The difference is the WWE knows *how* and *when* to elevate new talent.
Fact - house hold names draw $$$. Complain all you like about Cena, Batista, Edge, Undertaker, Orton, HHH, HBK and Jericho being the perennial Main Eventers in the WWE. Those are the big names that even a casual fan knows. When their time is up, they will be replaced just like they replaced the house hold names before them
Fact - Have people forgotten where the current Main Eventers came from? Cena, Batista and Orton came from Ohio Valley Wrestling. Edge worked his way up from being a stooge for Vampiro. Jericho was an undercard cruiserweight in WCW before he arrived in the WWE. HBK was a tag team wrestler. HHH was getting squashed by the Ultimate Warrior and losing Hog Pen matches. Don't tell me that Miz losing to Cena or Kofi losing to Orton elimiantes them from ever becoming Main Eventers in the WWE.
Fact - There's only so much room at the top. When the current Main Eventers times are up new faces like Kofi, Morrison, Miz, Legacy, Swagger, Sheamus etc...will replace them. In the meantime these guys are paying their dues and ***learning the business*** WWE is a well oiled money making machine. They know exactly how to do things.
TNA on the other hand...
is a huge cluster fuck. There is no rhyme or reason to who they push or when they push them, other than Hogan and Bischoff. Look at Nigel. Came in like a house of fire! Now what is he doing? Nothing. Way to blow the load on that guy. God forbid they actually try to build him up so anyone but the 18 people who knew who he was when he debuted would have a reason to care about him. Even Pope jobbed to Orlando Jordan, I mean, really...?
I'm done trying to figure out what they thing they are doing with Beer Money. They took that team and gave fans absolutely no reason to care about them. Same with most of their roster. All TNA has been doing forever is trying to sign guys people already know from the WWE and push them. And they don't even do that right.
Then 3 times a year Sting shows up in the rafters.
That's about it.
TNA can't even
Fact - house hold names draw $$$. Complain all you like about Cena, Batista, Edge, Undertaker, Orton, HHH, HBK and Jericho being the perennial Main Eventers in the WWE. Those are the big names that even a casual fan knows. When their time is up, they will be replaced just like they replaced the house hold names before them
Fact - Have people forgotten where the current Main Eventers came from? Cena, Batista and Orton came from Ohio Valley Wrestling. Edge worked his way up from being a stooge for Vampiro. Jericho was an undercard cruiserweight in WCW before he arrived in the WWE. HBK was a tag team wrestler. HHH was getting squashed by the Ultimate Warrior and losing Hog Pen matches. Don't tell me that Miz losing to Cena or Kofi losing to Orton elimiantes them from ever becoming Main Eventers in the WWE.
Fact - There's only so much room at the top. When the current Main Eventers times are up new faces like Kofi, Morrison, Miz, Legacy, Swagger, Sheamus etc...will replace them. In the meantime these guys are paying their dues and ***learning the business*** WWE is a well oiled money making machine. They know exactly how to do things.
TNA on the other hand...
is a huge cluster fuck. There is no rhyme or reason to who they push or when they push them, other than Hogan and Bischoff. Look at Nigel. Came in like a house of fire! Now what is he doing? Nothing. Way to blow the load on that guy. God forbid they actually try to build him up so anyone but the 18 people who knew who he was when he debuted would have a reason to care about him. Even Pope jobbed to Orlando Jordan, I mean, really...?
I'm done trying to figure out what they thing they are doing with Beer Money. They took that team and gave fans absolutely no reason to care about them. Same with most of their roster. All TNA has been doing forever is trying to sign guys people already know from the WWE and push them. And they don't even do that right.
Then 3 times a year Sting shows up in the rafters.
That's about it.
TNA can't even