against Swagger.. He has noone to work with over there except Tyson Kidd.
maybe legacy will get drafted 2 SD!? that would b a way for the wwe title 2 go back there. plus it would pretty much shape smackdown. ecw are again the big losers!
Can someone please fill me in on this 'Supplementary' Draft?

Is it what it says on the tin, in that each brand gets a certain number of picks each? Is it live? Has it been done before? How many draft picks?

I see Knox, Tyson Kidd, Christian, Morrison and Cena going to Smackdown. I see Haas, Kendrick, R- Truth, and Shelton going to ECW. I see Cryme Tyme getting split up, with JTG going to ECW, and Shad to Smackdown.

My reasoning is, you would have R-truth, Mark Henry, Shelton, and JTG on ECW to form the long rumored new Nation of Domination. JTG would be the jewel of the group like the Rock. This was supposed to happen with Elijah Burke but never happened.
This is just what I'd like to see due to most of the main eventers being moved to RAW. RAW will become the main show with SmackDown becoming a more child aimed show and ECW being the scrap pile:

To Raw: Edge
Michelle McCool

To SmackDown: John Morrison
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
Tyson Kidd

To ECW: Charlie Haas
Jamie Noble
Mike Knox

IF, and it's a huge IF, we were to see this happen, i could see Smackdowns biggest stars being Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk as World Champion after Backlash, John Morrison, Christian, Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne as well as the undertaker who i see retiring soon anyway so he'd be the only exception from all the Main Eventers moving to RAW!!! This may sound silly but it's always a possibility
The supplemental draft has been done b4. Last year i know for sure, and i think two years ago, altho im not 100% on that one.

anyway, my picks.
Raw gets:
Jeff Hardy
Evan Bourne
John Morrison(i think Miz turning on him was to start a program)
DH Smith(for legacy)

Smackdown Gets:
Cena(i hope)

thats really all i can guess. However, i would find it extremely hilarious if John Cena were to be drafted to ECW.(altho i know that will NEVER happen to vinces baby)
Evan Bourne to Smackdown- This guy is brillant in the ring move him to the B show and let him develop some promo skills.

Tyson Kidd to Smackdown-For the same reasons others have listed. Build up "A New Hart Foundation with DH Smith and Natalya.

Christian to Raw-Smackdown would be to obvious since Edge is there, put him on the A show and let him prove the naysayer wrong. This guy is Main Event material. Imagine him heel and facing off with HHH the promos alone would make the fued.
The Divas are going to move about, for sure. So..

Candice Michelle to SD! - She's wanted this for a while now, and apparently the WWE are going to move her. She hasn't been on SD! to my knowledge, so it could be a nice change before she gets released or something.

To counter this, another face needs to move to RAW. That's most probably going to be Maria, which is fine. She didn't want to leave RAW, and since I barely watch SD! I'll get to see her more. I'm not complaining.

I do see Natalya moving to RAW too. She's wasted on ECW, and she's more talented compared to most of the Divas. She needs to move, and on RAW she could have some fantastic matches against Mickie James & Beth Phoenix.
Kofi Kingston to either Smackdown or ECW - I love both shows, and I love Kofi. Kofi was AWESOME on ECW, and deserves to be awesome again. SD! seems to be full of the lighter, more midcard guys, so different people can be champs. ECW is ECW. Kofi could be in a program with Evan or Punk or a load of other people.

Evan to NOT MOVE - Every time ECW gets someone halfway decent, they move him. Look at last years' draft! We were RAPED. Both Kofi and Benjamin switched brands after an incredible feud. True, we got Finlay and a few others, but I really don't want Evan to move. On ECW, he can shine. On RAW, he'll be overshadowed by all the big names.
Supplementry will have a few going to ECW, these are who I'd like, not who I think should go;


Helms and Haas. Both guys I like, yet both just have something lacking, ECW would suit both their styles very well.


DH Smith. I still see him joining Legacy.


I'd love Christian to go, if he doesn't win the ECW championship no 1 contenders match then I see it happening.
I agree with one of the earlier postings that said huge names will be involved in the supplemental draft so here are my thoughts. First, Jeff Hardy, after his run-in on Matt's match last night, will go to RAW. I had a feeling their feud wasn't over not does it need to be. Also, John Cena will go to SmackDown to continue his feud with Edge because there are just too many champions and egos on RAW and SmackDown needs a champion now that HHH has made the pre-determined transition to RAW to battle Legacy. I was disappointed with ECW's draft last night as I always am. They only got 1 pick while the others got 5 each. If this is the way ECW will be run, then either squash the brand entirely and split the wrestlers up between RAW and SmackDown or, if WWE is serious about pushing ECW, then they need some more upper-level stars. Finlay, Christian, Mark Henry, and Tommy Dreamer just aren't going to cut it. By the way, Jack Swagger is very impressive and I didn't know he was that big of a man. Needs to improve on the mic a little bit but he's on the fringe of greatness.
The following are my thoughts on how I would try to fix the draught. The first calls for much explaining. Cena to Smackdown. Unlikely, but they did the Punk swap last year so they shouldn't do it again. Edge/Cena should do the Austin/Hart switch and make Edge the new super face of Smackdown and Cena the new super heel of RAW. This fixes the Cena problem as even Swagger (who many fans dont know) got a great reaction against him. Edge could do with a change of attitude. It could even be an "oppertunistic" angle. By becoming a face he becomes Longs man keeping a GM in his pocket yet again.

RAW: Swagger (he impressed me last night and I think he is one of the few that can survive amoungst the huge main event line up. The Real American American should be gunning for US gold).
The Brian Kendrick and Ezik (to form a loose group of annoying heels with Miz and Hardy as the leader).
Chavo (for the official move)

Smackdown: Christian (he deserves better)
Morrison (to be with Melina as faces)
Kofi (lost on RAW)
Tyson Kidd (Hart Foundation, led by Christian/Jericho possibley)
Candice (wants the move)

ECW: Regal (to school younger guys),
Haas (similiar to Regal)
Kennedy (to be the star and to see if he can stay injury free for more than 6 months)
Shad , JTG & R-Truth to do the "Nation" thang yo.

I struggled for RAW as theirs so many top guys on it but I think I have found reasonable solutions and situations so guys dont get lost. Previous supp drafts have been random brand switchs and 15 guys were swapped if memory serves.
this is what i'd like to see and what i think would make sense

to smackdown:

kofi kingston
evan bourne
john cena?
paul burchill

to raw:

mark henry
jack swagger
the great khali

to ecw:

mr kennedy
william regal
jimmy wang yang
Even though it would be stupid for WWE to move Cena in the supplemental draft, he needs to go to Smackdown. Also, I would like to see some people like Umaga, Big Show, Regal, Kendrick, maybe Shelton Benjamin to go to ECW, especially so Kendrick and Benjamin can maybe get a "world title" reign. I would like to see Evan Bourne step onto Raw to join the main show, or maybe Smackdown! to join Mysterio or something along those lines.

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