Who are you big on in TNA right now?

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Like others, I'm big on Kaz and the MCMG. Theye are the futre of TNA. Kaz has all the abilities to become World Champion in the next year and after seeing his World Title Match with Angle not so long ago it is my opionion that TNA would be making a bad choice if they didn't give him the title. THE MCMG are the new face of the tag division in TNA. Their fued the 3D is putting them over with the fans and they will win the Tag titles within the next year. Kaz=World Champ and MCMG=Tag Champs (Nice)
Motor City Machine Guns: I have always been big on these two even before they became a tag team. They exhibit what TNA is supposed to be about.

Christian Cage: He is the only WWE guy who actually fits the TNA roster and style. Very good mic work.

All of the knock outs: Women who can actually wrestle.
Here's who I'm big on.

The Motor City Machine Guns- I'm big on this because we're seeing skill from Shelley and we're seeing the Chris Sabin of old. The way I look at this team, it's like the Naturals except with the skill AND the charisma. So this team has huge potential.

Kaz- I have yet to see a bad match with this guy since he left Serotonin. The Angle/Kaz match surprised me and the Ladder match with him and Cage was great. This guy has the ability to be a huge star in TNA

LAX- Always loved this team. They have the perfect balance of skill and agility and raw power from Hernandez. Given they are at the disadvantage without Konnan being there but then again, I haven't seen them give Homicide much of a chance with promos. I want to see this team get pushed again.

Samoa Joe- While I'm big on Joe and always have been, I don't like this whole thing they're doing with him now. This whole new contract thing and being kind of a whiner. It's not him. And when he spewed out about Scott Hall, people reacted positive for it because to them and many other wrestling fans, it's the truth scripted or not. I want to reitierate what I said about Joe. GIVE HIM THE STUPID BELT!!!!! he should have had it a long time ago.
I would defnly say the stinger. ive loved sting since watching him on wwf when i was young. If you r asking for my opinion i say he needs to find a job with WWE. shane o mac has been letting alot of teddy turners old boys back in the bussiness, and with tna's crappy ratings, sting may want to try to preserve his good name as a wrestler.
I would defnly say the stinger. ive loved sting since watching him on wwf when i was young. If you r asking for my opinion i say he needs to find a job with WWE. shane o mac has been letting alot of teddy turners old boys back in the bussiness, and with tna's crappy ratings, sting may want to try to preserve his good name as a wrestler.

As much as I would like to see this happen I would verge on the air that it is unlikely. Vince & Sting aren't on the best of terms (Alot like Vince & Savage). Plus Sting prides himself on being the most famous wrestler to have never worked for Vince McMahon and I can't see him breaking that anytime soon. However people were concerned about Hulk Hogan and Vince being on the outs a couple of months back and we saw Hogan return at Raw's 15th Anniversary so as with most things in wrestling never say never.
The MCMGs, or Alex Shelley to be more specific, I've always been a fan of this guy, I think he has tremdous talent, and hasn't nearly been used to the potential he should be, the guy deserves to be wearing gold, whether it be Tag, X-Division, or World title gold (I realize the last one is extremely unlikely), they guy can cut some of the best promos, anybody who has listened to the guy in ROH knows this, and he has such great chemistry with Sabin, and that's what makes the two so damn good in the ring together
The person I'm big on is Aj Styles, i know its been beaten to death but hear's why. In ring this time last year everyone one knew there was no one better, he was constantly putting on match of the year quality matches there was just one problem with him and that was that his mic skill were awful. So what TNA did was smart was they took arguably there biggest face, turned him into a heel lackey. It was done so he could develop his mic skills which i'm sure everyone has noticed got a lot better but now it's time for him to move away from the heel lackey and go back to being face, he's the best wrestler in the company in my opinion and will be main eventing ppv's for years.
Christan Cage - He is a great wrestler plus his promos are gold.

I dont know why everyone sas TNA is going in the wrong direction, Turning Point was a dissapointment but they are back on track now. The only thing I worry about for TNA is that they are running out of main eventers.I know

Chrstian Cage
Booker T
Kurt Angle
Scott Steiner and more

But i miss the alpha male, ron killings, jeff jarett, and Rhino (they barely use him) raven too
I'd have to agree with justinsane, Sabin and Shelley are freakin sweet! I haven't seen too many ROH shows, but Shelley can cut a mean promo, and he sells better than anyone in TNA. One off topic thought, If Konnan was still in TNA, I'd have said him and LAX. He made Hernandez and Homicide into superstars!
Robert Roode.
The guy has come on gangbusters with in-ring and promo work since Team Canada disbanded.
He is really moulding into a top hell in TNA.

And I do agree with Black Lion below.
Christian Cage is the only ex-WWE guy that really works in TNA.
I have been a big Cage fan since starting to watch TNA last year. I really hope he gets a push as a face in this feud with Angle and then other heels, his promo work is great and probably the best in the industry at the moment. Reminds me of the Rock in attitude era, whether face or heel his promo's are always hot

Also Motor City is outstanding and real fun to watch. They have perfect in ring chemistry and come off as the underdogs real nicely, hard to imagine that these two were heels not so long ago.
Joes recent direction is also a good thing, he needed a change in scenery after chasing Angle for a few months. And I think Nash is perfect Comic relief.
Right now my two TNA favourites are Petey Walliams and Test. They have both contributed so much to the TNA and their anti-American stable was classic along with William Regal in WWE. It's a shame TNA did play on that relationship, but their loss. I haven't seen Test on TNA in a while now, I think they're saving him till later. Test vs Sting world title anyone? I think so! :D
You do realise Test was fired a long long time ago. When has TNA ever worked with WWE? Are you really that delusional. Test was decent at one stage, not so much decent as barely watchable nowadays. Test was fired to get that through to you I bolded it.

Now onto the Actual topic, I am huge on Alex Shelley. He is one of the pieces that can put TNA over as a growing company with all of the older talent in TNA right now he has the ability to work behind the scenes in a way to be built up as the great Wrestler that he is. One of his Nicknames from Memory is The Next. After that insert, Jericho or Michaels. He has that mesh of talent that can make him huge. When they were doing Paparazzi Productions the T-Shirts were the best selling item in TNAs store. He has the fan support, I can see him grow to be the big star if they push him right, He also has time on his side as he is 25/26 right now, Alex Shelley is an Asset and will be used as one if the Booking committee realise it. With Rey Mysterio they talk about him being a Gold Mine, With Alex Shelley they are sitting on a Diamond Mine.
I totally agree with Alex Shelley. In my experience he can work very well with any type of opponent in any type of match - his reputation as the "technical messiah" really is well deserved. He's got a great image and the fan support is very much there for him. Not to mention that he has great charisma and severely underrated promo skills. There's not one area he's lacking in; he's really the complete package.

I know I already mentioned the Motor City Machine Guns, but Shelly in particular is superb.
Robert Roode- Boy, hasn't he come a long way since Team Canada. The reason I'm so big on him right now is because the charisma came from nowhere. He was known as the "enforcer" so he seemed to be a silent but deadly type. I like that TNA has given him the ball. I would have to say he's running with it pretty well...

Petey Williams- I am a sucker for comedy in wrestling and Petey Williams is starting to show some. Who knew he could be so charismatic? I think back to the "Deal or No Deal" segment they had on Impact and to be honest, I had no idea Petey had it in him. Great stuff. Lets hope that this leads to a possible Ultimate X match down the road between him and Jay Lethal. Maybe throw Sonjay and a (hopefully) returning Chris Daniels?...
LAX, First and foremost. More Hernandez then Homicide, but they both make a perfect team of agility, speed and strength. Hernandez is just so strong (and super sweet in person). These guys should be tag team champions agian soon. I think putting Shelly Martinez with them is the wrong idea. Since Konnan is gone, I thought it would give Homicide and Hernandez a chance to cut some sweet promos and let people see them more.I'm afraid with Shelly in their corner they will concentrate less on LAX and more on her and her...assets......bah this may just be my jealous female side.
Cowboy James Storm. This guy has talent, charisma, mic skills and has to be one of the best heels ever. I recently saw 3 nights of TNA house shows, and this guy loves making you hate him. Forget the beer drinking contests...which are kinda funny. Storm needs more air time to showcase his skills.
Motorcity Machineguns. Sabin and Shelley together are amazing. Speed, agility and they are so in sync as a tag team. Shelley is great on the mic too.
Others I really enjoy are:
ODB: She is just too funny, and she gets the crowd going. She just needs to put down the flask and wrestle more.
Roxie Laveaux: her finisher is Brutal! Everything she does looks painful.
Johnny Devine: This guy is a great wrestler and his facial expressions during 3-D interviews are hillarious...I never noticed him when he was with Raven, I think he is way underated.
Kevin Nash. He is a promo God and can give a 'big boot' better than anyone. He tells a story in the ring, and with his legacy behind him there is a natural hype. Now that he has put politicing behind him, you are sure to get a fair match, but in all honestly I don't think there are many in TNA who could stop the momentum of Big Daddy Cool once he gets going (no one at all IMO, but I don't want to sound bias :icon_smile: ). Put him against the right people and you're sure to have a classic.
People im big on at the moment are

LAX : I just reckon that there Gimmick and the way they present themselves are the best Tag Team going around to date PERIOD!

Awesome Kong : Keeps me glued to my seat, So different to your usual Female wrestler.

would be big on AJ also if he'd hurry up and go on he's own as the cocky phenominal one not Angles Lacky.
"Showtime" Eric Young : just the most underrated wrestler in tna in general , his in ring skills are solid and damn is the guy funny, epecially the beer drinking contests, which leads me onto...

"Tennesee Cowboy" James Storm: Man do people hate this guy, i always thought he was better than chris harris for in ring work when they where AMW but really the guy is just damn entertaining.

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal : The best in the X division right now (well maybe tied with Sabin) and damn his gimmick just takes me back lol

Black Reign : Just Kidding.
I have to say recently to other wrestlers have caught my attention,
Tomko and Johnny Devine!

Ive always liked the look of Tomko he has kool tatoos, pretty big and good in ring skills, his mic skiills aren't that bad either. And recently hes been really awesome i think the whole Tomkos for Tomko thing could lead to something big this year! And Johnny Devine well ive never really noticed nor cared about him while he was with Raven but whilst hes been with Team 3D hes been pretty good in the ring and in promos pretty funny like the King Kong moment!
AJ Styles: Although I don't like the way he's being used right now, he plays his character very well and he has some truly 'phenomenal' in-ring skills.

Motor City Machine Guns: Sabin and Shelley are what's good in TNA right now! They seem to have it all.

John Hugger aka Rellik: I'm undecided on the current gimmick (TNA should either commit to the partnership storyline with Black Reign or distance the two but that's another topic, sorry). He has nice character versatility, experience, power, and a sweet superkick!

Roxxi Laveaux: She has a very powerful finisher. I look at her and wonder what other wrestling moves she has hidden away. I'd really like to see her get a nice push and a better gimmick.

And lastly...

Senshi: It's always a pleasure to watch Senshi in the ring. His style is unlike anyone else's in TNA/WWE right now. I'm going to miss him.
Right now I'd go with the machine guns and angelina love and velvet sky. The machine guns seem like the first potentially great tag team i've seen in years. They work as one and its like watching the hardys or the rockers all over again. Love and Sky are a unique team. They may not be the best in the ring just yet, but when's the last time you saw a true women's tag team. Not to mention their looks arent hurting them either. ODB gets high marks also. One of the best gimmicks ive seen in awhile.
Motor City, without a doubt. Not only the best in TNA, but I would venture to say the absolute BEST in wrestling right now. The way they flow, the psychology they use, everything about them is just incredible. There is only one thing to get me more excited than these two, and I never thought I would say it.....

Gail Kim and Awesome Kong. Every match between the two has been incredible...the near falls, the excitment, the brutality...I NEVER thought I would see womans wrestling that had me actually tuning in every week to see just that one match...these two are incredible alone, and play off each other so damn well. Just incredible.

Some others worth mentioning...

AJ Styles...been my favorite wrestler for awhile...but here lately he is starting to shine. It's nice to see him actually starting another fued...not being just about the tag teams or the factions...him and Christian should be a damn good fued....

Joe....just because he's joe...and I'm a mark....

Devine is doing pretty damn good as well...

And yet another woman wrestler...the exceptionally sexy Roxxi Laveaux...my god is she hot. And just another amazing wrestler....does things most women shouldn't.....

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot this one...Tomko is really coming into his own. He is becoming one that I can actually now see as a champ in the future...
Im big on christian cage his in ring work and charisma are excellent after all he was known as the Captain Charisma for short time and definately tomko, eric young and james storm. another that im big on is definately robert roode his character is definately one of the most hated people ive seen in a while. cant forget the motorcity machine guns these guys are incredible .

i would add kurt angle but im just so tired of the suit and tie and having to pay to see him wrestle a match (which is well worth the money)
I'm big on the true prince of wrestling. Sonjay Dutt! Or as I like to call him "Sonjay Fresh. The Fresh Prince of Wrestling!"

Sonjay has had the worse gimmick currently going in wrestling thrown on him and he still delivers in the ring when he is given the opportunity to do so. Working with that Guru gimmick has to be hard and Sonjay is still braving it and trying to do his best with what he is forced to work with.


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