Who are you big on in TNA right now?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Just wanted to see who everyone was "big on" in TNA.

This isnt a slag off someone or tell someone who they like is crap thread, just tell me who you are big on. Obviously you can agree with someone but just dont post who your not big on.

You might like a guy but not be big on him for example i really like Samoa Joe one of my favourite wrestlers but to be honest not big on him at all at the moment.

You dont even have to there biggest fan to be big on someone, come to think of it you dont even have to like them to be big on them you could think they play there character well or are hard worker.

This isnt a top favourite wrestlers thread either.

Im big on LAX, I personally think they could be a big draw for TNA and most likley the best tag team in TNA right now.

Scott Steiner, at first for a while i didnt really care but hes been in a couple of matches recently on his own and i started to think he was kind cool again.

Also big on the instant Classic Christian Cage, i like his promos he really seems to put effort into them and his matches are entertaining nice to see him fly solo the whole team leader was getting boring.

Big on James Storm right now, i dunno i just like his character and his in ring work hes been there for ages now and isnt currently in storyline really but i think they are just trying him out to see were he slots in.

Not huge on Kurt Angle but he does his character well and works hard, dont like the belt being on him but thats another story.

Thanks for the posts really like them some valuable opinions there!
I agree with you about LAX and Christian Cage. I think that Kurt Angle is still solid in the ring but he's definitely overexposed in regards to the amount of TV time dedicated to him. I'm big on the Motor City Machine Gunns as well and if TNA decided to showcase tag teams the in-ring action would be better.
I am big on Cage and LAX as agreed above.

I am also big on Jimmy Rave. I know we havent seen a alot of him since his debut, but he is a great talent. He had a great long running feud with AJ styles in ROH, i hope they sign him to a contract soon and start to showcase him properly.
well i'm very big on cage as well but i'm am also keen on kaz. he as defently showed more passion and alot more talent in the past couple of months. i really think he is going to be the next mr. tna. believe him to be a future holder of the tna title.
Im big on LAX, I personally think they could be a big draw for TNA and most likley the best tag team in TNA right now.

Scott Steiner, at first for a while i didnt really care but hes been in a couple of matches recently on his own and i started to think he was kind cool again.

Also big on the instant Classic Christian Cage, i like his promos he really seems to put effort into them and his matches are entertaining nice to see him fly solo the whole team leader was getting boring..

100% Agree with all that! LAX are an amasing tag team and ever since i first saw them i was huge on them, but since the departure of Konnan they have declined perhaps with the addage of Shelly Martinez who i think everyone has worked out is the mystery LAX member, they can get back to the tag tittle hunt.

Scott Steiner i never liked in WCW when he played heel nor did i like him recently in TNA with Rick but i suddenyl clicked the other day that Rick was the one who dragged him down and im really big on him again i would like to see him a heel again and challenege for the tittle i think he still has it in him!

Christian Cage well what do i say here! I never liked him in WWE i thought he was funny and an average heel but since hes arrived in TNA hes unstoppable! Hes an amasing heel and his mic skills are awesome! And when i see a match of his i always can see the love he has for the business now days which is a good thing!

Im also really big on Abyss always have been but getting the crap beaten out of him everyweek is not doing him any favours, i really feel he could carry the hardcore side of TNA really well along with Rhino but ah well!
AJ STYLES is #1 but the like to use him as a comedian, christian sounds waaaaaaaaay to rehearsed on his promos all he does is change the pitch of his monatone voice-his moves are boring,and he's going bald HA. Lax rules best tag team ever...they should go to wwe and start something with misterio....james storm is cool needs a push.....steiner's pecs are soooo sunkin in it makes me wanna throw up, i can't believe some of you like that guy, samoa joe is a badass. kurt angle is funny,and a good wrestler. abyss is a joke, his posing is so gay,its all he does, one move.pose.one move.pose. i'm glad he's staying out of the mainevent cuz all he is,is a mankind/kane clone bahhhh...let sting go to wwe for the flair match at wm ...sting is old and should quit asap. eric young is sickening i'm sure he's kissing someones ass hard. the announcers are shit. sounds like they take hours and hours to perfect it just to make it sound like a rehearsed pile of garbage..they are both saying the same stuff,just in a different way. it is ridicilous just like my grammar skills......tna is pretty cool sometimes though
I'm Big on Christian Cage and The Motor City Machine Guns. CC is a great wrestler , after his latter match with Kaz it changed my like for Christian. The MCM's are the fastest tag team alive. everything they do in the ring is perfect and i think they should get a Tag title shot against Tomko And Styles
I'm actually quite big on Kurt Angle, as you may have guessed. Say what you will but there's not doubt the man has the biggest name value in TNA and by extension the biggest drawing power, hence it's logical to put the belt on him. Also, as Slyfox has said on several occasions, he's a former amateur wrestler and so the smarks love him. Oh yes, it's official, everyone can love Kurt Angle if they try.

Then there's the really, really obvious ones of the Motor City Machine Guns. They're immensely talented and Shelly has great promo skills and charisma, if only he taught some of it to Sabin they'd be a near-perfect team. Then again, I'm always big on tag teams. I'm the moron who suggested Styles and Daniels reunite as heels for God's sake!
Just got big on Abyss again i hope he beats the hell outta Messias hes really boring nothing else against the guy hes just boring, well his costume dosnt suit his character either i mean purple trunks WTF.

Abyss because he is hardcore puts all on the line, he has a good moveset and the fans like him. He poses to get some draw from the fans okay if you dont like it he could cut it a bit less. But soon as he does his entrance hes magic always makes the other guys he fights look like wimps. He just looks like he is bad coz he went from top of the heap to mid card, if he had better opponents or more varied ones he could show off his moveset and character more.

Big on Scott Steiner as i said but not for his pecs muscles whatever you call em, the freak.

Angle yeah the original Angle was gay all milk and cookies crap but wrestling machine angle was cool hes good but his charcter sucks. If he changed his character to something more enjoyable id do big on him again.

Guys like Aj Styles and Samoa Joe and Black Machismo Jay lethal i love to bits but im just not big on them right now.
Christian Cage: When he came to TNA, he gave them their first real "big name" star and ready-made main eventer. He is unparalleled as a heel, and has a lot of fans. He is far better off than his former counterpart Edge will ever be, and you can tell he gives his all. It's appropriate they dubbed him "The Biggest Acquistion in TNA Wrestling History."

AJ Styles: Big on this guy from day one, from his feuds with Abyss, Daniels, Joe, and others. Always an interesting match when he is involved. I like him better as a face, but the character he is portraying at the moment, the cowardly heel, is a side of him that really came out from his time with Cage, and has benefitted him. However, he should be a cocky heel, confident in his abilities. He has too much charisma in and out of the ring to be a coward. Turn him face again, take him out of the tag division, and put him in a singles feud with someone, say, Robert Roode.

Robert Roode: Speaking of which, it pays to be Roode. A solid worker that has finally come out of his comedic feud with Eric Young, to the main event where he belongs. He is great in the ring, great on the stick, and can feud with anyone because of his size and moveset. Hopefully they finally have him drop Ms. Brooks, I think he would be better off without a manager. I remember in the 2006 year-end voting on TNA's website, I voted for him as "Who To Watch" in 2007. He has really come into his own this year.

Samoa Joe: I have always been big on this guy as well. His matches and promos are always intense, and his feuds are always ones to watch. The character he is portraying at the moment, the disgruntled employee, fits him well, and perhaps is capitalizing on his promo at Turning Point. They would be stupid to ignore it and not capitalize on it. Hopefully he will regain his place in the main event and capture the world title like he deserves.
I completely agree about Samoa Joe. Even though a lot of people might not be keen on his "attitude" as of late, I think it's exactly what's needed right now. Love him or hate him, people are TALKING about him now. Next stop.. a title shot and hopefully a lengthy run.

Another one I'm big on right now- Booker T. He's still got the moves, he's still in shape and I have to admit- it's kinda nice to see him as a face after all that time he spent in that horrific "King Booker" gimmick.

In terms of teams, I'm totally huge on the Machine Guns right now. I will admit that when they first teamed up, I kinda brushed them off, but they've definitely grown on me. I honestly thought I'd never see the day when people were actually cheering for Alex Shelley (especially after the whole Paparazzi Productions thing), but it's deserved. Alex and Sabin make a damn good team, and it's nice to see a duo that's not a couple of hulking, muscle-bound meatheads getting their due.
The three guys I'm real into right now are:

A.J. Styles - He's been at TNA since the start and is, in my opinion, THE guy that made TNA. His in-ring ability is second to none, always finding a way to sell a match. A.J. has so much potential that he's not tapped yet. I think five years from now, we'll still be dropping our jaws at A.J. Styles. He's not great on the mic, but I rather like him in the subordinate role. I'm really into the storyline he's in right now and while I'd like him to side with Christian (when those two team together, they are a solid team) I don't care who he goes with, but as long as it gets resolved soon.

Robert Roode - Roode is one of those guys who can put on good matches. I'm not so much into his character as I am his match. Roode can bring anyone down to size. I can always count on a good, logical match from Roode where he spends time on offense. His entrance music is awesome, too. ^_^

But the guy I'm most into is Christian Cage. Flat out, he's a mind fuck. He will have you messed up before your entrance music even starts. Christian can cut promos like no other and to be honest, I love Christian on the mic just as much as I like Chris Jericho on the mic. I missed all the PPVs since I started watching TNA last October, but I saw Christian/JoeIV on iMPACT and I HAD to see that match a second time on the Saturday replay. He can deliver some amazing matches and his style can mesh with almost anyone. Edge and Jericho are the same way, in the ring, too.

I'm not terribly big on Angle but I guess thats more due to overexposure than anything....
there r alot of canidates u can choose. the mcmg have a bright future if tna lets them stay together for a couple more years but i would have to go wit judas mesias i just like the whole character i can see him wrestlin with a couple of guys in tna
I guess I'll be the first to mention it, but the "knockouts" have really been putting on some good matches, when I get a chance to watch. Particularly Gail Kim, who is definitely one of my favorites, and Awesome Kong have been showing why they are two of the top female wrestlers around, let alone TNA.

I just wish they'd show more of the female matches in TNA. They've really got some solid women's wrestlers and they deserve to be showcased even more than they are getting right now.
Christian Cage
is the best thing going right now in either TNA/WWE

Im also big on TNA announcer
Don West (is there a better play by play guy?)
Im Really big on Samoa joe simply because : he's a great athelete, nice finisher, good mic skills, entertaining, and he's a really good submission and technical wrestler.
Well of course im big on Motor City, i'm a huge fan of tag team wrestling and this is a fresh team who do things in every match that i haven't really seen before and i think they have a great dynamic that i want to see more of, i'm really intrigued as to what they can do in the Ultimate X match together, we know Sabin is great in them and Alex is athletic so as a pairing they should be very interesting, and i hope to see them get a tag team title run at some stage, maybe feud with LAX?

Also liking Judas Mesias, maybe im sick in the head but i do like a bit of blood and popped huge when he destroyed Abyss after the cage match against Angle. They hyped him up as a destructive monster and when i heard he was only 6'1" i was intrigued as to how a guy that size who isnt named AJ Styles can take it to Abyss but his speed and his flair for violence really makes him believable as a mini-monster in my opinion, i expect him and Abyss to have a multi-pay-per-view feud, hopefully find a way keep life in it all the way up to Lockdown, those two could destroy each other in a cage.

Finally i'll just a list a few randomers, Jay Lethal i really like, the savage gimmick is more intriguing than i initially thought and i find his matches funny without him losing his wow factor in terms of x-division style moves, i actually quite like Team 3D in their feud against the x-division, i've thought they've been pretty weak since coming to TNA but i like them versus X-Division, ultimate-x with tables should be good, and i like that Petey Williams is gonna be in the spotlight again.

A few people im down on/disappointed that im not big on them are AJ, cos he is insanely talented but i dont like his current role, James Storm because he has huge potential but is just drinking with Eric Young, Booker T cos i thought he'd walk into the title picture rather than having an on-off feud with Robert Roode and Johnny Devine, i think he was a poor choice as the X-Division traitor, Christopher Daniels would have been better. I just dont think people really get Devine, people arent sure what he's all about, going into this Ultimate X match i dont think anyone is looking forward to seeing Devine do something big, they wanna see the Guns, they wanna see Lethal, they wanna see some tables

Sorry to rant
I'm really big on Christian Cage. I have always liked AJ Styles too, but he's not getting the right kind of push right now. He's a way better singles star. The Motor City Machineguns are the best tag team in my opinion. I also really like Petey Williams and hope he wins the Heavyweight title now that he gets his title shot. I also like Judias Mesias and think he should destroy Abyss. It's fun to watch Abyss get beaten up with chairs, tacks, glass, you name it, but I don't think he's that impressive of a wrestler. It would be a good push for Mesias to have him win at Final Resolution. And as far as the Roode/Booker matchup goes: Roode over Booker!! Booker leave your wife at home.
The Machine Guns..there's a no brainer and IMO more entertaining than LAX as for whatever reason i would love to see Homocide fly solo for a while. but sabin and shelly are the two biggest reasons i watch.

and Roode..i cant get enough of the man. I think he has room to grow on the stick but is still better than alot of others, I believe the man in everything he does, in the ring and out where as a guy like Kaz is awesome in ring but who's character(if he has one) is something the fans cant latch onto, whereas Roode is easy to hate...he's doing it all right.

and Kong, thats how womens wrestling should be. but then again i have to credit gail kim or it probably wouldnt work.
To tell you the truth i am really big on Petey Williams right now. He's a solid wrestler and he always has been. The Candian Destroyer is one of the most incredible moves that i have ever seen (I'm sure there are some more crazy moves in the world but that shit is insane). Now TNA has finally given him a gimmick that he can work with and make his own. The Maple Leaf Muscle is very entertaining and IMO not a hinderance to his persona at all or his in-ring work. This gimmick can finally make petey shine and i hope that he and TNA capitilize on it. Yah Yah Yah
Tomko is very underrated i think, he could be a huge name in the world of professional wrestling and is very over with the fans live in the impact zone. he plays his character brilliantly and has mad in ring skills. Tomko is the guy to watch in 2008
In my opinion I would say Kaz and The MotorCity Machineguns. Kaz is well on his way to being a capable world champion as he proved in his match with Kurt Angle a couple of iMPACTs ago. The MCMG on the other hand have such a great fan following and the in ring skills to match I'd say they could be the next Team 3D (By that I mean match their fame and countless title reigns). I look to see big things in 2008 from all three of them.
I would have to say Kaz and The Motorcity Machine Guns sense Kaz has been having some great matches lately and The Motorcity Machine Guns have been having a great fued with The Dudleys, they've probably been the reason I'm still watching iMPACT! nowadays.
Gotta be Gail Kim for me.
Finally TNA are gonna make Vince pay for letting go of talent just because creative have nothing for them.
Now I'm a huge christian cage fan, and the feud with angle could rock 2008, but i dont feel wwe really miss him that much.
With regards to Kurt, he'd gone as far as possible with wwe, likewise booker t.....and neither seems to be missed.
Gail on the other hand? A woman who can actually wrestle a match? Man, how Vince would love one of those!

Also pretty hot on Lethal........the Macho Man thing is still hilarious whilst not detracting from his natural talents........

James Storm has been solid in ring this year, and the feud with HArris was great.....im not really a fan of street Fights/ Death matches, but those guys took it to another level.

Last of all, we get a reason to finally cheer Shelley.........the guy is awesome and teaming him with solid sabin could be just the thing to make him the next x division break out star
I'm big on Kaz, Frankie has really stepped up his work rate since returning to TNA and this year has seen him rise through the ranks quickly gaining a win over Christian (in his specialty match) as well as going the distance with Kurt Angle (who only got the win with a unique pinning combination).

I'm also big on the Motor City Machine Guns. Having seen what they could do earlier in the year in ROH, TNA decided to give them a run as a tag team. While it didn't start too well, it is good seeing them getting put in big matches and actually winning (albeit getting screwed out of the win in the finish). They are a great tag team, they have a great look, good chemistry and a great array of tag team moves which really adds to them as a team and not 2 guys who were just put together
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