Who actually reads a whole OneBigWill post?

Do you read encyclopedic posts by OneBigWill?

  • Fuck no. I have more important things to do...like *********e to leprecaun porn.

  • Yes, I officially have no life worth speaking of.

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I pride myself in being one of the few people that will actually read his entire novel-length post, and carefully debate it. Debating with him during the WZ tournament, specifically the Austin vs. Edge match, was fucking brutal. It would literally take like an hour and a half to respond to one of his posts, and I would still leave out like a 1/4 of his post, because I just couldn't go any further.

You can't argue his dedication though, even if his arguments sometimes spiral into completely ridiculous shit like Edge is a more controversial wrestler than Stone Cold.
Once I realized that the posts are shit at length and sometimes say nothing of worth, I stop.
where is the poll option for people who often read will's post but consider *********ing to leprecaun porn to be of highest importance?

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