In Your Opinion: Is WWE successfully building the stars of the future?


Pre-Show Stalwart
WWE, whether it has all gone smoothly or not, has been placing a heavy emphasis on the future of their company. Seth Rollins is in the midst of a pretty lengthy WWE Title run, Kevin Owens had a highly acclaimed midcard feud with John Cena, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt have been given plenty of time for their feud to develop, the pieces are being set in place. It seems a lot of key stars are in an upswing and the addition of a competitive women's division only makes the overall show that much stronger.

Has WWE prepared itself for a new boom period? Let's take a quick look at the evidence:

Roman Reigns ~ Pushed to the moon, brought back to Earth, and is really starting to find his niche inside the squared circle. This extra year of build has done him a world of good, despite the seemingly endless backlash he faces. One thing is for certain, he gets a reaction and that is the primary goal of a WWE superstar.

Seth Rollins ~ While many have been annoyed by the Authority, because they have been beating the dead horse of that storyline for a decade now, there is no denying that it allowed Rollins to quietly establish himself at the top of the totem pole. It is difficult to establish a star like Rollins, who is quote/unquote "unproven", by simply sticking the strap on them and hoping for the best. They have gone to great lengths to protect his character and make him a commodity.

Kevin Owens ~ An old school heel with a new school flavor, Owens has been a huge deal since hitting the main roster. His feud with Cesaro is likely to send both men higher and the sky is the limit from there.

Cesaro ~ A modern day William, perhaps he is even more impressive than that. Mixing strength with technique, there isn't a single wrestler in the WWE today that can lay claim to the huge amount of stellar matches that Cesaro has been in. Wrestling Cesaro is a right of passage, if you can't look good with him then you can't look good with anyone, and his drive to be the best makes up for any verbal shortcomings he may have.

Bray Wyatt ~ While he has been used a bit unevenly throughout his career, there is no denying that he has worked with a lot of top level talents and held his own. Working with Roman Reigns where he has to carry a lot of the load is helping bring him to the next level and giving Reigns a big rub in the process.

Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and Dean Ambrose ~ While Bryan may be the top star of these three men, his future in uncertain, and it would be safe to say that if he does return then he will be used in a similar fashion to these other men. Ziggler and Ambrose are both upper midcarders who can be called on for main event level matches at any time, they strengthen the rest of the roster by offering talent that people want to see on any part of the card.

Rusev ~ I am honestly surprised at how well Rusev is doing without Lana as his valet. The delivery in his promos are excellent, with just the right amount of uncomfortable smarm and menace. Rusev has broken out of the stereotypical "big guy who fades into obscurity once he loses" role and is developing into a character that could be huge in the future.

Neville ~ Neville is a man without a home. Back in the day he could have easily been an all-star quality cruiserweight but without such a weight class to participate in he is left to put on great matches with other, bigger stars. Neville can hold his own and has done well since being called up to the main roster, but will he ever be anything better than what he already is?

NXT Women ~ The quality difference between the WWE Divas and the NXT Women is stark. The Bellas and Alicia Fox are incredibly limited in the ring yet they are the current flag bearers of the division. The NXT Women are already outclassing them in every other respect, it is just a matter of putting the final nail in the coffin and taking the Divas title too.

For all of the complaining that has been done, where we have all assumed that WWE had no idea what they were doing, they have slowly transitioned their product into the modern age. Nostalgia is big these days, comic books are big, hard workers getting their due is big, and WWE is tapping into each of these avenues. And the only reason they are able to tap into these avenues is because they have painstakingly set-up their roster to be able to.

For years we have complained about the misuse and poor treatment of some of our favorite stars, now it is all starting to come together. It is all starting to make sense. When the mass exodus of top Attitude era stars happened, there were few legit top stars left. Actually, there was only one. John Cena has been single handedly carrying the show for a long time and he has single handedly been giving rubs to nearly all of the stars who are currently on a rocketship to stardom. As much as people may dislike Cena, at this point it is impossible to deny the huge impact he has had on the current roster in terms of helping them look like stars. WWE has carefully and deliberately utilized Cena to help build the future of the organization.

The real question is...have they succeeded? Is WWE entering a new golden era? What do you think?
Have they built stars of the future? I think there are guys on the roster who have the potential necessary, but the problem is Vince just seems so damned reluctant to pull the trigger with so many of them.

Claims have been made, some of which I personally agree with, that Vince is out of touch with modern fans and I believe this is true. For instance, New Day recently did an interview in which they were touching on the idea behind their faction and why it didn't catch as a babyface; they stated that Vince himself was truly puzzled and disappointed that fans didn't embrace them as babyfaces but it wasn't to most of us. As babyfaces, New Day probably would have worked 25 to 30 years ago but society is a lot more cynical today; with wrestling fans today, wrestlers who're booked as positive, upbeat, energetic and wholesome characters are crucified because we're just so jaded and it's a reflection on society as a whole really.

Vince has grown extremely cautious over the last decade or so. There are a ton of talented wrestlers on the roster, yet he's insisted on putting most of WWE's eggs in one basket that happens to be named John Cena. The impression that I get is that if anyone doesn't match up as being as good or better than Cena in every single relevant area, he doesn't really want to give them the ball. Another problem seems to be that Vince has to see these qualities and if he does, then it's all good even if others in upper management don't or even if fans don't.

Vince can't just clone John Cena and have this clone do everything exactly like Cena would and get the same response. Bryan, Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Owens, Cesaro, Rusev are all examples of wrestlers with tons of potential yet have suffered from poor booking decisions due to Vince's reluctance to take a chance. The roster is flooded with talent, maybe more overall talent than at any other given time in WWE history, but the buck has to stop with Vince because he makes too many nonsensical and sometimes erratic decisions creatively that hinders the potential of this roster.
Getting a push at their debut and then for a month is not building stars. They keep adding and adding to the roster but I think the roster is too big. Too many people to give a push to and never they turn into anything so Vince keeps going back to the Cena's of the company to sustain the momentum. I don't think fans care for gimmicks and people who play themselves with the volume turned up are more like to do better. The WWE talks about how they train development people in all aspects from in ring to being on the mic but too many people coming out of NXT just can't talk. It is the number one way to get over and so many people coming up can give a promo.
I think they'll do fine to keep the boat afloat. Seems like the Performance Center is great for training and NXT is the dance before the dance. NXT selling out San Jose and having a show in the Barclays are huge success points themselves. My issue is if they have a guy that can create another boom period like Hogan and Austin/Rock. Both of those boom periods seemed very organic, where now the breeding ground of NXT to WWE seems so mechanized that I don't know if they can bring in large amounts of new fans.
NXT is the best thing that has happened to WWE for developing new stars. What a better way to bring up new talent or give a vet a second chance than to see what he does in the minor leagues. A very well done minor leagues, I might add. So well done that at times, its putting on better events than the main roster. With this big developing machine in place, I have no worries about wrestlers becoming the next stars in the big leagues.

As for the next big star RIGHT NOW ? John Cena is holding that spot for....Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins. Can't you see it ? Picture where these guys are going to be in two years time. Either man is going to be the face of the company, the guy with the gold around his waist probably Roman by mid 2016. Ambrose, sadly I can't see him becoming a true threat or major event headliner anymore, WWE seems to want to keep Ambrose in the mid card area.
The problem for me right now is WWE keeps cutting heels off at the legs, especially when they get fed to John Cena.

Hey, this Bray Wyatt guy is getting some serious momentum, so let's have him lose to John Cena even though Cena doesn't really benefit from the win.

Hey, this Rusev guy has been established as a major dominant force, so lets' have his first real loss be to Cena.

Hey, this Kevin Owens guy seems awesome and we might have another Brock Lesnar-albeit not an imitation- on our let's wipe out his debut victory over Cena by having Cena beat him twice.

Not only do they lose, but then they fall back down the card. It should be noted that Rollins has lost to Cena before in PPV's and is probably about to lose again.

Now how this relates to the topic in question, the superstars are usually established from scoring a major win. If Roman Reigns defeated Bray Wyatt maybe a year ago, it would've been a major step up for his career. But Bray went from being a monster to...just being another guy in the locker room. Strong, sure. But he's just another heel.

I have this dreadful feeling that Rusev will lose to Ziggler in the long run and I see that as WWE pulling the trigger on Rusev, because they don't see Ziggler anything more than midcard material. Kevin Owens has a better chance, but I feel like his loss to Cena hurt his momentum. He was cool because he seemed stronger than the rest, but also had enough of a cowardly streak for you to dislike the character. Imagine if he hadn't lost and was continuously built up and an undefeated (on the main roster) Owens fought Lesnar at wrestlemania. But WWE still only seems interested in John Cena in the long run.
What people seem to be forgetting is that WWE is a PUBLIC company. They are going to do what they perceive as best for business. As long as John Cena remains the Stamford Branch of the Federal Reserve, Everyone, including Jesus Christ, Muhammad, and Moses will be jobbed out to Cena in order to protect the bottom line. Nobody is going to push that hierarchy because many saw what happened to Zack Ryder when he tried to market himself.

As for creating stars: As long as the WWE force feeds people that just do not cut the mustard, they will have great difficulty in doing so. D-Bry was their next "Cena". He got hurt. Right now, they do NOT have anyone to take the mantle. Unless they make Rollins face, which I think would be a disaster, there is just nobody ready to become the Face of the WWE.
The only guy they've done a great job building is Seth Rollins, he's becoming a huge star lately. They're doing good with Rusev as well, but that started to deteriorate when he got injured, he needs to get away from this storyline and do bigger and better things. Rusev is very good.
Yes and for those who are saying no look at the facts. Every main event since Hell In A Cell has featured at least one top star of the future in the main event. The whole show in-ring wise is the future at this point with the exception of Cena,Orton,Henry,Show and Kane. Seth Rollins is the top heel in the whole promotion and follwing him is Sheamus,Kevin Owens,Bray Wyatt,and Rusev. The 2 top babyface at this moment is Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Followed by them are 2 last gen stars in Cena and Orton. But the #5 top face is Cesaro right now who is being pushed. After WrestleMania, I fully expect the future to be cemented. Even though it's already here.

By the time WrestleMania comes and goes, Roman Reigns will be the face of the company and the new champ of WWE after defeating Cena at Mania. Ambrose and or Rollins will be the top heel. Orton and Kane will be fully part-time more than likely. Big Show will either be on his way to retirement or to a part-time contract. He said in a interview that when he turned 43, he would be getting ready to retire. Spoiler he is now 43.

This may sound like fantasy booking, but I fully expect Cena to be heel before 2017. Finn Balor and Sami Zayn will be on the main roster by then.

But as far as the here and now goes, I say yes. The whole show is nothing but the future with a couple of legends. And in every era, that's the way it is anyways. Also the diva's division is nothing but the future now. The only real veteran diva's are Natalya (barely) ,Alicia Fox,and The Bella's. All the champions with the exception of Cena are up-and-comers as well.
Nope. We've been getting Hogan booking for a few years now. In the spirit of Paul Heyman:


WWE has built up person after person, fed them to Cena, so he beat them and then they're buried. Very simple.

2 names stick out thought on your list. Daniel Bryan & Seth Rollins. Let's be real here folks, the fans forced WWE to push Bryan so I give Vince NO CREDIT AT ALL for him. Is Seth Rollins on his way to being a star? Not really. You could plug anybody in his spot and it really wouldn't matter.

If I honest we should be living in a world where the Shield is dominating shows. Yes, break them up but they should've been the cornerstone of the future.
Reigns is being force fed to us and getting backlash for it (see his incident with a fan recently).
Ambrose is 2 shakes away from being a comedy curtain-jerker.
Rollins has really not looked all that strong as a champion, and is about to be fed to Cena at SummerSlam

Think about it, the 3 stars on the card at Summerslam are Brock, Taker & Cena.

What's scarier? There aren't many more people left with "star" potential in the pipeline. Finn Crews? Josh from Tough Enough? (You know he's going to win even if Vince has to rig the voting) and that's about it.

Vince's best hope these days is to hope he can get Brock and Cena to have another program, and hope Reigns gets over at some point.
Nope. We've been getting Hogan booking for a few years now. In the spirit of Paul Heyman:


WWE has built up person after person, fed them to Cena, so he beat them and then they're buried. Very simple.

Give me a break. Cesaro would have gotten lost in the shuffle had it not been for that awesome match with Cena. The match that he LOST instantly put him from tag team partner obscurity to upper mid-card and quite frankly, main event worthy. Same goes with Owens. Those 3 matches, one of which was a clean win, shows he can get into it with the best of them. He's already main event material. Both of those guys now have a high profile match at Summerslam. Hell, even when Lesnar re-debuted, he lost clean to Cena. He's doing fine now. I'm reminded when Bret Hart returned from hiatus in '96. He beat Austin clean at Survivor Series and did it again at Mania. It didn't bury Austin. It MADE him.

You said The Shield guys should be dominating WWE right now. 2 of the 3 were in the main event of this past Wrestlemania.
There are times where losing in a hell of a match works, open challenges being the best example. To be more specific, Cesaro losing an Open Challenge in a hell of a match against John Cena Elevates him. Rusev getting a first win against Cena and then going on to lose multiple times in a row is not helping him or Cena it is hurting the product.

People actually go "these guys aren't as good as (name your attitude era main eventer)". That is a result of the wrestlers not being portrayed in the appropriate way. Its why Wrestlemania needs the part timers to sell it out. The once in a lifetime match was booked wrong, Cena should have won the first one and then it should have been done with. Have The Rock work someone else the year after if they wanted to have him wrestle. Guys like Triple H, The Rock, and Jericho should generally lose more feuds than they win now, its the entire going out on your back thing that is the main bit of wrestling etiquette that I wholeheartedly endorse.

The entire idea of getting the win back as soon as possible is just lazy writing and doesn't help the show or the performers. Tommy Dreamer got over on the fact that he couldn't beat Raven, so when he did, it was important. I said somewhere that wins and losses matter. That is part of what makes wrestlers main eventers, wins when it matters. But yeah Heels get their feet cut out from under them with regularity, Piper wouldn't have been the most important part of that first Wrestlemania if he got his comeuppance a month before or during the build to it. Someone said it in the tributes that came in for Piper when he died and I like the sentiment behind it and I will only use the part that is relevant to this discussion.

You need a Dragon for there to be a Dragonslayer

Its the key point in Storytelling which is what Professional Wrestling/Sports Entertainment is. It is the art of telling a story through physical confrontations. But for people to care, this is where the Main eventers bit comes in, the characters have to be invested in by the audience. Main Eventers are all based on the investment of the audience whether to get their arse kicked, or to do the arse kicking. Treatment of it as legitimate is worth so much that it is a shame when it is not treated with legitimacy, why should people get invested in someone when it is almost a certainty that they won't make it.

I probably have more thoughts on this but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Nope. In my opinion, they are currently STILL horrible at doing this. Every hot prospect that they have brought in, creative and Vince have found a way to screw up and make sure they will never be someone big, like someone you would talk about going into the hall of fame in 10 years.

I'm not gonna start giving examples because me and others have expressed our displeasure with their booking of people like Bray Wyatt for far too long.
The last guy that had a shot ( still ? ) to be in the Hall of Fame is Daniel Bryan and he was an accident.

Where do we go from here? The only guy they booked decently is maybe Seth Rollins but even he has been subject to so many cliche heel booking mistakes that he might as well be just a random body with no face. Looking forward to him becoming a face and seeing if they go all out with him and how he himself works as a face now in this stage of his career.

The roster is so thin right now you can see it so clearly. Feels like any feud that isnt with Cena or Lesnar doesnt matter.

At this point I'm really only watching out of habit and maybe Lesnar. Back when CM Punk was in the company it was mostly him and Daniel Bryan which made me tune in. Now? Not much. Oh..the Big Show is back. Great. All the interesting characters that made me want to watch and get hyped like Bray Wyatt and Ambrose, Barret etc are getting the very short end of the stick and it's made watching RAW a chore. Good thing I torrent it and can skip through 70% of it.

I would say the most entertaining thing atm in WWE are the Prime Time players on the announcers desk and Titus getting extra pumped in his matches. Also, can we please stop this nonsense of people getting "elevated" by having yet another weekly "Match of the Year" with Cena? Are we watching the same pixels ?
Nope. In my opinion, they are currently STILL horrible at doing this. Every hot prospect that they have brought in, creative and Vince have found a way to screw up and make sure they will never be someone big, like someone you would talk about going into the hall of fame in 10 years.

I'm not gonna start giving examples because me and others have expressed our displeasure with their booking of people like Bray Wyatt for far too long.
The last guy that had a shot ( still ? ) to be in the Hall of Fame is Daniel Bryan and he was an accident.

Where do we go from here? The only guy they booked decently is maybe Seth Rollins but even he has been subject to so many cliche heel booking mistakes that he might as well be just a random body with no face. Looking forward to him becoming a face and seeing if they go all out with him and how he himself works as a face now in this stage of his career.

The roster is so thin right now you can see it so clearly. Feels like any feud that isnt with Cena or Lesnar doesnt matter.

At this point I'm really only watching out of habit and maybe Lesnar. Back when CM Punk was in the company it was mostly him and Daniel Bryan which made me tune in. Now? Not much. Oh..the Big Show is back. Great. All the interesting characters that made me want to watch and get hyped like Bray Wyatt and Ambrose, Barret etc are getting the very short end of the stick and it's made watching RAW a chore. Good thing I torrent it and can skip through 70% of it.

I would say the most entertaining thing atm in WWE are the Prime Time players on the announcers desk and Titus getting extra pumped in his matches. Also, can we please stop this nonsense of people getting "elevated" by having yet another weekly "Match of the Year" with Cena? Are we watching the same pixels ?

I agreed with everything you said until the part where you said PTP were entertaining at the announcers desk .....what ? They have to be the worst two human beings ever allowed to sit at the announcers table....Cole even joked " hashtag awful commentary" while Titus was trying to get Young to say something. I don't mind O'Neil's new aggression in the ring...but please keep these guys away from a mic...bad bad bad. They make every single Diva who was ever a guest on commentary look amazing in comparison... that's how bad they are.
I think they're doing a good job the past two years but the problem is that they were woeful at doing so from around 2006 to 2012. It has left a hole in the roster whereby guys who were main eventing then should be putting over the likes of Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt and Owens now.

Instead they're up against Big Show and Kane, who beating now is pretty meaningless, and losing against higher draws like Cena. Essentially we're missing a whole heap of guys like HBK, Jericho and Edge who should have had better opponents to put over between 2006 to 2012 so that those guys could be putting over the current crop.
I think they're doing a good job the past two years but the problem is that they were woeful at doing so from around 2006 to 2012. It has left a hole in the roster whereby guys who were main eventing then should be putting over the likes of Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt and Owens now.

Instead they're up against Big Show and Kane, who beating now is pretty meaningless, and losing against higher draws like Cena. Essentially we're missing a whole heap of guys like HBK, Jericho and Edge who should have had better opponents to put over between 2006 to 2012 so that those guys could be putting over the current crop.

I agree. John Cena had guys like Taker, Show, Angle, etc to go against and learn from. Orton and Batista had Flair, Triple H, Michaels, Jericho, etc to learn from. These new guys have Show, Kane, Henry, Cena, and Orton. 3/5 of those guys careers have run their course and the other two can only do some much with new talent before it becomes repetitive. I wish wwe would've brought back guys like RVD, The Dudley's, The Hardys, Kurt Angle, etc to groom this new generation. answer the op question, No Wwe has. Been failing in making any stars for a while. The Shield was suppose to be the "next big thing" but they failed to capatalize. Ambrose is lost in the mid-card. Wwe found out they can't rush Reigns and now they seem to be stuck. Rollins has taken a back seat to just about any and everyone of importance. (He's been second to Cena and his u.s challenge for a while and he's second to this Lesnar/Taker feud). Bray Wyatt was suppose to be the "next Undertaker" but he's all show. He may be great on the mic but he's average in the ring and his constant losing streak in feuds has made fans not care to see him.
I would go even further about the way the NXT call-ups have been booked but my phones about to die. I've always been a fan of using the "legends" to put over the new guys. And I think thats what wwe needs to do if they want to truelly make new stars. (Might not be the best example with most not watching but that's what TNA has did with EC3 and look what that it did for him)
Sure WWE's doing a decent job at building for the future of the company, but really, what else can they do? John Cena probably has less than 5 years left in his full-time wrestling career and you can't ride him forever... eventually you are going to have to shift your attention to the others who are going to take his place. As for the guys like Orton, Show, Kane, Henry, etc... these guys are well past their prime and have slowed down heavily throughout the years, not to mention there drawing power has greatly diminished throughout the last 20 years or so. Without the development of new main event stars for the future, WWE would find itself up the river without a paddle, and quite frankly, I feel they've waited MUCH too long to start building new stars.

WWE can be applauded for putting the strap on Rollins and having Reigns main-event Wrestlemania, but it can also be argued WWE has done a horrendous job at booking a lot of their young prospects. Bray Wyatt is somebody that can do so much more if he were given a little creative freedom or even booked semi-properly. Ambrose, a guy that's crazy over with the crowd, goes from a 2-month WWE title feud to an afterthought 2 months later. Kevin Owens could have been seen as something special if they pulled the trigger and gave him the US strap. What has Rusev done since losing the US title? They hurt Reigns a ton by pushing him before he was ready and are even now suffering the consequences of that. Safe to say WWE has gone through a lot of unnecessary growing pains in building their new roster.

Right now the main event consists of Seth Rollins, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, and MAYBE Roman Reigns could be put in that category as well... that's it. Credit can be given to the company for at least trying to build a new crop of stars, but it should also be taken away somewhat for the atrocious handling of 90% of said new crop.
Building midcarders? Yes.
Building maineventers? No.

In the second half of 90's - first half of 00's WWE made a ton of new stars, now they rely on them, until they all done i guess, which is why fans get tired of WWE product today very quickly. Look at the guys they had built for the last 18 years:
1996 - Shawn Michaels
1997 - Kane
1998 - Stone Cold
1999 - Rock
2000 - HHH
2001 - Kurt Angle
2002 - 2003 - Brock Lesnar
2004 - JBL
2005 - Batista
2006 - Cena
2007-2008 - Orton & Edge
2011 - CM Punk
2013 - Daniel Bryan
Bryan is injured and probably will come back as midcarder, Punk has left the company, most of others retired or on very limited shedule

WWE need to build 2-3 new constant big stars to fresh things up, i don't count Rollins yet, since there is always a possibility, Seth can fall back into midcard's swamp (this place drag you down and don't let you go back up in 90%).

Too many guys got 2 months pushes and then nothing, Kevin Owens is the most recent example, we shall see what will happen to Cesaro thought, the guy have a great body and can go, the question is how he will draw and hold himself on mainevent level if given an opportunity.
Not even close. We have said for years that they needed to build new guys instead of just sticking with who they had. Over the past few years, Edge retired, Christian isn't being used, Del Rio, Punk and Mysterio left, Jericho is on a part time schedule, HBK finally retired, Taker only wrestles once a year - a lot of openings at the top yet who are still the top guys in the company? Really, very little has changed. Problem is despite losing all those guys, the combined the 2 top titles so there is less room at the top but still a ton of guys left over who are considered main eventers. And instead of bringing guys in and building them up, winning the IC or US title and working there for a while before they go for the WWE championship, they hot-shot them for the title, have them lose and then just drop them to the midcard with no purpose. How is that going to build someone? wwe wants that breakout star who comes out of nowhere but forgets that they have never had that - Austin and Cena both had other gimmicks before they became big. You need to build them up, not throw them out there and hope the audience grabs onto one of them.

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