Who are you big on in TNA right now?

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Im really getting into Robert Roode. Like the guy can wrestle. He got good mic skills. He's a great heel. I mean WWE wouldnt be doing anything wrong if they snagged him. I think TNA should consider him future main event status. I mean like to see him maybe up there and win it .I like Roode Great Wrestler and plus he's Canadian. And remember... It Pays to Be ROODE!
Bobby Roode already did some dark matches for the WWE, i remember watching heat and seeing him face off with val venis... He has progressed drastically since then and yeah, he wouldn't see world title / main event status in WWE. TNA he should stay
Bobby Roode already did some dark matches for the WWE, i remember watching heat and seeing him face off with val venis... He has progressed drastically since then and yeah, he wouldn't see world title / main event status in WWE. TNA he should stay

Robert Roode has the incredible ability to become a World Champion, you hold your tongue in saying he couldn't. He has all the same skills that the likes of a Randy Orton, Edge, or even Triple H. have.

He's good on the mic, he has a great gimmick, he creates a TON of heel heat.. especially with the new angle of being disrespectful to females, & he's got pure wrestling talent in the ring. He's definately all around great. All he needs, is a decent push & some credibility over some bigger names.

A victory over Booker T., then Christian Cage would push him deep into World Championship range. And I personally think he'd make a great leader of a faction. Afterall, his gimmick is similar to Ted Dibiase's, perhaps he can reform a version of the Money Inc.?
I go with Petey Williams. That dude can really put on a good match and entertain. I havent seen one match where he hasnt done good. I was disheartened when they kept making him job...but now it seems they will do something with the "Mapleleaf Muscle". I also have to say that I think Judas Mesias is great. He has a creepy and awesome look and I personally like the way they pull of his character. Hope he stays for quite some time. Lastly, LAX. I just hate their new music. The old version was better. But Hernandez is one crazy strong dude, and homicide hits some sweet moves. Great all around tag team. Add in Shelly Martinez...and DAMN! hahaha
To be honest, I strongly dislike the TNA product, it looks very low budget, storylines end too quickly, i.e. someone can main event the PPV and then by the next iMPACT is dropped to the mid card- ie Booker T.

But the wrestlers I feel are good in TNA atm are Samoa Joe, Sting (although he seems to have disappeared atm) Cage, Chris Sabin.
I liked Chris Harris a lot but he is gone from TNA now. He had the looks, charisma and in-ring ability to make it big. I guess that is why WWE snatched him up. I am still big on Samoa Joe and hope he can get the push to the top and a decent title run. Other than them 2 AJ Styles would be my pick. He is just an incredible worker. He also has the looks and his own style of wrestling so to speak. He is one of the most original in-ring performers I've ever seen (without looking stupid ala Canadian destroyer). All AJ needs is that 1 gimmick that fits him better than anybody else.
I'm not going to choose Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, or any other person that everybody is going to choose. I'm really big on James Storm. He has good charisma and has in-ring talent. I think that Storm was the more talented member of AMW. I hope that his feud with Eric Young can propel him to the next level. Young is one of the biggest fan favorites in TNA, and having Storm beat him a few times will help get him over.
PLEASE READ not a who you think is one to watch or who you think is a good wrestler as i said it could be who you dislike but are big on like you respect him like him thin khe has a good push right now are enjoying love to hate kinda thing ect ect

NO i hate TNA but i like so and so he should go to such and such a company or they dont push him do this and that say any of this and im reporting you if you made a mistake edit your post please

im big on james storm he is a good wrestler has a good moveset the character fits him perfect and can pull off the mic

i dont particularly like motor city machine guns baby face character or mic skills but im big on them for the fact they choose to go all out in matches have good movesets and can do tag team moves they also have been getting a push which is good for them to develope
I'm big on Tomko right now (just look at the name) and I think the current angle he has as a loner is a good one for him. When he was in the WWE he didn't look like he would ever be where he is now, but I guess TNA got that right with Tomko.
I'd say MCMG, samoa joe and kevin nash. I just love his mic work and the MCMG pull off moves that surprise the HELL out of me and I've watched wrestling for 20 odd years. I still think that TNA is doing an awesome job with their product. But if they try to compete with WWE they will die eventually. Just appeal to different fans. I believe there is enough business to go around for both. I can't wait to play the TNA game!!
MCMG, Christian Cage and Tomko.

MCMG are the hottest thing in TNA right now, im glad TNA turned them face and I hope to see a LAX(heel) vs MCMG(face) fued in the near future.

Christian Cage because he is back where he belongs, in the TNA title picture, and im looking forward to seeing him take on Angle again for the title.

I was never really that bothered about Tomko before, but since he has disbanded from the Christian/Angle thing, his personality has come out, and if we get to see a James Storm vs Tomko fued I would be happy.
i am big on the following ppl
Aj&Tomko- they are pretty decent in the ring together i like what i have seen of tomko and AJ Japan work plus now that one has left the angle alliance and one is still in it will be interesting to see if the turn on one another
Motor City Machine Guns- they have reminded me why i like the x div and have added a new mix to the tag teams
and joe since i liked him in ROH and when used right he an do great things
not so big on Angle just cause it feels like he gets shoved down are throats every Thursday night for that reason not so much his ring work though very enjoyable
Christian Cage is the only ex-WWE guy that really works in TNA.

Kurt Angle? Kurt Angle is up there with the best wrestlers ever to set foot in the ring. He's ex-WWE, but worked so much better in TNA. In WWE he gathered all his skills, he watched, and he learnt. He had one of the best matches in history at Wm 21 with Shawn Michaels. In TNA he has been one of the best champions ever. His matches have been great and he never fails to entertain the crowd.
i'd say Samoa Joe, Tyson Tomko and Matt morgan... these guys are great. I'm definetly digging Samoa Joe's angle, the same with Tyson Tomko. Matt morgan has surprised me with his mic skills and the way he's being portrayed as of late. But i don't get what was the deal with him coming out and attacking Kevin Nash. I thought he was a face? but other than that so far still good.
In TNA, they have a good roster but don't use them too well. I'm definetly big on MCMG because they have great chemistry and are great to watch, Samoa Joe because he is what Umaga can be if they can redo him, Jay Lethal,an amazing high-flyer, Tomko, an awesome big guy, Cage, because TNA is using him right!, and LAX because I think they are great but not used well enough.
Robert Roode: I have been big on Robert Roode back when his name was Bobby. I have always known, he has the mic skills (which have always been solid and he's now growing in that area with more time), he's got natural heat from the fans, the wrestling skills (he's got the classic sort of fighting), and he's just got the look. He just looks like a champ. He will be the TNA champion somewhere in his career. It will take about 3-5 years but it will happen. I'm not saying he's the best but he's certainly good.

Tomko: Right now I'm really liking Tomko. He definitely has the crowd support right now, he's got solid in-ring skills, he has a title, and he can fight in any match from an opening match to the main event on impact. I am big on him for sure.

Motor City Machine Guns: Even before they had the tagteam name, I saw them work together one time and I knew they should be a tag team. They just need more time in the spotlight. I think this Team 3D storyline is working for them, but they should definitely be getting more wins.

I didn't mention Joe or Christian since they're already big names that almost everyone is big on.

I am definitely down on Petey Williams. Just another canadian wrestler with great in-ring skills but no mic skills to go with it (i.e., Bret Hart, Lance Storm, Chris Benoit) (not to be confused with the canadian wrestlers that can both wrestle and have mic skills like Y2J, Owen Hart, and Christian)
Okay I'll bite.
I'm big on Robert Roode. He has the potential to be an old school villian doing vile things and I think that its needed with tweeners in TNA including Christian, AJ, and perhaps Tomko.
I'm big on LAX as a fan and I love the disgruntled employee angle with Samoa Joe even if I don't like Kevin Nash as a part of it.
Controversial pick-Team 3D I hate the length of the storyline but it puts them back into the old school Dudley's that I loved at the end of ECW. The ones that will do anything to beat you and rub your nose in it.
I Am Big On Samoa Joe, Tomko, Mcmg, Lax, Aj Styles

I Am Big On Samoa Joe Cause He Is One Of The Best Wrestlers They Have And They Should Have A Samoa Joe Vs Kevin Nash Vs Matt Morgan Fued In The Future

I Am Big On Tomko Cause Since He Left Christian And Angle He Is Actually Showing His Personalitu As Being A Real Good Wrestler

I Am Big On Mcmg Cause They Are Making The X Division Really Something To See With The Fued Between Them And Team 3d

I Am Big On Lax Cause They Are Real Good Wrestlers And For A Big Man Hernandez Is Really Athletic And It Would Be Nice To See A Mcmg Vs Lax Rivalry

I Am Big On Aj Styles Cause I Mean They Are Starting To Make Him Act Like A Man Again And Soon He Will Leave Angle And Go For The Title Again
I like Shelley Martinez, she looks pretty hot. I liked it when she was Ariel in WWE. I personaly think that Vince is eventually going to steal Abyss and let him use his talents more. Abyss would definitely bring back the hardcore side to WWE which was when Foley left.
MCMG are a great tag team i liked the idea of them teaming up way back because i thought shelly was being underused and with sabin he would get some spotlight.
Kevin Nash is pure gold, when hes not wrestling. He is pure comedy, his back stage segments with other wrestlers remind me of the stuff the rock was doing a few years back, not really wrestling i know but still usually one the things to look forward to on impact.
I have been a fan of eric young for a while, and he as well as a few others are casualties of there being no mid-card belt. He had loads of momentum a few months back but not enough for a tittle shot but i see him wearing the gold eventually.
Right now I'm big on the Machine Guns, Roode, Kaz, Storm, and LAX. I can't wait for the day that Roode is champion. And it needs to happen soon or WWE might decide that they want him back. I actually think that all of these guys could add to a WWE show (Raw or SD!, if it were ECW they may aswell stay put in TNA).

I hate the Abyss/Mitchell &Judas angle. I don't know where this thing is going, but it needs to get there. It sucks.
Alex Shelly, because he's really coming in to his own now, and i've been really impressed with him as of late.

Samoa Joe, he's always been just another big agile guy before but after his shoot on Scott Hall I have been paying much more attention to him and he is excellent.

Robert Roode, Out of all the TNA roster, Roode is the one that I could imagine in WWE with the same gimmick. He's got everything and I think he could mix with the big boys.

Kevin Nash, Gets criticised heavily and can hardly move around the ring. He is everything TNA isn't but I just love to see him. I am a bit of an idiot for nostalgia but I was so disappointed when The Outsiders didn't manage to reform and team with Joe.
Gotta agree with Bookfanman, Shellley is SOOOO underrrated, really big fan of his, and A.J. think this Prince gimmick is helping him develop nicely. Gotta say Samoa Joe also right now, he seems like a legitimate bad a$$. gotta say KAZ has most potential and I could see him signing with WWE if TNA don't give him a real storyline.
aj styles: i loved this guy when he was in wcw tagging with air paris in air raid this guy has amazing talents the cowardly role is a little different for him but he plays it off pretty good cant wait til he goes back to singles competition and changes roles.

petey williams. i love petey williams the canadian destroyer is an amazing finisher just limits him if he fights bigger guys some of them couldnt pull it off i was at the against all odds ppv last night and him and scott steiner tore the house down in my opinion great match he has a bright future with tna

eric young: eric young can flat out wrestle and as he proved at the ppv last night he has strength i think tna just needs to give him the chance and i think he could go to the top of the x division
I really like Scott Steiner he is so awesome, he's big and he can do super good promos, I don't get why they don't push him even more but I think Russo will since he pretty much made Big Bad Booty Daddy

I also like AJ Styles, it's hard not to like him but he really needs to become more serious, it's ok with some humor but he needs to be credible aswell.

Petey Williams is really shining with the help from Scott Steiner, if he just practises better promos and not be all comedy he will go far.

Shark Boy, what can I say it works with the Stone Cold gimmic, atleast he's not a jobber anymore
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