Who Are HOF Worthy Tag Teams???

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I have recieved confirmation that Tag Teams will be inducted together if/when they get inducted so I pose the question to the public which Tag Teams deserve to be put into the HOF? I will post my idea of who should be in it in this post but in all honesty I am hoping for other people to help me in figuring out what teams are HOF worthy.

Edge and Christian​

I think this is definetly my entry for who should be in the HOF. Both superstars are highly accomplished singles stars but have also done wonders for the tag team division. However, I don't know whether they would be put in as singles stars first.

These two elevated the tag team division to a whole other level when they were teaming. They have 7 World Tag Team Championships together and have always been a dominant tag team. They have gone through several phases as a team but all the while winning quite a lot. They made famous the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match, and also had famous tag matches at none other then Wrestlemania. They are a historic team that deserves to be recogonized as a team. They may have had good/great singles careers but what they did for the tag division over shadows what they did in their singles careers. They were one of the most fun teams to watch and I think for that desrves a Tag Team nomination.
The Road Warriors/ Legion Of Doom

The Road Warriors are certainties to go into the HOF in my eyes. The most instantly recognisable team in wrestling history, with their iconic look and they held the gold in every major promotion that existed at the time, and I believe they are the only team to do this.

Animal and Hawk were two big powerful guys who were renowned as two of he toughest guys in the business. They dominated wherever they went, leaving destruction everywhere. They are probably the most dominant team in wrestling history, with their size giving them an advantage over anyone they got in the ring with. They just brutalised guys, slamming the hell out of them before finishing them off with the devastating Doomsday Device, arguably the most famous tag-team finisher of all time, which the Dudleys stole and modified.

They were so over tht they could headline cards, which is rare for a specialised tag team and WWE ended up forming Demolition as a copy of the Warriors, but they were nowhere near as good. It is rare to see a team remain together for so many years, but that is what happening with the LOD, they were a team for 90% of their careers and provided great, hard-hitting matches whereever they went, memorable promos and will always be remembered as one of the all time greatest teams. it didnt matter where they went, they always won the titles.

Hawk's early death ended any chance of the Road Warriors having a final hurrah which was a shame, but there is nothing in my eyes that should prevent these guys going into the Hall of Fame as one of the best teams of all time.
I dont think that any team should be inducted before the Steiner Brothers. They got over all around the world simply on talent alone which is a hall of fame worthy accomplishment in itself. Unlike most tag teams of prominence they switched promotions quite a bit and has success in every last promotion that they went to. Rick may not have had the success in the singles rank that Scott did but as a tag team i find them untouchable
No offense to the OP, i like the concept of the thread, but if E&C were to go in, they should go in separate. Just my opinion. But on to the topic at hand, Mine would be the NEW AGE OUTLAWS. Sure, Vince probably hates them for jumping ship and mocking them, sure HHH probably hates them for talking trash about him in shoot interviews. But nobody can deny the amount of success they had from 97-00. Both as singles and tag team competitors. My favorite feud of theirs was with Chainsaw Charlie and Cactus Jack. Then they had the mic down pat! When You heard "Oh you didn't know? Yo ass better call SOMEBODAAAAAY!" You just knew you were about to get something special. If it wasn't for personal grudges with the Mcmahon-Leveque family, they'd definitely be in consideration for the HOF!
I dont think that any team should be inducted before the Steiner Brothers. They got over all around the world simply on talent alone which is a hall of fame worthy accomplishment in itself. Unlike most tag teams of prominence they switched promotions quite a bit and has success in every last promotion that they went to. Rick may not have had the success in the singles rank that Scott did but as a tag team i find them untouchable

I like the Steiner brothers, and yes they were a great team, but I do think that there are other teams that should go in ahead of them, like the Road Warriors and the Dudley Boyz.

The Steiners were very good in the ring, and could wrestle as well as relying on their power game, but I think both the Warriors and the Dudleyz had more impact on the wrestling business.

As well as being more successful in titles won that the Steiners, both the teams I mentioned were very important in the way tag team wrestling is today, while I do not feel the Steiners really are. They are a great team though, and I would porbably say they are HOF worthy, but not ahead of the Road Warriors or Dudley Boyz
The Road Warriors are already in. If we're talking about the WWE Hall of Fame, I have to ask, what on Earth does Demolition have to do for their long overdue spot?

If the Road Warriors are the most iconic and recognizable tag team, Demolition certainly cannot be too far behind. Three time tag team champions, nobody had a longer individual reign than Demolition. Who is the longest reignign tag champs of all time when you combine the reigns? Demolition has had those belts for a record 698 days. I would say they were the best and most dominant tag team during the Hulkamania era.

Unless there is something I don't know about Vince's relationship with Demolition or unless they declined, the fact Demolition is not in the WWE H.O.F. really is a crime.
Steiners or the Dudleyz but seeing as how all of them are now associated with TNA I highly doubt Vince will allow it unless they come back in some capacity for a final run of sorts
The Mega Powers Hogan and Savage were so evenly matched and making them a tag team was the best move of that time i think if anyone deserves it it is them

Savage and Hogan would go in as singles wrestlers, with their Mega Powers run being mentioned during their induction ceremony. Obviously they became stars as individuals not as a tag team.

The Steiners, Dudleys and Demolition are three teams I could see with justifiable entries, probably the New Age Outlaws too, as they were a hugely popular team during the Attitude Era, picking up several tag-team titles and both were incredibly over with the fans.

Very few wrestlers get the pops and crowd reaction that Road Dogg and Billy Gunn did, and even less tag teams get reactions like that. They were one of the most popular acts in the company, part of the dominant faction and had alot of success. I think the NAO would be worthy of admission into the HOF for sure.
Edge and Christian are a pretty good choice but Edge will be more remembered for his singles career not his tag team career. Add to that Christian is still wrestling.

I'd have to go with Demolition but I'm not sure what the relationship is between them and Vince is like. They were a very popular team and were the first to have 3 title reigns. Another team would be the Rock and Roll Express. I know they're not a WWE team but they are a pretty well known tag team.
RATED-RKO. I know I'm marking. However, these guys held up the WWE for seven months by being in the main event. They're also the only group to destroy DX.
I'm going with Harlem Heat because it seems everyone else here has short term memory. Harlem Heat was one of the most successful tag teams in WCW, having held the WCW tag team titles a total of 10 times... the majority of them coming in the age of WCW's finest hours. The only other tag team I'd put before them would be Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard... or the Steiner Brothers.

RATED-RKO. I know I'm marking. However, these guys held up the WWE for seven months by being in the main event. They're also the only group to destroy DX.

Do you seriously believe that?
The Dudley Boyz are my top pick, best tag team of their generation, only tag team to have held ECW, WCW, WWE and WWE World Tag Team Titles (plus many more). Demolition also deserve an induction. If some day they're forgiven for their respective depatures, I'd like to see Matt and Jeff Hardy inducted as The Hardy Boyz instead of singles wrestlers, though with Jeff's huge popularity and World Title runs, it seems more likely that if he IS inducted, it'll be as a singles star (and before Matt).
I'm going with Harlem Heat because it seems everyone else here has short term memory. Harlem Heat was one of the most successful tag teams in WCW, having held the WCW tag team titles a total of 10 times... the majority of them coming in the age of WCW's finest hours

As a Tag-team I definitely think Harlem Heat are worthy, they were phenomenal in WCW back in the day, and you are right about the majority of their reigns coming when WCW was actually a good company.

However, I think Booker T will end up being inducted as a singles wrestler. He is a 6x World Champion, won many US titles in WCW and a hell of a lot of singles titles in the WWE. He was a bona-fide main event level talent, who was initially a tag-team wrestler. Inducting Booker as part of Harlem Heat would be like inducting HBK simply for his tag-team spell in The Rockers, or Bret Hart for his days as a member of the Hart Foundation tag team.

Booker needs to go in as a singles wrestler.
I defiantly think the New Age Outlaws are HoF worthy. Multi-time Tag Champs, Members of DX.. they've both held numerous singles titles.

Their time is coming soon.

The Dudleys whenever they get done poking around in Impact Wrestling.
There are some tag teams in the WWE hall of Fame prior to the original post, some teams are the Funks, Andersons, Brisco's, blackjacks, and most recently in 2011 LOD. So the people's wish has been granted in that respect. A few tag teams that I think deserve to be in the HOF are:

1. Demolition- Hell of a tag team, and they're gimmick was kick ass. From what I've gathered, if you're not on good terms with Vince, you're not getting in.

2. Harlem Heat- These guys dominated WCW for years, and I wish they would have went to WWE and been just as big. Their style of wrestling was dominant and Sister Sherry was great manager for them. Better than Col. Parker.

3. Pretty Wonderful- One of the best heel tag teams of all time, IMO!! Another great WCW tag team, they had an awesome angle with the American Males(not HOF worthy) for awhile.

4. The Rockers- I know they don't like eachother, or maybe they've made up, but this tag teams short run was one of the best of the late 80's early 90's. I wish that Marty would have gotten a bigger push as a singles wrestler, but I guess he just didn't have what it takes.

5. Dudley Boys- One of the greatest tag teams of all time. They put tag team wrestling back on the map in the 2000's with the Hardey boyz. Not to mention their ECW days.

A few others: Hollywood Blondes, Steiner Brothers, Bushwhackers, Bunkhouse Buck(big maybe, but a great tag team)
I've actually thought of more teams that are worthy... maybe not as well known as Harlem Heat, Steiners, Dudleys, Hardyz, or whatever... but still great teams that can go into the WZ HOF tag team hall.

Los Guerreros
Any form of them will work ideally, but the ones I speak of are Chavo Sr. and Hector. In their early careers, they ran wild over the regional NWA tag divisions and even held a few singles titles. They're probably one of my favorite combinations of Guerreros if I have to be honest.

Fabulous Freebirds
14 tag team titles split amongst the entire group and seven time 6-man tag team titles as well, the Freebirds were without a doubt one of the most exciting teams in wrestling. Sure they were a faction, but they were a faction that specialized in tag teams. They were so specialized in that field that no matter what two members had the titles, all of them were able to defend them. They invented what's known as the freebird rule.

Von Erich Family
And if you induct the Freebirds, then you've gotta induct the Von Erichs. Now sure a lot of their total 144 title reigns amongst them were from their father's over booking of them in WCCW, but the fact still remains that they're still one of the best wrestling families to lace up a pair of boots. With 43 tag titles, 70 heavyweight titles, and 26 6-man tag titles the Von Erichs continued to prove that they were the best power family in wrestling. They've earned their spot into any wrestling hall of fame.

Rock & Roll Express
Again, another team that can be divided in many ways, but with Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton as the most notable two members, the entire legacy of the Rock & Roll Express reached a total of 58 tag team championships. If you're going to induct them based on their title achievements, then this is without a doubt the tag team to do it for.
Harlem Heat, Dudleys (best tag team ever in my eyes), Stieners (why they aren't now is BS), I could see a case made for Tully and Arn (Arn not in yet is also BS), Rock N Roll Ex, Obviously Hardys and Edge and Christian will be inducted at some point. What about the Outsiders? They did make a BIG impact and they were part of the focal point to WCW beating WW(F) at that time period.
Harlem Heat, Dudleys (best tag team ever in my eyes), Stieners (why they aren't now is BS), I could see a case made for Tully and Arn (Arn not in yet is also BS), Rock N Roll Ex, Obviously Hardys and Edge and Christian will be inducted at some point. What about the Outsiders? They did make a BIG impact and they were part of the focal point to WCW beating WW(F) at that time period.

Well, considering that there are only 6 people in the HOF right now, I think that the Stieners have no place being in the HOF this early. Tell me, who would you put them in over? Hogan? Flair? Andre? HBK?

I agree that all these tag teams are good choices, but I think there are many singles stars that need to be inducted before any single one of these tag teams. What self-respecting Hall of Fame inducts The Steiner brothers over The Rock, Bret Hart, Terry Funk, Randy Savage, Mick Foley, and a plethora of other singles stars.
The Outlaws/Outsiders/whatever other name they've had.

The Dudleyz, Hardyz and Edge and Christian, simply for the greatest match ever, Wrestlemania 17 Tables, Ladders and Chairs match.
Definitely The Dudleyz, The Hardyz and E&C. Not only for producing 2 of the best matches ever and revolutionising the TLC match. But because all three teams have won numerous tag titles.
My Top 5 Tag Teams of all time are:

1) The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom, they are already in and are the most deserving tag team of the honor, PERIOD! No other team is any where close to as great a dominating team as the RW/LOD were.

2)The Midnight Express (Stan Lane/Bobby Eaton) w/Jim Cornette, this team revolutionized tag team wrestling. They were doing moves 20 years ago that some guys are just getting around to do today. They were so far ahead of their time as a team that it was insane what they were doing back in the 80's.

3) The Steiner Bros, both went to pretty much complete shit when they broke up, well Scott was somewhat entertaining as the Big Bad Booty Daddy, but neither never saw the success as singles that they saw as partners. They were another team that were so innovating as it comes to tag team wrestling. Mixing brawling, high flying, fast paced "wrestling" with great amateur wrestling. Both were legit powerhouse guys that could probably have beaten half the rosters of the promotions they were in in real fights.

4) The Dudley Brothers, I think they have won every single major tag team wrestling title that has ever existed so of course they deserve to be in the HoF. I think their best work was in ECW and when they were feuding with E&C and the Hardy Boyz. The careers for me fell off a bit after that but they were still one of the most over tag teams of all time no matter if they were heel or face or where ever they wrestled.

5) Harlem Heat, these guys were just amazing. They had that special something that you saw just a soon as they appeared on screen. Big strong guys that looked like they could really whoop your ass but just as fast and agile as some of the smaller guys on the roster. Plus Booker has my all time favorite promo line: "Hulk Hogan we comin' for you N****!"
There are so many great tag teams that deserve to be inducted and I think alot of them will be. But my first choice would be the Rockers. They are, arguably, the most influential tag team of the Wrestlemania era. There are so many great teams out there (and singles wrestlers like Jericho) that got their desire to wrestle by watching the Rockers. Not to mention the legacy of one Shawn Michaels and Marty was very talented in the ring as well. Honestly, I think Demolition should go in before the Rockers but the Rockers AND the Hart Foundation should get a nod in the next couple years. Wouldn't it be great to see both of those teams inducted on the same night?!?! LOL
Only one mention. My goodness.


Probably one of the most underrated teams of all time. Truly sit back and consider how many years, how many high profile shows, how many wildly entertaining matches these guys were in. For most the entireity of the 90s, between WCW and WWE, they were in a tag title match or around the titles in pretty much every major show that was on.

Just because they werent pretty like the British Bulldogs or the Hart Foundation, they dont get nearly the credit they deserve. Day in and day out, they were a mainstay, just as much heat as faces then as heels, and always entertaining.

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